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Everything posted by Aelesh

  1. It'd probably be an idea to clarify that once a circle has been 'filled', a new one can be made with 'Pactmaking', that should hopefully alleviate the low amount of possible players problem. On the other hand, this is no more difficult to attain than any other magic. Find a teacher, and the teacher inducts you into the circle if they're willing; identical to finding a teacher and being connected in any deity magic/dark magic etc, etc.
  2. *watches his baby take flight* Be free my child! Zarsies has been my dream partner in crime, my writing would've come on nowhere near as well as it did without his constant support and interest.
  3. A nice little addition. +1
  4. Mana from the Void seems to be a bit of an issue right now, seeing as we have no explanation for why the Void can produce it. It may be an idea to talk with others and work out exactly why the Void has the capacity to do this (at least under these circumstances). Just seems odd for something that has no soul to have the capacity to produce an energy unique to them.
  5. There is no reason why one cannot develop abjuration to work in some other way; yes, it has up until this point referred only to disrupting mana anchors, but there is no reason why that terminology couldn't be expanded to also encompass another practice. As I said, a new method for defending against it could be developed quite happily to exactly the same effect. I do not think that it is a large concern, and could quite easily be incoporated into abjuration. I have also said in my previous reply that I understand exactly how abjuration works, and I agree that right now it only interacts with mana anchors. Why can we not develop a technique for abjuring Celestine-based magic based on filling an area full of mana + Voidal energy to prevent it from effecting the beings of others (thus resulting in effectively a ward/abjuration, as the magic cannot take effect)? There is no reason, seeing as a mage could pull this off theoretically. Basically, open up your way of thinking and think about abjuration as a broader platforms of 'kinds' of wards and abjurations that each deal with different magics in different ways. If you wanted to keep it very similar, you could even simply say that abjuration disrupts the make up of the energy, which would effectively result in exactly what disrupting the mana anchor would, this time it simply interacting with the aengudaemonic energy directly. If it's magic, it has used mana up until now, is really the rule - it isn't 'a rule that cannot be broken'. Considering that I have put forth reasons why this magic would be effected in exactly the same way as other magics by both Fi' and abjuration, I will turn your point around; why can abjurationists/Fi' mages not simply believe they are interacting with mana? At the end of the day, the only important thing is that the magic is capable of being abjured/warded/Fi' magic'd away, which it is, like all other magic. The reasoning behind not using mana, is because we do not want these magicians to feel fatigue as a drawback. It's been overdone, time and time again, and we feel that the rage is a more interesting drawback with just as much effectiveness. To sum this up; this magic is, for certain, capable of being effected by the three kinds of magic mentioned. No, it may not use mana, but seeing as it's still effected in exactly the same way I don't think it promotes a problem. People who have seen this magic, and who have been interested in it, have welcomed and encouraged the rolling. I understand that you may not like it, but others have really liked it for making the magic simple and easy to roleplay. It's not a matter of trust, just a matter of doing it one way over another.
  6. This magic has been crafted in such a way that the use of mana is not needed. Unlike other aengudaemonic magics, the power is not being channeled directly from the deity, much like Muun' magic; the power is stored within the user. This energy has a tendency to react to the word of Jomaal, and take on particular forms as a result of this. This magic is almost comparable to the Azdrazi in that an inner energy is simply activated or 'pushed forth', rather than controlled with a mana anchor. This is why energy continuously leaves the body of the Celestine, as they continuously have this aura that diminishes over time. It's quite an odd magic in that it does break a lot of rules, agreed, but that is hopefully what will make it unique rather than problematic. It is still affected by Fi' magic, since the energy can be thrown into the Void, and warding and abjuration could still be made to work; the abjuration would simply be corralling the energy or forcing it to remain in a single area, rather than destroying a mana anchor. There is no reason why all present skills to deal with magic cannot work against the likes of the Celestine, it is simply that these skills may need to be developed and researched IC (which is already the case for a budding abjurationist in the first place, mind you). This is what was meant originally, poor wording seems to have muddied that. I'll get to changing it soon. The rolling is the only way by which we can enforce a consistent method across all roleplay. It is suitably random, is staged in such a way that there is a different between master and student levels, and demonstrates something tangible that all can see. I like the rolling system as a means of producing a very tangible, concrete system for the roleplay. Peronally, I find the freeform nature of many other magics when it comes to 'drawbacks', much too freeform, and thus they allow for too much leniency either way. This magic is made to have very real, very tangible drawbacks that one can predict and know they will fall prey to. IC, I hope this tempers the Celestine's judgment of how and when they use their skills, given just how catastrophic it can be for them. At the end of the day, there should be no personal choice as to when you're character buckles; there are predefined limits and dangers over which you have no control, and you should be fully aware of them and unable to control them when roleplay ensues. The transformation only reverts if they are disconnected; just in the way that Keepers are always Keepers, Celestine are always Celestine. There is a ritual involving the scrolls that needs to be taught, and cannot be intuited. For the sake of secrecy, I shan't be disclosing it here, simply that this ritual exists, and it involves the use of the scrolls in the aforementioned Reliquary/Chamber of Advent. (Sorry if there are any typos or mistakes, typing this at speed.)
