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The King Of The Moon

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. "Hey guys, since we're encouraging mass exploration of this new map and avoiding RP being over centralised in cities alone... We're giving you all excessive mobspawning in the wilderness! Woo!"

  2. If you wanna catch flies you can leave out a pot of honey, but if you wanna catch the honeys you just gotta be fly.

    1. TinyBiceps


      and if you wanna catch these hands make spam "ave courland"

  3. "How you are fallen from heaven,O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!” — Isaiah 14:12

  4. Liberate The Prolescariat!

    1. EdgyMagey


      here is the rep you blew me off for

  5. I fought the lore and... the lore won. I fought the lore and the lore won.

    1. excited


      I fought the gays and... I won. I fought the gays and I won.

  6. *Record scratch*
    *Freeze frame*
    "So you're probably wondering how I wound up in this situation..."

  7. gKIWIwclGH36c1PmGZSlAQ3EHb4ul-38Qojiqnt2x1g0YZELTGsopMX9ykLHSROpjUZF9HR_boUPFbxHK349a9tP-gHfE61W1sznIVXuLRPGU-ZPd8iEPjYYYw73NJpUf90VHRrZBv46u17dogpql_hlklqw5YMmo93cBN6gYPpA3kP-K1f71JPNROz1yg
    Go ahead make the app bro

    1. exogens



      Thank you, legendary Lore writer.

  8. Made an AT app a while ago because I couldn't afford "Papers Please" on Steam... Still can't afford it. I pray the sky gods shall send my application a review one day.

  9. 3 hours until Sutica event!


  10. 2 hours until Sutica event!


  11. 1 hour until Sutica event!



  12. So, I've only just seen this though it's something I'd call pretty cool and I really appreciate Sarahbelle96's selection of mine and SparkleFalls' characters for inspiration of this awesome art -lotc__the_lich_and_his_wife_by_bunniesbysarah-damznrc.jpg

    People should totally check out her awesome art thread below for commissions! :)


  13. And people say LoTC staff ignores its players...

  14. m 21 Leeds single looking 4 hookup

  15. Alright mods, it's time I handed myself in. The jig is clearly up. My character has no age at all.


  16. Wfe-MHdY8It7fKPRAPHSaIgVPsi44-_kP_kVqxIttywZXtI2eKj9HbHAwDF-0CMUk3S5A2Ti4Cv9A8AU-UaADVlY4meIpg3fg19jDBd5zoDlmeLxODO9zY0IASw1YVXe9o66APxPTOPrBkX6zVLQwwZggStZbCLIKgda7YUW0hVUtstlcV5aWDIDWfjmGg
    I had strings but now I'm free
    There are no strings on me

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