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Everything posted by MadOne

  1. Agreed on this year of 1975 between the Church of the Canon and Heartlander Confederation. With the signing of this agreement, the Church of the Canon and Heartlander Confederation, henceforth referred to as the ‘signatories’, do agree on their honor to the terms laid forth in this document hereafter. I. The signatories agree that the Lemon Charter of 1932 and all its clauses come to fall away. And that one year after the signing of this agreement the Free Grange of Lemon Hill shall cease to exist and its lands be incorporated into the Crownlands of the Aaunic Province under the stewardship of a Royal Governor appointed by the Aaunic Crown, who shall for now be the Bishop Saint Godwin. II. The signatories agree that the Monastery of the Sacred Heart shall be preserved for all time in its scope and consecration alongside the dated cornerstone and the monastery’s catacombs. A. And that rights to alter the monastery, being changes to its palette, accessways, towers, and holy chapel, are to be retained by the Diocese of Saint Godwin and its presiding Bishops both now and in the future. B. And that Ser Morgan of Angren is to retain stewardship of the crypts and former residents access to its catacombs. III. The signatories agree that the shrines dotting Lemon Hill are to be preserved for all time. A. Those shrines being those dedicated to Saint-King Daniel, Saint-King Caius, Saint Robert, Saint Foltest and the late Cardinal Tonito. B. And that the Aaunic Crown shall pledge to preserve any and all other holy sites on what once was Lemon Hill also, safe should the Diocese of Saint Godwin wish to make alterations, which shall be recognized as the Bishop Saint Godwin’s full right. IV. The signatories agree that the first lemon tree planted upon Lemon Hill is to be preserved for all time at its current location. His Apostolic Majesty, John I, by the Grace of GOD, Apostolic King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp and Florentine, Baron of Blanchet, Protector of the Realm Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Viscountess of Mies, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, Hrenthorne, Resmore, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty His Eminence, Callahan Cardinal Artorus His Grace, Jean Bishop St. Godwin The Honourable Ser Morgan of Angren
  2. Caius I nods, pleased to receive the news as he had been presiding over a meeting with John of Aaun and Caius of Lemon hill during the time which the raid had occured. He felt as though his mind was about to explode from the politick, but the news of the Saulician's defeat brought the High Pontiff some solace.
  3. Agreed on this year of 1974 by the Academy of Hohkmat, and the Church of the Canon. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree the following… BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE TRUE FAITH, blessings to you who the Lord has put to pasture, blessings to you who dwell in the sheepfold of the Lord of Hosts, the God of Horen, Owyn and Godfrey. 'LO! And see that we march still upon the enemies of our Lord. 'LO! And see: do we do battle with the servants of Iblees, the slaves of sin and vice, with diabolists and idolaters in all places, with this service offer an atonement for children of Horen, for all the Church, that we might be pleasing in the eyes of GOD, our Lord the Most Merciful. Verily, the Lord is merciful indeed, and all the seed of Man and Women has he called to Him, to the shelter of His sheepfold, to the embrace of His grace. Amen, it is the Lord who is chief among all shepherds. It is in this spirit, in the pursuit of this atonement, and in the love of God who has called us to be shepherds of men, that we go forth into this concord, that we go forth upon the Magi for the keeping of them. them. As the Scroll of Spirit says; "So I find that you seekest impossible knowledge not for the good of all men, not for mere wisdom, but in desire for power, and indeed, an insatiable desire, for none can overcome the Lord. For this is the great sin of envy, the sin of desire that cannot be attained, and the deepest blasphemy." As the wisdom of the Prophets dictates to us, and as modern proofs abound, the Magi indeed are a people greatly tempted; by greed, by ego, by vanity upon vanity, and for this weakness does the Enemy prey upon them, and does Saul find way readily into their camp, to lay claim to the souls of men. Verily in these places where the Magi dwell, the servants of the Evil One dwell also with them, ever diligent in the conquest of the dignity of the soul. Defilers! As such, as it is for all peoples, the Magi is called also into the sheepfold of the Lord, away from all folly. As the Scroll of Spirit says; "Verily, brother, the Lord GOD is the Most Incomparable, and none can surpass Him, for He has no equal. And verily thou must find satisfaction in the service of thine own realm, the realm of all men. So to ye magicians I admonish: GOD is unknowable. He cannot be divded nor made again, and His mysteries are the holy mysteries, and no art is alike to His boundless ability." By these words do we govern