  7. Malchediael has been abandoned by one side of the aengudaemonic conflict, and cursed with unending rage for the rest of his existence by the other; that cursed was laid upon him in the present as well, theoretically after the deal was struck (though my chronology may be wrong). Even still, no matter when the curse was laid, he's been given a terrible burden to bear by Iblees, and I see no reason why they would ally. But again, I'm not sure this has any real bearing on the lore at hand. Cutting the Celestine out of the conflict with the dark arts users altogether is a poor idea; having them capable of taking part, and capable of abstaining completely, or even helping the dark arts users, is a much more interesting stand point to be able to take. I don't see the logic in completely removing any interaction at all. I have to say that this is very streamlined, so I'm not sure that's the word you're looking for. Strength is a very simple concept to understand. Nonetheless, I understand your concern, but this will come down to the quality of the roleplay and how well people choose to rp the magic. If it gets out of hand, it will be dealt with; if it continues to be an issue, we can re-examine the lore. But for now, I'd like to at least give it a try and see if we can rise above past issues. Strength is a perfectly reasonable avenue used in other roleplay settings, and I see no reason we can't make it work on LOTC, even if it requires a bit of work and iteration.
  8. 1. Despite being deific, the Druids do not follow the same thematic sense as this magic, or the other 'holy magics'. It is a magic based in nature where this is based in the 'Light', or that very basic 'cleric' or 'paladin' aesthetic. I would say that, looking to Paladinsim, Clericism, and Ascended magic, we can see that magics that follow that aesthetic are indeed very based around the slaying of the 'darker' creatures and magicians of the world. So, whilst druidism may have 'beat this to the punch', I personally wouldn't classify it as one of the magics I was referencing. What's more, is that this is not the SOLE reason that we created the magic, rather one of them. There are other reasons listed in the intro, all of which I think are pertinent and also important even if this particular reason may not be enough (and I agree, creating a magic with JUST that in mind would be a poor choice). 2. Malchediael has been discussed in the LT chat, and choosing to not take a side either way was seen as a more interesting alternative. Having been seemingly abandoned by Aeriel on the mortal plane for hundreds of years, and subsequently cursed by Iblees, it seems logically possible (and indeed, likely to my way of thinking), that Malchediael would have issues following either the Archaengul or the Archdaemon due to past conflicts with them, or simply negligence in the way of Aeriel. This is really a point of taste rather than an empirical one, and I think it has little relevance on the lore itself. 3. I'm not sure I entirely understand this comment, though it has been implied that this magic will not be limited to but one group. The reliquary is a neutral location, chosen and crafted specifically because it cannot be 'owned', as in truth it is 'owned' by Malchediael himself and his previous followers. Thus, it will always remain a centre for the magic, but not a centre for any particular group of people. I hope to keep it this way, and promote any and all to come to this location to partake in the roleplay and learn about Malchediael and his ideals. 4. Having this spell gives them the ability to take part in the battle with the dark arts users, yes, but a majoirty of their magic is 'neutral' and does not focus on the slaying of dark arts users. I do not expect people to simply 'not use this ability'; it is just that this is the only ability that has anything to do with the dark arts. Other magics, for example the clerical magic given by Tahariae, ALWAYS deal damage to dark arts users/creatures who come into contact with their power. Shades, for example, will always be damaged by a cleric if they attempt even to heal them. With this magic, a Celestine could empower a shade with courage without any ill effects for the shade. In this way, the Light of Malchediael and the magic in general can interact positively with dark creatures where other 'holy magics' cannot. Overall, the magic does not focus on the slaying of the darker creatures on the server, thus I would not call it hypocritical to allow people to take part in that conflict. 5. This will primarily come down to roleplay, as strength has been part of various creatures beforehand. I agree that this could be PG'd, but then all kinds of magic and abilities might be able to given poor thinking. I would not argue that this is a problem, as PG is potentially a problem with all kinds of magic.
