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Everything posted by TankM1A2

  1. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 6,528,337 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans Troublemakers rounded up following the initial gains during the Black Army’s invasion ____________________________________________________ The Bourdelaic camp glowed brightly upon the grassen hilltop. Lights from hundreds of campfires illuminated the otherwise barren plains, tucked away behind hastily erected wooden palisades. Where otherwise activity in the valley was scarce, now the full weight of the Black Army host was bearing down upon the heart of the Carrow Lords, the citadel of Carrow itself. The hardy men of Bourdeleaux pushed forwards in a forced march, aiming to catch their foe off guard. Thus far, the gamble proved successful, the Army now firmly embedded into Carrow Lords territory like a tick upon a deer. They knew of the Black Army’s gains near the borderlands but opted not to engage. In fact, the men of Bourdeleaux were relieved, using this precious downtime to gain a night’s rest following their forced march. The moon had rose at its highest peak, and activity had largely died down within the camp. A handful of soldiers huddled around a fire for warmth. Some of the men wore their tunics while others remained clad in their armor, comfortable in it even. They formed a haphazard circle around flames, some laying back, others bent forwards upon logs, or others with their legs spread before them. They conversed with each other as the flame sizzled, embers dispersing into the night sky and plumes disappearing before their eyes against the stark black. Closest to the fire sat a man of horse, indicated by his scout armor he still bore. He shivered, staring deeply into the flames, still and silent. Another soldier slid towards the scout, arse dragging across the dirt. He tapped the scout upon the shoulder, and shot a curious look, “Ay, you. You alright, pal?” The shaken scout’s eyes widened, turning to face his fellow soldier, “Yes..” he managed, “There’s things out there… in the dark. The night is full of horrors.” “Eh?” the soldier questioned. “Do yourself a favor. Stray no farther than you must from the main host, and never lose sight of your fellow man… Something lurks beyond these wooden walls, stalking us now...” The soldier knew not what to make of what he had been told, nodding as he patted the poor soul upon the shoulder. Rising to his feet with a strained grunt, he told the man, “I’ll keep that in mind, but for now I ought to relieve the sentry. Get yourself some rest, we march again upon the ‘morn.” he said, slinging his shield over his shoulder, sword in tow. And like that, he disappeared into the night, leaving the scout to his devices. ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 56,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 19.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 12k) Upkeep: 5,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 10,000g. 1000 from treasury Available: 47,500g [8,500g] 8,500g is sent to the Galaharian League for the second loan payment [10,000g] Researching trebuchet construction. [24,000g] Recruitment of 3 Units of Bourdelaic Heavy Milites (T4 Heavy Infantry) [2,500g] Recruitment of 5 Units of Voulge Militia (Light Infantry)
  2. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 6,217,464 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Passans The throne room was filled with the gossip and chat of the nobility and aristocrats. The Emperor’s summons were clear and they were heard. He had returned from his venture into the twin river valley and was prepared to issue a declaration to the peoples of Bourdeleaux. Some murmur rumors of the Emperor’s personal visit to the lands of the Carrow Lords. Other mention an impenetrable stronghold made purely out of black stone. Very few knew what the Emperor was to say. However, it was clear he was not pleased. He lay solemnly in his pristine throne, forged by his ancestors through the wealth and riches of Bourdeleaux’s conquered. His mood resonated with the entirety of the court, as few dared to speak boisterously. There was no pleasantry to be had, rather his brows furrowed and creased ran across his aging skin. As the last of courtiers entered the throne room, soldiers of the Phoenix Guard slammed shut the imposing, ceiling-high iron wrought doors, effectively sealing within all those inside. A few glances shot rearward to the sound of closing doors, while the others held their attention upon the Emperor. He met their gazes, scanning those present within his Great Hall. “My loyal subjects.” he cried aloud, echoing throughout the chamber, simultaneously rising from his throne.”We find ourselves on the cusp of war once more. It pains me to calls the sons and brothers and fathers of Bourdeleaux to arms once more – however, this is a just conflict, by all standards.” He declared, stepping off the dais and onto the floor of the assembly. The height he displayed was not fully captured as he rested upon his throne. Standing, though aged, he was certainly a well built figure ahead of the common man. As he paced down the length of the silk drawn aisle, he turned his head from either side, looking each man in the eye. Soldiers of his Phoenix Guard stood imposing in their black and gold armor, lining the approach to the Imperial throne. It was not them who budged, but rather the burghers and wealthy who anxious of his next move. Some craned their necks past the winged sallets of the Guard, desperately trying to catch a glimpse. Others who tried to get too much of a view were restrained by the ever vigilant Guard. An eerie silence followed, broken only by the sound of flames lapping in their torches and the flapping of the Bourdelaic standards, which were strung high across the chamber’s ceilings and brick walls. “Those fools who style themselves the Carrow Lords have transgressed upon Bourdelaic pride and honor. They title themselves the true heirs to my ancestor Moravec, who ruled over Selroc in the days of old. We will not stand for falsifications. We will show them we are truly the ones to uphold the mantle in this dark world.” “They liken us to cheats, lowlives, and barbarians. In doing so they spit upon everything we have constructed and achieved. They believe they are of high worth and noble birth, yet dare cower in their walls and spew insults upon us.They claim themselves to be the sons of House Tarkan… an ancient vassal of Symon, disillusioned by the deeds of their forefathers. Their arrogance shall serve as their undoing. My subjects, and soldiers of the Black Army, you will be my heralds in this awakening. The Sun will rise upon new horizons, even if it kills me doing so. No doubt, will I be avenged by my sons who I have taught to my utmost capacity to love Bourdeleaux. For none other than the Bourdelaise truly understand the concept of the greater good and sacrifice for God and Country.” “The Great Sun smiles on us. For I have heard his word myself. We are a part of a greater plan that lay in store. We will obey. Fight with me and you shall be absolved of all sin the eyes of God and be granted a key to warm embrace of the Great Sun. We will prevail. Sol Invictus!” The Emperor cried at last, his face flushed red, and spittle sprayed outwards from his mouth, standing at the epicenter of the Imperial court. A brief lull followed, accompanied by varying shouts: “SOL INVICTUS!” “GLORY TO THE GREAT SUN.” “LONG LIVE BOURDELEAUX!” “THEY WILL KNEEL!” “BY GOD’S WILL!” What followed were several patriotic and zealous cries of triumph and praise. While some applauded, others cheered. Soldiers of the Phoenix Guard clamored the butts of their polearms against the throne room floor in unison. Other knights and influentials drew their swords and thrust them into the air. As the sword was drawn, blood would be spilled. Bourdeleaux had rolled its dice. The stakes were high. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 52,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 18k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 9k) Upkeep: 5,000g (Army), 5,000g (Veterancy) = 9,000g. Available: 45,000g [8,500g] 8,500 gold is sent to the Galaharian League for the first loan payment, as per arrangement. [2,000g] Training Phoenix Guard Unit to Elite [4,000g] Upgrading 1 Unit of Light Infantry to T4 [10,000g] Recruiting 2 Units of T3 Crossbowmen. [20,000g] Recruiting 4 Units of T4 Light Infantry [500G] A last personal offering is made before the Great Sun. At the Church of the Holy Disciples of the Brazier and Moravec the Saviour in Souvois, the Emperor and his most trusted companions kneel before the brazier of the eternal flame. There, they seek guidance and the aid of God in their coming endeavor, carried out in his name. [Non-expenditure] Envoys are sent to the Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick and the Galaharian League, informing them of Bourdeleaux’s intentions. [Non-expenditure] Bourdelaic raiders are unleashed, ordered to start pillaging the countryside of the Carrow Lords and raid their unprotected villages. Whatever intel they can gather is to be relayed to the main force, whose advance they screen. The Bourdelaic host marches towards the Carrow Lords. An official declaration of war is sent in tandem with their advance. 1,000 to treasury.
  3. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 5,921,394 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, ____________________________________________________ The outskirts of the Bourdelic war camp at noon; c. 1507 “Pray that my daughter be in good health and that she and her escort safely traversed the Barrier to Galahar. God watch over her and let her suffer not injustice. Pray that she finds a loving and dutiful husband and bear him many sons…” – “Sir Chilfroy, show me to the camp chaplain’s, would you?” Adrian addressed the knight, though fidgeting with the clasp that secured his cloak. The Emperor always made sure he appeared somewhat presentable. “My liege, right away.” the man tapped his heels together, bending in a curt bow. On a rhythmic pivot, he turned and pulled apart the canvas that shielded the inside of the Emperor’s tents from the elements. The Emperor nodded in return, stepping outside and facing the world once more. Two sentries guarded the Emperor’s quarters, their expressions emotionless though attentive, arms wrapped around their halberds which jutted out to the skies with steel gleaming in the Sun’s light. The light blinded the Emperor temporarily, shielding his eyes with his gauntleted hand. “Another day where the Sun beats down upon our flesh,” the Emperor smiled, the knight now accompanying him, “A good day.” “As always, Your Majesty.” the knight responded, beginning his way through the camp. “Truly, we are favored.” The knight was well-built, especially in the shoulders. Upon the tabard draped over his chestplate, he donned a peculiar set of arms, what seemed to be gules, a rooster or. Certainly this befit him the title of C*ck Knight. To the knightley circles such a title was amusing, though perhaps not to his foes, as Chilfroy had become quite adept with the greatsword. As always, prior to campaign, the camp bustled with activity. As the boots of the two men treaded down paths of dirt and mud, men on either side awaited eagerly the order to sally out. Men who told tales around fires or those drilling with their regimental officers rose and snapped to attention at the Emperor’s approach. Others dropped to a knee in respect. Either/or was accepted as proper. As they fell out of his eyesight, returning to their duties. One group trained in various sword fighting stances, transitioning from holding guards low, mid, and high, before eventually repeating this tedious process. The officer barked commands, meanwhile the men shouted in unison. The black armor in which they were clad seemed almost unearthly, eerie to a point. While there was a psychological aspect, there was also a spiritual design to the armor. The sole Sun on the black field represented the bastion of light, the Sun and the people of Bourdeleaux, those upholding the Great Sun’s divine mandate. The Sun was emblazoned upon the breastplate of every man, serving as a constant reminder to all of their duty. The Cult of the Great Sun, otherwise known as the Solar Church, preaches that the people of Bourdeleaux, are the elect - the chosen. Thus, it is their responsibility to bring salvation and civilization to the surrounding heathenous and barbaric nations. For selfish reasons or righteous ones, every single man enlisted within the ranks of Black Army, ready to shed blood in the name of God, Emperor, and Country. Though, of course, if peaceful assimilation was possible, it was prefered. ____________________________________________________ Soldiers of the 1st Rideaux Independent Light Infantry Battalion, C Company, undergoing variable terrain training in the eastern mountains of Bourdeleaux The brave C*ck Knight stopped, gesturing towards a tent on his right, “Your Majesty, the chaplain’s.” Beside him, pitched, was an immaculate white and gold embroidered tent anchored into five points. Inscribed were several phrases and incantations of the Old Tongue, followed by the usual solar regalia. It was temporary, though a large structured. Inside the tent could be heard, the soft murmurs of many a soldiers making their peace with God, or receiving blessings from the clergy. “Thank you, good Sir Chilfroy. I’ll be just a moment.” the Emperor expressed his gratitude, entering the sacred tent, serving as the house of God upon the field. The Emperor couldn’t help but think he’d been there before, but hadn’t. The room was dimly lit, save for small candles scattered throughout the room. The sharp smell of incense filled his nostrils, as he released a sigh of tranquility. No other place in the tent held such a gravity. In a group huddled near an altar was a small group of men, no more than ten. Their heads lowered, they uttered soft prayers. At the moment, a lone chaplain attended to their spiritual needs, offering counsel to each who sought it. The chaplain turned to source of the penetrating light from outdoors. As he realized the Emperor, he bowed graciously low, the flat of one rested upon his abdomen, with the other just above the nape of his back. He was clad in red, orange, and golden robes, with an over-sized and heavy solar medallion wrapped around his neck. “Your Imperial Majesty.” he said, maintaining his L-shaped stance and eyes locked upon the ground in which he stood. ____________________________________________________ A depiction of Saint Magritte in prayer at a secluded altar, chaplain’s tent, c. 1507 “Chaplain, you may rise.” the Emperor smiled at the courteous gesture, curiously glancing from one corner of the tent to another. Only then did the clergyman rise, stretching his back in the process, “Your Imperial Majesty, I have that from what you seek, the blessed Oriflamme of Saint-Villard.” The chaplain motioned an arm past his person, sleeves upon his robes draped low. Sprawled out behind him atop a silk-covered table, lay a red and golden pennon, emblazoned with the sunburst. The Emperor approached, running his hand across the surface of what seemed to be nothing but a mere flag. Velvet. Under his breath the Emperor whispered, “The Oriflamme of Saint-Villard.” “Yes.” the chaplain replied, “As once Saint Villard rode forth, so will we. And we too shall enjoy the victory in battle. Rally the men to the sacred banner, and their resolve may hold yet. Renewed vigor and courage they shall find, and the Sun’s flame burning within their hearts.” So it was true. the Emperor thought to himself. He expected stiff resistance from the Carrow Lords, and knew such a miracle may be needed to bring about their conquest. He had heard tales of the sacred banner, but had never thought to gaze upon it in person. He’d thought it locked away at the sacred abbey at Rennes. However, truly it must be and righteous a cause to disturb its resting place. At last, all doubt in his mind subsided and trepidation erased. There would be war. ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 47,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 16.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 6k) Upkeep: 4,000g (Army), 3,000g (Veterancy) = 7,000g. 20,000g loan from Galaharian League 500 from Treasury Available: 61,000g [2,000g] Upgrading 1 Unit of Light Cavalry to T3. [20,000g] Recruiting 2 Units of T4 Phoenix Guard [11,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of Veteran T4 Medium Cavalry [2,000g] Upgrading 1 Unit of Crossbowmen to T3 [8,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of T4 Heavy Infantry [5,000g] Bourdelaic settlers are drawn to the riverlands in the southeast of the country. A fully fledged settlement begins construction between the dual rivers, named Suttre-upon-the-Twins. [10,000g] As, the Black Army is lacking in magic wielders, the Emperor calls for the recruitment of sorcerers and magic-wielders into their ranks. The time will come where the Sun’s gifts are harnessed for the greater good. Construction of T1 Temple. [Non-expenditure] An envoy is sent to the Passans, requesting trade between the two peoples.
