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Status Updates posted by Booklight12

  1. http://i.imgur.com/l4XGdIQ.png Me and Shift are now one.
    1. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      I see my trusty butler is working! Great! :P

    2. Parading
  2. Why do all the orcs think I use shamanism? 0_0

    1. Pinsir99


      'Cause Aeromancy is uncommon.

    2. Tom_Whiteman


      Because someone told us and every Orc thinks you're breaking lore. We told everyone you didn't though :P

  3. Ahhh it's fun to play my character when he is high.

    1. Birdwhisperer


      So THAT'S what that was. :P

  4. Trip to miami was fun! went to the beach and ate a lotta food. Now i go back to my cave.

  5. Can we do rollback? I logged in then died randomly so did half the people...

    1. Aleks


      Idk whats going on, but im scared!



    2. Booklight12


      I lost a holy sword and aaaal my items since I was moving.

    3. Aleks


      Yea same...That sucks.

  6. Jeez I saw so many drunk people today.

  7. Anyone know how to fix the OpenGL error? It says my driver is out of date. Don't know how to fix the issue been trying for the past day.

  8. Now I just need an exotic female orcish belly dancer for the tavern.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lefty


      It's in Malinor.

    3. Booklight12


      Yup drunken bungalow, in new malinor

  9. Plan of action. #1 Learn alteration magic #2 woo Sophia Horen before she gets the crown #3 eat sweat rolls.

  10. So who is the king now?

  11. And we are crashed...

  12. Just beat gta V!

    1. Wode


      forfeiting any credibility as a human being in doing so

    2. yekim8


      shut up wode we forfeited that when we roleplayed on minecraft

    3. paulie



  13. Can a VAT member look at my VA? I have all my references. When you get the chance look at it please :D

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