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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by excited

  1. #Naffog4Rex2014

  2. Does Edge-B-Gone still exist?

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      I'd assume so, if the materials and the genius behind the creation are still available...

  3. Mhmn, Icarus Online is fun.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Add Jack O'Connell

      Perhaps we can play

    3. excited



      I think I've played with you before, I'm Aazar

    4. Aedan The Bard
  4. May the Jedi be with force

  5. Capturing crooks is fun.

  6. I love this new plugin so much!

  7. Trolling cease fire until after 4.0. Was a pleasure serving you, *solute*

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Whoa whoa whoa, who ordered this ceasefire?

    2. excited


      myself! ;p

  8. -~ The Prophecy Spreads -~

  9. Im ded allong wit my grammar

    1. cj_scout


      rip in piece

  10. Doth thou even lift?

    1. Nekkore


      Yes. On monday, wednesdays, fridays and saturdays. I get dench. Muscles muscles yay yay~

    2. Dry Crackers
    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Thouest be fighting words, vermin!

  11. Deckolo is my spirit animal

  12. I'm the only elven troll besides Dynasty.

  13. Hoenn confirmed for 4.0 m8s!

    1. mmat


      good hoenn is best region.

  14. Anybody good at making High-Elf skins? I wanna try a new character.

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      Make a wood elf instead

  15. saves town. rp voided. Very fun night. ;P

    1. Demotheus


      wha? What happened? Why void?

    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      voiding RP is literally the dumbest ******* thing ever

    3. monkeypoacher



  16. We must flee Khapro! Chips ahoy!

  17. The new temp map's gonna be cool. A nice testing period for the new plugins. ;p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mining


      Wait the magic plugin won't be on 3.5.5? D:

    3. spawnfan55


      At least it aint the fringe.

    4. Ivran


      I believe it was said somewhere by Shift. ><

  18. Is the server up?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Yeah, at least it is for me. mc.lotc.co

  19. Homer Simpson is a God. All hail Homer the Benevolent.

  20. That leak post was a troll with a silly picture, I don't see why it was removed, I've seen trolly posts like it all day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excited


      Alright, sorry. Shitty excuse on my part. Saw others doing it an since they didn't get in trouble assumed nobody would care for such a joke to occur.

    3. Agnub


      It's fine, sometimes trolly posts slip through the "net" so to speak and make them appear approved.

    4. excited


      haha, yeah, sorry again, was actually confused at first. I'll take that into account so that I stop the trolly stuff from occurring on my part

  21. Alrighty, I heard people talking about Nexus Magic. I just wanted to clarify I was beta-testing it awhile back, it's really low key and fair, in fact, I blew myself to smithereens with the fire spells. You guys'll love it. [my opinion may be outdated,-]

    1. excited


      [- because I've not been on the dev server since that time 5 months ago.]

    2. Kaun


      its still very fun, ill tell you that :P

    3. Ivran


      Not excited at all for it.

  22. Mhmn, my favorite super-hero just died. DC comics, just why.

  23. Pfffttt. All magic should be unlocked, not just a few sub-types, as Bill Nye the science guy once said, "Magic Rules"

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. excited


      Now addressing things said with opinions since it is anyways. @Spqr, nothing "has" to be done. It's a video-game, with emotes and mechanics. Locked magic encourages people to feel special for having something that doesn't truly exist, and it gives them a superiority complex. That's honestly how I, and tons of other mages felt during MA days, we felt we worked hard and earned it and had the right to a locked magic, when in all honesty, it's not important, who cares who...

    3. excited


      As Leo said, either lock all magic, or free it all. Otherwise we're hanging onto a old system that didn't work, in fact, I was forced out of two magic sub-types because of a new cleric rule, yet I'm not bitching about it anymore. Honestly, people need to lighten up, otherwise the server'll just be "oh I'm superior, I have this, I worked hard for this" when in reality, "working hard" for it is having the right connections and being somebody that a biased fri...

    4. excited


      Wrote so much that it cut out.

      1"Who cares who does what"

      2"being somebody who has a biased friend."

  24. Steam summer sale, woot. Now I can actually afford to game!

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