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  1. Opinions on Halflings?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      @SquirtGun We have made a new village in order to reorganize and get all of the halflings back into one village, I made a chat with all of the halflings in it, and we collectively decided to form a new halfling village all together, so that the halfling race may be whole yet again.

    3. Bvie


      As someone that gave Halflings more land then their own capital city so they could flourish, not being told whats going on when asked by several halflings was a slap in the face. I wish you luck wherever you go, but constantly moving and trying to rebuild doesn't save a populace. This map has shown that already for several communities. Buckling down and sticking to one spot and reworking until you find people that are active and have the drive is what has to be done, because the Ooohs and Aaaahs of a new area only lasts a short time. 



    4. NotEvilAtAll


      The best way to learn about the recent halfling events these days is to be a part of their skype chats

      Other than that, it's usually pretty hard to get good information

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