ourselves by restraint, that this people may heed the words of the wisdom of God, as spoken unto us by the Prophet Owyn. It is in the spirit of Owyn's mission that we take up the crook over the Magi, to set them apart from the predators of Iblis as the Lord our God rightly set us out to do. Let us pray that the crook shall suffice in the guidance of the Magi, that they need not know the justice of the blade, but go willingly themselves into the sheepfold undefiant, serving the realm of men; the Kingdom of God as has been commanded of them. Thus, in the interest of purging the vile darkspawn menace which has infested all of our lands, the Academy of Hohkmat has agreed to the following requests of the Holy Mother Church: I.) All clergy, holy ordermen, monastics, and other servants of the Holy Mother Church shall be permitted to conduct patrols throughout the lands of the Academy of Hohkmat. These shall include those men of the holy orders of the Church of the Canon, including but not limited to those of the Order of Saint Jude, the White Comet of Jorenus, The Order of the Midland Crusade and the inquisition of Reinmar as well as any and all authorized agents of the Holy See. II.) Furthermore, the Academy of Hohkmat shall allow those agents appointed by the Holy Mother Church to conduct darkspawn testing within their lands. Agents of the Church shall be permitted by the Academy of Hohkmat to capture any individual suspected of being a darkspawn for trial or questioning. These agents shall be explicitly distinguished by their holding a warrant signed by His Holiness, a member of his Curia, or a Bishop of the Church of the Canon. This must be presented at the time of operations. The agents who bear such warrants and valid authorisation shall be rendered immune to the lesser diktat of Razad, which prohibits the bearing of Thanhic and Null-Arcana coated weaponry within the borders of the Academy. These agents will be mandated to procure a report of testing to any individual within the Academy, who has passed the vampiric blood test, once the report being procured, rendering the individual exempt from further testing for vampirism, though the right of the Church for testing for other ailments shall still be enshrined despite the letter. V.) For so long as the Academy of Hohkmat adheres to this concord, the Holy Mother Church shall recognize this polity as being a self-governing autonomous zone with its own laws and freedoms. They shall be further guaranteed from the provocation of any conflict on our part, including from all forms of crusade and holy war and shall be offered respite from coercive and draconian proselytization. VI.) This concord shall be reviewed and its renewal discussed upon the election of a new High Pontiff or a change in the highest echelon of leadership within the Academy of Hohkmat. SO BOUND, GRAND-MAGISTER, Sorcerer-King, Hierophant of the Mysteries, Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat
  4. [!] A note was attached to the note within the Canonist Church in Reinmar, and the notes would soon follow through messengers and altar boys attaching the same script under every Church's notice board, and wherever this note may be found. You lie. You mean to say that we have somehow wronged you, and you have fallen down this path. You are a liar. If you are not a liar, then name me one single man who has cast you aside in your time of need from my Church, and I swear before the Lord that I will defrock this man and punish him, thus lifting any crime of which you have commited upon our Church. But, it is not true, is it? You simply want a scapegoat for selling your soul to the demons and creatures, men with the heads of goats and birds. You simply want to be recognised as someone wronged, that you may point a crooked finger onto something Holy and Virtuous and say 'Behold, for you have WRONGED me, so come and take my rebuke.' But, it is not true, is it? I dare onto you, friend of mine. Should you wish true help, should you wish to test the Church against your lies, and should you decide to come and seek help, I bow before you. For all manner of men and elfin kind know of my name, as a dispenser of MERCY. I am He who slays not one not which I have not spared at least once. And thus, I offer you this same clemency that had been offered to countless of devilspawn and the iniqutious blasphemer. Cease your senseless lies, and come ask counsel. I have answer for the petty drivel which you have plastered over my Churches, and I have reasons that you are incapable of understanding. And if you are incapable of coming as a brave man and presenting yourself before me as I have commanded you, then at least people will know that I have offered my hand onto you, and it was not my Church which has rejected you, but instead you who have rejected clemency and mercy - this deed which you accuse us of. And, at least when that happens, you will have proven that you are no manner of an oppressed wretch, nor that you were cast aside by mine hand, but that you have sold your soul and spirit to the demons willingly, and without due cause have strayed from the path of the LORD. Thus, my mace fill find upon your forehead.
