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Everything posted by Balorien

  1. Family is here but today, i will add healing spells and lot other thing. Mainly.. this can be compare to the ancient believes in of humanity in real life.
  2. I doubt. This type of magic would come along with the tribal culture and with human sacrofices and such. I think everyone would b ehappy to see guys running in wooden mask and tribal clothes. You can mention the Kha's but they arent tribal.
  3. it isnt dark, i will add healing and other things to it today.
  4. Backstory: Bjaahri'l is a ancient and forgotten type of magic. The ancient priest and tribal chieftains instructed this type of magic. However this knowladge was lost hundreds of years ago. Some ancient stone tablets and cave paintings still contain the knowladge of this magic. If you know how to read them. Those people who still know something about this magic type are often judged as a necromancer. However they are very different from necromancers. Bjaahri'l is a very complicated type of magic. It's true that they are capable of creating undeads but they are very different than the undeads of the necromancers. The masters of Bjaahri'l are capable of summoning the spirit of their ancestors. So they can get knowladge from their ancestors. They can create a ghoul like creatures called Ashurus. However ashurus are very weak creatures and everyone who know something about magic can interact with the magic that drives them. The ancient people never continued the undead researches, or that knowladge disappeared with the whole culture. Creation of the Baal'Akai: The Baal'Akai is creature thats not alive, not dead, nor undead. They usually called the "Half Living". Baal'Akai's are creatures made from the greatest priests and warlords of the ancient people. They are half living, becouse if you hit one of their important organ they die. Such as liver, lungs, heart, brain, but they are resistent to their other orgens. Baal'Akai's regeneration skills are amazing. However their flesh and bones are weak. They feed on the blood to keep up their strenght. If they stop drinking blood they won't die, but they will lose their powers. They follow none orders, their will drives them. Curses: The ancient people used curses to weaken their enemy, or to empower their own people. They preformed rituals, At rituals, they painted the magic circle of the curse they wanted to make. Than they spilled blood on the circle. They started to say the words. After it they made a sacrofice if the curse required it. While the whole ritual is going on they burn a strange type of plant called the Blackratweed or in their language, Nash'in. They belived this plant has some sort of magical power. Blackratweed/ Nash'in: This plant can be find in swamps and near lakes or rivers. It's had a black flower, and the plant has no leaves it's covered with spikes. At rituals they burn its flower. The smoke of its flower is black, but it has no power. However if you cook it. from its flower you can make a exellent tea, or if you dry it you can make spices. Healing: The ancient people believed in the healing power of the magical smoke. They burn different type of dried herbs in order to heal. Some of them actually worked. They had a spell they called it "Blood chain." They cut 2 people's hand, and poured their blood into one bowl. They added various herbs to the brew and preformed a strange ritual. After it, until the strange liquid stays in that bowl. They share their life power. So it will be hard to kill them but also if one of them dies so is the other. They usually did this with their prisoners so the members of other tribes who would want to free their prisoners would actually killed them while they tried to kill their jailer. Mostly the healing of the ancient people were empowering healing potions with rituals. They had some healing spells but those weren't very effective compered to the healing spells of our time. Spirit Magic: The ancient people weren't really intresting in the magic of this world. They did great researches in the Spirit magic or Xathro as they called it. They even managed to enter to ther realm of the dead and than return from there. However they couldn't drag dead people back to our world. They could awaken them for a short time. To summon spirits they went to their grave and casted a spell that caused the spirit to return to his body, then they used a spirit shackle to keep the spirit there for sometime. This is how to awaken the dead. Summoning spirits takes a lot of power and knowladge only few of their mages managed to do it. However they managed to find a easier way. They created Talismans. A alive man's soul can be broken. They broke down a small part from the soul. They placed it in the talisman and wrote the magic words on it. From this own the talisman has something like will. Only those people can see the words that the talisman choosen, by reading these words the spirit will appear everywhere, anytime. However this cannot be used very often. The Talisman need to recharge, but it can be recharged by rituals if you really require the aid of the spirit. (Summoning spirits isnt like the shamanism this vidoe might help how i imagine it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu9W9J36b10 ) Shadow Magic: They also practised a magic totally new for us. Those mages that knew this art called themselves the Guardians of the Night. They drow their powers from the Shadow realm. They managed to change their formes into anything. They could also become a shadow. While in shadow form they are invulnerable for pshycal weapons, they can noly be damaged by magic spells. They can seperate themself to several shadows it only matters how practised the mage is. While in shadowform the mage's power is separeted. If a shadow die it's powers are shared between the remaining shadows. If all shadow die the mage takes up its true form. Shadow mages can possess creatures. A powerfull mage can break inot several shadow and controll several creatures. However this is not without danger! If a mage is too powerfull its power can kill the body hes hiding in it and if he's too weak the body can throw him out or enslave him! Shadow magic is very hard to master. Also shadow masters are vunerable to holy damage. While in shadow form any type of holy damage is causing very much damage. Shadow power can be drained from corpses. Curse types: Weaknesses: These ancient type of magic is unstable and dangerous. Also easily can be inturrapted by other magic types. Require lot of time to cast these spells. Using these spells drains lot of life force from the user. Red Lines: This type of magic is usually declared as evil magic and as black art. However it's users are not evil. The ancient people were not evil people who raised the dead and casted curses. They only used those spells in the very need. OOC: this is for now, keep in mind if this is just a pillar idea! It can be much wider, but i don't have time to do it at the moment. If you think this can be accepted or want to hear more about it ask for it and i can upgrade it later and also add some more curses. :P
  5. please check my message..............