  4. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 5,639,422 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords ____________________________________________________ The Castle of Lassus at dusk, southern Bourdeleaux; c. 1506 “My liege, come. Taste the vintage from the previous year’s spoils, would you?” came a voice from the opposing end of the room. A small group of men were gathered near a small table in a corner. They stood in a dark and cool cellar, numerous kegs holding wines of untold ages lining the stone cobbled walls. The only light that entered the room was through a narrow grated that opened outwards to ground level, shining the Sun’s light upon a glass bottle that glew magnificently. Wrapped around the circumference of the bottle was a thin label; indicating the fabled and desired Talousian Wine. The bottle itself stood as a testament to the perfection and pride that the Bourdelais had in their wineworks. Entering the room, was the Emperor, who often made it a happy to conduct his own census of his vassals. Talouse in particular was a favored destination. Comfortably warm in the summer, upon the Gulf, and devoid of the commoner riffraff, the area had become a favored vacation spot for the Imperial aristocracy. Many of which owning estates with vast swaths of farmlands and vineyards. The Emperor himself, being among those who lavished in the southern lifestyle. He smiled, coming to meet the men at the table, overjoyed to taste the fruits of their labor. Another man, a pot-bellied and thick-necked who was no doubt a local lord, gripped the bottle and poured the Emperor a glass of his own. The red liquid sloshed and filled the glass half-full; a modest amount. “This is from your own vines, Lord Lassus?” the Emperor inquired, reaching for the glass. “Of course, my Liege. Picked and personally pressed.” he boasted proudly, setting aside more and filling more cups for the other men. “Well, I do hope you wash then.” the Emperor chuckled, raising the glass to his chin. The men around chuckled as well, some more loudly than others. A mix of lesser lords and knights, they knew they ought to laugh at the Emperor’s jests, funny or not. “Everyone has a glass then, yes?” another man asked. “Seems so.” the Emperor said, exchanging glances with the other men, eager to taste. “Then we shall drink, to the Empire!” exclaimed Lassus, raising his glass in toast, followed by several other wishes of good health and stability as glasses clinked. Along with the other men, Emperor Adrian took a generous sip of his wine, smiling pleasantly as the taste danced upon his tongue, swishing the contents around. With a nod of approval, he said, “It’s good -- very good! Make me more of that, and ship it to the Imperial Palace!” ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 47,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 16.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 6k) Upkeep: 4,000g (Army), 3,000g (Veterancy) = 7,000g. Available: 40,500g [40,000g] Even greater swaths of land are set aside for the yeomen. In addition communal farms exempt from a Lord’s tithes are also expanded so that the people may enjoy a greater surplus to retain. Construction of 8 stacks of Farmland. 500 gold stored in treasury.
  5. if at first you don’t succeed, try try again. +1. lets get this bread
  6. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 5,422,522 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Emperor was flushed with trepidation and skepticism. He had awoke, sweat-stained and out of breath in the mid of night. What he had dreamt had stirred him deeply. He knew not what exactly what to make of it. The only logical assumption he could’ve made was divine intervention from God. Perhaps his prayers had been heard. Of course they were, the cries and prayers of the faithful always fell upon the Great Sun’s ever presence. He had known himself as a devout and reverent man, but never once thought himself capable or worthy of having audience with God himself. For, it was the Great Sun who implanted those memories -- those visions, within his head at slumber. Yet the Emperor dared not question God’s reasons. The Great Sun had a plan for Emperor Adrian, ambiguous and concise as it was -- rule. Rule; the Emperor would command vast armies and control immense territories, all united in faith to God, Emperor, and Country. Seemingly with the permission of God, he knew now he could not falter. The Emperor knew exactly what he must do. It was if several decades from now were already implanted in his mind. Were it by God or his own volition, Adrian now had never felt such confidence and pride in his actions present and future. Immediately, he called for a convention of the war council. The highest ranking lords and military commanders flocked the Imperial palace. Ornate sigils and bright heraldry flew from the retinues of these esteemed men, all heeding to Emperor’s summons. His Lords had utmost respect for their Emperor, and all would likely give their life so that he may live. They gathered in a dank, and dimly lit chamber. At the center stood a round table, surrounded by many men; adorned in the finest armor and cloth, old and grizzled, fiercest of fighters, though importantly, absolutely loyal to the Emperor. He made no hesitation. The divine mandate was received. “My Lords of Bourdeleaux. We have allowed ample time for our army to recuperate from following the annexation of Westfal. However, it is time the Black Army marches forth once more.” The Emperor, dragged his finger across the length of a map of the known world, pressing it to a small nation to east of Bourdeleaux. “Here is our target -- the Carrow Lords. For they have been led astray -- colluding with the forces of Darkness. They must see God’s light ,as all men must. We will give them the privilege to peacefully submit to Imperial rule... should they refuse, then we shall unleash the Black Army upon them. One way or another, the Carrow Lords will be subjugated under the banner of the eternal and glorious Sun.” _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 43,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 15k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 3k) Upkeep: 3,000g Treasury: 1,000 Available: 41,000g [Non-expenditure] Hardened soldiers from the War of Westfal are placed into heavily-armed and trained vanguard units. [Non-expenditure] An envoy is sent to the Carrow Lords asking for their submission to Bourdelaic rule. If they shall hear him, he is to explain that they will be granted full Bourdelaic citizenship and will be self-governance in a semi-autonomous province akin to that of Westfal. If the negotiations were to deteriorate, the Black Army would have secretly deployed much assets to the eastern border in preparation of a potential war of subjugation under the banner of the Oriflamme of Saint-Villard. High off their previous victory, the soldiers of Bourdeleaux are eager once more to do battle. [16,000g] Upgrading 4 Units of Medium Infantry to T4 [18,000g] Recruitment of 2 Units of Veteran T4 Heavy Infantry [6,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of T4 Medium Infantry [1,000g] Training 1 Unit of Phoenix Guard to Veteran
  7. HOUSE CRAKEHALL Lord: Roland Crakehall Notable Members: Roland Crakehall (Heir), Ser Tybolt Crakehall (Heir), Ser Lyle ‘the Strongboar’ Crakehall (Roland’s 2nd Son), Ser Merlon Crakehall (3rd Son), Ser Burton Crakehall (Roland’s Brother) Allegiance: House Lannister ____________________________________________________ The lands of Crakehall were at peace. For now, the smallfolk tended to their duties. The harvesting of the winter wheat was occuring - at least, what little crop could be scrounged. Though the lands of the Rock were not as lush, nor bountiful as others, the peasantry had made their living for centuries untold. Yet today would bring the normality in Crakehall, to a crashing end. A lone black raven, bearing a small scroll, bounded through the southern lands through turf and toil. After what one would assume to be a harrowing journey, the bird had sought out the aviary at Crakehall, eager to unlimber it’s urgent message. Maester Harbrand would be the one to receive the message; an aged man with a crook in his back and his hairline receding ever so further grey. He hobbled over to table in which the raven rested, using a simple cane to support his weight, tapping on the wooden floor with soft clanks. The maester untied the note, eyeing the stamp of the Lion of Lannister. His interest piqued, though knew it not within his station to peer into such matters. Calling for a nearby guard, he asked them to bring the message to Lord Roland, stopping for nothing as it held utmost importance. Castle Crakehall, Seat of House Crakehall By the time the message had reached Lord Roland, the role of courier had shifted from one man to another; the Master-at-arms of Crakehall, a lowly knight of the name Lewys Glenmore. For reasons unknown, the previous holded shirked the duty and offloaded it onto another. Regardless Ser Lewys, a man of no fear and larger than life, made haste to the great hall, which he surmised the men of Crakehall to currently be dining. The master-at-arms, or someone had broken the seal during transit. However, it was of no matter now. Ser Lewys entered the great hall, which was lavish and had food aplenty. Graced by outdoor light, the brindled boar of Crakehall flew proudly at the center, just above the Lord’s throne. Below the throne, and at the feasting tables were Lord Roland, flanked by his sons who were all knights in their own right, Tybolt, Lyle, and Merlon, as well as his brother, Ser Burton Crakehall. Lewys strode into the chamber with confident strides, turning to the group of Crakehall men. “My Lords Crakehall, I bring urgent news.” It was apparent that Lord Roland had not been eating, and merely entertained the members of his family. On the other hand, his sons dug greedily into their meals, tearing flesh away from bone, shoving forkfuls into their mouths, and speaking while chewing. They paid Roland no mind, perhaps a short glance. Tybolt gestured him over, laughing as food and spittle flew from his mouth. Roland heeded his trusted master-at-arms, calling out to him, “Can it not wait?” “No, My Lord.” he bows his head, presenting the scroll, “A call to arms to by Lord Tywin Lannister. The Westerlands are at war.” he states with a grim undertone. “Took damned long enough.” scoffed Ser Lyle, who had taken enough time away from wolfing down his meal to attend to important matters. “I see…” said, Lord Roland, rising from his seat. “Give it here.” he urged, taking the note from the knight. He quickly read it over, and nodded, “I see. We must make the necessary arrangements at once. Raise the levy; we set out at dawn.” he announced to his family, then casting his gaze upon his children in disapproval, “Finish your meal while you have it. It may be your last.” ACTIONS Lord Roland Crakehall orders a force of some 4,500 men be raised. Crakehall and his sons set out to join the main Lannister host. 50 men are left garrison Crakehall castle itself, while another 50 patrol the Sea Road to protect travelers and trade.