  5. Caius I smiles for Eriantiel.
  6. 1972. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree. . . Whereas it has been brought to the attention of the Holy See that the matrimonial union between Marjoreya of Vidaus and Cassian Colborn has been marred by irreconcilable differences and insurmountable challenges, and Whereas it is the solemn duty of the Church to uphold the sanctity of marriage and to seek the welfare of its faithful, We, by the authority vested in us by the divine and in accordance with the Canonical laws of the Holy Church, do hereby decree the dissolution of the sacred bond of marriage between Marjoreya of Vidaus and Cassian Colborn. All children produced by the the union of matrimony shall be considered legitimate, and we beseech each party to seek the consent of the High Pontiff should they decide to remarry. Let it be known that this decision is not taken lightly, but with due consideration to the well-being and spiritual welfare of all parties involved. We beseech the Almighty to grant solace and peace to Marjoreya of Vidaus and Cassian Colborn in their separate paths henceforth.
  7. An altar boy, who had overheard this conversation brought the news straight to the Pontiff of the bandana-bandit yelling his rant within some place, overheard through the wall, a crack, or through a barrel. The Pontiff laughs at the news. "Frost witches? I had destroyed an altar of theirs but a day ago! What fool is this, who does not know of my affairs thus far? Oh! him! He's not even a real Canonist! He does not even dwell among us! Why would these people, who make their bed in Elven lands even care about coming to lands where they are not wanted? Right, because they want something to complain about, as if they are doing anything of the Darkspawn issue!" Was the rant that Pontiff said in response to the poor altar boy, who had nothing to do with the issue, after he had overseen the execution of a frost witch that the bystander so liked to complain much about! " You can never change the outlander. ." Then, the altar boy makes some remark about how the people thought the Church bored, holding back from the wrath of the Pontiff. " Bored? I am bored. Bored of winning." Later on in the day, the Pontiff instructs the Altar boy to deliver a painting that depicts his affairs done today to the incessant complainer!
  8. High Pontiff Caius searches for Irene, to hand her something soon. .
  9. THE ECUMENICAL COUNCIL OF 1973 HIS HOLINESS Caius I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… That under the authority passed through the Laurel of Evaristus and Clement, the firsts High Priests as thus ordained by Exalted Owyn; CAIUS I, Servant of Canondom, summons all eligible ordained clergymen, monastics, and theologians to congregate in the APOSTOLIC CITY, the Seat of Saint Daniel in the lands of Aaun, on the month of The Deep Cold, ANNO DOMINI 1973. The Ecumenical Council of 1973 shall discuss one topic only: the supposed AENGUL RAGUEL, an alleged messenger of the Skies, who has appeared in several instances before clergy and laymen alike, claiming to carry the word of the Lord GOD. It shall be the Council’s duty to assess the purported Aengul’s legitimacy by evaluating evidence and theological and doctrinal basis. The debate shall end in a vote, which shall render RAGUEL a false prophet, or a true messenger of the Lord. OOC:
  10. Pontiff Caius, within his usual travels to Norland stared towards both Harald and Halfdan blankly as they frothed at the mouth and tried to be relevant in matters of Canonist faith. He points to the missive for them to gaze upon "It says people of Canonist Creed, folks. . . OF CANONIST CREED. I don't care about you having tattoos if you are an Elf or Norlandic pagan!" @Javert
