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John Ivory

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by John Ivory

  1. i like the crafting cuz it encouranged dependence on one another and that therefore promotes harmony :))))))

  2. why is everything ice plains now o-o

  3. why is everything ice plains now o-o

  4. GMs: Please tell me that the irony of selling items that noone can make, for minas noone can earn, is not lost on you.

  5. 15 minutes for an iron sword ._.

  6. Orcs having bad eyesight is new to me.

  7. Nexus is legitimately a home run. There are glitches, but the way it works is wondrous.

  8. I absolutely love these racial buffs!

  9. Can't BELIEVE the server actually kicks you for being idle now. That's incredibly stupid IMO.

  10. Wow...the server is completely full...I was excited to continue playing :(

  11. Workbench needs cobble to make. You need a wooden pick. To make wooden pick, you must get cobble. WHO MADE THIS PLUGIN.

  12. 1984 is freaking demented. Just finished.

  13. 3.5.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS UP!!!! HYPEE!!!!

  14. it's all about the dynasty

  15. can we all pray that germany dont win the world cup please

  16. Does Shift have the power to remove admins or do they all vote

  17. If you wanna know how to rp with your twin/sibling, look at my new addition to my signature. thank. -Stephens twins, 2014

  18. im literally crying right now anonymous FM

  19. Almost done with 1984, holy crap.

  20. what does everyone think of the fattitude movement

  21. I'm about to go insane. If this lore gets denied again, I'll have to PK two of my characters.

  22. So I got CS:GO. I'm super good I promise.

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