  6. *poster pinned on a tree at the Cloud Temple docks* "I'm Amadeus Glaciem, I ow' a big farm lan' on the land of Urguan. I'm w'lling to get rid of it. I w'nt 8 000 shiny minas for 't. You can pay in onc' or in elven weekly shares." Find me in the Halfling villag' if ya need it.." (OOC details: It has a FT from the urguan docks, it already have some houses, sheeps+chickens+rabbits+pigs.)

    1. Moochael


      This has happened to me, I just usually close minecraft, then restart it and it works. Dunno if its the same problem though

  8. well.. this is actually happened.. me and my friend escaped from tere (its a dying server..)
  9. Outside the realm of Vailor, there lies a island called "Templehelm.". It's a island of the seven called. They are called Cavilon,Deserma the god of the sand, the god of earth, Netherna tha almighty god of fire. Zelphair the god of the skies. Akwal the god of the sea, Wildaven the god of nature, and Wintival the mother of the ice. These gods were ruled by a arch god called Platu. All the kingdoms were united, in peace beneath the 7 god. The servants of the gods were blessed with their magical powers. They ruled and roamed the land! Everything was peacefull. Until a dark god called Zeolix imprisoned Platu and raised an undead army to defeat the children of the Seven god! The undead forces of the Cult of the Countless sieged the greatest cities! Most of the greatest kingdoms have fallen. but hope never died... there were people who fougfht againts Zeolix's tyrany! Together they managed to hold back the forces of evil... I was one of them... I'm Archmage Amadeus Glaciem.. I was a magician of wintival. With all our combined strenght we won! Everything was peacefull again.. Until the cities tried to tear each other apart! All the remaining kingdoms attacked each other! I didn't wanted to see how my beloved homeland destroys itsels. So i decided to leave, one of my apprentice Argentus Marculus decided to come with me. We have built a small ship and decided to sail away.... We sailed for 2 weeks when suddenly a great storm settled in and tried to tear our ship apart! I had no chooise.. I used all of my powers to teleport us to safety, but.. osmething went wrong.. and we found ourselves in a foreign land.. I both of us lost all of our magical powers.. We decided to build a new kingdom.. and serve our mother Wintival. We are broken.. but not defeated.. We settled in the frozen mountains of Urguan.. and call ourselves wintivalians so we will never forget where we had came from.
  10. You truly know what i want..
  11. Sonofa- I was literally going to post this too ;-; Personally, I think my lore is different from the parasites, becouse this is more like a magical curse/blessing. It depends on you. If you become a vampire your not evil, nor good. You decide that to. You will be yourself in mind, body, and soul. You just lose your race and become a creature which is much more and much less than other races.
  12. Yes, but it would be a bit hard to get a vampire to infect you. Soo it will be a hard job to become a vampire.
  13. If any of you played with casltevania lord of shadows 1-2 or watched Hellsing, than you know how i imagine vampires. I hope, I will be allowed to play a vampire.
  14. The following book was written by a traveller from a other island. The Diary was found at the shores of the Dwarven Kingdom. The Diary of Solomon:
  15. Lol.. my AT application was deleted without having a admin response on it...

    1. Jonificus


      Re-upload it, I'm sure our friend and overlord Taufirewarrior just made a mistake! if not he'll be sorry....

    2. Kim


      It's still there for me.... It might just be FMs who can see it though. Double check?



  16. *pinned in the clod temple* "I'm selling 2 snow white strong stallion. They are fast like an arrow."(have 30 heart.) "If you are intrested seek out the Drunken Rabbit tavern!"
  17. *You walk across a pinned paper in Felsen* I'm Bottler SIngson, I'm buying a brewing stand! if you have one for sell, you can find me in the Drunken Rabbit inn, come in and try out our rabbot stew!
  18. Character Name: -- Bottler Singson Minecraft Username: -- Bottler Timezone: --- Midlde Eu timezone Usual Playing Times: -- 6am to 22 pm (yeah i'm lifeless sorry..)
  19. *A letter is pinned to a message wall of every city* "I'm Bottler SIngson, and i'm looking for a pieace of farmland. I require only a very small land. I would prefer a seaside area. If you have a land for sell, just search for me."
  20. OOC: MC Name: Bottler Skype Name: thalorien.hun Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes In-Character [!]You stand before the Company crier clad in crimson and a scruff beard weathered from the ages, he takes out a document. "Interested in the Company eh? I'll need some information for the Council." "Your name lad/lass?": "I'm Bottler SIngson." "Where are yah from?": "I came from a far island called Templehelm." "What sect are you applyin' for? Sellsword? Service or Trade?": "I'm Smith and a hunter, so i guess i'm a serviceman." "What are yah expectin' from the Company?": "Gold, gold nad more gold Ha-ha!" "What is yer skills?": "I'm quite good in one-handed combat, I know how to use a smithing hammer, and i know how to skin animals, pull out their tooth, or cut down their horn." "Lastly boy/girl, be sure to bring warm clothes, it's fokin cold at base." "Cold?! Ahh.. I will buy some booze than, to hell with clothes, if you can have a big bottle of rum on you. Ha-ah!"
  21. A Large bat approaches. It throws a letter down. "Welcome Magician. My name is Razor Blackwood. I came from a far island. I studied the Black Arts back at my homeland. I came here to learn more about it. I hope We will meet soon."
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