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Posts posted by Aidoro






    Issued by the


    On this 8th day of Tov ag Yermey of 491 E.S. 





    Throughout the history of Haense, dogs have played an integral role in the culture and daily life of the region. From companionship, to guarding and hunting, these loyal and skilled animals left an indelible mark on our history. House Ludovar– in particular– are well known for their connection to dogs, notably their renowned breeding of a specific dog: the Ottoshund. Such hounds were descended from herding dogs, and are now fit to fulfill many jobs due to their size and temperament.

    To honor this historical bond between Haense and its faithful canine companions, a grand dog race event is set to take place within the town square. As participants and spectators gather to witness the thrilling races, other festivities and stalls will be set up to be enjoyed by all.









    Similar to celebrated races held in other nations, a charming track will be laid out to challenge the young, eager puppies as they showcase their agility and spirit. Alongside this endearing spectacle, spectators will line the sidelines– anticipating the triumphant arrival of their entered canines. Owners, in the spirit of friendly competition, can encourage their puppies to reach the finish line. As the dogs dash towards victory, treats and affection from their owners and other spectators will await them at the end. 





    Amidst the joyous atmosphere of the event, an exciting opportunity awaits attendees in the form of friendly wagers. As the energetic race unfolds on the track, betting booths positioned around the course will offer a chance for attendees to showcase their instincts and predictions, further enhancing the thrill of the competition. With each bark, leap, and dash of the racing dogs, the suspense will grow, and the stakes will grow higher the more bets are placed. Should a dog win, the amount will be dispersed between all those with a ticket for the winning dog. This is all in friendly competition, so the honor system will be utilized- if you use, pay up. 



    An important part of this event is finding young pups their forever home - whether an elderly lord wanting a companion, a farmer needing a herding dog, or a child wanting their very own new best friend. Seven puppies, ranging in different sizes, colors, and temperaments will be up for adoption - eagerly anticipating their proud paw-rents.


    A playpen will be included by the adoption center, so that children can play with their puppies, with toys being included in the pen. Great for bonding with your newly acquired friend!


    In addition, a small stand will be set up, featuring commodities such as fine-toothed combs for dog grooming, dog biscuits and treats, as well as toys for your new puppy!






    Wednesday, August 23

    4pm EST | 9pm GMT







    Her Royal Majesty, Amaya of Venzia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald, and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, etcetera


    His Excellency, Fabian Otto d’Arkent-Kortrevich, Grand Lord of Hanseti-Ruska


    Lady Liridona Ingrid Amador, Regent of House Amador, 

    Lady Chamberlain of Hanseti-Ruska


    Lord Murtagh Matyas Amador, Master of the Wardrobe of Hanseti-Ruska, 

    Protector of the Phoenix


    Lord Aldrik Ludovar, Ward to the Lady Chamberlain of Hanseti-Ruska


  2. Something of amusement to me has been the idea that European players on LOTC are smarter than NA players. So, I challenge the eastern hemisphere to beat us in a trivia contest. We pick a date, pick a time. Five or six categories of trivia, and we see who truly is smarter. We draft players, and then we see. @BorinYou as team EU captain, vs me as NA captain

  3. image.png.65a0e54a1ca3c58dc7162e1006ba9a39.png

    Ruslan Ludovar performing the Valdev Shuffle c. 131


    We are here in downtown Valdev, where everyone is excited about the new song that's sweeping the nation, it’s called the Valdev Shuffle!


    The Valdev Shuffle


    New city, time for a dance

    Valdev Shuffle, Valdev Shuffle (x2)

    ♛Bow, bow, to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng ♛

    (We got a brand new realm!)

    ♛Bow, bow to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng (x3) ♛


    Valdev’s best bard,

    These lyrics go hard.

    Tryna down some carrion black,

    All these fine maidens are throwin it back.

    I just let the blessings flow from my soul,

    ♝Praisin St. Karl, that is the goal ♝

    We stay reppin in the duma,

    Adrian females be smellin like tuna.