  8. Application House Name: House Crakehall Holdings: Crakehall Lord: Roland Crakehall Who do they bend the knee to?: House Lannister Religion: Faith of the Seven Brief History (1-2 Paragraphs): The Crakehalls are among the prominent houses of the Westerlands. They are of modest, yet noteworthy repute; claiming descent from Crake the Boarkiller during the Age of Heroes and another Crakehall even briefly reigning as King of the Iron Islands. Their seat, Crakehall, sits to the south of the Westerlands on the border of the Reach. They are known for their robust and large size, as well as producing strong and fearsome warriors. With war on the brink in Westeros, and loyal to the House of Lannister, the men of Crakehall would relish at such an opportunity. Discord: Tank#9694
  9. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 5,213,963 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The interior of the Church of the Holy Disciples of the Brazier and Moravec the Saviour, Souvois, Bourdeleaux; c. 1505 At the highest point in the grand city of Souvois, rested a monument more splendid than any of the other architectural works and buildings below; the sacred Mother Church of the faith of the Great Sun. Officially, dubbed the Church of the Holy Disciples of the Brazier and Moravec the Saviour; the locals have colloquially come to regard it as All Martyr’s Church. It was a structure unrivaled in beauty and majesty, constructed by the greatest minds the Empire had to offer. It is to reach out to the Sun itself and represents the new heights that the Bourdlais can achieve when united in faith. The structure itself was so grandiose that many found it remarkable that it could even stand. The buttresses of the structure alone stood nearly four stories in height. From all corners of the city, the two steeples that comprised the westwork could be seen. Atop these towers, rung the bells which would summon them the Souvesian denizens to mass or to alert them of impending danger; in any case, echoing throughout the city. The hoisting of the bell, perhaps the most momentous task in the church’s construction; many a tales told about its nature and origin. As one approached the entrance of the church. They would be greeted by the imposing dual iron doors which safeguarded the interior. Some several inches thick, and possessing engravings of two holy martyrs; the doors depicted Saint Villard and Saint Ambroise in all their glory. Clad in their battle regalia and weapons in tow, they were regarded as the ‘warrior saints’ and protectors of the hearth, they served as a constant reminder of the true meaning of the Faith; to act as the light against the darkness. Yet most remarkable above all, figuratively and literally, was the depiction of Moravec the Saviour upon the tympanum. Constructed and inlaid with the finest of stones and gems, Moravec stood ever-watchful and judging as he acted as a bulwark against the forces of evil. He himself wielded a fierce sword, which seemed to command the energy and power of the Sun’s light. The Sun itself was in the background, as a halo of sorts around Moravec’s head. Solar rays radiated outwards from this focal point, physically pushing back creatures of darkness. Within the darkness of either side of the two-dimensional carving were horrible monstrosities, symbolizing the worst that humanity had to offer, or perhaps what true demons lurk beyond. The balance of good versus evil served as a testament to the righteousness of their cause and a constant reminder of the strength the Bourdelais truly possessed. They were the chosen of God. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Reliquary Chapel of Exalted Moravec; pilgrims paying homage to the Saviour away from the main mass; c. 1493 The interior of the Church was greatly considered. A long nave stretched the length of church, leading up to the altar which stood raised a child’s height over the whole floor. A great altar sat central upon the dais, with several candles and a golden statuette of the Sun resting atop it. Beneath the altar however, is said to be the final resting place of Moravec, sanctifying the entirety of the Church and all its goers. Several centuries have gone since his passing, and no one knows now if it is merely a tale or if his bones truly do rest beneath their feet. Just behind the altar and towards the apse was another, yet grander construct. A large brazier of ebony black steel, with unfathomably close attention to precision and detail. It stood raised upon its own platform, giving credence to its importance. Within it burned a fire so warm and so bright, that much of the church was engulfed with its heat and light. It was no ordinary fire pit that lay in the Church for convenience sake. The proud sons and daughters of Bourdeleaux knew it as the Eternal Flame; a brazier that has stayed alight since much before their birth and beyond. Stokers of the flame came and went, yet the flame was persistent and had never extinguished. Many had come to regard it as a symbol of the prosperity of the Bourdelaic people; As long as the flame was lit, the great Empire of Bourdeleaux shall never falter. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Kindling, an event in which citizens throughout the Empire light torches in remembrance of the great martyrs of the Empire, Adrian’s Forum; c. 1504 Attending to the Holy Brazier today was the Emperor himself. Even he, mightiest among men, was humbled in the presence of the eternal flame, a symbol of the Great Sun’s power and majesty on earth and the Heavens. Even he, proudest of men, was reduced in size to the engulfing warmth of the fire. His head lowered, daring not to gaze on to the flame in challenge. Even he, commanding legions of soldiers and ruling a vast empire, was but a mere servant of the Great Sun. The Emperor had come seeking guidance. With God, he consulted and pleaded aloud, mumbling his prayer. Tucked behind his sprawling cloak and shriveled in form, he was shrouded from sight, and inaudible to the ear. The onlookers and daily goers of the Church were in awe. Some stopped and stood while others quietly conversed among themselves. What could bring the Emperor to summit, were he not in a time of great need. Members of the clergy performed their rites, while in the pews, the masses heeded. Paying no mind, the Emperor reached out to the Heavens. He dared lift his chin, to the Great Brazier. “O Lord, Who be in Heaven, the Lord of Light be thy name. I have done just as you have demanded and brought light to the lands of Westfal What more would you have our people do? We have resolved to conquer great expanses of land and converted many a pupil in your name. Shall we not relent? Is this truly your design, for us to bring our enemies fire and sword...? No,I understand now -- in entirety. O Lord, who am I to question your Great Plan?” He paused, lowering his eyes a moment, before it had struck him. He then returned with renewed vigour, staring intensely into the flame ahead of him. Embedded deep within it was the resolution which he had so sought. His pupils dilated and he recoiled as he was flushed with divine intercession. “I understand as I now see your presence. The Great Darkness looms on the horizon. You see what we cannot not, you know what we cannot fathom. How narrow-minded we are; Man. We will make the necessary preparation, O Lord. We will face the Great Foe and vanquish the forces of Evil once and for all -- For we are your chosen and the instruments of your will. All in time will feel your warm embrace.” Sol Invictus. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 43,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 15k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - 9k, Trade - 4k, Cities/Towns - 3k) Upkeep: 3,000g Gold from Event: 2,000 Available: 42,000g [5,000g] The discovery of the Fortress draws the ever-curious man eastwards. Some settle the area nearby, while others come to view it as a holy site. Construction of settlement in the eastern valley. [2,000g] When the Emperor hears news of this tremendous discovery, he travels to gaze upon the magnificent structure himself. Immediately captivated, he orders the most learned and knowledgeable citizens of the Empire to uncover its secrets. [5000g] In an effort to secure more lands for the Empire, another settlement is founded in a small bay to the south, near the newly acquired Westfalian lands. [5,000g] Construction of 1 additional farmlands stack. [24,000g] Upgrading 6 Units of Medium Infantry to T4 [3000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of Crossbowmen [2,000g] In a effort to discover more about the forests, an expedition is mounted to survey and scout the wooded lands in Bourdeleaux’s south.
  10. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 4,917,272 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords ____________________________________________________ The Emperor addresses the masses regarding the capitulation and absorption of the Westfalians into the Empire of Bourdeleaux. c. 1504 After the Peace of Ulgar was signed by the newly appointed governor Elfred and the Emperor himself, all hostilities between the Empire and the Westfalians was brought to a close, with the latter being integrated into the Imperial sphere of influence. The news had come as a relief to many a knight and foot soldier alike, both sharing no interest in prolonging the war in the South. For now, the men in the camp rejoiced. Aside from solidifying the remaining unruly tribes under the rule of Elfred of Ulgar, it seemed that the majority had flocked to Elfred’s banner and indeed looked forward to the prosperity and bright future that came with being an Imperial citizen. Perhaps even more ecstatic was the family of those soldiers who eagerly awaited the return of their sons at home. While it was not the cleanest victory to be had by Bourdeleaux, it was one nevertheless. For centuries the people of Bourdeleaux have preached bringing light and civilization to outsiders. At last it would seem that the prophecies would come true. To many, this was thought of as merely the beginning of a great period of growth for the Empire. Senior members of the Sun Cult had convened and declared a new period within the Imperial Calendar; the Eternal Solstice. The name quickly caught on and became widespread from all reaches of Bourdeleaux with morale at an all-time high. As Emperor Adrian and the Black Army were spotted upon the outskirts of Souvois, the gates were raised immediately followed by a flocking of men, women, and children to the city streets. As they made proud strides through the city, they were greeted by adoring cheers and cries of joy. Children cautiously approached the returning soldiers, offering curious looks to their hardened faces, and poking at their ebony black armor. The Black Army’s return was a truly inspiring sight. For many a soldier, the presence of women was definitely a sight for sore eyes. For those who had wives, they would most certainly celebrate in the bedchambers. The now, the Emperor would seek his own retreat from the affairs of state, leaving. Afterall, how unlikely it is for the Empire to collapse after one day of the Emperor’s non-presence. ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 38,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 13.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - - 9k, Trade - 4k) Upkeep: 3,000g Available 35,500g + 2,500 from treasury = 38,000 [25,000g] In fears of potential famine and the hardships of winter, the agricultural sector is expanded, with large tracts of land being granted to yeomen. Construction of 5 farmland stacks. [10,000g] The War of Westphal highlighted both the weaknesses and strengths of traditional bows. However, they did not satisfy the Black Army’s requirements in specific scenarios. A great deal of resources is poured into perfected a new crossbow design to out Black Army skirmisher units. Researching crossbows. [1,000g] Rumors of the river valley to the east of Bordeleaux arouse the curiosity of many a commoner and nobleman alike. The optimistic hope that the land has more to offer than the Barrier River hinterlands. After some time, the Crown decides to sponsor an expedition eastwards and potentially establish the offshoot of the Barrier as a potential border.. Surveying surrounding area and exploring point of interest. [1,500G] After the War of Westfal, the Emperor promised to alleviate some of the expenses of post-war reparations, as well as building churches and infrastructure within Westfalian lands. The Emperor kept to his word and devoted a decent sum of gold to rebuilding the Province of Ouestphal. [500g] A celebration and feast of immense scale is held in the capital city of Souvois upon the return of the Emperor and the Black Army.
