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Status Replies posted by christian2142

  1. Lore question of the day: Who would win a whole continent or a worm?

  2. So how do we get dyes, friends? Please respond

    1. christian2142


      Flowers are inefficient unless you have whole crap-tons of bonemeal. Beetroots are by far a better alternative to roses if you have the right farming level, or just hunt for some public crop dump chests. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. So how do we get dyes, friends? Please respond

    1. christian2142


      Mass farming cactus.

      Mass farming beetroot.

      Mass farming dandelion.

      Mass mining lapis.

      Mass composting rotten mass farmed food.

      Mass chopping down trees for ink sacs.

      Mass profit for massive amounts of grinding. Ripperoni.


      Just hope you aren't dying stained clay. The 1:1 ratio compared to the vanilla 1:8 ratio will kill you.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. it's weird to think about how i found this server by pure chance.

    1. christian2142


      Finding this server is like finding out you have cancer rip

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. alrighty, I have a High Elf now, what should my last char be?

  6. Quick question; How did Kowaman get banned in the first place?

    1. christian2142


      Never forget how he titled his goodbye post after the "Magic Plugin". ;c

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm just gonna go ahead and blame Lark.

    1. christian2142


      We were given Larks honor it would be "soon" yesterday. ;-;

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. hello lotc i come to you with a proposition to bring back rp default what do you think? #rpdefault

    1. christian2142


      I'm really tempted to sleep, but can't help but say a few things:

      1. This is the wrong place to "petition" for RP-Default, and the proposition has been made many times in vain.

      2. Orcs would make RP-Default annoying, and as would other specific races/groups/abilities.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. What if someone started "The Conclave of Edgy". Where we invite the good edgy people and anyone outside our edgy club will be labeled as rogue edgies and killed on sight?

  10. Not big into leaving posts so this'll do. I'm still alive, just HMU on skype. :)

    1. christian2142


      I thought you left long ago. ;-; I'll probably inquire on how you're journey into Narnia is faring from time to time. Despite our /very/ brief association, you were someone I cherished speaking to at every opportunity. I just wish I rejoined the community sooner, and could have known you longer. Perhaps I really don't fit in here, but you can bet I'll try and do some good while I'm around. In a weird way I look forward to the day I follow you and Ouity's path, which ve...

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  11. everyone should play a peasant, at least once best type of rp tbh

    1. christian2142


      Sounds like Ark needs more peasants for his town. ;P

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. When you try to assinate someone and it ends terribly wrong.

    1. christian2142


      PK would be nice following a RP assassination if it weren't for:

      1. Meta-squads

      2. Personas implemented immediately after with equal power and

      3. Insta-kill crossbows/backstabs

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. I was accepted to the AT. Yeah! :D

    1. christian2142


      Eww. Hope it balances out well with your IRL job doe. c:

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. I can definitely see why people RP outside of hubs. It must be frustrating to RP through all that spam. XD

    1. christian2142


      Combat RP in taverns could be easily subsided if people in taverns actually stepped in to fend off the repeat offenders (like Uruk slavers). Then they'd think twice about causing trouble in or around the establishment.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. First time in almost a year I've rp'ed with an orc who didn't want me as a slave XD

    1. christian2142


      I know the feels. I'd like Uruk more if they could associate with other races without getting lynched. ;-;

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Well.... Fallout 4 Hss done stuff to me....

    1. christian2142


      The trailer was a disappointment doe. ;-;

  17. man that trailer... the hype..

    1. christian2142


      Are you referring to Fallout 4 or whatever they're calling it? I haven't checked to see if it was the real deal or a hoax yet this morning. ;-;

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. .. Is it only me that still has to go to school? ;-;

  19. I'm not sure if I should start playing lotc again.I feel that my reputation from a year ago is going to stick and no one will take me seriously. Well I can always make an alt and start on a blank slate.

    1. christian2142


      Little rep shouldn't discourage you from a years hibernation. People change a lot in a time frame like that, so welcome to Athera~

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Any of you loves know where I can go to have a banner created for me in-game? I need a specific design cut out for me, or just someone to refer to in general.

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