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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Hey mods, how come

  2. killer smooth warclaim, I had a total blast

  3. Halfling garden plots? Of course!

  4. halflings active lads

  5. oh boy it's been postponed

  6. somehow I find this even more embarrassing than the Norland warclaim failures.

  7. Why don't we just bring people in waves instead of having some people be unable to attend as the contingency plan

  8. maybe the truce should've been extended through new years tbh

  9. man the halfling community is truly great

    1. Laeonathan


      One day I shall make a halfling.

  10. 100% real detective not a fraud at all

  11. battles where both sides say they won is turning into a recurring theme on LOTC it comes back every year I swear

    1. MadOne


      okay but i won

  12. The war has turned into an auction

  13. well that event sure didn't go as planned

  14. Halfling Farmer's Almanac is back!

    1. Lubbie


      Halfling Chronicles 

  15. I demand snow nodes

    1. Stripez-Purple


      I'm gonna assume Snow Nodes still do not exist?

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      They do now, thankfully. I had to make a wreq for them to get added

  16. Whether or not it's a good idea, a total ban on romance RP would unenforceable and a huge drain on mod resources to ensure that no characters fall in love with each other.


    I don't think that'd be the anti-pedo solution we're looking for

  17. I dare staff to remove this status update

  18. inflating numbers for rallies and deaths on the wiki is dumb let's just use the real numbers for everything so I ain't gotta try and understand what scale is being used.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Laeonathan


      yeah I thinks its cooler to claim 30 000 instead of 30. In actual wars these were just scout skirmishes, it's way better for this for storytelling

    3. Jentos


      very based thank you

    4. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Willing to give one order of magnitude, more than that starts feeling silly

  19. Ayo got a thingie right here

  20. Hello there. I am one of the "roleplay decentralizers" you speak of. I live and roleplay in a small settlement that steals all of it's 0.01% activity from honest, hardworking cities. Everyday we shill for new players to join our settlement just so we can abandon them there and watch them quit. Our paid shills spam the forums with pro-freebuild propaganda and our staff sleeper agents vote against any crackdowns on our nefarious activities. Whenever you're in a city tavern (the best place to be on the entire server, GODAN bless), remember that for every nine players hanging out there, WE have stolen one of them from you, whisked away into our settlements to do farmer RP and share in our inactivity. The age of the city is done. The era of the village is here.

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