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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Harri

  1. banning them’s a bit much

  2. i spent 90% of the fight trying to eat it
  3. yeah i loved it so much i remade it on powerpoint after ?
  4. hahaha once again really glad more and more plugins are added to the warserver

  5. 4 + (name) buttons = 3000 minas lmao 

  6. remember to thanks as a downvote

  7. ? why have you not made it so different infractions are forgiven at different times the magnitude of two actions can be so vastly different – one year is completely unreasonable for so many things on the server also the practice of “here’s a bunch of changes see ya in x months LOL” is ******* awful lmao nothing will get changed until you’re back despite community feedback because they cant do a thing without your permission
  8. remember to downvote with thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      heard u got dogged o nthe road earlier by a random lol

    3. Mj.


      3v1 with trackpvd...sue me

    4. ferdaboy


      dunamis legends can do it with their feet

  9. leading on from your answer to why we have to email admins 3 of the 4 admins i have tried to message on the forums or deal with on the forums and they have never repleid to me or taken a minimum of a year. fireheart has ignored my forum messages, telanir took two years to reply to me about something over the forums and flamboyant took a year to approve a lore post i was involved in how the **** am i meant to contact you over the forums with this kind of rep lmao STOP PLEASE continuing on from your answer to my question about gms not just issuing whatever they want, why can a gm manager lie about a player’s ban history and use it to extend their ban
  10. Why do players previous infractions never become ‘forgiven’, allowing the GM team to just issue whatever ban they see fit against a player for whatever type of ban they want? Why is no system for this in place, and what is the reason for this? Do you genuinely believe that all players can not change? Where has any community admin interaction been for the last line of **** storms? I haven’t seen a single your view or feedback thread (other than fireheart’s WAKAackACKY WAHOOOO posts basically mocking the concerns of players on the server shamelessly)? From what I’ve heard, the only response that has been given is ‘I don’t do that’ whenever a player has asked for some help. Explain please? The hashtags for the new chat system can be excused if they genuinely reduce lag on the server, but why was the entirety of the chat system pretty much torn apart? None of the general standards that all players on the server are used to were included in the first release. In my opinion, that’s completely inexcusable, and clearly shows that the staff making it don’t have a clue how people normally RP on the server – further solidifying the entire disconnect from the community. Why wasn’t this revealed a week before implementation, and asked for suggestions? Same thing goes for the new tablist.
  11. why do we have to email the admins to get in contact with them
  12. ah my greatest enemy is now my strongest ally
  13. haha wait i cant even see people ‘reacting’ to my post and see why i got thanks despite the notification hahhaa can you guys please test stuff to make sure it works before you put it into the server/forums
  14. What is the actual thought process of this? Giving someone a +trophy or +thanks is effectively showing that you agree with/like the post, which can be achieved with the pre-existing +1 +Like. Can you explain your thoughts behind what you think this button should be used for/achieve, without the whole wACKY!!11!!1! waHOOO (EPIC) explanation like you did in your post?
  15. please atl east let non vips use yellow emotes like im sorry but do you not see how much harder it is differentiate when it’s all the same colour? inb4 JUST READ IT LOOOOOOOL thanks guys
  16. 27e0417edfc11d7dc1ff81f77770da5e.gif


    1. Thornz


      LOL im dead

    2. Harri


      he gets teleported out and walks back into the chunk i have no words



  19. ah now i understand why a 20 man raid was scheduled today

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      That moving NEWS thing with the party of the laurelin stuff and etc looks so much better than LotC current forums, it feels tribalistic




    3. Zarsies


      back when my ****** lym was “pholom” hot damn that’s some spicy 2011 flashbacks

    4. Harri


      8 years pepehands

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