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Status Updates posted by TJBMinecraft

  1. "If you don't have a vision of where you're going; if you don't have a goal where to go - you drift around and never end up anywhere"

  2. *smirks* and now another nation is using a wax seal I made. Pm me on discord if you want your own.

  3. 10/10 for people memeing on a family rp post

    1. ryno2


      10/10 keeping it in the family

      Edited by ryno2
  4. Any good builders here, if so can you pm me I'll show you what I want made then you can ask for a price

  5. Anybody have the Rothesay coat of arms?

  6. anyone make good armour skins. Apart from UberGoobie?

  7. bring back Kaz'Ulrah!

  8. Did anyone record a video of the warclaim tofay, if so may I have a link please?

  9. did the server just die again for anyone else?

  10. Does anyone here make good coat of arms. If so send me a pm of some of your work please to look over. You can send it through the forums or on discord. My discord is TJBGamer#9681

    1. Quirkyls


      whats in it for anyone here making good coat of arms?

    2. TJBMinecraft


      I'll pay you minas, depends on how much you charge. I can't pay you irl money though as I'm dirt poor xD


  11. Does anyone here shade skins. If so hit me up on my discord TJBGamer#9681 so we can work out a price for my skin to be shaded.

  12. does anyone know when Johannesburg get destroyed

  13. Don't forget to check out (and possibly bid) on my skin auction - you have 3 hours left before it ends. God bless you all

  14. Don't forget to check out (and possibly bid) on my skin auction - you have one day left before it ends. God bless you all

  15. Don't forget to check out my skin auction in celebration of LOTC's Ten Year Anniversary 

  16. Don't forget to place your bids on my skin auction - you have 5 days left before it ends

  17. Fimlin is the best grandaxe

  18. give us a tutorial on tool rods...i beg you

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Hmmm... that’s a bit of a problem. 


      Maybe Applewood is supposed to be a drop from another node, as a percentage chance of something?


      If not then message world team/devs to see if they can get nodes put in for this all.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      There appears to be applewood next to the Thanhium mine

    4. devvy
  19. Got to love being backstabbed

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Boonay
    3. gamer124


      >freebuilder drama

    4. Legoboy7984


      You should know A LOT about backstabbing TJB. So, you can't be mad at MCVDK for doing that.

  20. Has anyone got a video of today's warclaim

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