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Status Replies posted by Porko

  1. WHY, PORKCHOPS? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  2. WHY, PORKCHOPS? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  3. WHY, PORKCHOPS? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  4. Wierd smiley face status streak: neutralized.

  5. I expected a spam of status updates

  6. So, still dont have a computer yet and im stuck on a laptop that can't run anything. Someone mind telling me what's been going on for the past 3 months? :)

  7. can someone do /seen on tuckingfypoz? it's been a while since I had Internet and I want to see how long it's been without Internet as lotc was a last thing I did before Internet got taken away.

  8. This is a depressing one, you have been warned: How long do you think, with all these veteran players leaving, until LotC unfortunately dies? Why? How?

  9. Any tips on funding a newspaper?

  10. The GM team needs to be redone, just like the event team, there are some good gms on the team, but of course there are some terrible ones, just fix the problem please and reform the gm team.

  11. we probably won't breach the top five on minestatus with so little man power.

  12. Wow, 11th place on Minestatus! Keep voting!

  13. So, I use D20 to fast travel. Today I learnt where all my Minas was dissapearing too. x.x

  14. Around whites, never lower your sights...

  15. everyone is crying after the walking dead episode and im just sitting here, still crying after Raidens death in metal gear

  16. Praying for the day when my facebook news feed stops consisting out of ice bucket challenge videos.

  17. Stop criminal scum!


  19. Open up slots..

  20. i want to go back to thales

  21. omg when is 5.0 releasing 4.0 sucks

  22. Are you ready?

  23. 4.0 delayed to 2020

  24. A whole 30 minutes of waiting... please hurry 4.0

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