  11. 1971. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… CONCERNING THE PROHIBITION OF TATTOOING Hearken, all ye faithful of the Canonist Creed, and know this decree, which now does dry with the ink and the wax of the seal of the High Pontiff, that you may obey it, and practice it. WHEREAS it has come to our attention of the Canonist Church that practitioners of Ibleesian magic, ranging from the sniveling Warlock to the perfidious Azdrazi have taken to marking their bodies with ink that of which bears symbols of dark and nefarious allegiance, that it may channel His wicked magicks through it’s brand, And WHEREAS these inscriptions, though appearing innocuous to the untrained eye, serve as covert and unmistakable signs of allegiance to the forces of darkness, enabling their bearers to veil their true intentions under the guise of mere artistic expression and plausible deniability, And WHEREAS it is the solemn duty of the Canonist Church to protect the sanctity of our faith and the purity of our creed from the encroachment of such insidious influences, THEREFORE, by the authority vested in me as the Pontifex Maximus, I do hereby decree and ordain the following: I. The practice of tattooing, and the utilization of ink to mark one's body, shall henceforth be strictly prohibited among all who profess fidelity to the Canonist Faith and the Creed. II. Any individual found in violation of this decree shall be subject to the full measure of ecclesiastical law and shall be deemed suspect of consorting with the forces of darkness. III. By eradicating the outward signs of Ibleesian influence, we shall pierce through the veil of deception and root out those who would seek to undermine the sanctity of our faith. ADDITIONAL MANDATE TO THE DECREE OF THE HIGH PONTIFF Regarding Existing Tattoos Among Faithful Canonists In recognition of the fact that this decree is not retroactive, and acknowledging that otherwise faithful Canonists may bear tattoos articulated prior to the publication of this decree, it is hereby mandated that: I. All extant Canonists who currently bear tattoos must present themselves before the High Pontiff or his appointed representatives, without delay. II. Those unable to remove their tattoos through external means must undergo the process of tattoo removal through alchemical means, as prescribed by the Canonist Church. III. Failure to comply with this mandate within the timeframe of FOUR years from the publishment of this missive shall be considered a violation of ecclesiastical law and may result in disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Canonist Church. DATUM IN CIVITATE APOSTOLICA, IN TEMPLO PROPHETARUM EXALTATORUM, SUB LAURO OWYN.
  12. 12th i Msitza ag Dargund 524 E.S. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… Hearken. The recount of the Dumapalooza is declared after the scandal which disrupted the previous election, and the ballots of the Dumapalooza Electorate summoned to return to the Holy See for deliberation. The vote brought before you to elect is born from the shared commitments of the tied leaders of the previous vote. The Houses Carrion Sarkozic var Adria and Barbanov-Bihar come before the assembly to advocate for the Dumageddon Doctrine, with his Holiness Caius Primus presiding over the vote for the proposal. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/235966-the-dumageddon-doctrine/ That the authority of the Dumapalooza be abolished forever; the legacy of Adria returning to the governance of its own folk to determine the composition of a Great Adrian Duma in their new town of Beznov. That the Houses Carrion regardless of national affiliation be invited to whichever standard of elections occur in the future, though they shall not be able to force it into abeyance. That the Seat of Ruska is recognized as the authority by the Houses Carrion Adriae to summon a Crowsmoot as in the traditions of old, and that they shall heed its Crow’s Call. This body shall be held to discuss questions of Carrion legacy, not to command the authenticity of Raevir titles. That though the identity of the Adrians is not doubted, the land of Aevos shall not know another ‘Duchy of Adria’, for the corners of Adria have already been demarcated and they are in the heart of the Midlands. FORM : VOTING IN ABSENTIA; ELECTOR NAME: ELECTOR HOUSE: VOTE CAST: Da / Niet [!]THE MISSIVE IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS. His Holiness, Caius I @MadOne HONOURED CROWS OF ADRIA; Sarkozic var Adria @Nooblius Vladov @Naj Tuvyic @Maclunkey Ivanovich @North Basrid var Adria @JoanOfArc HONOURED CROWS; Sarkozic var Aaun @sondher Barbanov @indiana105 Ruthern var Haense @ContestedSnow Ruthern var Balian @oryP Kovachev @Radzig Ludovar @HogoBojo Novellen @HIGH_FIRE Suzecht @MCVDK Morovar @kaylacita Novellen of the Petra @Zaerie Rostampur var Ba’as @MunaZaldrizoti Euler @Gaja Bluecrest @Baccaaa Wintercrest @PanicZealot Kortrevich* @erictafoya Bracchus* @Publius *;Being two notable Patricians of Adrian Past, invited for their historic sagely wisdom.
