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Status Replies posted by Violino

  1. hey did you have a dna lab in vailor also were the gms ok with it thanks xo

  2. I realized it was the end when the tears started falling..

  3. I realized it was the end when the tears started falling..



    shoutout to a really special girl in my life..

  5. had a talk with fellow mineman @Imam Faiz Kharadeen and he's an ok guy

  6. Why... do I have... 4 AP CLASSES?!

  7. Are rabbits able to become tamed pets?

  8. I love banning filthy orenian alts

  9. LC is up, and al-khaleed looks 100% better now that we managed to fix almost all the unfinished nonesense. victory!!

  10. What type of genres interest do your characters find interest in? 

    (For my characters bookshop)

  11. You're all beautiful. Except for Tox. :  ^)

  12. http://imgur.com/ASY1Lqw


    And what do I name such a beauty..

  13. Today I saw "I wish it was Christmas" from three people already. How about we all pretend it's Christmas, give gifts, drink eggnog and have a pre-Christmas in September?

  14. Today I saw "I wish it was Christmas" from three people already. How about we all pretend it's Christmas, give gifts, drink eggnog and have a pre-Christmas in September?

  15. All my friends are heathens, take it slow.

  16. All my friends are heathens, take it slow.

  17. Last night, my character finally achieved a generations-long family quest. Then, because of the nature of this quest, he was required to join the Nauzica. I spoke with our Emperor (Ave Oren) via Teamspeak about this. I was forced to record myself trying to lick my elbow for five minutes (5:01 exactly), after which I opened Skype and attempted to send the file to him (the emperor, Ave Oren). It was too large, so I spent about ten minutes trying to figure out how to splice a video on an iPhone, then ten more uploading the files and attempting to send the files to him. They never sent.


    I tried several things, including uploading the video to YouTube (which I canceled) and sending to him (the emperor, Ave Oren) over PM here on the site. Eventually, I just resolved to send the file in an email, only to find they had a max size of 25MB. I would either have to cut the video in twelve parts or upload it to Google Drive, then send the Drive to him.


    Due to a storm, my interwebs were slow last night. I started the upload at eleven o'clock, and by around twenty-past-one, it was still only a little past 10% done. I noped off and went to sleep.


    I wake up this morning and sit down, waking my compooder (leet) up to see if the upload was done. It was. I sent the email with the following message:

    "This **** took ******* forever, fam. Now let me join the ******* Nauzica and never speak of this again."

    This, and the subject "Elbow, **** you, I'm tired"


    I then opened my Skype. Cruz (Ave Oren) had received the files unbeknownst to me and said, "it didnt work haha idgaf" followed by (after receiving them both again),


    "nah it's good

    i added you

    it was a meme anyways lol"


    Ave Oren.

  18. Can girls just hang out in peace?! Jeez haha @ggteixeira. Love ya'!



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