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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Kitten

  1. Black Horse Friday starts now, all horses are 500 mina each.

  2. Called it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ivran


      Dun' get it. What'd you call it? I hope it was a nice name...

    3. Heero



    4. dank


      Oppression. Missiles launched. Shots fired.

  3. Can gm's be online for modreqs?

  4. Can I get a gm online please. Or are we not going to have them for a few more hours atleast?

  5. Can I has bread? No... Can I steal bread? No.... Can I be banned for stealing bread? As you wish.... (Banned, reason: Stealing bread is bad)

    1. Cappy


      I will verify this is a true story.

    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      My god it's happening again.

    3. Stephensj
  6. Can we get a restart?

    1. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Won't matter being DDos it will go down again in seconds. Tythus is just waiting for the attack to go down but dont worry he is watching :)

  7. Can we get the server up yet?

    1. Cappy


      We are working on it. Telanir is writing a post about it I believe.

    2. LPT



      He's not writing fast enough, tell him he's banned.

  8. Can we remove the animal error and get back that amazing horse plugin?

  9. Cappy, Rhia, Tnoy, Agnub, Birc, thank you for all being here today. ^.^ it means alot.

  10. Careful, if you see my Kha, I will maul you =P

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      shes so cute and deadly...I've seen her attack people run!

  11. Clerics are officially useless, they would rather kill someone with a broken bone then heal them.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Demotheus


      Isn't the leader Hosper?

    3. IrishPerson


      Sorta kinda not really

    4. hosper


      I am one of the leaders and as to slander a group of about 12 people because of one rp event seems a little low. As for sloths comment we are actively playing every day and I know for a fact there there are many who come to us for healing.

  12. Come on server

    1. sprintindwarf 2

      sprintindwarf 2


  13. Currently hiding under a desk. Get told by emeriick to check my status. I can't post anything without flaming it seems.

    1. Ivran


      *launches fireball at Teers*

    2. Kitten
  14. Damn it Ben! Really, SNOW?



  17. Dear god that lag....me and Shaco ended up being the only ones left on our team, ziggs on the other. As MF I went to the base, quickly took out everying, and with shaco we finished the game!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chrisdena
    3. Sky


      Yeah, people are noobs in Bronze V.


    4. Anderssn


      Some of Shaco's magic tricks

  18. Dear god, Meta's about to killlll me.

    1. MetaSolaray


      Must...restrain...need to murder....

  19. Did everyone notice, when rallied upon one common foe everyone forgets their differences. If one person could take it upon their shoulders to alienate the whole world what would happen to petty disagreements?

  20. Did you know, in the old times, killing a pregant lady was considered one of the worst crimes?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eleatic


      women are oppress

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Feminazi? I can't tell if you're joking or not. That's a bit uncalled for.

    4. Demotheus


      I'm assumign this is relating to something in game, so I'll jus tpoint out that no one cares who you are...and if you're a child, cripple, old person, pregnant lady, etc. you're an even bigger target for psychopaths (90% of the server).

  21. Doing full body drawings at http://www.livestream.com/teers

    1. Kitten


      Still streaming if you want a charcter done.

  22. Doing horse art, anyone up for a drawin?

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