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Legendary Builder
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  • Gender
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    Music... just beautiful Music.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Llywellyn Oakleaf
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf

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  1. *A note would be pinned on the notice boards of all the major cities in Axios* "I am looking to purchase a piece of land large enough for a medium sized building, a farm, and possibly a workshop. It would be best if the plot itself had some distance between itself and any nearby major cities as I would prefer my work to remain undisturbed. The land should be fertile, reasonably flat, and preferably with a few trees. I am willing to pay anywhere from 600 to 1500 mina for the land , and if it exceeds my expectations, maybe a bit more (though it might take me a few weeks to gather the funds for a more expensive plot). If anyone owns a piece of land that fits these descriptions and would consider selling it, please contact Alistair WinterLark (MichaelWinter11) to discuss the terms of the purchase." *signed* Alistair WinterLark
  2. *would back off slowly raising both hands, saying "Alright, you win." He would then walk away.
  3. *grins "Most impressive..." would turn again and raise his hand "900!"
  4. *raises his hand again "I'f the orc doesn't want it, I'll raise my bid too 450, if he does, then 520"
  5. *A raven would land near you, it would have a note in its beak. "I have a few, where should I meet you?"
  6. *a Raven flies in and lands near Taliah, it would have a note in its beak. "I would like to purchase an anvil, and some books... what would the price be?"
  7. *A young man would shout out from the crowd saying "200 Mina for the horse!!"
  8. Hahah totally forgot the lore part, that should get done soon.. and for the modifier, its regular anything above 10 success, anything below 10 is a failure.
  9. *A note would be pinned to the boards of all the major cities in vailor -*{&}*- WallSmasher 5000 *&* The Wallsmasher 5000 is a unique device that was created by the one and only Receart Lilumi. The device was built for the purpose of smashing down doors, walls and any other miscellaneous items that might need smashing! With its extremely heavy mace-like projectile it can easily smash down even the toughest things you might encounter! Please contact Receart Lilumi or Llewellyn Oakleaf SilverHawk if you are considering purchasing this item so that we can arrange the price! ((OKUDKREESH or MichaelWinter11)) [!] Under this there would be a drawing of the device. It would basically be a wooden cart, with strong oak staved axles. Sitting on the cart would be a long stone cylinder, with a crank and a lever attached to the side. If you were to look inside the cylinder you would see a steel wire coiled into a spring. Nested on the spring would be a heavy mace'like projectile that when launched at high speeds from the cylinder would be quite capable of smashing almost anything down in time. Sponsored by: -*&*- Lileaf Smithing *&* [!] The paper would be signed... Llewellyn Oakleaf SilverHawk & Receart Lilumi
  10. *A reply would be sent to the man* "I don't have it in bulk, but I do have some alchemy engridiants that I could sell you, send me a bird if you want it"
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