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Status Updates posted by Zerlina

  1. #anarchy

    1. Draeris
    2. Zerlina


      You got me #heresyinthehouse

  2. I guess no one wanted bread :(

    1. TeaLulu


      woah hold on a minute who told you that filth lie

    2. Zerlina


      I seent it

  3. An army of children has descended upon Oren

    1. rukio


      Quick, give them milk and cookies.

    2. Samoblivion


      Madness, this is Oren. Crucify the bastards.

  4. Oh ****, the Emperor threw a rager

  5. Is there a dynamap for Athera? It is really hard to get around without one

    1. BrandNewKitten


      There isn't at the moment.

    2. AGiantPie


      Fund my "Map Athera" project. I'm making a map of Athera using the smallest in game maps. I'm 1/3 of the way there, I just need funding!

  6. Well reading about Snow Elf Conscription to the tune of Mulan has me on their side.

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      Let's get down to business, to defeat, the snelves.

  7. Drunk strelts or Adunians. Who needs em

    1. Hanrahan


      Agreed. Get rid of the Drunk Adunians first.

  8. Can anyone make me a skin? I am new here and I want a good one for my application.

  9. Well, I didn't die. Threat of torture is scary.

  10. Wow massive raid on Kaldonia, this is awesome :D

  11. Well, I had fun

  12. #drama #fringeforlife

  13. I just had my first encounter with a powergamer. I didn't even pvp him and he told me to piss off XD

  14. In this mad max world we live in, I carry around the skull of Lorik the third, and wield his greatsword. I have never met the guy.

  15. So how do we rp this plague? I got it out of nowhere, but all it says is something about blood. Am I dying or just tasting blood and seeing things?

  16. Long live the Emperor

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