    Brand new dance, it’s called the Valdev Shuffle

    It don’t matter if you’re young or you’re old, here we go

    Chorus (x2)

    We gon show you how it go:

    To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right

    To the left, to the left, to the left, to the left

    Now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick

    Now walk it by yourself, now walk it by yourself

    Aye let me see vy do the Valdev

    Bow, bow, to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng (x8)


    Now you see what I’m talkin about,

    As a nation we are most devout-

    Every battle shall end in a rout,

    Our people’s strength never in doubt.


    Bow, bow, to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng, to vyr Koeng (x8)

    The Valdev Shuffle, here we go!


    Chorus x2


    We got a brand new dance,

    We got a brand new sound,

    We got a brand new feel,

    We got a brand new realm!


    The painting would depict several Haenseti citizens participating in the Valdev Shuffle


    This obviously is a post, that whilst is in roleplay, is very much meant for fun- nothing more. One of my favorite memories is Haense is how the Brotherhood of St. Karl would, during rallies, have many players do the cupid shuffle all at once, so I thought it would be fun to turn it into a song that could be sung irply. If I placed the post in the wrong place just lmk

  4. The Inaugural Grand Tournament of Haense

    Hosted by Ruslan Kvazyev @Aidoro and Elia Eryka Colborn-Stafyr @DahStalker





            The Inaugural Grand Tournament of Haense will determine for the first time ever who the strongest, most skilled warrior is in all of Haense. Representatives from the great families of Haense are cordially invited to participate in the most pure form of combat, with the victor being dubbed the Champion of Haense. The tournament will be hosted every five years, with the victor being rewarded with the Resplendent Belt of Haense, a grandiose bear hide belt adorned with the finest jewels found in Almaris. In addition, courtesy of Her Ladyship, Ada Natalya Colborn, the victor shall have a brew in the Goat’s Lookout named after them until the next tournament!


           This belt will be contested over by sixteen warriors, with twelve families of Haense earning automatic spots, with four spots being given to the first warriors to register their name. All matchups shall be determined by the roll of a dice, so that fairness is guaranteed. The warrior who emerges victorious will earn honor, respect, and glory for their family, and solidify their mark as the best amongst us. The runner up shall earn a spectacular gold brooch, to signify their accomplishments in combat. In addition, a third place match will be held, with the winner receiving a silver brooch. 


          This event shall take place in the fighting pits beneath the tavern, with ample viewing space so every drop of blood, sweat, and tears will be seen! To take a break from the combat, halfway through the event there shall be a performance by Borris Iver Kortrevich (@alamo), whose lively music will be much appreciated! 


         The families who have been granted an automatic position are as follows:

                   - The Ducal House of Barclay @Fionn__TWG

                   - The Ducal House of Baruch @Drew2_dude

                   - The Ducal House of Ruthern @Demavend

                   - The Comital House of Ludovar @DearConnorMurphy

                   - The Comital House of Kortrevich @MapleSunflower

                   - The Margravial House of Draco @ItemVendor

                   - The Vicomital House of Colborn @worldeltaii

                   - The Varonial House of Pelear @Javert

                   - The Baronial House of Bishop @Lomiei

                   - The Baronial House of Godunov @poki

                   - The Baronial House of Weiss @SethWolf



          The final four slots shall be granted to the four individuals who register first. In the event that a house does not submit a warrior in time, those who registered after the aforementioned four shall be given the positions in the order they registered. Houses may not have more than one warrior participating.




       OOC Information: Signups will be closed by 11:59PM EST on Saturday, January 14th. Houses must submit their representative to either @Aidoro#0946 or @pollo#2635 by that time to officially solidify their slot within the tournament. The tournament itself will be held on Sunday, January 15th @ 3PM EST. The tournament will be entirely fist pvp, so no need to bring weapons.

    Ruslan Kvazyev & Lady Eryka Colborn-Stafyr
    14th of Deep Cold


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