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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by AlphaMoist

  1. Uhh so myself and @Criala are looking for a dedicated cool guy to play our daughter, so if anyone is interested uhhh shoot me a pm here or on discord @AlphaMoist5682 I guess. Kid’s gunna have some v interesting rp

  2. Uhh so myself and @Criala are looking for a dedicated cool guy to play our daughter, so if anyone is interested uhhh shoot me a pm here or on discord @AlphaMoist5682 I guess. Kid’s gunna have some v interesting rp

  3. Uhh so myself and @Criala are looking for a dedicated cool guy to play our daughter, so if anyone is interested uhhh shoot me a pm here or on discord @AlphaMoist5682 I guess. Kid’s gunna have some v interesting rp

  4. Uhh so myself and @Criala are looking for a dedicated cool guy to play our daughter, so if anyone is interested uhhh shoot me a pm here or on discord @AlphaMoist5682 I guess. Kid’s gunna have some v interesting rp

  5. So you are going down forums and see my status and think to yourself: Hey. I could really use some art for my character. Then why not Peep my Holy land?

  6. Hello my name is tiger and im scared of seagulls? 

    roommate: why?

    Because they eat my food, and It makes me want to cry! and I cant have this kind of terror in my life.

  7. Blub blub blub= I love you all

  8. I have a free persona and I wanna join some bois. Who’s game?

  9. Flamboyant is the Thanos of lore, once he saw it he just clicked his fingers and shelved half of it 

  10. Interested in getting involved with High Elven purist roleplay? Consider joining the Auceps family! Check out our family post here, or message me on discord if you have any specific questions.


  11. give me my minecraft

  12. Do yourself a favor today and watch this


  13. When the High Elves are top 5 most active settlement and don’t have nation-status (with all the benefits it comes with). 

  14. RIP the Curon parody post

  15. lets try dropping double standards??

  16. lets try dropping double standards??

  17. lets try dropping double standards??

  18. lets try dropping double standards??

  19. Kiaus ya bastard

  20. Haha I feel like I'm in Highschool again 

  21. step 1 to being a good roleplayer

    if you're an elf dont emote your ears twitching PLEASE

  22. quite sad when you're lied to about a promotion, promised it in exchange for [redacted]... then it is handed to someone else who was on the team for a week? i c u.

  23. Daily reminder to brush your teeth twice a day at least

  24. Damn, never seen multiple threads get removed so quickly. Staff in panic mode.

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