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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by AlphaMoist

  1. With all this walking, our characters must be so fit.

  2. There is no shelter from the storm.


  3. There is no shelter from the storm.


  4. There is no shelter from the storm.


  5. That moment when your very funny joke gets deleted without a reason why .-.

  6. *Waddles to Kiaus, punches him in the only place her short potato height can reach. Turns. RUNS!!*

  7. What should we blow up next in Felsen? Make your contributions below!

  8. How would you guys rate pokemon go? Should I download it?

  9. That moment when your wife guts herself in front of you

  10. Alright, so, 1.9 makes my minecraft beyond laggy, however 1.8 is smoother than a baby's butt. Anyone know of a fix for this? I already tried optifine and it isn't very helpful at all.

  11. Just a poll, would sacrifice rp be good rp? Would someone enjoy that ****?

  12. Alright. I am going to be killing off my main character, Millosm Lepida, but I absolutely need him to go out with a bang.. Any suggestions?

  13. That moment when your favorite city is allied with the enemy 

  14. Sign the petition to get MopeyLockez his computer back.

    Sign below 

  15. Behold, Oren, this is what your government resorts to.. Instead of professional propaganda, (they are incapable of creating this sort of content due to their immature minds), they instead go onto our Ostavarian chat and spam us with nonsensical paragraphs filled with obscene language; some of the language used could easily offend the easily offended, so view this next gyazo link with caution if you fit into this category. Behold: 



    Welp, you win Oren. You have definitely outmatched us. Good for you.


    (see yall sunday!)

  16. Behold, Oren, this is what your government resorts to.. Instead of professional propaganda, (they are incapable of creating this sort of content due to their immature minds), they instead go onto our Ostavarian chat and spam us with nonsensical paragraphs filled with obscene language; some of the language used could easily offend the easily offended, so view this next gyazo link with caution if you fit into this category. Behold: 



    Welp, you win Oren. You have definitely outmatched us. Good for you.


    (see yall sunday!)

  17. Behold, Oren, this is what your government resorts to.. Instead of professional propaganda, (they are incapable of creating this sort of content due to their immature minds), they instead go onto our Ostavarian chat and spam us with nonsensical paragraphs filled with obscene language; some of the language used could easily offend the easily offended, so view this next gyazo link with caution if you fit into this category. Behold: 



    Welp, you win Oren. You have definitely outmatched us. Good for you.


    (see yall sunday!)

  18.  Why is it that a player is required to try and solve a conflict before initiating a report, but a GM can ban someone without hearing so much as a breath from the persecuted? Honestly some of these GMs are so corrupt, they are starting to look like U.S. politicians..

  19. Waiting for oren . . .



  20. Waiting for oren . . .



  21. Waiting for oren . . .



  22. Waiting for oren . . .



  23. Waiting for oren . . .



  24. justice for superawsome this is bias orenian mods who are against pvp

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