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Status Updates posted by Uniquename111

  1. Checking the server to see if I'm whitelisted yet, and I see that it crashed... Awkward :/

    1. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Very awkward indeed... but best of luck being whitelisted!

    2. everblue2er101


      You'll know you've been added when your application is moved from the Accepted forum to Implemented.

    3. Uniquename111


      Actually, I was accepted over an 1 1/2 hrs ago, but I haven't been whitelisted...

  2. Come OOOONNNN, I was accepted in 6 minutes, but STILL haven't been whitelisted; I applied yesterday afternoon!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Patience is a virtue.

    3. monkeypoacher



      Also holy cow you got accepted in 6 mins?

      App team is much more efficient than it was when I applied :P

    4. IrishPerson


      ^ He was accepted in 24 hours ago in 6 minutes.

  3. Damn it... Frost Blades? Vaerhaven Army? What happend to the Frost Shields and the Talons? Ugh... why is there even war in the first place? I came to Vaerhaven to get away from war, and now there's an army...

  4. Dangit, Still not whitelisted, I've been waiting over 1.5 hrs... Patience is a virtue i don't have ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      Only 1.5 hours? Pah, I have to wait 1.5 DAYS! xP

    3. Ford


      I had to wait a week.

    4. Yoff


      I had to wait about a day.

  5. Friend almost got banned from LoTC, in the ban report forum post, I made a Matrix reference... NICE...

  6. Having fun right now...! XD

  7. I have Pokemon Fire Red with Touhou sprites instead of Pokemon, it's a little awkward using Flamethrower on a floating pixie girl, but I think you'd like it... (I can send it to you if you want.:P)

  8. I was about to log off, but someone shoots me in the shoulder with a crossbow. What has Malinor become? As well, I had to roleplay for an extra 45 minutes while I was being treated...

    1. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      Malinor became a democracy, and now it's falling apart, and to think I disliked the monarchy..

    2. Uniquename111


      Hahahaha! To think it use to be peaceful, it's crazy right now! Have you seen the Druid's Grove? (It's over run with sheep of a devil-worshipper...)

  9. Joined the Asul'mira family, what fun! I'm moving from a 2X3 free inn room, to a huge mansion... YAY!

  10. Just had tea with Aedan the Bard over the Forum. Also, I had Jaffa's, luckily they weren't stale.

    1. V0idsoldier


      Great job. Took a meaningful post, though filled with complaint, and swamped it with drinking tea. Hope it was fun.

    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Not only fun, but deep and meaningful.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      And the experiment failed. Everyone went mad again, at us ;)

      But! Honey Badger code: Don't give a crap - Wohooo!

  11. Looking for a squid and a chicken to get he materials for ink and a quill for a book and quill which the library can't even supply... Where has the Malinor economy gone???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Redbaron™


      Malinor Economy is an oxymoron.

    3. VonEbs


      It never showed up, we have been waiting for a while.

    4. Lord_Sauron_


      Once this chaos bit is done with, perhaps we can work on that again...

  12. Next Issue of the Vaerhaven Newspaper Has Just Been Released!!! Next One will be out in a week... I promise!

  13. Ready to Roleplay... Gotta find my way to Malinor... ;)

    1. Evilbanana5757



      Oh man, you're gonna have a hard time. You know, revolution and foreign invasion xP

  14. Server just closed... This is NOT good (Aaaaawww SNAP, 'bouta go down!)

  15. So... I haven't been ON the server for a pretty long while, did I miss anything?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu



    3. Fid



    4. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Oren is going to die....mwahahahaha oh and Salvus is in lockdown...

  16. STILL waiting to be whitelisted, what a arduous procedure...

    1. hammer01


      how long have you waited?

    2. Shadeleaf


      Give the A team some time, everything will be fixed when the staff is able to review.

  17. STILL waiting to be whitelisted, what a arduous procedure...

  18. Vaerhaven Newspaper! I'm Getting Kidnapped - WHAT?! Nothing...... :D

  19. Waiting to be Whitelisted after being Accepted in 6 minutes...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Cleaning Crew
    3. Uniquename111


      Yeah, woot woot! Probably cuz I was the only one applying... :D

    4. Uniquename111


      It's alright though, just happy to be accepted! :)

  20. What's worse than spilling maple syrup on your computer keyboard? Ans. Losing you keyboard... and the mouse

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