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The King Of The Moon

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  1. Is there room for 11* fully autonomous human nations/ settlements? This is the most egregious example but similar anecdotes can be found relating to other racial/ multiracial hubs; do we have too many spaces relative to our player base now, which has remained effectively the same size since the Pandemic?

    (This is a question. I don't claim to have the answer. I'd like to see yours, though!)

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    2. SimplySeo



      17 minutes ago, Evanuri said:

      i've been of the general opinion that there should be less independent settlements across the board. it is slightly insame to me that it's sometimes hard to find rp when there are 200+ players online, but the amount of settlements and the swaths of land between them really are to blame

      /realms activity

    3. Unwillingly


      I think /realms activity has 100% helped centralize RP even with the abundance of settlements/nations. as much as I dislike RP decentralization I support people being able to get their own communities going without having to conform to the nation monopolization of RP because it's really the only option in the absence of freebuild. I think the simplest compromise is to make it easier to locate/access RP instead of limit other peoples' chances at creating new communities (such as lower SS cooldown times, faster horses, improving road navigation, what else?)

      I think the onus of making RP easier to find is as much of a player responsibility as it is staff responsibility, if not more. this could include open gate policies, discouraging bubblewrap mentality, improved city layouts (such as normalizing houses being as small as livably possible as to discourage house RP and encourage street RP), etc. bc at the end of the day it doesnt matter how many tools staff give players to find RP. if you go to a city that's bustling or booming and their gates are closed with nobody to let you in (as often happens), it's pointless

    4. Borin


      i am a great believer in multiple nations. the waldenian nationalist, the h*enseman, the dw*rf and the e*f for example cannot truly live together in harmony. it is better for all that we keep to our own kind or better yet, death war eachother.

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