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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Bvie

  1. So this is just a test. Link.


  2. Repair times by skill level should be fixed by next restart.

  3. Repair times by skill level should be fixed by next restart.

  4. Repair times by skill level should be fixed by next restart.

  5. Selling Alchemy Herbs! Updated!

  6. Selling Alchemy Herbs! Updated!

  7. Selling Alchemy Herbs! Updated!

  8. repair is broken

  9. Buying stacks of iron ingots for 1k per - contact Dibliusmaximus

  10. 30k xp mining in 8 hours. I am ded. Only halfway to being able to mine diamond. The grind! THE GRIND!!!

  11. Krugmas event over; hope you had fun! Come back tomorrow for there's more to be done!

  12. Krugmas event over; hope you had fun! Come back tomorrow for there's more to be done!


  14. 166 Players online and I can't find a single one... where is everybody?

  15. I still have no idea why people that enjoy pvp in LOTC don't try and use the potions I added to the server. Heck, contact me if you think a potion is too OP or too weak to ever be used.

  16. Anyone else still not infected?

  17. Whose in charge of the Adunia town now that Axl has been offline for a month? 

    Sutica debt collectors ain't happy! >:0

  18. Whose in charge of the Adunia town now that Axl has been offline for a month? 

    Sutica debt collectors ain't happy! >:0

  19. Whose in charge of the Adunia town now that Axl has been offline for a month? 

    Sutica debt collectors ain't happy! >:0

  20. Whose in charge of the Adunia town now that Axl has been offline for a month? 

    Sutica debt collectors ain't happy! >:0

  21. Whose in charge of the Adunia town now that Axl has been offline for a month? 

    Sutica debt collectors ain't happy! >:0

  22. I've been wasting my time trying to work to supercal woodworker... it does nothing past Aengulic :(

  23. I've been wasting my time trying to work to supercal woodworker... it does nothing past Aengulic :(

  24. I've been wasting my time trying to work to supercal woodworker... it does nothing past Aengulic :(

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