  9. The name 'Celestine' has been in use in some lore pieces prior to this. There was an ET event line that used the name perhaps coming up for a year ago, which cemented the name in place. Despite being so similar, there is little I can do to change it given how illogical it would be; IC, this name is in circulation thanks to those events. I agree that it is unfortunate, however; sorry about that.
  10. Malchediael and His Celestine Introduction - When setting out to write this magic, we wanted to introduce something on the server that functioned in a new way mechanically from the magics - We wanted to provide a deity magic that doesn’t entirely revolve around slaying (word) ‘dark entities’ - We wanted to provide a communal magic that more than simply the users could take part in; something that could affect a community and promote roleplay throughout instead of for a few - We both enjoy the concept of words, or a language, holding power. Though several of the magics are commonly roleplayed as having various incantations that go alongside their use, nothing has been solely dependant on a language. That’s what we suggest here. - Something unique about this magic is that it is not adherent to one specific group like how the Ascended are the sole users of Aeriel’s blessing, Paladins do the same with Xan. It seems unfair that the blessings of Courage could be bestowed upon one specific group or other, and while we do have a planned place for this magic to begin, it will not be restricted. - We’re open to constructive criticism! If you find something that hasn’t been properly defined, let us know and we’ll work to fix it. If people wanna chat in voice, skype and Teamspeak are always open and we’d be happy to chat. We think we can make you feel as passionately about this as we do given the chance to speak in voice. The Nature of Celestine Celestine have a store of ichor within their body, which holds a certain amount of divine power; think of it like a battery, able to be recharged with communion. This may be partaken in through a ritual involving sacred artefacts, namely scrolls that tell the old tales of Malchediael and those of the Jomaal. By reading these scrolls, a direct connection is opened to the pools of Malchediaels’ power, and this power is allowed to suffuse the body of the Celestine. Following this ritual, a user of the magic will be utterly exhausted due to the amount of power they have called upon. One of the most iconic rights of passage involved in the training of a Celestine is the binding of a weapon. These bound weapons become an icon of the individual Celestine, and can be summoned to their grasp with the utterance of the weapon’s name, causing the weapon to wrench itself from wherever it might be, and fly towards their hand (if it is within 20 metres, or 20 blocks in MC). The weapon is unable to come to the wielder if there is no direct line of sight (No flying around corners or through objects). The power needed to wield words of the Jomaal tongue have side effects on the Celestine, one of which is that they are able to imbue their voice with such power that it can be heard at distances far greater than a normal shout. This is colloquially termed the “commanding voice”. Another of these side effects becomes apparent whenever a Celestine begins telling a tale or legend in the proximity of a fire. The power of Jomaal, pulling from Malchediael’s own affinity for flames, causes them to come to life with the imagery of the story. Every legend comes to an end, and the Celestine are acutely aware of this fact. While the powers granted to them by the Aengul of Courage are great, no-one lives forever and sometimes the odds are insurmountable. By uttering the name of Courage, a Celestine is given a second wind- their wounds seem to not affect them, energy is restored, and it’s as if they’ve joined the fight for the first time. This second chance is final, however, and at the end of combat, or upon the Celestine’s death (whichever comes first), the Celestine’s body crumbles away, engulfed by Malchediael’s light. It is the ultimate sacrifice, and to knowingly face death a sacred act of courage. (This is a PK) Being infused with the blessed Ichor of Malchediael has physical effects on the Celestine, making them a head or so taller than their counterparts and toning their physique to make them appear as paragons. In terms of added strength, it is roughly equivalent to that of a normal Orc. Part of the extreme fatigue associated with the ritual to become a Celestine is due to the physical exhaustion that stems from this transformation. Magical Mechanics The magic of the Celestine, does not in fact rely upon mana. As the power has been taken already from Malchediael, and is stored in the body of the Celestine, this energy may be made to leave the body by way of the