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Status Updates posted by Yaldabaoth

  1. Mmmmmm Sæfty.......

  2. Omg… Mordu… so 👉👈 I've never had a magic but 😳 your telekinesis lore is just so good ❤️ would you be willing to give me a grandfather? 🥺

  3. One day people are gonna be nostalgic for arcas

  4. Petition to declare today national Omar Grimmer’lak Day. Exist to sign

  5. Reminder that if you slice of life on a ghost, or any other sort of undead/spook, you are cringe.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Unwillingly


      *uwu “pwease dont hurt me im not evil wike da west of them i am good dark mage spook” 

    3. Sorcerio


      omg no but my cute boy with horns woleplay uwu


    4. Nug


      casper the friendly ghost WHO

  6. Scrappy doo has been found dead in Miami

  7. What if... telanir resigned... haha just kidding... unless

  8. When the new villain getting announced hmmmmmmmmmmmm

  9. Wouldn't it be nice if common sense was actually common.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarsies


      lizard brain hours

    3. Hephaestus


      would be nicer if it was any sense at all

    4. Sorcerio


      Sense? Well- I have a few nickels but I dont think that invalidates anyone's roleplay

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