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Status Replies posted by Porko

  1. These few messages tell us what roleplay has been reduced to these days:http://gyazo.com/82e7b7341a9dfc828dec379caa0db46f

  2. Waiting to be accepted.

  3. Honestly i'd like to give a shoutout to vekrus from Vladov, no man has contributed more armor and weaponry to the orenian war than him. 4 diamond sets, 11 prot1 iron sets, and countless fire/sharp diamond weapons. Thanks for everything you've done to ensure orenian dominance.

  4. mental pvp montage
  5. Welcome back to "Obvious facts with Wyv". I'm your host Sir Wyvernos. Fact of today is..*drum roll* Apples come from trees. Thank you Thanky you, until next time! Stay classy!

  6. I may make a human, since they are pretty much the only race I never really tried RP'ing as. Who to be though?

  7. Who's ready for the glorious snelven revival?

  8. Stop with the Inflamatory statuses guys. Come on.

  9. I see Gold and White.

  10. I'm writing a report for my history class over the USSR and the US, this is something in the comments of one of the articles. http://gyazo.com/0f9ba1f8ea3b50c3602402534ccb51f1

  11. holy **** do i love caffeine

  12. It's so depressing seeing Elves with their ears clipped. Those things are way too precious too lose ;-;

  13. Temperatures in the negatives, no heat, just awesome.

  14. Heads up! We're moving a few pages on the Nav Bar into a "Server Information" forum that will allow us to more easily and frequently update vital information! This shouldn't affect you guys too much, but it should help with any confusion that comes up :)

  15. Just got kicked for telling someone who was spamming **** in RP to sod off. 11/10, best judgement.

  16. GM is reading Galendar's appeal. #hype

  17. Faiz is a perfect example as to why I'll be voting UKIP in the upcoming general election....

  18. We were told to get rid of all forts on the main road, yet there is still a Dwarven fort sitting right there. Shame. SHAME!

  19. We were told to get rid of all forts on the main road, yet there is still a Dwarven fort sitting right there. Shame. SHAME!

  20. I need a vacation.

  21. i hate MEMES and trolls -.-

  22. Sometimes people can be to stupid on the server TMNT really?

  23. Can a member of the staff help me- I ss'd to Petrus and lagged into the ground. I am no slowly suffocating to death and only have 1 heart left. I logged out btw

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