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    Yeulf Irongut
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  1. Daily reminder that all of this OOC stuff is stale and everyone is sick of hearing about it. I just want to enjoy my time on the server both RP'ly and OOC'ly without having players come after my friends and I. I mean really do you people enjoy targeting people in and out of character? It's childish and I just want to have fun on the server. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    2. Medvekoma


      Difference is, our players (including me) serve(d) ban times for those offenses. Your clique never had.


      Not leaving your clique alone as long as there's no punishment for Josh's ridiculous abuse, awkward manipulation OOC and dodging of consequences IC and OOC.

    3. EPICBEAST6209


      Wow you just don't seem to get it do you? Zemos was blacklisted for what he did. If Josh were so abusive and there was evidence he would've been blacklisted and dealt with as well. Just because you don't like us ooc'ly doesn't mean you have the right to be hell bent on attacking us ooc'ly and rp'ly.

    4. Medvekoma


      What happened in RP will be judged by staff, considering the apparent deceit and lies involved in the case.

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