  11. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 4,774,050 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords ____________________________________________________ Winter had beset the Empire, leaving much of the continent plastered in a fine, white layer. The winter, for centuries, was thought to be a sign of the worst to come; ill omens and bad tidings. For this spiritual, it was the ushering of in of darkness and where the Sun retreated to do battle with Evil. Or at least, that was one of the theories. The people of Bourdeleaux were a largely uneducated and superstitious people. They found meaning in everything, and absolutes in the most mundane of signs. The peasants would often cry tales of fiendish nightmares and horrific abominations running rampant through the countryside. Yet, when investigated by local lords and authorities, they would find no evidence that such foul play had ever occurred. While the occasional maimed carcass of a livestock animal surface, it was ultimately decided that no connection could be drawn to a great monstrosity. The lords and aristocracy grew tired of it. The voices of the peasantry fell upon deaf ears. That was, until now. A snowy forest in the lands of Poirot, ruled by Count Orlande de Visset In the far northern reaches of the Empire, something ominous was afoot. More so than usual, reports flooded into the local lords of enormous wolves attacking and devastating various villages across the northern border. Normally, the local rulers would ignore such outrageous claims, as they have often proved to be nothing more than fairy tales and hallucinations. However, this soon changed when the Duke of Therevault, an open-minded and kind ruler, heeded these reports and claims. With an array of commoners visiting his hold, all with corroborating stories, he knew he would need to investigate himself. Sallying out with a retinue of his fiercest and most loyal knights, he set out northwards. What he witnessed had shocked him. Maimed corpses, dessicated livestock, and hovels torn to pieces. Enormous paw prints trailing northwards revealed that these were indeed no ordinary creatures. Unknown, whether or not the wolves would return, the order was given for the tripling of the watch. ____________________________________________________ The outskirts of the Imperial war camp; the Ducal palace of Thessedennes in the background On the pretense of protecting Boudelaic interests and safeguarding the western coast, the armies of Bourdelaux were mobilized and stationed near the southern border. The camp bustled with activity and the men expected to move out on a moment’s notice. The camp was further bolstered with reinforcements from Souvois. The Bourdelaic Army numbered more than eleven thousand, deemed by many of the commanders to be ample enough to lay ruin to whatever the Westfallians can muster. The soldiers drilled. Many walked to and forth, and going about their business. Perhaps they opted to visit a whetstone, or had a new weapon forge, or had new horseshoes fitted on their mount. Others ate, while others drank savory Boudelaic wine. In general, morale was high. The soldiers knew their duty and expectations. They were told they were to protect their families at home, by allowing these raiders free reign no longer. They would also be bringing civilization to what else would be disunified bands of lawless savages. The Great Sun was a forgiving figure, and there would be redemption for the Westfallians yet. Bordeleaux sought not their destruction, but rather their adherence to God and the subjection to law and order. Within the strategy tent, gathered many of the Empire’s lords, the Grand Marshal, the eldest and most veteran knights and the Emperor himself, huddled around a map which displayed much of the local terrain. The men bickered, devising and discussing their plan of attack. All of a sudden, a messenger had burst through the flaps of the tent. He was horribly out of breath and trembled as he stood, though managing a bow before all the senior staff. Beads of sweat dripped from his hair, and his tabard was drenched, “My Lords.” He heaved, before speaking out with it, “The scout reports have arrived… most of them.” “Excellent.” remarked the Marshal, Theobold. “Bring it here, let us see what we are dealing with.” The messenger stepped forth, offering it to the Marshal. The Emperor watched skeptically, holding his speech. As soon as he had come, he left, bowing deeply before retreating from the tent in a hurry. The Marshal nodded, skimming through the contents of the parchment. It had only taken him a brief period of time to decide the appropriate course of action. “Their settlements line the beaches and coasts. They raid by means of light craft, drawn onto the sands when not in disuse. They are scattered, and disorganized. If we act quickly, we will be able to make swift work of whatever resistance they may have. An advance along the coast is optimal.” said Theobold, placing a steel-plated finger to the surface of the map and dragging it southwards. The Emperor inclined his chin, speaking with an air of apprehension, “I remind you, Lord Marshal, that our mission here is not to raze the whole countryside to the ground and kill anything that breathes.” “Of course, Your Imperial Majesty. We will utilize soft-handed tactics.” “We will be methodical and offer each village we encounter a chance for surrender. If not, then you have my express permission to show them the error of their ways.” “Very well, my Liege.” the Marshal nodded, smirking slightly – for he had been known for his brutal strategy in quelling enemies of the past. “Pray they meet us on the field of battle…” the Emperor replied, “Let us finish up here. We march upon sunrise.” Within the coming hours, the war flag had been rayed; displaying the white sun rays upon black. The time had come, and legions of Boudeleaux marched forth once more. Bourdelaic troops cross the border and enter the lands of the Westfallians ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS Income: 38,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 13.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - - 9k, Trade - 4k) Upkeep: 3,000g Other: 1,000 gold lost from event Available 34,500g [5,000g] An expedition is launched, with eyes set on the unoccupied territory northeast of the country. A Crown sponsored settlement is to be founded where the river divides in two. The hinterlands are declared a part of the Empire, with citizenship and faith conversion offered to any populations in the area. [10,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of T4 Phoenix Guard [16,000g] Upgrading 4 Units of Medium Infantry to T4 [500g] The watch in the northern villages of Bourdeleaux is tripled in the aftermath of the giant wolf attacks. [500g] The Emperor raises the spirits of the men with a feast before the campaign. [2,500g] Gold stored in the treasury. [Non-expenditure] The Empire of Bourdeleaux INVADES their southern neighbor, the Westfal Raiders. (Mod)
  12. FEDERATION OF CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND THE TIDES OF WAR The 1st Connecticut Light Artillery Battery, shelling Coalition forces near S. Washingtonville. Not much had changed on the homefront of Connecticut. Families and wives eagerly awaited a cessation of conflict and the return of husbands, brothers, and sons. However, the war persisted. And it was everyone’s duty to uphold their loyalty and service to the state. Tears would be shed but everyone knew their duty in this dire time of need; beset upon from all sides. Connecticut and Rhode Island had allied themselves with Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont in SOLIDARITY with their New Englander brothers. However, this compassion and sentiment was not present within the hearts of the Mainers. During the Revolutionary War, New England stood at the forefront of the British incursions Americans living in New Englander towns had everything to lose, gave everything, and claimed their INDEPENDENCE from their British oppressors TOGETHER. To forsake these age old bonds for the chains of servitude of a former overlord and oppressor disgusted the people of Connecticut. However with Maine’s unprovoked invasion, valid justification was not required for the New Englanders, who had long sought to wipe the British boot-licking excuse of a nation off of the AMERICAN Northeast. Maine once formed an integral component of Massachusetts, only relinquished to allow the entry of a free state to balance out the South’s addition of a slave state. Would Massachusetts reclaim their long lost land -- would Connecticut? Many questions had arose during the course of the war, leaving many uneasy about peace and stability of the nation and America as a whole. Nothing was certain. Connecticut and Rhode Island would endure, ensuring their foes pay the bloody price. What remains of America is now littered with nothing more than treacherous and opportunistic hyenas, preying upon the weak. A lamb no longer, a new order shall be forged in the flames of war, be it New England or the numerous enemies that conspire against them. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS Connecticut returns a formal declaration of war and offers a public declaration of condemnation upon Maine, as a treacherous and opportunistic dog and a New Yorker and British boot-licker. (Maine) The Federation government seeks to extend the life of their current rifle designs. They reach out to several New Englander arms manufacturers and contractors for conversion kits for the M1861 Springfield into a breech-loading rifle. (Mod) A mandate is put out to all regiments serving in Connecticut & Rhode Island’s military, ordering them to set aside 80 of their best shots to serve in designated scout/skirmishing companies. (Mod) Connecticut & Rhode Island seek out French military advisors for oversight and training of their personnel in tactics, strategy, and discipline. (Mod) Construction of two additional Ironclads continue (Mod)
  13. EMPIRE OF JAPAN Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Head of State: H.I.M. Naruhito Head of Government: H.E. Yamura Tagawa Population: 158,500,000 Provinces: 44 Allies: Republic of China Trade: China, USA, Greece, Poland, Australia, S. Korea, Sweden ____________________________________________________ RECALLING OF THE FLEETS Japanese cruisers present at the Battle of Tsushima, c. 1905 At last, it would seem that the Japanese rearmament would not be in vein. With the declaration of war against China, the fleets were placed on high alert, dragged away from their fruitless patrol duties to waters around the Korean peninsula. Intelligence knew not of the location of any Korean or their allied Russian ships, though many of the naval staff suspecting nothing short of a crushing victory as in the Battle of Tsushima some century ago. Flight crews were on standby. Several craft littered the tarmac that made up the top decks of Japan’s floating cities. Meanwhile, guided missiles were prepped in the launch tubes of cruisers, and destroyers trained their gun on the same bearing -- toward the Korean peninsula. Aircraft were quickly scrambled in the face of impending attack at any moment, doing multiple runs around the battle groups. The time to strike was nigh. ____________________________________________________ THE EMPEROR SPEAKS The Emperor was the very symbol of Japan. Japan would not exist without an Emperor. The Nippon Kaigi had successfully restored the role to its former influence, and the Emperor shirked not from his duties. No longer is he merely a symbol but at the forefront of the nation’s very politics. Now, he would offer a speech to the people of Japan over the current state of affairs and Japan’s wartime policy. My humble subjects, I regret to inform you of this terrible news. The People’s Republic of Korea has declared war upon our sacred nation, backed by their Russian overlords. It has come as a surprise to us all. They attempt to destroy the goal of unity and prosperity between Asian brethren, demanding we absolve our alliance with the Chinese. To that I say, we will not be bullied into submission. The Empire of Japan bows to none. Evidently shown through history, our people are warriors. We will adapt and overcome as always. The entirety of Korea and much of the far reaches of the Pacific once felt the weight of our boot. I decree that all loyal citizens of Japan show them why that once was. Japan will not be trifled with. That is why I ask every one of my beloved subjects to do their role and aid in the war effort; be it through enlisting or taking up various jobs on the homefront. We are reborn anew. The Sun rises over the East once more. ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS AND INVESTMENTS AP/RP Production 30 AP(Base - 6, Trade - 3, Agriculture - 15, Provinces - 4, Titanium - 2)/7 RP - 1 AP Upkeep Upkeep/Expenditure -1 AP for Naval Upkeep (57 AP) -0 AP for Ground/Air Upkeep (32 AP) -0 AP for Space Upkeep (0 AP) AP Investments -Construction of 1 additional aircraft carrier (8 AP) -Construction of 1 additional missile cruiser (6 AP) -Construction of 1 additional destroyer (4 AP) -Construction of 1 submarine (4 AP) -Construction of 100 additional fighters (4 AP) -Recruitment of 2,500 ARDB (1 AP) Construction of 50 mobile artillery (1 AP) Research Projects Completion of T2 Fission (6+14/20 RP) Ongoing Robots (1+7/37.5 RP) (Cutting Edge Technology) RP Actions -All Carrier Strike Groups are recalled to the immediate waters surrounding Japan. From there, they enact a blockade and attempt to stop all shipping in and out of Korea. (Mod) -With the issues to the power supply of the MAID project ‘solved’, focus turns back on developing the drone itself. The drone itself is bipedal like a human, and is articulated through magnetic ‘joints’ and is designed to wield a wide array of infantry weaponry. Skeptics wonder if the project will ever emerge from the prototype phase and if it even has any practical use on the modern day battlefield. (Mod) -With the abrupt onset of war, trade is terminated with the USSR and N. Korea. Thus, Japan opts to seek trade partnership in the Anterior Coalition and in New Zealand. (Mod)