  13. 1971 HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ SECTION I - Opening Prayer SECTION II - Diocesan Appointments SECTION III - College Appointments SECTION IV - Curial Appointments SECTION V - On Caladhril SECTION VI - On the Estrangist Heresy SECTION VII - Mission Statement SECTION VIII - Penance SECTION IX - On Dumapalooza ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ SECTION I - OPENING PRAYER Rejoice, for GOD's will is our salvation. Rejoice, for GOD is our Father, and He will keep us safe. Rejoice, for GOD's love will keep us safe. Amen. SECTION II - DIOCESAN APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we thus appoint the following members of the priesthood to shepherd and be pastor of the Church’s Dioceses: THE PATRIARCHATE OF JORENUS to be shepherded by His Eminence, Villorik Cardinal Jorenus, THE DIOCESE OF ANDRIKEV to be shepherded by His Grace, Rhys Bishop Andrikev, THE DIOCESE OF WESTERWALD to be shepherded by His Grace, Amleth Bishop Westerwald. SECTION III - COLLEGE APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the College. We decree the College to be thus: TMR, His Eminence, Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa TRR, Her Eminence, Rhosyn Cardinal Casica TRR, His Eminence, Villorik Cardinal Jorenus TMR, His Eminence, Callahan Cardinal Artorus TMR, His Eminence, Mattia Cardinal Lotharia SECTION IV - CURIAL APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the Curia. We decree the Curia to be thus: Vice Chancellor, His Eminence, Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa Auditor of the Tribunal, His Eminence, Mattia Cardinal Lotharia Prelate of the Priesthood, Her Eminence, Rhosyn Cardinal Casica Pontifical Chamberlain, His Eminence, Jean Bishop St. Godwin Commandant of the Pontifical Guard, His Eminence, Villorik Cardinal Jorenus Palatine of the Apostolic City, Abbess Rebecca of the Monastery of St. Julia of Paradisus Secretariat to His Holiness, Callahan Cardinal Artorus SECTION V - VENERATIONS It is through Our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto Us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that We affirm the following venerations: VENERABLE AMAYA OF VENZIA Queen-Consort Amaya of Venzia has been deemed Venerable as per Pontifical instruction, for her commitment to upholding piety across her kingdom in life, and her martyrdom at the hands of the Demomancer Cult. VENERABLE OTTOMAR OF MERRYWEATHER The Prince of Merryweather and the Lord Vandalore Ottomar von Alstreim has been deemed Venerable as per Pontifical instruction, for his profound service in the furtherance of the Exalted’s testaments, and his diligent duty done in the field of duty as a benefactor of the Holy Mother Church, from his service to Monsignor to his secular tenure. SECTION VI - ON CALADHRIL Behold, that the marble-white tree of silver leaves by the name of Caladhril hath deposited his scepter, and thus his rule below at the feet of Tar-Númenatâr, thus marking in monument the redemption of Harren’s kinfolk by the hand of the Redeemer-King, that there be a covenant of the Lord onto the redeemed Harrenite - a tree most Holy onto you, graced by the very breath of the LORD. Witness, as Caladhril has been assailed and torn asunder by the Aspectist and Saulician, that it’s sanctity had been besmirched with their unknown and inauspicious rites, the magic of the outlander seeking to strike the Spirit from within the body of the tree that it may be corrupted to herald change and defilement, that Saul himself may rise from the grave and preach onto your little ones of irreverence and the ways of the astray right under the Lord’s light. It was in this sullen state, did I make my way into this arboreal sanctuary wherein Caladhril dwelled under the wizened sight of the Saint-King Caius, so that I may utter to it my pledge and vow that I would protect its roots from the sap of falsification and deceit. Before my eyes then a miracle of profound measure manifested itself springing forth from the tree; Lo, it came to pass that a legion of butterflies guided by the unseen hand of Providence, descended upon the body of the tree from forth their silvery roost. Once I had completed my vow and signed the Cross upon my body, these creatures in their delicate flutterings wrought the same sign on the bark of the tree. The cross of the body of the butterflies then stood before me, emblazoned upon the bark, crafted by the piling butterflies. This sight, I could only describe as having been woven by the hand of the Lord. I was at once moved by the sight, and my hands reached for a puddle of water collected from the rain upon the ground, moving with purpose. I knew that this was of the holiest sites, and must be ordained thus, and as a result be protected forevermore. I had gathered four stakes, along with the holiest of the waters of Gamesh that I have anointed, that I may intone the rites of consecration and ordination before my clerical kin of Canonius and Callahan. When the last anointment was uttered of my tongue, a more miraculous still was the boon bestowed upon my hand by Calahdril, that a solitary butterfly, white of wing in its ephemeral grace did alight upon