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Status Updates posted by NomadGaia

  1. Hello People of Lord of The Craft!

  2. Anyone wanna Play terraria?

    1. Shorsand


      I blazed through the update in less that 48 hours with my friend. New content is meh.

  3. Random status that has to do with Bagels

    1. Pinsir99


      Comments on you now making me hungry.

  4. Yay, My Friend has been accepted into LOTC, Thats 3 friends that I've taught the ways of Roleplaying!

    1. Lykos


      Congrats on freeing three from the primordial non-rp sludge. It's exemplary.

  5. Any Lm's available?

    1. Valon (Yokey)

      Valon (Yokey)

      Anything for you, Morgan Freeman.

  6. Anyone wanna help me test Kracken rp on my server? If you want to, just message me over skype.

    1. Elven_Lord


      I can...on Friday/Saturday...

  7. Anyone else rp crafting whilst your waiting? Its quite fun

    1. monkeypoacher


      Yup, I used to do that in 3.0~

  8. Lore isn't currently being accepted is it?

    1. bickando


      Depends on the lore, I believe.

  9. When is the Tumblr going to get an update?

    1. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      When ppl stop using that **** site

  10. Hey. does anyone make skins? I'd like to make a request.

    1. sullincollivan


      I'd be happy to! Add me on skype- collinrobot
      I will need an explanation of your character and any notable traits


  11. Wait, is the server still down?

    1. TinyBiceps


      sadly yes, due to host issues

  12. All hail the sentient cloud!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Why can't I connect to the server?

  14. You know....Sometimes you just gotta punch the air

  15. Friend got accepted into Lotc So excited to see how well he does

  16. that Moment when your in a post by someone else :)

  17. I've been told my Dryad char has a temper...

  18. Might anyone here have a minecraft.jar with Shaders properly intalled? May I have a copy?

  19. You guys should post pics from the fest in my Post

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