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Status Replies posted by Huh

  1. Heya! Eager to get accepted :3

  2. Goin' to vote for the first time. 'murica.

  3. I'm refreshing my druidic knowledge. Cernunnos is the hunter, what's Cerridwen?

  4. Type /vote, get minas.

  5. i could really use an apprentice or higher blacksmith rn

  6. if LOTC ever goes down, I'm quitting minecraft, anybody else?

  7. Who would win in a fight, strawberry or blueberry?

    1. Huh


      Blueberries are vicious sons of guns, I would bet on them personally.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. The FM team is taking in a new wave of FMs! If you’re looking for some moderator experience, or want to help keep the forums clean, then I suggest making an app. We’re intent on bringing some new faces onto the team, and we’ll be reviewing some today! If you're looking for a solid chance, I suggest throwing app up before 7pm.

  9. is dongmeister an innaprpriate name?

    1. Huh


      If you're questioning it, I would say steer clear.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. The Super Bowl and no school tomorrow. Let's go Patriots!

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