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Everything posted by Eandyil

  1. I dunno, glancing between the old and the new it looks more like... I dunno, it says a lot of the same thing, just easier to understand for those of us in the back of the class. Over all 9/10, would play one.
  2. This is the real reason they gave you some free time, because stuff like this needs done.
  3. CRIMSON TEAR TENETS I. I will never injure or kill an innocent II. I will never assault or kill a member of my group III. I will never show mercy to our enemies IV. I will follow every order given. VI. I will never betray the location of my family APPLICATION FORMAT: Persona Name: Altair Ibn La'Ahad Persona Age: 22 Persona Race: Human Will you follow the Tenets?: Yes Which one is the most important to you?: Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted
  4. This sounds like a place I might visit!
  5. ...Since when is enchanting an elven thing? Just to toss it out there, I don't believe he was saying that only elves use enchanting, but that with certain elves (wood elves comes to mind) hatred of void magic, they tend to look at alternatives. The most widely accepted definition of abjuration magic tends to be found in DnD, so I'll quote that here: Abjurations are protective spells. They create physical or magical barriers, negate magical or physical abilities, harm trespassers, or even banish the subject of the spell to another plane of existence. Having read through your post, I find a bit I agree with, some I'd like to see changed... But over all gave it a +1.
  6. "I will offer you the valuable, and extraordinarily rare, shrubbery. I'll also build a fortified manse in the city's center and call it an embassy, because I'm a nice guy. No? Two shrubberies?"
  7. To be completely fair, from the perspective of the Arch Druids followers, or their descendants, their part probably has him as a hero who imprisoned a mad woman. He was then shot in the back by a vile traitorous enemy and left to rot, or some such, and it may be prophesied that he will rise again some day for whatever reason. Even as official lore, there will always be controversy. Look at real world history: I imagine that the Germans remember the liberation of Poland in far better lights than the Polish remember their conquest as a single for instance.
  8. Poster: Eandyil ((MC NAME)): Eandyil ((Skype or teamspeak or both)): I've got both Name: Eandyil Nathar Age: 30-ish (I don't remember lol) Reason for signing up: A chance for adventure, and to get a start in this world Weapon of choice: Sword, though I've some practice with a bow. Previous combat experience: Little to none Other Professions (A.E. Baking, Smithing, ect...): Not yet Any Questions: Not at the moment
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