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Status Replies posted by AgentSunny

  1. I don't have school today. It is the last day of my winter break. I will spend it with a flu that I have been told will heal tomorrow after six days. FEEL SORRY FOR ME

  2. I find it really interesting that in a world which values escapism, those who have experienced all it has to offer are the ones who end up condemning it. If you haven't already, please read Ski's post. It's thought provoking. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/104180-im-leaving/

  3. **Kills dog, is threatened to be banned! OH NOES!**

  4. "omg my char TOTALLY hates girls and doesn't persue relationships, which is why i RP with girls exclusively and hang out in their houses 24/7. not interested, ladies. srs."

  5. You guys are bloody amazing. I love you all.

  6. Back in university, activity is gonna take a back-seat to my studies.

  7. I won't steal toy balls anymore. I promise.

  8. Is it just me or did the server crash?

  9. We always follow specific plans, don't we? MurrHaHaHa

  10. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/104152-just-a-thanks/ Just posting again cause I want everyone to see it :)
  11. Seeing humans, elves, and orcs all gather together in a massive battle-... just byoo'iful.

  12. I made chibies for all my characters I am a championnnnnn *slams his face against a pillow cause no sleep*

  13. The more confusing your forum name is, the more right you're doing it.

  14. i am lolipoppy!!

  15. With the Elves now having four different settlements (Dark Elf, Wood Elf and High Elf + New Malinor) I feel like it'd seriously be a cool idea to have Malinor's "capital" be like the market/industry of the nation, whereas the homes are in the respective sub-race's city. - Or am I just joining the band-wagon here?

  16. Wheres the lotc bc :(,its late again :(

  17. I nominate Wither for the most moving writer ever ;-;

  18. Not sure how this works... but could an FM move this to Roleplaying Guides? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/104060-the-best-kind-of-villain/

  19. A Carrion always pays his debts.

  20. Permabans shouldn't exist..

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