my outstretched hand. In that fleeting moment, the sands of time turned backward on my frail body, the martial prowess of my youth returning yet onto my body and sinews. Let it be known throughout the realms of all, that the steps wherein this sacred tree resides is henceforth consecrated as a holy of sites for the faithful of the Harren’s tribe. And let it be known unto all that this be a site for worship of Canonists, that no druid nor Saulician may transgress unto the boundaries of Caladhril with irreverence, to cast their magicks and rites out of communion with the Canonist faith, that all visits must be done in reverence to the tenets of faith followed by the rightful owners of that land under the auspices of Tar-Caraneth Aryante, thus ordaining the site for a place wherein the rites of our faith may be duly observed exclusively. I charge Cardinal Frantzisko and Cardinal Callahan in verifying the integrity of the tree’s miracle. SECTION VI - ON REBUKING THE ESTRANGIST HERESY Verily, my pursuit in rebuking and rooting out the Saulician and the diabolist has proven much fruit in the eyes of the Lord. And verily, we have succeeded in bringing the torch of the light to cast away darkness that plagues the realms of the world which are beyond reach of the Lord’s word. Let it be known that our righteous pursuit has struck fear into the hearts of both the hound and the vermin alike! They scurry and scatter before the might of our divine Host, seeking refuge among the sons of Malin, where they cower and skulk in the shadows, shunning the path of righteousness. But fear not, for I, as the shepherd of the flock, relentlessly pursue them! Yet, what foul offense is this? that the unmasked iniquity, cornered and beaten like a cur dares to raise its head in defiance! It must have found offense in these good deeds which I have performed by the emissary and the sword for the spiritual well being of the sons of Horen; Thus, they send forth further incursions into the lands of Reinmar and the North, in a pitiful attempt to mock the noble work we have so valiantly wrought to defame my good name and that of the Mother Church alike! They now dispatch their scribes and Saulicians into our midst, sowing discord and spreading heretical tomes among the good people of Horen in order to rot the spirit of Man from within, for the same pursuit without has been met with the clarion and the iron shield of Owyn and thus repelled to cower. But let them come! Let them hurl their feeble insults and scatter their foul writings like chaff in the wind! So though they may seek to undermine us, and the word of the Lord, they shall only find defeat and shame at the tip of my blade, for truth need not a champion to defend itself. Therefore, hearken to my decree; by the authority vested in me through the Apostolic succession of Owyn, and as the bearer of the laurel and the crozier, I issue this decree, which now prohibits the possession of the heretical tome titled falsely as 'The True Word' in all realms of men. Onto my Canonist Princes, I vest the authority to punish any individual found in possession of this accursed text under the crime of heresy, and I give mandate onto any of the faithful to purge their midst of this heretical abomination by burning every trace of it to ash! I further condemn the wretched woman by the name of ‘Diable’. Let it be known to all that she, the Saulician of short brown hair, bearing a burn mark across her left visage, and clad in the gray shroud of hooded armor, stands EXCOMMUNICATED. For she has dared to defile the sanctity of the flock of Casica, harassing my beloved flock and perpetrating wicked deeds within its walls at the behest of the Saulite Lich. Moreover, I condemn Rainier Ouvrier, once a brother of the Holy Order, and now a deserter and a heretic. He thus stands EXCOMMUNICATED. Listen to my decrees and word, that you may purge iniquity from among you. Burn these tomes that come in your possession, and it’s bearer with them, so that our deeds may condemn them to hide in crevices and cracks like vermin once more. For those whom I have decreed in excommunication, they must present themselves before me, to receive their penance, that they may rejoin the ranks of the faithful once more. SECTION VII - ON EMULATION AND MISSION STATEMENT Verily, the priesthood of Owyn had been graced with many righteous servants of the Canondom, their works bearing fruit in the furtherance of the mission of the Holy Mother Church. As seen in the Bull “SECUNDO AUREA BULLA PROVIDENTIA” of the High Pontiff Jude II, I, alongside my venerable predecessors also deem it fit to outline the policies of the Holy Mother Church that I may strive to fit the role described on the Gospel as a builder of bridges to create a “better the understanding between the Immaculate Throne and the wider Church on our plans for the future.” I thus affirm this as our mission statement; PUGNARE MALUM “Take hold of this blade, a symbol of holiness, and by it you shall cleanse mankind of sin.” (Gospel 4:24) Much like some of my predecessors, I have inherited the Laurel in a time wherein the realms of Canondom are assailed across many sides by the Saulician, the Diabolist, the