ancient Jomaal tongue. Inlayed within this power even before its infusion into the Celestine, is a tendency to respond to the language of the Jomaal and shape itself based on the words spoken. When imbuing oneself with new power from Malchediael, mana is in fact used. Due to the nature of the Veil, and the great distance between the store of power and the Celestine, the Celestine will always be greatly fatigued following this process. As a Celestine wills their energy to leave their body by way of the Jomaal tongue, the energy can be seen to flow out of their skin in odd designs. When used in combat, or for any violent use, these patterns are rigid, as if the skin was cracking like stone under extreme pressure; when used peacefully, flowing designs can be seen across the skin of the user. Because the power of the Celestine magic is directed via the use of Jomaal, those who fight alongside the Celestine and have been prepared with the proper ritual may use the ancient tongue to direct the power of their Celestine ally. Whilst this still consumes the stores of the Celestine, they are not fatigued to the same extent as when speaking the tongue themselves. Non-casters who speak the tongue must have been prepared by way of holy water (explained in the Artifiery section), and feel fatigue as a result of speaking the language where Celestine do not. For those curious, Jomaal is the language created by the various cultures that came together in 'the northern people' specified in the story (spoiler at the top). It is comprised of flexio, dwarven, elvish and proto-Common words taken and warped to form a single 'pidgin language' formed out of the melting pot of cultures. Spell Charges Celestine spells are powered by the divine ichor within the Celestine themselves. When the power of this ichor is expended, Celestine must return to the sacred reliquary and commune with Malchediael to recharge. The amount of useable energy is quantified into spell charges, and at each Mastery Tier, the Celestine has a larger pool to work with. Spells are assigned charge values below. In character, this store of power increases as the ratio of ichor increases in the body of the Celelstine; where they begin their Celestine-hood at perhaps 20 parts ichor to 80 parts mortal blood, they end their growth at an even 50/50 split. This cannot be increased by other methods, and attempting to do so would likely result in death. The following is the charge pool per mastery tier: T1: 5 Charges T2: 6 Charges T3: 9 Charges T4: 12 Charges T5: 15 Charges Spell List Strength (3 charges to activate/2 if activated by another, 1 charge per one emote to sustain) Divine energy is willed to leave the body of the caster guided by the words of Jomaal and infuse itself either within their own flesh, or in that of another. Whilst the spell is continued, the infused enjoys incredible strength that outweighs even that of a well built orc. Bravery/Fear (1 charge for activation/ 0 if activated by another, 1 charge per two emotes to sustain) Divine energy is willed to leave the body of the caster, morphed by the words of Jomaal to instill a feeling of courage within allies, or a feeling of dread within the enemy. This emotion is overpowering and cannot be easily overcome, even with mental fortification. Unlike Illusion, it may not be broken if the afflicted realizes the spell is illusory. Stoneskin (3 charges to activate, cannot be sustained) An area of the body is coated with an ethereal Light that suffuses their skin; this area may be one arm, one leg, the torso, or the head. For the next two emotes, that area is given extraordinary resistance to blunt force trauma. Maces and the like shall find it trying to damage the affected area, whilst wearing armour as well will make that area essentially impervious for the duration of the spell. Once cast, the spell has a four emote cooldown period in which it may not be infused into the recipient again, due to the lingering divine essence, and the strain it would put on their body. Attempting to do so would likely harm them more than hurt them, causing a burning of the skin to the targetted area. Kinetic Slam (5 charges/ 4 charges if activated by another) Divine energy is infused within the weapon of an ally by way of the Jomaal tongue. For one swing, a great kinetic force is thrown from the infused weapon, throwing back anyone with a square metre of the point of impact for the weapon swing. Without exception, all are knocked off their feet, be they friend or foe. The kinetic force doesn’t not extend behind the point of impact, and instead fans out in a cone. Drawbacks The more charges that are expended of Malchediaels’ power, the more the Celestine falls to the rage imbued within Malchediael himself by Iblees. As this power leaves them, they no longer have the divine barrier needed to defend