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Status Replies posted by Kahzo1

  1. LotC, what is your favorite memory from this server? Reply below!

  2. Hope to be on soon :D

    1. Kahzo1


      hit 'Burkester' up in game if you need a place to live, he will help you

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. If anyone is looking to play a human or join a group allow me to assist you! 

  4. If anyone is looking to play a human or join a group allow me to assist you! 

  5. What did you guys think of that simple Undead event today? Was it better or worse than what we usually do?

  6. the bantr that starts when you take someones pixels...

  7. Who's ready for /fun/ undead events?

  8. whos got them raid rules

    1. Kahzo1


      "1- Raids aren't allowed unless the other side allows it."

      you sure about this? and whats the cooldown on raids

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Ryno is a scrub lord and should be blacklisted. #blacklistRyno2

  10. To all those on Cappy's side, you're in the wrong. To all those on Burk's side, you're in the wrong. GET ALONG SERVER. JUST GET ALONG. YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT STAFF, PLUGINS, RP QUALITY, AND EVERYTHING ELSE. There was a misunderstanding today, we all get it. So cry meh a river, build meh a bridge, and GET OVER IT. We are a server, it is all for one and one for all. Get used to it.

  11. A GM was messing around with commands and mistakenly brought the server down. They've been reprimanded, and I'm doing my best to bring the server back up currently. I'll update you when it's back.

  12. www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lj0mZOigV8 I present you all with Oren's theme song for the night

  13. *Dons his Anbu outfit and goes hunting for the Narrator*

  14. new forum account.

    1. Kahzo1



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Good Bandit RP = RP. I RPly was watching the sunrise and was killed with 4-5 sentences of RP.

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