  14. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Absolute Monarchy Population: ~ 4,635,000 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords -- “Your Imperial Majesty.” came a muffled voice outside the Emperor’s bedchambers, following by a harshly rasping on the reinforced doors. Emperor Adrian sharply awoke from his slumber, and broke out into an immediate scowl. He squinted a number of times as he cast off the red, gold-embroidered blanket that cover his bed. He slothfully positioned himself upright, still hunched over off the edge of the bed. He sighed softly, casting a glance toward the opposite end of the bed where his wife, the Empress, Isabelle of Hainault, lay. She too had woke, tossing over and laying on her side, shooting him a look of curiosity. “Does he realize the time it is?” she asked, as the bright rays of early morning pierced through the stained glass window of the palace bedchambers. “Evidently not.” replied the Emperor, rubbing at his eyes with his eyes with a closed hand. “It must be important.” he paused, then calling out to the voice, “What is it?” “Your Imperial Majesty. T-th-” he stammered. “The Duke of Luombard seeks your audience.” “Now, does he know what it is?” he abruptly rose, throwing up his hands. “I-I don’t know, my liege.” “That wasn’t for you to answer.” the Emperor rolled his eyes. “Very well, invite him into the throne room, I’ll be down in a moment.” he added, now wrapping a belt around his waist. “Shall I accompany you?” asked Isabelle, laying still upon the bed, a woman a two years short of her husband and the daughter of an esteemed Duke. Though her wrinkles had begun to show, she still possessed delicate features and long and youthful cascading locks of brunette hair. “If it so pleases you. Though, I warn you these Dukes and their politics.” “I think I can handle it.” she smiled. “Very good, then we shall… go down together.” he said slipping his arm through a sleeve. -- The Imperial Palace on the outskirts of Souvois The throne room was devoid of life and quiet, in stark contrast to when Imperial Court is held. The only inhabitants were a herald, the Duke of Luombard, and members of his retinue, and soldiers of the household guard who always held watch. An awkward silence emerged as the herald averted any and all eye contact. At the pass of eight minutes, the Emperor and Empress-consort had arrived. Naturally, the Emperor drifted to his throne and sat himself upon it. At their entry the herald perked, “Your Imperial Majesty, Theodore de Thessedennes, Duke of Luombard.” he said, before sinking back. The Emperor chuckled, “You’d better have good reason for waking me at this hour.” he said, his tone held friendly towards the Duke. It was evident that they were at least well acquainted. “Your Imperial Majesty, of course.” he bowed lowly before his presence before erecting himself once more. “I wouldn’t have made this trip myself were it not urgent.” “Out with it.” the Emperor motioned him on. “The rogue state to the south of the Empire… I grow worried of their intentions.” “...and what would you have me do?” the Emperor questioned, raising a brow. “Well, pacify them.” the Duke said nervously. “Lord Thessedennes, it is your duty to defend your own lands.” “My liege, the South is sparsely populated and near entirely dedicated to lumber and agriculture... and its harvesting season... While I do maintain my own forces, I wouldn’t want to drag more men away from their duties.” The Emperor nodded, considering what he’d been told, “Very, well… Here’s what shall be done, gather what men you can muster around Omignon.” “Your Imperial Majesty?” “My sword arm itches. I’ll bring my own host and we shall sally forth together. For now, we’ll gather what information we can about these Raiders. I’ll have a courier deliver a message to you in the coming days.” “O-of course, Your Imperial Majesty. Thank you.” “You may go.” the Emperor waved him off, “Go with God, Lord Thessedennes.” And with that the Duke departed and they stood among an empty throne room once more. He sank into his seat. “Marching south now, are you?” the Empress asked, laying a hand upon his arm. “It appears so. As full of **** as that man is, it may... be an opportunity to expand the realm. I must speak with the marshals at once, if you’d excuse me.” -- RESOURCES Income: 38,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 13.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - - 9k, Trade - 4k) Upkeep: ACTIONS [14,500+500/15,000g] Finishing research of T3 Infantry - Many of the Emperor’s military advisors suggest furthering development of heavy, shock troops for close-in and decisive melee combat. [22,000 g] Recruitment of 7 Units of Medium Infantry, 1 Unit of Light Infantry, 1 Unit of Medium Cavalry [1,000g] Troops are stationed along the southern border of the Empire. In addition, scouts devoid of any Sun-related insignia and colors enter the lands of the Westfal Raiders to get an idea of troop numbers and defenses. (Mod)
  15. EMPIRE OF BOURDELEAUX Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Population: ~ 4, 500,000 Allies: N/A Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick – Map of the Empire of Bordeleaux, commissioned by His Imperial Majesty, Adrian II. Nestled upon the eastern banks of the Gulf of Revar, lies the quaint and formidable Empire of Bourdeleaux. It is easily distinguishable by sky-reaching castles and holdfasts, almost always surrounded by golden fields of wheat or barley. With much of the economy invested into agriculture, the nation is more than capable of feeding itself -- and then some. At first glance, the people of Bourdeleaux appear relatively unremarkable. Yet upon closer inspection, they are the prosperous and warm-spirited children of the Great Sun. Once fractured tribes; they were united in faith. The Sun was divine; a heavenly body. It came to and fro everyday. It provided light and a warm embrace. It allowed the crops to flourish and the Boudelais to grow strong and repel the forces of darkness. It was also an all-knowing and ever watchful father, presiding over every aspect of daily life and guiding his children. During the Darkness, it was Moravec Sun-touched who brought the ancient Bourdelaic tribes together and cast aside each other’s differences. A figure of myth and legend, it was he who cast aside the hordes of Darkness and brought light to the lands of Bourdeleaux. To this day, his descendants rule as Emperors of Bordeleaux, wielding the sword Dawnbringer of their forefather. Foremost the Emperor is the Chosen of the Great Sun, deemed the shepherd of the Sun’s Flock, so to speak. Secondly, he is an administrator, managing the intricacies and daily functions of his people and guiding them along the path of Salvation. Yet, power is not solely invested in the Emperor. As per arrangement with the great chieftains of old, he would not rule with an iron fist. The subordinate lords and the people were afforded and guaranteed several rights, set in stone by Moravec numerous centuries ago in Moravec’s Code. The City of Souvois, Capital of the Empire of Bordeleaux The sprawling metropolis that is Souvois is said to be the birthplace of Moravec. Though the loyalty and faith in the Great Sun was held above all, Moravec is regarded as a Prophet, the chosen of the Sun; hence the moniker, the Sun-touched. It was there he dedicated a great city to the Father, high atop the Voryseille Cliffs. The walls of Souvois stand tall over the surrounding countryside. With walls constructed of painted limestone, the great city seems immaculate against the horizon. Many have come to question the city’s seemingly heavenly construction. Some suspect that perhaps divine intervention allowed it to achieve such a grandiose scale. Yet, the exact details are lost to the ages -- the great city dating back some seven hundred years ago. Nevertheless, grand city remains the commercial hub and heart of the Empire and very seat and symbol of Imperial power itself. Two soldiers of the Phoenix Guard screen petitioners amidst the Imperial Court The Emperor sat upon his gilded throne, towering above all in the surrounding chamber. Flanked on either sides were members of his household and his closest advisors. A pristine red carpet lined the aisle, tracing back to the iron doors at the opposite end of the throne room. Lined along the carpet were members of the City Guard and the stalwart soldiery of the Empire. Behind them were the general citizenry; either eager to catch glimpse of their great leader or present to voice their numerous concerns. It was important to the Emperor Adrian that he held these court sessions often. Never did he shirk from his duty; always tending to the needs of the common man. So much so that many had come to regard him as Adrian the Assiduous. Monikers aside, he had viewed it as every ruler’s responsibility to relate to his subjects instead of having his lackeys deal with them. Already had he seen the vast line of petitioners forming along the aisle, leading through the doors and beginning in the Castle’s foyer. The Emperor was now some ten years into his reign. He was an aged man, with hints of grey apparent in his hair and beard. Wrinkles creased his features as he listened intently to the needs of his people. He offered brief words to each, but every sentence was meticulously crafted after deep pondering. One by one he filtered through the petitioners. When he decided he’d had enough, he’d simply wave his hand, following by, “That will be all for today.” His soldiers would then move in to break up the line, and the commoners, some disappointed, would return to their lives and hopefully have another chance for audience with the Emperor. With the petitioners dispersed, he’d begin with matters pertaining to the Empire as a whole. Commotion continued for some time until he captured their attention with two strikes of his scepter against the tiled floor. “Loyal subjects and citizens of the Empire. We have known great growth and prosperity over the past decade thanks all to your contributions and toil. Toil is the epic of man, for we are all burdened by the need to work and sustain our families. Yet, we cannot rest. The Great Sun has plans for all us, and we must bring glory to his name. Decadence has never been our way and so we must continue to make strides! Even now, lawless brigands inhabit swaths of land to our south, and ripe, fertile, and uncolonized lands lay to the East in the Barrier River Valley. In the name of the Great Sun we must pacify and bring order and civilization to these lands. I urge all of ours smiths to forge fine armor, fletchers to craft bows, and leatherworkers saddles for our cavalry. The Crown is willing to offer favorable contracts to those craftsmen willing to comply… May you find the Great Sun’s embrace…” -- ACTIONS First Turn Investment (45k Gold) [-4,000g] Constructing Place of Worship -60% (Humagi; 2 Mysticism Points) - In an effort to appease God and the spiritual needs of the populace, a place of worship is constructed in the capital of Bordeleaux, in the city square for all to visit. [-7,500g] Construction of T1 Mine over the ‘black metal’ - Prospectors and miners are sent eastwards to investigate claims of the strange metal with night black properties. [-30,000g] Construction of Merchant’s Guild in the Capital (Souvois), the North (Vascogne), and the South (Omignon) - In order to ensure the control and flow of goods and money into the Bordelais economy, several merchant guilds are sponsored in the Empire’s great cities. [-3,000g] Recruitment of 1 Medium Infantry and 1 Light Archer [-500/15,000g] Beginning research of T3 Heavy Infantry Accepting trade deals with the Kingdom of Numeria and the Kingdom of Hilmedhi Income: 22,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 13.5k) Upkeep:
  16. Application Flag of the Empire of Bordeleaux, depicting the Great Sun Nation Name: Empire of Bourdeleaux BRIEF History: The Empire of Bourdeleaux was initially comprised of several disorganized mountain tribes from the east, some centuries ago. Life in the mountains, was often cold, harsh, and unforgiving. But what remained consistent was the Sun. It rose and set everyday in a predictable manner. It provided warmth to the proto-Bourdelais tribes and allowed for crops to grow and the people to flourish. Many had become to worship the Sun, founding their faith around it. Others saw a piece of the Sun within them, and viewed it as a fatherly figure -- always watching over his children. One day, the proto-Bordelais decided to follow the sun as it traveled westward. As they reached the sea, they could go no further. Believing it to be a sign from their God, they settled down in the area along the east part of Revar’s Gulf. Some years later the Sun Cult took on the name of the Church of the Sun and the religion began expanding rapidly throughout the eastern coast of Revar’s Gulf. In the face of raids from barbarian war bands, an individual known as Moravec would come to unite the tribes. Said to be a towering, charismatic individual currying the favor of the Lord of Light, he vanquished the marauders with every turn with his famed sword Dawnbringer in hand. With control firmly within his grasp, he expanded his realm in the name of the Great Sun. With each victory they would pay reverence to the Sun, owing to him all and everything. Centuries later, the Empire remains largely the same with minimal territorial shifts and acquisitions after Moravec’s conquests. When the security and stability of the realm was secured, it was said Moravec vanished with no trace, documented as disappearing into the sunset. However, he had left behind his sword and a son to lead his people, who in turn father the generations to come and all the rulers of the Bourdelais Royal Family. As the Emperor of Bourdeleaux is regarded to be a direct descendant of Moravec and the Sun’s Chosen, he exclusively is permitted to wield the sword Dawnbringer. Nation Culture: The Bordelais live in a feudal society, with loyalty and discipline held paramount above all. They are heavily divided in terms of population. Half dwell within large, expansive cities, while the other half keep to the countryside. However, there rarely seems to be a shortage of work. The interdependence between the urban and rural areas keeps all citizens relatively occupied. The Emperor has supreme authority, though tasks are often delegated to his myriad subordinates. Thus, the nation has deep and muddled layers of bureaucracy to it. Large swaths of land are rewarded to the Emperor’s most loyal subjects, who in turn have lesser lords under them, who in turn have peasants who pay them taxes. Having been birthed in the flames of war, the people are no stranger to rallying to clarion call of their Emperor and his subordinate lords, should the nation come under external threat. Human Or Humagi (Describe Humagi): Humagi; the people of Bourdeleaux are of a hardy, muscular stock, due to centuries of military tradition. Due to their bountiful crop yields, it is not often a Bourdelais is seen malnourished. On average the men achieve a height of 6’1, while the women reach around 5’7. Though their eye and hair colors vary, blonde hair is desired most among the nobility. Due to their deep connection with the Bright One, often referred to as the Lord of Light, or simply as the Sun, it is said that the Bourdelais feel the kindle of his warmth wherever they travel. The tongue in which they speak is hyper unintelligible to all but the most experienced and devoted linguists, sounding as an almost never ending chain of run-ons and vowels. Nation Government System: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy Economy: 6 (Starting Gold: 45,000, Income: 9,000) Education: 2; The Bourdelais are largely uneducated save for the nobility. Size (include rough area on map): 8 Territorial extent of the Empire of Bordeleaux, 750 years after the Collapse Military: 2 Mysticism: 2; The Church of the Great Sun is the predominant faith, dictating nearly every aspect of society. His Imperial Majesty, Adrian II of the House of de Solis Key Figure 1: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II Key Figure 2: H.E. Archchancellor Beric Varenceour Key Figure 3: H.E. Grand Marshal Theobold d’Onofrio Unique Unit: A Solar Guardsman stands watch in the center of Adrian’s Forum, Souvois Solar Guard - clad in heavy plate armor, they are the finest of His Imperial Majesty’s Armed Forces. Their armor painted black, they are overwhelmingly adorned in solar regalia and sigils. They excel in close-in fighting, typically wielding halberds or warpicks. Their weapons are often set alight, searing flesh with each strike. However, to outsiders of their ranks, it is unknown whether this is through mundane or magical means. Hidden Fruit: Lichi
  17. Not gonna lie, I highly highly recommend you host the FRP on Discord. Idk if there’s any circumstances that don’t allow you to, but Skype is a huge turn-off and for other people I’d imagine.
