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Status Updates posted by MissToni

  1. The player Charlemagne has threatened two players with rape and death-threats, one of which was me, and remains on the server.


    I will be posting this often now until he is banned.

    1. Jonificus


      Oppriktig forkastelig. I'd say I can't believe it, but fact of the matter is that I'm utterly unsurprised by it all. Terribly sorry that this is how staff is treating you, it is completely insane thinking.

    2. MissToni


      Thank you


  2. People really out here pretending to be your friend just to use your trauma against you to insult and hurt you when you do something they don't like on a MINEMAN server. Grow up people

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MadOne


      I'm here to talk if you want to miss toni!

    3. Ramon


      hope ur alr

    4. Shiredom


      Do you need anyone's neck broken, Toni?

  3. You can be the devil and I can be the sinner :3

    1. Creamy






      uwu <3

  4. Cookies are nice to eat.

  5. When you try to think of something clever to write on your status update, but nothing comes to mind... So instead you write that you are trying to think of something clever to write on your status update but that nothing comes to mind instead. And I am gonna post this just to annoy you people who read my status updates, cause I show my love by annoying others. So when you are reading this know that I love you, but I also want to tickle you to death while I laugh (not literally, don't worry). 


    Oh btw, I want to eat some chocolate right now, so after class is done I am gonna go and buy some and then I shall post a picture for you all to see. Here is a cute puppy.IOrWaRb.thumb.jpg.dbb889e69463ac940ef5d78047bcbdce.jpg

  6. Okay guys... Serious question here! Should I make vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting when I get home from school or not? 

  7. I want to be fat so I can sit on my haters and squash them because why not?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. perses


      Nah.Tell me and ill squash them all myself with my hammer. :3

    3. Anderssn


      I can imagine you being fat

    4. AtomicSamurai



      Nah.Tell me and ill squash them all myself with my hammer. :3


      Image result for white knight meme

  8. I'm a turtle because I'm so slow at finishing...............                 MY FOOD! hahahaha, got you there. PFFFFTTT! 



    *whispers* I need help...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Llir


      i thought you were going to write 'my homework' so idk where you were going with that

    3. MissToni


      I don't know either

    4. mmat


      I thought you wanted me to talk to you about nexus but i guess not....

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