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Status Updates posted by StellarDweller

  1. Give me a fie star rating and receive a cookie

  2. I keep on timing out, Why?

  3. I'm not resist, I'm African

  4. I would fall down and cry, if i look on the forums and see a post saying 4,0 DELAYED, I would fall to my knees and weep and sob..

    1. Varsatorul


      ****, it got delayed till the next week.


    2. Legoface1


      Don't worry. BE HAPPY :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Is It possible to Enchant your soul to a sword

    1. Lago


      Depends if you want to die in the process or not.

    2. StellarDweller


      If I master enchanting ill attempt it I guess

  6. The Golden Crown Trading co. [Recruiting]

  7. So stressed about peoples opinions, Its driving me insane

    1. Lym


      Opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one!

    2. StellarDweller
  8. Who is interested in joining a guild, Pm me for details

  9. Honestly some people

  10. Looking for rply alive corpses would pay 50 mina's each

    1. Parading
    2. StellarDweller


      yes, I don't want a player to rply be there (( timezone problems

    3. StellarDweller


      The point is, ill buy corpses off you rply alive or not, just send them my way...

  11. Who can verify my friend account?

  12. Kha Master race

    1. Ford


      walking carpets : )

    2. StellarDweller
  13. My kha is a slave *holds onto her knife*

    1. Statherian


      I'm gonna skin her. Allot. I need a new coat.

  14. Don't take life so seriously its not like your getting out of here alive

    2. Tefzors


      10/10 would live again

  15. We should all just be friends :)

  16. I just keep on getting in trouble by these teachers, I'm sick of their ****, to be honest everything I do is wrong..

    1. monkeypoacher


      they're teachers

      they teach

      that is what they do

      You don't need to take their judgement to heart. They're sour people, old and weary at heart, and thrive off of inconveniencing people.

    2. monkeypoacher


      y'know they call 'em elders, but you never see 'em eld

  17. Surfing after an exam and taking the most amazing wave i have ever seen, make me think life is worth living XD #Live4daSurf

    1. Parading


      Here in Canada we freeze is we surf #die4dasurf

    2. Parading
  18. My birthday on friday so so excited XP yay

  19. I feel like I have no friend irl, all they do is backstab you, I cant cope with it :( I don't feel like talking to anyone at my new school and my old school hates me they spreading gossip about me they are totaly disgusting...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ark


      I'm sorry, I hope it gets better :c

    3. calculusdesola


      Be an alpha, high school is dumb. Make sure you give it your all and conquer your way to greatness. Ace every test, get your homework in, become swole, then laugh when you're better than the people who gave you problems. Godspeed.

    4. StellarDweller


      Thanks guys, Thanks for being honest and truthful and I'm glad that there is light at the end of the tunnel, Its good to meet great people out there like you.. :)

  20. Anybody interested in playing as my characters child, pm me if interested

  21. Guys Im in need f a player who is interested in playing as a child, pm me

  22. I have an exam in half an hour and then another exam at 1 I hope i remember my work

  23. The Maskerade bal is comming up, Going to take my girl to the dance and have a good time and win for best waltz...

    1. gingernut97
    2. AlmondTree


      Masquerades are awesome! Much better than a regular party, hope you enjoy it! :)

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