  18. FEDERATION OF CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND Mystic Seaport, Connecticut At the dry docks of Mystic, the first of the Connecticuter lain ironclads was nearing the end of it’s construction. Suspended above the incline funneling the ship into the Sound was the F.S.S. Charter Oak, the first in it’s line. By all means, it was a prototype vessel. Ironclad technology had existed for some years in Europe. However, it’s introduction into the landscape of the raging American wars would come to change the face of naval warfare forever. A naval arms race had quickly developed. No doubt their foes in New York and Virginia had already devised plans to expand their current fleets. Thus, it was of essence that as many of these vessels as possible were pushed out into the blue waters. The Ironclad had already demonstrated it’s awesome and destructive potential in the Battle of New York Harbor. Federation observers aboard wooden-hulled vessels carefully observed as the Virginian ship emerged from the fighting nearly unscathed, while sending two New Englander vessels to a watery grave. There was no choice but to develop their own. Within a matter of seconds, it was proven how wooden construction had become nearly obsolete. The weakness was ever prevalent; high susceptibility to explosive and incendiary ammunition. With the terrain being exploited to its fullest extent, iron and iron substitutes were shipped from the countryside to the manufacturing plants, and eventually to the shipwards. It was a scrounging in the most literal sense, yet it was necessary to fuel the warmachine and at least kept local populations employed. As workers and engineers toiled away amidst the brisk New England winds, the ship was truly beginning to take shape. Atop, several workers were fitting the main gun into place, ensuring that it fit firm into its encasement. New, and largely untested technology was being utilized for the Charter Oak. A turret mount would allow for the cannon to strike targets all around the ship. Yet, would it be enough compared to a traditional broadside? Was there enough firepower? Had broadsides too become obsolete? Everything about this vessel and the new age it ushered in was a drastic break of convention. The Charter Oak stood as a testament to the resolve of New Englanders in the face of adversity. As the first to raise arms against the British, they were no stranger to amounting fierce resistance. While harkening back to the days of old, it also represented the possibility of a bright future, one paved by industry and advancement. The vessel yearned for the sea. And so was the eager crewmen selected to service the magnificent vessel. Soon, it would time to put the ship through its paces. And soon the time would come when control was wrestled back into the hands of the New Englanders. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hartford, Connecticut In the aftermath of the Siege of New York, both sides had taken numerous casualties. The New Englander endeavor had proven fruitless as they seemed locked in eternal stalemate with New Yorker and Virginian forces. As word arrived to the homefront, a Convention once more was convened within the State House at Hartford/Various representatives from of Connecticut and Rhode Island assembled once more to voice their concerns and discuss the future of the nation. The Federal Party was very eager to state their intention in continuing the war and bringing the offensive to the enemy. Yet, following the indecisive yet costly battle in the drive towards New York, many politicians had become slightly disillusioned. A new minority bloc had formed within the legislature, calling for a cessation of conflict and amends to be made with New York; comprising individuals from the Co-Prosperity Party. However vocal they may have been, their cries fell upon deaf ears. The Federalists held a resounding majority, and single handedly drove the agenda of the Federation. They had argued that to pull out of the war now would not only be seen as weak foreign policy, but also would force the New Englanders to pay large reparations for a war which very well may spark several years down the line. On top of that, some of representatives had sons serving in the armed forces, and they were determined to not let their sacrifices be for naught. With an hour or so of pointless bickering, the issue was settled. Connecticut faced very real threats to her border, and thus a representative from New Haven County proposed the suggestion of creating various weapons caches throughout the country, should swaths of the Federation come under foreign occupation. It was not a scenario that one would like to think about, yet it was one that should be prepared for nonetheless. Dispersed throughout the countryside would be large amounts of weaponry, gunpowder, and sabres for future youth; the locations revealed only to local leaders. Should the need arise, the people would be armed in the defense of their nation. Yet, that is to say, only if morale holds out for the duration of the war. As some representatives were disillusioned with the war, only likely would be those they represent. To have an uprising or any falter in confidence of the war would be crushing to all. As such, farther right constituents of the Assembly of the Federal Party proposed that a massive public opinion and propaganda campaign begin to ensure the stability of the nation and confidence in the state. Newspaper agencies would be pressured to paint the Federal government and war effort in a positive light. Meanwhile, the Pathfinder Boy Scouts would see a surge in activity. Now more than ever, comradery and loyalty was stressed. In addition, the option to buy war bonds was proposed to every citizen who wanted to give to the Federation and receive monetary recompense when the war blows over. _____________________________________________________________________________________ New Rochelle, New York Following the fighting at the Siege of New York, a corporal serving with the Connecticut 10th Infantry Regiment, otherwise known as the “Gallant 10th”, writes home to his family, “Dearest brother, Do not worry for me. Thus far I have emerged from the fighting unscathed. Initially, we had made considerable gains. However, the advance slowed down considerably -- the New Yorker resistance grew fiercer the deeper we penetrated. That and their Virginian allies - damn them. Because of this, the war may drag on longer than anticipated. It is often said that your destiny is within your own hands, but never more have I felt that my fate was not up to me. During anyone of our skirmishes, I could have fallen in battle. All around me men were struck by rounds, blown to pieces by enemy cannon fire. It is a truly bloody affair that no man should ever have to bear witness to. I’ll spare you the details. But for now know, that I am in good health physically and mentally. As always, send my regards to our family. To mother that I miss her chicken roast now more than ever and to Emily that not an hour passes without her racing across my thoughts. And you brother, continue your schooling and do your country proud. You were always a bright one, I’m sure they’ll have a place for you at the academy at New Haven, yet. Sincerely, Thomas _____________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS Prime Minister Buckingham inquires with the engineers and shipbuilders as to whether or not they could streamline the production of ironclads.With that in mind, two more keels of ironclads are ordered to be laid down in the Mystic and Portland shipyards. (Mod) Resources are amassed for a secret joint endeavor by the New England states. (New England) After another meeting of the Assembly, it is determined that stockpiles should be dispersed throughout the countryside. As well, the option to buy war bonds has been passed to the citizenry. Finally, a light censorship of the press is put into action, painting the Federal government in a positive light, and demonizing the enemy. (Mod). Four more brigades of regulars and 1 brigade of Pioneers is called for to begin mustering and training at New Haven. As for the regular troops, the Federation begins a drive seeking out talented musicians to raise the spirits of men at the front. They are promised hefty salaries for their services. (Mod)
  19. EMPIRE OF JAPAN Population: 158,500,000 Provinces: 44 Allies: Republic of China Trade: China, USA, Russia, N. Korea, Greece, Poland, Australia, S. Korea, Sweden ____________________________________________________ CITIES AT SEA “My father would be rolling in his grave -- were he to know we have ceded control of the oceans to the Pinoys and Ladyboys…” remarked the Chief of the Maritime Staff, Nobusuke Ozawa. He was met with a collection of stifled, quiet chuckles. Around him were much of Japan’s upper brass of the ‘self-defense forces’. Much of them were aged men, stern and stoic in their devotion to the Emperor. While they may have not have appreciated Ozawa’s joke, he was relieved to find that some still had humor left within them. They gathered around a long rectangular table among the skyrises of Tokyo. The chamber was buried deep within the building, hidden from any outdoor view, illuminated through dim lamps hanging from the surface. Discreet and secure. From the end of the room, a decorated individual cleared his throat, visibly unamused. He was wrinkled from head to toe, though clad in all manners of medals and honors upon his breast. From the opposite of the table sounded the Minister of Defense, “I concur, teitoku. As an island nation, a naval force is a paramount asset to ensure the safety of Japan. We have brooded much over the past decades and learned immeasurable amounts. It is time to reinvoke the Imperial Navy..” “And to do that, we must first achieve parity with the Pan-Pacific…” stated another admiral. “And we’ll not end there, I presume?” inquired the Chief of Maritime Staff. “No. We will overcome -- no expense shall be spared.” “Which is why I propose to expand our carrier fleet to ten vessels, Sato-kakka. From there we can truly project power over the Pacific.” The weathered Defense Minister merely smirked, leaning back in his reclining chair. He appeared most pleased, and as he sank it became ever more apparent that his garbs would soon no longer fit him. “Then, we are in agreement. Arrangements will be made post-haste.” ____________________________________________________ THE ARMS EXPO Rumors circulate that many investors, scientists, engineers, and CEOs of Japan’s chief manufacturing corporations were invited to an arms expo in an undisclosed location in Japan. In the event, many ideas were exchanged, and new technologies were unveiled and put on display. In an act by the Japanese government, they had hoped to inspire ‘friendly’ competition between the domestic arms industries of Japan and beyond. The Japanese government were eager to see what they would come up with, having promised these arms industries very lucrative and potentially long-term agreements. Naturally, many of these developers lept at the opportunity and pounced at the drawing board, and immediately began fronting their designs. In attendance, were several corporations international corporations and nearly all of Japan’s; such as the Mitsubishi Group, Howa, Sumitomo, Kawasaki Heavy Engineering. Mitsubishi Heavy Engineering unveiled a new replacement for Japan’s main battle tank, supposedly designated as the Type 13. Meanwhile, Japan Steel Works had developed the new 130mm cannon said to be mounted on the vehicle. In terms of handheld weaponry, Howa and other firearms producers presented their submission for new assault rifles; whispers circulate saying that the new Howa rifle will enter service as the Type 136 in the coming years. On the other hand, Minebea and Sumitomo fought for the attention of the upper brass of ground staff with their new squad automatic rifle designs. However, what caught the eye of many attendees was the project that Mitsubishi General Robotics had been toiling with for the past year; the MAID or Multi-role Autonomous Infantry Drone. It was evident that the unit was very much still in prototype stages, yet it opened a whole door of possibility of adding automation to the Japanese armed forces and in a literal sense, mechanized infantry. ____________________________________________________ PROCESSION IN TOKYO Citizens from the home islands to those afar flock to the streets of Tokyo to gaze upon a military parade throughout the city. It is a clear, sunny day, with rows of people stretched out as far as the eye can see. A main avenue is cordoned off by local law enforcement, stemming the tide of many ecstatic and patriotic Japanese citizens. Ever vigilant remain the gendarmerie and police forces, establishing makeshift tape and barricades along the sidewalks. It was within no time that the Emperor arrived, assuming a secure and elevated position overlooking the route of the parade. Shortly after, the soldiers and vehicles had come into sight. As a rhythmic tapping of steps marching to the beat proceeded down the length of the road, the band harkened back to previous glories of the Japanese militaries with melodies such as Yuki No Shingun and the March of Tsushima. As the soldiers marched, clad in their Flecktarn fatigues, rifles propped, snapped to attention, with intrinsically sharp steps, the Rising Sun flag flew proudly over their heads. The local times and news outlets had much to say regarding the symbolic display of Japan’s re-emergence onto the world stage. A few brows were raised but were mostly suppressed, many welcomed this new change in Japan’s view. A sense of pride, and purpose washed over the minds of many. ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS AND INVESTMENTS - TURN 2 AP/RP Production 27AP(Base - 6, Trade - 3, Agriculture - 12, Provinces - 4, Titanium - 2)/7 RP Upkeep/Expenditure -0 AP for Naval Upkeep (49 AP) -0 AP for Ground Upkeep (8 AP) -0 AP for Aerial Upkeep (6 AP) Construction/Recruitment Construction of 1 additional aircraft carrier (8 AP) Construction of 100 fighters (4 AP) Recruitment of 20,000 additional infantry (4 AP) Construction of 200 additional tanks (2 AP) Finishing construction of an additional agriculture stack (9+16/25 AP) Research Projects T2 Fission (7+7/20 RP) Robots (7/37.5 RP) (Cutting Edge Technology) RP Actions The Emperor pays a state visit to the Republic of Korea (S. Korea). He extends to them an open offer of entry into the Axis; including all military and economic benefits. (Mod) The Empire of Japan proposes annual ‘wargames’ and training exercises to members of the Axis. As well, there is a proposal that the Axis should adapt a standard rifle ammunition cartridge. (Player) In an effort to expand range of naval operations, the Empire of Japan humbly asks of Australia to lease a strip of land on Manus Island, near Papua New Guinea for the construction of a naval air base. In addition, the naval air base at Iwo Jima is expanded and fortified (Mod) Resources continue to be poured into the Robotics effort. The Ministry of Defense requests that the robots are designed with the possibility of switching out the fission energy module with alternative energy means in the future, given the unstable and dangerous nature of nuclear fission. (Mod) An Arms Expo is hosted in Japan with all major industrial and arms manufacturers invited to attend. The most promising concepts are promised profitable contracts and potential subsidization (Mod)
