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Status Updates posted by TwinkleStar

  1. Does anyone out there have a working version of schematica? I cant seem to get it to launch at all :<

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Elfen_


      I have schematica working just fine with Optifine. And im using forge.

    3. Anderssn


      Might just be my version then

    4. Elfen_


      i've updated a lot of my mods recently, just not forge(kinda of a pain to update).

  2. is anyone else getting a lot of lag?

    1. squishybear7


      yea a ton over the past couple days

  3. Shop set on fire, skybombed by a roid rage kha that tore up my face. Pretty good day actually.

    1. Nardi


      I like burning shops and libraries on fire.. Books seem to be burned by me all the time.

    2. BonesOfTheEarth


      God dammit idk if I can fix this one 

  4. Anyone know if non donators can tame polar bears or not? Im afraid to use my egg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taketheshot


      When were you told they were fixed?


    3. TwinkleStar


      A restart had a broadcast message saying they were fixing the polar bears, but I havnt seen any announcements, broadcasts, or anything saying that they did indeed fix it. The one GM online didnt know, as to why i popped up here.

    4. Taketheshot


      Hmmmm. I would recommend taking screenshots of the egg then the polar bear when its spawned and enjoy. if it breaks ask for a new one with your proof.

  5. Are polar bears seriously only tameable by Aether VIPS? That

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TwinkleStar


      Maaaan.. Ive been trynna get one for RP reasons :<

    3. Taketheshot


      I dont know why it would be removed, they are available to players and coded that way. The problem is that there are 2 polar bears in the game. Tameable/rideable ones and regular bears. When the server loads after a restart it loads entities which includes your custom bear first. Because the pets plugin loads after restart. So if you spawn one it will be deleted automatically upon server restart. its in the process of being fixed though.

    4. TwinkleStar


      Hopefully it can get fixed soon and Ahonbarr the book bear can be born.

  6. How much are records worth?

    1. Argontum


      Not really much, I'll say about 30 considering no one uses them

  7. What are records worth? Blocks and Ward specifically?

  8. Did the server go down or is my computer just screwing with me?

    1. CaptainBrock
    2. TwinkleStar


      ...Okay this is getting screwy, every time I get close to doing something, it goes down! XD I am cursed..

  9. Finally meet someone who can maybe gib book.. Suddenly downtime. The nerdrage knows no bounds.

    1. EdgyMagey


      yeah GUYS look at me I READ BOOKS im such NERD

  10. So I just got a computer again, and it seems there's a new map. I feel like I should start fresh alongside it, is anyone good at skinning that's willing to help a scrub out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Petals4013


      i can just do hair lmao

    3. MunaZaldrizoti
    4. TwinkleStar


      I was hoping to get a skin made of a picture my mate doodled since i thought it was cute, but im awful at skinning. All i could do was scribble ugly colors on the doodle XD

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