their mortal minds from the overpowering rage now placed within them as part of their divine nature. Once half of a Celestines’ stores are expended, rounding down, they must begin to roll out of twenty. If they manage to roll lower than the required threshold, the Celestine loses control and gives themselves over to their rage. In this state, friend and foe alike are seen as enemies ripe for the picking; the Celestine will attempt to kill all they identify, with ruthless efficiency. At this point, the rage of the Celestine shall be so great that casting their magic any longer is simply impossible due to the mental clouding. They must be restrained to protect both themselves and others, and if they are not seen to by another Celestine to aid them in recuperation (within the day), they will fall into a strange state after their anger subsides. Their vision will be excessively blurry (or blind in the worst cases), and their body shall be wracked with intense tremors for up to an IC year. Recuperation involves carefully using divine artefacts to feed little by little, the power of Malchediael back into the body of the Celestine. Flooding their system full to bursting once more would only bring on a new rage, which could easily result in worse as the mind finally shuts down completely, consumed by Malchediaels’ rage forever. Permanent mental scarring, PTSD and the same blindness and tremors may all become apparent in the damaged mortal, their Celestine status slowly slipping away as their ability to produce ichor recedes, leaving them but a sad husk with a flickering memory. T5: 7 - 9 charges expended (less than 17/20), 10 - 12 (less than 12/20), 13 - 14 (less than 8/20), 15 (less than 4/20) T4: 6 - 8 charges expended (less than 15/20), 9 - 11 (less than 10/20), 12 (less than 4/20) T3: 4 - 5 charges expended (less than 12/20), 6 - 8 (less than 8/20), 9 (less than 4/20) T2: 3 - 4 charges expended (less than 10/20), 5 (less than 8/20), 6 (less than 4/20) T1: 2 - 3 charges expended (less than 10/20), 4 (less than 8/20), 5 (less than 4/20) Artificiery/Inscribing into items Through a small incantation ritual, water may be blessed with some of the divine light of Malchediael. This water is typically used for other, more complex rituals. When consumed, it provides a number of health benefits, but is primarily used to strengthen the vocal cords of the non-Celestine, so that they may use the power of Jomaal without fear of internal damage. Once blessed, the non-Celestine may temporarily command the power of a Celestine, if they are allowed. (OOC consent required) If done in this way, the activation cost for the miracles of a Celestine are reduced by one. Once the non-Celestine has used a single spell, the powers of the holy water shall subside; taking another vial will not replenish their ability to use Jomaal for another IC day. By infusing ichor into a weapon as it is forged, it becomes receptive to the divine energies of Malchediael. Just as the body is able to hold the power of Malchediael so to does the infused weapon become able to harbour the energies of the aengul of Courage. Then, by inscribing the tale of a famed warrior into the weapon (in Jomaal), the weapon may take on strange new effects. Recharging the artefacts may only be accomplished by Celestine, who can infused their divine power into the latent stores within the item. (Artefacts may be created by applying with an MART, effects and all stipulated within.) Minor artefacts with aesthetic properties only can be made autonomously. Once the magic has been activated, it shall last for one ‘use’ and once that has ended, the item will NEED to be recharged, unless otherwise specified in the MART. The spells of the, Celestine may also be imbued into an object, since the focus of the divine essence is the use of Jomaal. These, being based on the spells already existent and not on new effects, do not require MART applications to be created. Each spell functions differently from its conjured form; 1. The weapon is lighter, easier to lift, and more keenly turns in ones hand with increased precision. Bows become easier to draw, and launch arrows with greater velocity than before. The weapon and the user are one. These enchantments last an OOC week before needing to be recharged. 2. Those who wear these artefacts may call on them to guard them from fear, the light stored within seeping into their body over a short period of time before extinguishing. These shall last for eight emotes before finally giving out their magic; passively those who wear these are more difficult to instill fear within by magical means. 3. Items enchanted with this power would become particularly resilient to blunt force trauma; when struck, they would glow brightly and use a little of their power to protect themselves from denting and the like. When put under incredible stress, the power of the enchantment will also be used to keep the item from bending or breaking. The enchanted item will be able to defend itself against 3-5 strikes before the enchantment dissipates. 