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Status Updates posted by Nonival

  1. Huge shoutout to the event team (and Unwillingly, you true MVP you) for all of their hard work and efforts towards designing and executing some legendary events. I got to participate in another one just a few hours ago and truly had a blast! (And Aldonza now has a couple more scars to add to her ever growing collection.) It can really help me grow in terms of different combat styles and helps my personas grow too. Plus, it can make for really cool stories to bring up on a cold night in the tavern, huddled around a fire with children and friends both old and new. 

    1. Unwillingly


      !!! ❤️❤️❤️ !! ❤️ 

  2. YAAYY!!! My main persona, the soldier Aldonza Castelo, just achieved damehood! I'm gonna cry outta excitement 


    H 2 0


    NO! NO! NO!

    (sounds better when said out loud in chant form)

  4. Community reputation of 69? Nice

    1. Nonival


      If you upvote this and ruin this beautiful moment, I will find you and I will kill you. 

  5. Found an interesting guide about roleplaying combat without a roll system:



    Some of it doesn't really apply to most LOTC situation, but still thought it worth sharing! 

  6. Heading to a renaissance festival tomorrow for my birfday! Just finished up my costume and super excited ? ? ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nonival


      oh yeah I might throw some up later


    3. Unwillingly


      Dude I want to the Ren festival last weekend ?  You should totally post pictures of your costume

    4. Jondead


      Happy briffenday ? hope it is wonderful!

  7. Hiya anyone stumbled on this post: I still have a lot of LOTC related documents from when I was super involved and go back through them on occasion. Stumbled across one that I remember putting quite a bit of effort into! The old Castelo drink collection. Here’s the doc if anyone wants to see:




    This collection was before the map change so does not exist in the world anymore, but still neat to look back on and remember the double chests of drinks proudly stored at the Castelo estate. Might share some other docs and fun pictures later. 

  8. I think I have a gum addiction. I'm doing like half a pack a day now 0.o 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nonival


      That is an excellent point, good sir.

    3. Man of Respect
    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      "im doing" damn it's not a drug

  9. Introducing the Castelo Coat of Arms. Took a lot of rough drafts before I finally found something I'm happy with ?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thesaintjaleel


      @Nonival thats cool, good job

    3. TJBMinecraft


      I could of made you one of you asked

    4. Nonival


      I mean, I wouldn't have known to ask but thanks anyways lol

  10. Out of curiosity, what is it that determines your rank? A mix of Content Count and Reputation? Cause I spend way too much time reading rather than actually posting to ever be able to get any where ?

    1. ToodIes


      It's just how many posts you make.

  11. Possibly one of my favorite forms of rp is tavern rp. An assortment of races all gathered around one table as they weave tales, each character nursing forgotten drinks. It's even better when the stories folks tell are actual events they've partaken in and are now recounting.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nonival


      Ah crap, yeah I see what you're saying. Thankfully the only story-telling tavern rp I've had in the past has all been fairly good. Someone is telling a tale in that grand way while other folks interact, commenting here and there.


      I dunno I feel like when done well it's a really cool experience being able to hear about the events that others have actually engaged in. Sometimes it can even arise questions and mysteries, engaging the listeners to possibly seek out answers in the future

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Nonival must be going to the right tavern!

    4. Nonival


      Yeah. It's this cool place in Santegia- ooo you meant the Mos' Le Harmelss cantina  ?

  12. So I've been having people wanting to pay me for skins or wondering why I don't ask for minas and I thought I might as well say here: 


    Skin making is not a priority. Sometimes, it may be a week before I finish a single one and any patience is its own form of payment.


    I actually enjoy it. It gives me a chance to practice and try all different types of skin creation.


    I never want anyone to feel obligated to use a skin I make for them since they paid for it. Especially if they don't like it or it doesn't suit their character as much as they hoped. 


    This isn't to rag on anyone that does have people pay for skins. Simply the way I do it.


    (The same goes for character art) 

    And this also reminds me! If you want skins better than I could ever make seek out roseways and her Perfect Seams Botique! (I'll have to link it later)

    1. oblivionsbane


      Cause you're the best, that's why

    2. amyselia


      love you noni

    3. Nonival


      Aww ❤️ You folks are too sweet


  13. So you know those photos where it's so hot outside that people can actually bake cookies in their car? It's actually a thing. Car cookies. 10 outta 10 would recommend. 

  14. So.... is there some family tree out there that depicts the Horen family? I'm having trouble keeping up with all these relatives ? 

    1. TJBMinecraft


      I've seen one. Quite hard to make out though.

    2. Nonival


      If you know where to get it or if you could link it I'd appreciate that xD Better than nothing


  15. Sorry I haven't been super active lately folks! Hope to be back in the groove of things real soon

  16. That feeling when you finally sit down and read all those forum posts that you set aside to read later. 

  17. There goes my beautiful 69 upvotes ;-; 


    And I didn't even think to get a screenshot. 

  18. When you have both writer's block and artist's block at the same time so you can't distract yourself from one by working on the other ?

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