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    Hjolron of the Woods
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  1. We need to remove the /bread plugin...it makes it extremely unprofitable to be a farmer, handicapping a profession that historically over 60% of the population participated in. We can't do /iron or /wood, we either have to get it ourselves or find someone to sell it to us, why should food be any different? Or at least make /bread give you like 3 bread so you can survive until you buy more food. We have no farmers, bc we have no need for them, but in any working civilization (that doesn't use large machines to farm), the majority of the population is in agriculture. Remove /bread>more food needed>more farmers>more peasant and field rp>more dynamic and rich experience.

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    2. Elfen_


      Not true. Plenty of people eat through 24 monkbreads(Which isn't all that good, just something so you don't starve while looking for food). Reason why farm to make food seems unprofitable is often foods are given out for free. I know I've done this with different types of bread, meats, stews. Simply by placing them in a town's food chest. 

      Or they just got a person that farms all this or can cook it because they got a stockpile of supplies which ends up being free.


      And the idea it creates more dynamic, rich rp isn't as much as you think it is. Though, I;ve met people who RPly are farmers.

    3. Tadmonster


      Hm, maybe a tweak so that you can do /bread while you persona is not attuned (before you can pvp) or for a couple days for new players. But as you play longer, the food you can receive on a persona dwindles and dwindles until you are forced to find farmers (or chefs). 


      It could definitely be scaled, and it would be worth pushing the strength of such a command back. You burned through your bread a lot faster than I normally do, but like you said you were sprinting for almost a full MC day, your character should probably be trying to find some food!

    4. rukio


      I was chasing a Flay around long enough to burn through a stack and a half of baguettes before I had to get monkbread. It was a glorious day for roleplay. You aren't wrong though, however she usually has food with her or can make more with ease, as my character is a decent cook in roleplay (adept) and belongs to a group that makes her worry less about food shortage. A new person wouldn't necessarily have that same set up. I like @The Elfen Lie 's idea about new player's access though.

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