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Status Replies posted by AgentSunny

  1. Would Dark Souls be playable on a Sony VAIO Laptop [i can play the Total War series Medieval and Rome, Rust, Minecraft, Age of Empires II, Civ 5] if so, someone be a chap and gift it to me on Steam :3

  2. Can I status?

  3. *rubs hands* Catching alts is so much fun

  4. I brutally murdered 3 people, only to be defeated by a farmer. I'll get you Billy Bob... One day... ONE DAY!


  6. So, if 4.0 Malinor will be in the style of Rivendell.. -Glares at Humans- Minas Tirith or Meduseld, pick one.

  7. Drazker. Marry me. I mean, marry my sister. No, marry my mum. Wait, wait, wait, who are you again? Who am I? What is this status update about I forgot.

  8. Drazker. Marry me. I mean, marry my sister. No, marry my mum. Wait, wait, wait, who are you again? Who am I? What is this status update about I forgot.

  9. TIP: Go look at Drazker's topic it'll make you happy :3

  10. Commanderbly is best bly.

  11. I got 66 rep points now... Add anothwer 6 on the end and oh God my day's seriously about to get ****ed up, isn't it? D:

  12. Since I was bored before bed and server was down~ http://goo.gl/Ek5Rns

  13. Since I was bored before bed and server was down~ http://goo.gl/Ek5Rns

  14. Seem a lot of groups are making a renewal, combacks or just upping their game to recruit more players. Begin the group wars! Haha, I kid. But honestly... Should be interesting to see how this turns out. More importantly finding out what's caused it.

  15. you took my ex-gm... prepare to die by my pixel blade

  16. They took my Tophat x'C

  17. Happy New Year everyone! Oh and..Prepare.

  18. To GMs: Can you please check a player's VA before going through with the lockpicking, Breaking an entering and Arson? I just got robbed by someone who didn't have a VA to do it.

  19. I like firework. Firework is cool. Rockets go boom. Sky goes bright. Me goes to bed.

  20. It's 2014 and the media team still hasn't released the weekly report from last year. God they're late.

  21. Why am I still awake?

  22. Meteor. Shower. Home. Went. Bye Bye. WHY ME.

  23. Meteor. Shower. Home. Went. Bye Bye. WHY ME.

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