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130 Brilliant


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    Yeulf Irongut
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    Cave Dwarf

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  1. What a birthday present. I come back to find out about a stupid amount of meta gaming that leads to a bunch of "Runesmith students" who break into the altar. Don't pass the rolls and then attempt to make applications is a joke. Happy 19th birthday to me lol. If you want runesmithing maybe take your head out of where the sun doesn't shine.

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. EPICBEAST6209


      1,2, and 3. GM's said that the labyrinth is okay

      4. When I wrote the lore it was defined as Deific, runesmithing has always had a god that powered the runes.

      5. I have nothing to do with that

      6. Don't break in with ooc knowledge lol

      7. I don't even have that command

      8. I don't rp with Ulrah because it's a toxic faction like nation

      9. That's not true but pop off

      10. I have nothing to do with that my dude

      11. I've never seen that at all lol. I'd like to see proof of that.

    3. Raomir


      your voice makes my blood pressure rise at rapid rates

    4. EPICBEAST6209


      That's funny since I don't think we've talked since my clan (The Oathcasts) were the ones that gave the frostbeards importance in the past. And we haven't physically spoken in years. But good one

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