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Status Updates posted by Starfelt

  1. Whitelist times going through the roofs, some people have been waiting for 19 hours. Rest in pieces.

    1. Darkmagicuser


      can you whitelist me plz? it will be so helpful


    2. Starfelt


      @Darkmagicuser You need to make an application. The someone from the application team will look over it.

    3. Darkmagicuser
  2. Why is vortex so confusing...

    1. Valannor


      If you need some help w/ it, hmu on discord and I can try walking you through some of it.

    2. Myleres


      ill give you some ferrum tools so you can skip the mind numbingly boring grind if u want 

    3. Starfelt


      @KuilaUgh, you are wonderful <3 

  3. Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and warm holiday! 

  4. You better mine down!

  5. You people can be sick sometimes..

  6. You try to be nice, get along with everyone, and yet people still treat you like ****.. 🤠

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      Give me people who are open and a bit mean over people who are fake nice any day. People will always be mean, its human nature, someone being nice doesn’t mean you have to get along with them, especially with how fake a lot of people on the server can be . . .


      and idk I find a lot of the time people who are fake nice always agree with these sentiments. “Well, I’m nice but people are mean and bully me!” No, there’s usually a reason and it’s usually because they see right through the persona the person is putting on. Not to call you out Starfelt, just as a general commentary especially after seeing some people’s trash talk about myself in chats I “wasn’t” in anymore. 🙂

    3. Starfelt


      @rukioI can agree with that. Though personally I do try to be a genuinely nice person with people, no matter who they are. I don’t wanna be a hateful/mean person.. perhaps its just my Canadian nature, lmao. It just sucks to not have that same respect returned to you. Hopefully that makes sense. 🙂 ❤️

    4. rukio


      Ye, I can understand what you mean @Starfelt ❤️ if you ever need to talk to someone my DMs are always open man


  7. Ain't No Body Gonna Stop Me!

  8. Check out my Media Team Application!

  9. Check out my Media Team Application!

  10. Halflings Are People Too

  11. How I feel when I finally post a ban appeal, and the one who banned me won't look at it.

    1. Lubbie


      See you in a month 

  12. Sometimes I feel like the walls of my world are crumbling

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excited


      talk to a psychiatrist

    3. Etherealxx


      Wait, You're a guy?


    4. Starfelt


      Etheralxx.. xD Yes I am a guy

  13. Why is ther server down?

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      Technically its up on other IPs, but the lag is so bad its almost not worth it.

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