4. Weapons will cut cleaner, as if aided by some unseen force. Flesh will be as of no hinderance to these keen blades, aided by divine force. With each strike, a little Light shall shimmer down the blade, bringing the weapon closer to exhaustion. The enchantment shall last for five strikes, before finally the enchantment is completely exhausted. Connection / Recharging The holy relics kept with the Chamber of Advent must be used in a specialized ritual only known to a select few, to create new Celestine. Much like the original Muun’ magic, Celestine have a pool of power from Malchediael on hand at any given time. Their ichor acts as a supernatural battery that keeps that power within it, slowly letting it filter out into the body of the Celestine. Thus, when using their magic, a Celestine does not directly connect to Malchediael; rather, they draw on the stores of power already kept within them. Regenerating the aengulic energy needed to power Celestine spells is accomplished by ritual means. Held within the Chamber of Advent are blessed relics, scrolls empowered by the original Celestine through words given to them by Malchediael himself. In order to recharge their power, Celestine must enter the reliquary and spend time studying and meditating over these scrolls, which possess a direct connection to Malchediael. Even if the Celestine is not actively using their magic (and thus expending charges) for a period of time, they must recharge once every two OOC weeks. Disconnection A specialized ritual which requires the attendance of three Celestine whom each know the ritual. When used, the target Celestine is reduced to their previous mortal state through a long session of intervention on the part of Malchediael, who works through the three Celestine to undo that which was originally done to create the Celestine. The disconnected Celestine will find that a little of Malchediael’s rage resides within them, making the more aggressive no matter the time. This rage may subside with time, or it may remain as a part of their character. For certain, the rage will remain with them for one year IC before dissipation is even possible.
  11. I have to say that I agree with BNK on this one; I like the idea of adding shapes/natures on top of the colours themselves, but I would personally prefer colours to remain in the spectrums we currently allow.
  12. One of the cursed continuously has to fight with a small group of settlers for control of a piece of land. Said settlers become associated with the idea of pillaging and land theft. Whenever they see them from then on, they see them in light of their fighting over land with them. Perhaps they meet a certain thief many times, and in the future that person becomes associated as 'a thief'.
  13. That sounds better, and I particularly like the idea of love towards members of ones' own hoard; I could see that evolving into a cult if the right stimuli was given, or at the very least, a family beyond blood ties. That kind of roleplay would be quite neat to see on the server. And the association from sub-conscious also sounds like a step in the right direction, makes them less a blank slate and more like. . . pack beasts, which is the kind of thing you want, but it would hopefully provide some better roleplay. Maybe if they interacted with certain people over certain issues time and time again, those issues would become associated with that person?
  14. Having a character who can't form meaningful, long lasting relationships with other characters isn't really a good way to achieve meaningful roleplay. Even if they can interact with people, these cursed would never grow as characters or become something interesting for the player base to interact with if they have no way to recall all those things that make us humans, human. Cutting them off from the ability to normally interface with other characters makes them too neutral of a character for their part in the world to mean anything. I'd recommend re-thinking this point, simply to allow potential players to apply some kind of character growth to their characters. Otherwise you may end up with some very bland characters.
  15. I'd be more interested in opening it up to all mages and allow them to customize their aura more; when I say an overhaul, I simply mean adding more layers to it than just colour so that all magicians (Voidal, deity or otherwise) can take part in it at a greater depth than simply a colour. Nothing as to it's mechanics or complexity, just it's layers. EDIT: but this is off topic, so probably an idea for us not to say anymore, sorry for clogging up the thread.