  20. EMPIRE OF JAPAN Population: 158,500,000 Provinces: 44 Allies: N/A Trade: China, USA, Russia, N. Korea, Greece, Poland ____________________________________________________ ALTERNATIVE MEANS - THE MAID PROJECT In recent times, the sprawl of Sendai, the second most populous Japanese city north of Tokyo has become home to an extensive number of private industries looking to expand their operations. Among the key investors of the area are the Mitsubishi Group and their subsidiary company of Mitsubishi General Robotics. For some time, the Japanese Armed Forces have looked into and considered artificial ground troops. The drones of yesterday were considered obsolete, hampered by the very nature that they must be controlled by a human operator. The upper brass sought full autonomy in their unmanned combat units. What little manpower that Japan possessed was considered precious. By no means was this a replacement to the common foot soldier, but rather, a means to an end. Visiting the General Robotics Plant in Sendai was the Prime Minister himself, Yamura Tagawa. Against the immaculate shine of the white walls of the factory’s interior, he stood in stark contrast. His black suit turned heads of many a factory worker. On top of that, he was flanked by a large entourage, blocking the aisle and potentially being the cause of an enormous safety risk should accident break out. However, none questioned him nor had to explain to him the hazards that were being produced in this very room. The Prime Minister surveyed the room. All around him parts were being constructed and assembled before his very eyes; what he assumed to be processing units, artificial limbs, and everything imaginable. The room was filled with a cacophony of different noises; he could hardly think to himself. At this point, he had blindly walked the length of the facility. He was supposed to be on tour and assess the capabilities and readiness of the project. It was then that the Chief Engineer stopped, turning to the Prime Minister, “Progress is coming… slow, to say the least, Your Excellency. There is just no practical way to power these combat units; not with current energy methods.” “What can we do?” the Prime Minister asked. “With more funding we can delve deeper into alternative power. We have… theories we can test.” “I’ll get you what you need.” The Engineer bent in a low bow, “You will not be disappointed, Prime Minister.” “I’m sure I’ll not be. I look forward to your progress,” he feigned a smile, returning the bow. With a quick pivot, the Prime Minister motioned to his staff, urging their departure. ____________________________________________________ CHRISTENING OF THE HONSHU Some time later… It was no ordinary day on the shores of Japan. After numerous months, one of the largest undertakings by the country in decades lays complete. In the drydocks, awaited the newly minted aircraft carrier of the Honshu-class. Since the end of the Second Great War, Japan had not delved too heavily into these floating cities. Once more would they be reintegrated into Japanese naval doctrine. Having learnt much from joint exercises and shortcomings of previous navies, the designers of the Honshu-class hoped to have remedy all and any issues that come with such strategically important, yet vulnerable piece of military hardware. Standing at the drydocks were members of the Imperial family, several chief naval commanders, and all who cared to spectate the occasion. Whether the average citizen realized it or not, this was a momentous event for the Empire. Once more, the Japanese would be able to project their power over the East. Of course, all for the prospect of ensuring the nation’s sovereignty and the safety of the seven seas. In the Emperor’s hand was a vintage bottle of champagne. He knew not the brand. The christening of a ship was a simple, though appreciated formality. It was another of those western-adopted traditions. Yet, it suited their purposes. With the expansion of the Japanese navy, he suspected he or someone else would have to do this many more times. It was no more harmless than wishing the ship and its crew good luck. However, that could go a long way for some of the sailors. He awaited his turn to speak. The Emperor observed the ceremony with mild interest, moreso focused upon the faces of those present than the content of their speech. He watched as the speaker at the podium, named and congratulated several key individuals to the project. At last, his own name was called out, “...and now, a word from His Imperial Majesty.” Naruhito perked, raising his chin at his mention, surveying the gathering. A round of applause and cheer erupted. As it subsided, he began. He didn’t know where to begin -- he was much less ready than he had initially thought. Though, he had to say something. “Proud sons and daughters of Japan. I am proud to stand here before you and present the testament of Japanese engineering and technological advancement. The first in our line of Honshu-class aircraft carriers, marks a new era for the people of Japan. Thus, for the Empire of Japan, I christen thee, Honshu, may the crew of this ship know safe waters and bring great honor to their country.” Without hesitation, the Emperor took hold of the bottle of champagne and with a confident blow, cracked it open against the hull of the Honshu, coating the side of the ship and much of his suit in the white foam. He smiled as he did so, dropping the end he held and turning towards the cameras; no doubt would the people want pictures. ____________________________________________________ ORGANIZED CRIME AND THE RESPONSE When the boryokudan haijojorei, or the organized crime exclusionary laws, came into effect in 2011, many had come believe that the final nail had been hammered into the coffin of the yakuza. However, Japanese intelligence agencies now seem thoroughly convinced their operations have been moved underground; unknown if for better or worse. Once they were able to publicly utilize extortion, fraud, and violence. However, the law was utilized to its full extent to ensure those suspected of yakuza activity were shut out from ordinary services, such as banks, jobs, clubs. Thus, they were excluded from Japanese society. Another blow came in the addition that crime bosses would be held accountable for the actions of their employees in the court of law. In the years following, crime was said to have receded. Yet, it was unknown whether or not this was the death of the yakuza or rather they had merely taken the time to reassess their strategies and push their operations underground. Local law enforcement grew increasingly concerned. The brutal tactics had seemingly disappeared, but had been traded for something potentially worse. In recent years, the number of drugs and substances in circulation in the streets had seen an exponential increase. Police have largely been unable to find the source of these drugs. Yet, it is widely accepted that they are being imported and not synthesized on Japanese soil. If drugs are being smuggled in, who knows what else may be entering or leaving the country? In response to the hushed transport of contraband in and out of Japan, several more laws were passed to find the root of the issue. The first was aimed at expanded the maritime forces to intercept traffickers, while the second mandated extensive background checks of government officials and allowing law enforcement and the judiciary to investigate officials they deem corrupt. In a quiet arrangement, in all but name, the ‘Kempeitei’, is reformed as an organization as an intelligence and security agency, as well as a secret police and conventional military police force. The agency remains shrouded in mystery, with rumors drawing parallels to the gendarmerie utilized by Japan at the height of their Empire in the Second World War. ____________________________________________________ ACTIONS AND INVESTMENTS - TURN 2 AP/RP Production 24AP(Base - 6, Trade - 2, Agriculture - 12, Provinces - 4)/7 RP Upkeep/Expenditure -0 AP for Naval Upkeep (49 AP) -0 AP for Ground Upkeep (8 AP) -0 AP for Aerial Upkeep (6 AP) Construction/Recruitment Recruitment of 30,000 additional infantry (6 AP) Recruitment of 2,500 ARDB (Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade) (1 AP) Recruitment of 2,500 heavy infantry (1 AP) Construction of 400 additional tanks (4 AP) Construction of 100 AA (1 AP) Ongoing construction of an additional agriculture stack (11+5/25 AP) Research Projects T2 Fission (+7/20 RP) Robots (7/37.5 RP) (Cutting Edge Technology) RP Actions The Prime Minister proposes an alliance to the government of the Republic of China. (China) The 1st Carrier Strike Group is created and launch, beginning operations into the wider Pacific Ocean; comprised of the aircraft carrier Honshu and several cruisers and destroyers. (Mod) Trade is proposed to Australia, South Korea, and Sweden (Mod) Alternative energy means are ordered to be developed for the M.A.I.D. (Multi-role Autonomous Infantry Drone) Project. Scientists are asked to refine and expand upon Japan’s current understanding of fission for energy. (Mod) The government of Japan cracks down upon underground crime. Local police departments are sold surplus military equipment. In addition, all shipment and cargo coming in and out of the country at ports and docks is subject to thorough investigation. (Mod) In a perhaps controversial statement by the Prime Minister, Prime Minister Tagawa issues a formal and final apology for the atrocities committed during WW2. It is evident that his words were considered heavily beforehand and methodical. Yet, it does however address the issues of blatant denial on part of the Japanese for the past few decades. The statement acknowledges that the actions committed by the Empire were indeed wrong. The statement ends on a high note, as if clearing a burden off their chest and maintaining that Japan shall pave a bright path into the future, and that the past is behind them. (Mod)
  21. FEDERATION OF CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND New Haven, New Haven County, Federation of Connecticut and Rhode Island Assembled in the outskirts of New Haven were the brave men of Connecticut and Rhode Island. This was their last night before they’d break camp and set off on the march. Many of whom who had relatives in the area said their goodbyes. Some made their peace with God. It wasn’t too unreasonable to surmise the odds were stacked against them. The New Englanders stood defiant against an imperialist power upon their western border; who’d no doubt sooner devour the puny northern states than do any meaningful diplomacy with them. The men, and boys even, knew their cause was righteous. Or at least, so they were told. As night fell, hundreds of campfires illuminated the horizon some several miles inland from the Sound. Pitched around them were a myriad number of white tents. From all around, the men and the daily commotion of camp could be heard. They were restless, though, it was not as if they were to do battle in the morning. The Army was largely untested, green as the conifers dotting the New England landscape. Groups of men huddled together, telling folktales or singing songs; some of satirical nature others of a more solemn, grim note. Prime Minister Buckingham sat atop his atop his purebred courser, looking far out into the countryside. He felt a heavy burden upon his chest, feeling as if he’d be dragged onto the ground were he not perched onto his horse. The lives of these young men were on his conscience. He felt solely responsible for what would come of them on campaign. He had made far and wide pushes to take the war to southwards. Luckily, his sentiments towards the New Yorkers were shared my an absolute majority of the the Federation Parliament. The armies in the field would require immediate aid. The initial twenty thousand men held as a peacetime force would not suffice against the legions of New York and Virginia. Arrangements would have to be made. The stakes were high, and all was on the line. He would either go down and history as a hero of the Union’s downfall, or the one who had failed and doomed his countrymen. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Hartford, Hartford County, Federation of Connecticut and Rhode Island The following day, delegates from every corner of the Federation gathered in the Capitol Building. The army corps had just set began their long march to New York. With war being had, there was much to discuss between the regional representatives. Delegations from Providence, New Haven, and Hartford seemed much in favor of the war, while those from Windham or Tolland were either impartial or against. Among the topics being discussed were: “We must devote every available resource to our ironclad project. Wooden hulled ships are losing relevance on the high seas quick. We either fall behind and allow our enemies to dominate the waves or we go full steam ahead and spare no expense towards these floating fortresses…” “Children should be spared work in the dank, and putrid confines of the mines. The elements they are exposed to certainly are no good to their health and development. The work that they do can easily be filled by men.” “...Why should our sons die for a war in which they had no wish for?” “You either make it or your business now, or the enemy will decide it for you when they come with an invading army and subjugate all of you.” “...Our brave soldiers in the field deserve the finest equipment we can spare. The enemy hordes are numerous. We must increase production of uniforms and rifles as well as raise more men for the army.” Arguments ranged from serious to perhaps the mundane... “Our flag is horrendous. Who thought it was a good idea to have it as the state seal? Also perhaps an anthem to inspire the citizenry and the troops?” As the sun set, it appeared the Assembly had reached an accord, in the loosest stretch of the word. Either they had come to mutual agreement or couldn’t be bothered forward to argue further in an attempt to sway individuals whose minds were already made. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS War is declared upon New York. (New York) No expense is spared for the Ironclad Project. Naval Observers are asked to gather information in the field and relay it back to manufacturers back in Mystic to make proper adjustments. (Mod) Another 40,000 men from both Connecticut and Rhode Island are called upon to serve in the Federation Army. Mustering is to take place in the larger cities and absorb men from the surrounding areas. Springfield Rifles and 12-lb guns continue production. (Mod) A state sponsored land ordinance passes. State-owned industries are given rights to exploit the terrain of any potential resource or mineral. (Mod) An passes refining the Federation education system, with primary and secondary schools, and universities -- splitting grade levels, and paper testing. Regional governments are asked to fund such endeavors with support from the Federal government. (Mod)
