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About Cjmate

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    Frott's Sandwich Maker
  • Birthday 04/05/1994

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    Cjmate #0630
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    Kristofer Vuiller
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  1. How does breeding experience work in larger numbers? I feel like I get more experience from a handful of animals rather than a bunch. 

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    2. Mrlollytime


      Arn't you adorable @Anderssn    

    3. Bvie


      I think that's the issue that people of this community have.


      I'm seen as "shady" because I did or have something that others don't.


      Regardless of my reasoning for obtaining it, people, like yourself here, make the assumption that because I did something that others view as a "waste of time' or "impossible" or "mind-numbling boring", it was achieved through legitimate means.


      What's worrysome though is your comment "anyone can do it, but it's still surprising that someone no one had heard about did'.


      To me, that comes off as anyone who isn't a "regular/well-known person" shouldn't achieve such things in the eyes of this community. Why can't a new player that joins the server make a goal of becoming a top/best Chef/miner/smith/etc? Why is there a stigma or idea that if you're not popular, you can't have nice things?


      In your defense, yes me coming to the top of Breeder was insanely fast and few saw it coming. However, miner took me months to get to where I am now and I achieved it well before the skill top lists were a thing.


      I believe that while we as people have our own groups of friends and people we're cheering for to achieve such levels of success, we must remember that competitors are people too. Their work, time, and goals are just as important to them as your friends. We should be supporting one another, whether they're a new player, an unheard of player, an oldie, or the village idiot, in their endeavors. Not striking them down with accusations of obtaining things in an illegitimate way without rhyme or reason to do so other than make them feel less.


      If this is what our community has become, or is heading towards, I can see why retention rates for new players are low. A community that doesn't support its own members will crumble. Thankfully this is something we can work on, if members of the community chooses to do so.


      It's just up to every individual to make that choice.

    4. Cjmate


      What is a chunk?

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