  16. Indeed, I was just pointing it out for reference. To be honest, I would be in favour of a serious overhaul/expansion to aura, to give it more possibilities and facets (think of it like colour + manifestation or something, aura can appear as a fine mist, or it can try to form random but ordered shapes, or any variety of pattern that also expresses something about the caster; ie. give more to the depth and possibilities of aura).
  17. Seeing as shades now work with mana over aura, even they don't use it for anything; we currently lack a magic that directly manipulates aura (seeing as arcanism only 'manipulates' it as a matter of course, rather than practice, and everything else only has it as a side effect).
  18. Ah, yes, I understand that - though in the current lore, it references aura as it is understood by LOTC magicians. Though it is different in the real world (as you say, beliefs are very different), LOTC doesn't currently have a form of aura that acts in that way. If aura was to become more like that, lore would have to be written for it - which again, I support, but currently nothing has been put forward as to these changes and how they would be made, and how they would make sense in LOTC.
  19. I've not heard this mentioned before, and have always been lead to believe that aura is normally completely stagnant; it can change with magical alteration (shades and soul trees are mentioned in the post, and are the only two I know of), or with great personal change (severe mental illness, for example, or perhaps just a 'great event' in one's life). Aside from this, I have not heard of aura being so 'fluid' as you mention. Simply because this isn't frequently mentioned in other lore that references aura, I'd then advise that you may want to look into making lore to elaborate on aura, simple because other people have a more simply interpretation of it (one colour, produced naturally and more so when casting magic as mana is utilized).
  20. I'd be interested in how exactly this is meant to work, though I have no qualms with it working. Just thinking about aura logically, there is no obvious reason why someone's mental states would affect the production or the 'feeling' of their aura, and thus would allow someone to detect their mood from it. Seeing as aura is produced simply as a matter of course for a living soul, I would be interested in hearing why mood might affect the production of aura; I can see ways that it could work, so don't feel that I'm disbarring you from making it so, I'm just interested in it and wanting to prompt some explanation of it. More depth for the lore is good! I'd also mention that the aura colour = character archetype lore has been VERY lax for quite some time, so asking people to correlate their character to their aura might be unwelcome. It's a minor point that some people might find an unnecessary hindrance when wanting to design the aesthetic of their character, so it might be an idea to weaken the ideas surrounding the meaning of aura colour.
  21. A little confused by this, in what way is the target generating aura? No mana is being used on their behalf, unless you mean that the mana being used by the caster, can be seen producing aura around them as it works? The target themselves would not be producing aura, though the mana of the caster around them will do. Another similar query, the object being transmuted shouldn't be producing aura, but the mana being used to transmute it would. If you mean what I'm describing, it would be beneficial just to change these bits of phraseology to let us know that you mean the mana is generating aura, and not the subject of the magic being cast. Otherwise, the concept seems to be a nice addition, something small that people can enjoy; you get a +1 from me in terms of the idea.
  22. The aura will be the colour of the caster's whom imbued the mana into the object; that mana also has colour, we simply only see it when it becomes aura.
  23. You used the word 'reclaims', suggesting that the mana had come from the Void in the beginning; if it had not come from the Void in the beginning, you should have used the word 'claims', not 'reclaims' suggesting that at one point the Void controlled it. And, what my friend above just said; a broken mana gem just allows it's mana to escape, become aura, whilst the gem becomes inactive. EDIT: also, the question 'what happens if there's a large concentration of it outside an aura?' is strange - from that phraseology, you seem to suggest that aura is mana, or that they are at least comparable? I may be misinterpreting this, so feel free to explain.
  24. You seem to be under the impression that mana somehow 'returns' to the Void after it is used, or perhaps, that mana has come from the Void in the beginning. This is not true. Mana exists only in the 'real world', in the souls of descendants and as passive mana in the structure of the world around them. 'Un-programmed active mana' will not go to the Void when it is no longer in use, it will simply dissipate into the surroundings as aura, the 'smoke of mana' as it has been called many a time.
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