  22. EMPIRE OF JAPAN Population: 158,500,000 Government: Constitutional Monarchy Provinces: 44 Allies: N/A Trade: China, USA, Russia, N. Korea, Greece, Poland __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Emperor in Politics With the abdication of Emperor Akihito, some seventeen years ago, the Chrysanthemum Throne passed onto the Crown Prince Naruhito. Though it pained many to see him move on, it allowed others a chance to exert their influence upon the new Emperor. Many look to the Emperor for guidance, from every corner of the Japanese Isles. His importance cannot be understated. Both factions of the government desperately vy to win his approval over. Whispers have it that he has been swayed to the cause of the conservative coalition. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The National Diet The National Diet was firmly in the control of the conservative coalition by means of absolute majority. With the Seiyukai (Constitutional Association of Political Friendship), the Shoraikai (Shorai Society), and to a lesser extent, the Kokumin Domei (National Alliance), cooperating for the time being, a period known as the “Bright Future” began. The Conservative agenda was pushed along with ease, with bill after policy passing without hiccup in what would otherwise be the bloated nature of modern day politics. Control was had in both houses of the Diet, and now, the Coalition aimed to exploit their advantage while they held it. The National Diet has convened once more; this time to discuss expenditure and military budgeting. The Conservative alliance expected a swift and decisive turnout. The issue was being put forth by the Seiyukai, by far the most moderate, yet most numerous faction of the coalition. It was thought that with the Seiyukai spearheading any proposals, then the odds of being dismissed or made out to be as warmongers or militants were far less. With luck, the Conservatives able to agree upon a far higher budget than they had initially imagined. Meanwhile, the minority parties fiercely contested but to no avail. The Minseito, led by Matsui Onaka, and their allies were severely outmatched in the legislature. Power had slipped from their grasps. Yet, they maintain that the conservatives had seized control of the government’s neck by means of exploiting the paranoia and fears of the people. As loud as their cries sounding, they fell upon deaf ears. Japan was regarded to once more exist in a golden era, one of peace and prosperity. The liberals on the other hand, were branded as impediments to Japan’s ‘bright future’. Any and all additions to Japan’s arsenal, were nothing more than to ensure ‘the safety of its own shores’. It was the natural step to the preservation of the Japanese peoples. Japan was dwarfed by its Pacific neighbors of the USSR, the Republic of China, and the new South East Asian bloc. It came as no surprise when the conservatives vowed to keep Japan one step ahead of its potential enemies, technologically and militarily. Even the liberal coalition could not argue such a stance. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Peace in the East Yet Japan should not stand on its own. For reasons unknown, the Emperor Naruhito of Japan, has went out of his way to pay a state visit to the newly founded Republic of China. With the end of communism, it was the least they could do to ensure a harmonious future in the region. Regardless of the two nations’ past with one another in the Sino-Japanese Wars, many in the government saw cooperation with China to be to Japan’s benefit. Let bygones be bygones. Afterall, the British and French were able to get along well enough after centuries of rivalry, no? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS AND INVESTMENTS Initial Investments General 4 Agriculture Stacks (100 AP) 2 Research Facilities (50 AP) Military 1 Carrier (8 AP) 4 Destroyers (16 AP) 1 Amphibious Carrier (6 AP) 1 Missile Cruiser (6 AP) 1 Gunboat (1 AP) 10,000 Infantry (2 AP) 200 Tanks (2 AP) 250 APCs (1 AP) 250 Howitzers (1 AP) 10 MLRS (1 AP) 100 Fighters (4 AP) 100 Helicopters (1 AP) 25 Bombers (1 AP) Turn 1 Actions/Investments AP/RP Production 18AP/7 RP Upkeep/Expenditure -0 Naval Upkeep (37 AP) -0 Ground Upkeep (7 AP) -0 Aerial Upkeep (6 AP) Construction/Recruitment - Construction of 2 additional Gunboats (2 AP) - Construction of 1 additional Missile Cruiser. (6 AP) Construction of 1 additional Destroyer (4 AP) - Recruitment of 5,000 more infantry (1 AP) - Beginning Construction of 1 additional Agriculture stack (5/25 AP) Research Projects Robots (7/50 RP) RP Actions - The Emperor pays a state visit to the leader of China (China)
  23. Application: Your Discord’s name: Tank#9694 Your Nation: Empire of the Rising Sun Short background of nation: At last Article 9 is abolished and the influence of the Nippon Kaigi is felt all throughout the Isles. With the Constitution revised, Japan no longer revokes it’s right to war and to field an offensive army. The more radical elements of the party had compared it to a near loss of sovereignty, under the boot of the United States. Although the United States proved a reliable ally and a ward against Chinese and North Korean aggression, it was time for the Japanese to stand upon their own legs. No longer would they be reliant upon a foreign power to maintain the safety of their own shores. In the years leading up to 2036, the Empire was undergoing re-militarization and a general re-education of the Japanese people. No longer would the Japanese bear the weight of the burdens of their ancestors during the Second Great War. Japan would rise once more, although to what extent was unknown. Government type: Ultranationalist Monarchism Suggestions/Feedback: N̶a̶n̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶ Nation’s Standing Army/Navy: https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=japan
  24. FEDERATION OF CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND (multi turn) Providence, Rhode Island, 1861 “...It pains me to say that the once United States of America are now no more. Brother turns against brother in this new age of turmoil. But yet, the men and women of Connecticut stand arm and arm with those of Rhode Island, in solidarity. There is hope yet for our future. All is not lost. As we always have, we shall prevail.” “I ask much of the Connecticutian and Rhode Islander. No longer can we rely upon the aid and the protection of the Federal Government. We stand alone, a potential feast for the wolves of the southern yolk. And to that I say, we will not go silently. Nay, we will fight for every inch of Connecticut and Rhode Islander soil with tooth and nail.” “We all must do our part, citizens of the Federation. I ask that those with heart for their homeland, those proud sons of Connecticut or Rhode Island, and those courageous enough enlist within the new Federation Army. And I ask that their families support their decisions, give food and quarter should a serviceman need and donate what precious iron you can spare to our industrial effort. For it is time to get the gears of our Federation moving once more.” And with that, the Governor stepped off the podium. His strides indicated urgency as he walked with an entourage of men into a cordoned off theater, presumably to meet with his Cabinet. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS The state-owned manufacturing plants finish construction (Turn 1). The plants are given the directive to new weapons such. M1861s are ordered in high quantity, as well as Colt Army Models and sabres for the officers and cavalry. (Mod) A number of 12-pounder Napoleon guns are ordered. (Mod) Governor Buckingham begins a large public opinion campaign throughout Connecticut and Rhode Island. His party comes to be seen as ‘war hawks’ by the opposition. An aggressive rearmament takes place throughout the country, and every citizen is called upon to do their duty. (Mod) Governor Buckingham calls for a committee to look into and take inventory of natural resources of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Mines are to be erected in surveyed land containing Magnetite, Siderite, Bog Ore, and Limonite, as well as worked by local men. (Mod) Private industry is subsidized and commissioned to produce less ‘hard’ equipment for the armed forces, such as caps and uniforms. (Mod) Governor Buckingham calls for another 30k troops to be drawn from the manpower reserves of Connecticut and Rhode Island for their currently 20k strong volunteer army. However, all men of age are required to register for selective service should the need arise. (Mod) Civilian sectors are permitted to continue their business, with much of the initial turmoil gone. Civilian fleets are encouraged to continue fishing and whaling operations into open waters. Shipbuilding is also reignited in towns such as Portland, Mystic, and Newport. More northern lands reservations are set aside for lumber yards. (Mod) With the lack of a proper navy, the minds of Connecticut and Rhode Island combine their efforts into a small, though modern design of warship. Plans are devised for the creation of a single turreted-ironclad vessel, low to the waterline. (Mod) Construction of the two frigates resumes (?) (Mod) The Government of the Federation of Connecticut and Rhode Island is refined further. An emphasis is put on the ability to act independent as well as with the Federal government. Governor Buckingham’s office is transformed into that of Prime Minister. The former counties are reorganized into states, each with their own governor and legislature. Further Prime Ministers are selected from their gubernatorial peers, who in turn are selected by those they represent. The Judicial and Legislative system however, reflect those of pre-fall America. The States of Fairfield, Litchfield, Hartford, New Haven, Middlesex, Tolland, New London, Windham, Providence, Kent, Washington, Bristol, and Newport are created. (Mod) A youth organization by the name of the Pathfinder Boy Scouts of Long Island Sound is created. The aim is promote positive personality traits, comradery, discipline, and teach important skills and ideas such as manhood, patriotism, and family. (Mod) Rowing is promoted as the favored recreational activity and sport within the Sound. Many clubs and teams form as a result, as well as annual rowing competitions taking place throughout the states. (Mod) The 1st Connecticut Pioneer Regiment is founded with the purpose of creating a select, elite unit of infantry. They’re to be well rounded with all equipment of the modern day battlefield and should possess key knowledge of the terrain of the local land. (Mod)
  25. 203RD ATTACK BATTALION REPORT Troopers of the 203rd engage in a combined arms warfare drill alongside an AT-TE of the 1st Armored Platoon, before their first deployment. “All this preparation -- what for? I mean, when’s the last time you’ve even seen a battle droid?” asked Thorne, though his gaze fixated on the lower valleys of Baseplate through the view of his macrobinoculars. At the base of the mountain, several clones were refining the cavalry assault, in which several AT-RTs would be deployed ahead of the infantry to punch holes through the enemy line. “Hey, I just follow the orders. Not give them… -- well, sometimes give them. Pass on orders, maybe?” said Sloane. “You don’t seem so sure.” “You don’t seem sure of our operation here, buddy.” “Our operation here… is over. There is no droid army here. If there’s no droids, there’s no need for us. We have no use. Pointless. The Republic doesn’t even know where out here. Either that or we’ve been abandoned; discarded. We’re clones and thus dispensable.” “Why don’t you pack up and leave then? Oh wait, you can’t. I’m tired of hearing it. Now get your damned act together soldier.” Thorne sighed, “I was out of line. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be so down. We all have our doubts sooner or later. But remember this -- Attre is the only thing keeping order ‘round here. We can’t be sowing dissent, unless we want everything we’ve worked for to fall apart.” “I get it.” he shrugged him off. “Good. ‘Cause I’m not done with you yet. We’ve got a ping on the motion sensor is Sector 3. Seems large. Take a squad out there and check it out, will you?” Thorne cocked his shotgun once, nodding, “Oh, I hope it’s a rancor.” __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A painting of the panoramic view of Coruscant; at the center, the Galactic Senate Building, on display in the new Arranoc Senatorial Building, c. 16 BBY “If it is war they want, it is war they shall have.” - Chancellor Aleon Rhyos “Combat is a clone’s natural instinct, Chancellor, I assure you.” said Attre, standing amidst the office of Chancellor Rhyos. “Very good. We may very well have an operation yet. And I know your men have been longing for battle.” “What do you suggest, Chancellor?” “A new collection of rogue city states has formed, having named themselves the 5th Edichi Republic. They are warmongers, and have threatened and attacked the City of Myridos.” “How is this any of our concern?” “Their presence is a direct challenge to our authority.” Attre simply nodded. “Then you understand. I need you and your men at the front to bring the fight to the 5th Edichi Republic at every turn. They may grow too strong if unchecked, which is why we must lend our aid to Myridos.” “Very well, sir. I’ll make preparations at once.” “Act with haste, Commander. We face a numerically superior foe. It may not be long until the Myrisdosian defenders are overall.” Attre spoke no more, and understood what was asked of him. He clicked his heels together, bowing before the Emperor before turning off and leaving as soon as he entered. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIONS The production of Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-Wing starfighters continues. As well, several individuals are chosen to undergo the new pilot program. (Mod) Republic forces are sent to aid those of the City of Myridos. (Mod) The recruitment drive is kicked into full gear with the onset of war. (Mod) The Republic reaches out to any manufacturers within Arranoc for a new vehicle contract -- the production of AT-TEs to compliment Republic mechanized units. (Mod) Another contract is devised for a shipment of small arms weaponry to any manufacturer willing. The contract calls for a large sum of DC-15, DC-15A, and DT-17 hand blasters. (Mod)
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