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Status Updates posted by Lasacow

  1. "F**k the Kingsguard. F**k the City. F**k the King." -Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lasacow


      I bloody can't. I've been reading the books along with the series. So I've stopped and I'm waiting for season 4 so I can start reading along with the series again. :)

    3. hoodmaster906



    4. Lark


      **** the police.

  2. "I shouldn't make jokes. My mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples. But my father taught me to aim for the head." -Ramsay Snow

    1. Googlesearch


      I hate him Tyrion ftw!

    2. Lasacow


      I do hate Ramsay aswell, but I find that quote quite amusing.

  3. "The Lord of Light wants his enemies burnt. The Drowned God wants his enemies drowned. Why are all the gods such vicious *****? Where is the god of **** and wine?" -Tyrion Lannister

    1. Cirdanoth


      He is out drinking. Don't hope he'll hear your prayers up there.

    2. Lasacow
  4. "You never see a black ghost" -Karl Pilkington

  5. "Your king says he betrayed me for love. I say he betrayed me for firm **** and a tight fit ... and I can respect that." -Walder Frey

    1. mmat


      What a LAD.

    2. Googlesearch


      I would cyber with Walder

  6. 1 month of chemo and radiation didn't help. Going for surgery now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gingernut97


      Our prayers are with you, man. Good luck, mate

    3. KUSHerZombie


      rest in peace lasa.. You will be missed..

    4. Strife
  7. Day off school but practically no one to rp with. Here is a face to sum up my current emotion -_-

  8. Eughr. What's up with signatures?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IrishPerson


      Tythus is making sig limits.

    3. Lym


      Tythus is working on something, bear with us.

    4. Lasacow


      Alright, well I fixed mine. I can see a ton of people's being buggered for the next couple of weeks though

  9. Ey! I'm returning at long last to LOTC!... Although I have no idea where to start... Also could someone tell me what version of Minecraft the server is running on?

  10. First day back and I'm exploring with my friend, I gather a ton of resources. Then I try to find new kingdoms, stumble across an Orcish one and get instantly killed with no warning.

    1. DecoLamb


      Probably because there is a semi-constant pvp mode going on between humans and orcs since humans have a fort right on orc land. Basically dont hope for RP too much right now on the entire east side of the map. GO WEST YOUNG BOVINE

    2. Lasacow


      Alright. Thanks! :)

  11. Going for my chemotherapy soon :s

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gingernut97


      Best of luck, brother

    3. Mankaar


      Hope it goes well for you, stay strong friend! :)

    4. Wolf Druid Ouity
  12. I have decided to post one of my favourite game of thrones posts every day here, live to you, the viewer!

    1. Lasacow


      This does not count (btw) (neither does this xD)

  13. I should really install TS

  14. I've been on 69 rep for ages. You tryna tell me something LOTC?

  15. Is there anyway I can make it so that I don't have to do a security check every time I change a minor detail on my profile?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lasacow


      Alright. I will later.

    3. Danny


      There isn't, no. It's DDOS protection that could only be bypassed if we manually entered individuals static IPs into the filter to pass them through.

      Unfortunately, most people don't have static IPs and even if they did, we'd still not do it as it does open up DDOS risks.

      I know it sucks, and trust me it's a pain in my arse as well - every time I make any change to any page of the site I have to do it - but it's a necessary evil.

    4. Lasacow


      Alright, thanks for clearing that up Danny :)

  16. So depressing when you see about 20 people come and go of your topic with no responses :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Heff


      Dis so much :( muk mi cri

    3. Lasacow


      yay everyone iscri noa

    4. Acornlad


      I know that feel bro.

  17. SPOILER ALERT if you haven't seen episode 7 of season 4

    1. Lasacow


      of GoT of course.

  18. The donation has gone through on the server, does it take longer on the forums?

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