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Everything posted by TankM1A2

  1. ban war lame 

  2. stop looking at dewper's post and look at something actually important like techlock

    1. seannie


       if only

    2. Guest


      norland getting slapt is a annual thing.

    3. TankM1A2


      times are trying, my friend. we must be prepared to fight for what we want.

  3. @UnBaed yo gurl I heard u make art

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TankM1A2


      I intercepted and decrypted your transmissions. How does one acquire

    3. UnBaed


      that is a secret 

    4. TankM1A2


      wtf I thought we were friends

  4. ? CDC Warning. Take all necessary precautions to avoid blue tag fever. ? ⚠️ Resist the game moderation. ⚠️ Don’t fall to their tricks. ⚠️ Remain strong.

    1. mitch dharma
    2. Fireheart


      *Touches Tank* "You gotta apply now" :3

    3. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      ur still a *** fireheart 

  5. Damn, should've warmed up in the bullpen.

  6. If you’re an Ela main don’t talk to me

  7. @Knox stop playing playing far cry 4 and come back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zacho


      i feel tension here

    3. TankM1A2


      i never said he was my dad bro..


    4. Zacho


      but if you called him bro and his dad is... then you are... adopted?


  8. courland boys, make some noise aruu

    1. Arygon


      i love you

      Edited by Arygon
  9. Request form: IGN: TankM1A2 Full/Clothing/Head/Edit: Full Alex/Steve form (if you choose the alex form you're a soyboy and i cant make female skins anyway): Steve Ref: Description/Reference: Do this for me, my Icelandic friend. With short hair and without the white tattoos. Can't really see the bottom so I'll leave that up to your discretion. Pants and boots probably. Your discord/skype so I can contact you if I need you to elaborate about your request: TankM1A2 #5162
  10. >when you're trying to pvp but a welf shouts AME AME AME over voice.

  11. skadaddy

    1. Guest


      is it weird I have a huge crush on u?

    2. TankM1A2


      its ok. the feeling is mutual :3

  12. kaldwin is a fiend. the true menace of humanity. be ashamed.

    1. Kaldwin_


      ur not wrong

    2. overlord2305


      I heard he's one of those devilish jay-walkers aswell! the fiend!

  13. @Chaw Hey kid. Wanna buy some syndicalism?

    1. Chaw


      the south will rise again baby

    2. Guest


      no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no


      @Chaw @TankM1A2

  14. Who is heNarthok? Have your English teachers ever told you about being vague?? blease resbond.


  15. >me hearing communism talk *MASS ASSAULT DOCTRINE INTENSIFIES*

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Mass assault and numbers is how the USSR eventually beat back the German blitzkreig

  16. _Stigwig's a GM. The infiltration of the ranks has begun...

  17. Can I develop Agent Orange to deal with this influx of Bryophites??

  18. Killer Keemstar here with another episode of Drama Alert. #Welves

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      funny thing is tank i can imagine you being the dirty neckbeard gnome running drama alert

    2. TankM1A2


      I'm literally Asian

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