Ibleesian and Iniquity. I see before hidden among flock serpents which burrow in our midst. They do not allow wise men or brave men to come near, and they corrupt one man, his family, and his clan. Many of our kindred have fallen to their spells and the lands of Horen, although are at peace among each other, endure now a Great Hidden War, one which seeks to collapse the spirit of Man from within. For countless times, the Holy Mother Church only has clashed with iniquity reactively, and in defense, thus letting more hidden evils, who destroy covertly prosper, culminating in the bold and active Saulician that now assail us. In my Pontificate, I take a stand against this. It is time for Canondom to go into attack, and rip the vermin from their dens and crevices, to purify the land. For verily this is why I have taken up the name of Caius, after the Saint-King. FRATERNITAS “I name you pontifex, for you are a builder of bridges.” (Gospel 6:61) The Scroll of Gospel identifies the role of the High Pontiff as a ‘builder of bridges.’ It is in the spirit of this verse that I have ordained my Pontificate so far. Even that I do not use the royal register is purposeful in the pursuit of living up to this goal. I affirm that the High Pontiff ought to be a brother of man, and servant onto you all. A teacher, a guide. It is in this spirit that I seek not to rule from an Ivory tower, but to dwell and live among you, listen to your woes and aspirations. To steer you towards a direction of the Lord’s Glory. Thus, Pontifical visits shall be regular, confessions heard, and all men, from king to bishop to beggar alike shall have my ear, for this is the spirit of brotherhood. ORDO As the High Pontiff, I find the Lord’s Church an effective moral guide onto the laity of Canondom.Yet, in my contemplations, I do discern a grievous deviation from the intended nature of our venerable institution. For, over the centuries, the Mother Church has transformed into an entity overly centralized in its governance, contrary to the decentralized model it was conceived to embody. Throughout the span of my years, I have borne witness to this lamentable reality. In times when infirmity or incapacity had befallen the Pontiff, I have observed the Church's affairs grind to a standstill. Even the esteemed Cardinal, vested with great authority, finds himself shackled by the chains of oversight, unable to decree or guide without the imprimatur of higher authority. I believe that years of centralisation and the rule of decree has created a spirit of skittishness over our Priesthood, that even the most miniscule duty required of a Priest needs my seal affixed onto it to be considered legitimate. It is thus one of my aims, during my Pontificate, to restore a sense of initiative onto the Priesthood, to decentralize and remove my own hand from local decrees, that Bishops and Archbishops may rule as a pastor among their Dioceses. A centralized de facto state has done the Church no good. The system of decentralized diocesan structuring was made so that the priesthood may take initiative in the local affairs. It is this spirit of initiative and accountability that I wish to restore among us, so that I may focus on wider issues at hand. SECTION VIII - PENANCE, RICHARD AND OTTAVIA OF STASSION Behold and see, for everything has its own accord. And in every word and deed, measure taken must be repaid in measure. So has Man sinned, and so can man thus be redeemed under the Lord's eyes. Lo, as surely as the sun rises and sets, so too does every action bear its consequence, balanced in the scales of justice. For it is written that Man, in his folly, did transgress upon the sacred laws ordained by the Almighty. Yet, take heed, for even in the wretchedness of sin manifest, there lies the glimmer of hope and the promise of redemption. It is in this spirit did Richard and Ottavia of Stassion prostrate before the Mother Church, to ask for redemption and penance that their excommunication may be lifted, and that they may rejoin communion. So I too in this spirit, bearing the laurel and the crozier I decree these be the terms of reconciliation to receive communion for Richard and Ottavia of Stassion; I. Richard and Ottavia of Stassion will release a declaration, by the way of public missive and the herald, which will denounce any claims on the lineage and right for both the Kingdom and Empire of Oren, these claims of which spawn from the line of Frederick. Alongside this, missive shall stipulate a denouncement of further claims upon the title and de jure claims onto the following deeds of nobility, which are claimed currently by the Kingdoms of Aaun, Balian and Petra and your kinfolk, being the Duchies of the Lowlands and Vienne previously held by your own vassals. The Duchy of Furnestock, the Margraviate of Westermarch, the Principality of Stassion, the Principality of Providence, the Duchy of Lorraine, Helena, Sunholdt, Pompourelia and Renzfeld. This declaration will be signed and affixed by your own hands, for all to see plainly. II. Richard and Ottavia of Stassion will release another declaration, by the way of public missive and the herald, within which they shall admit and confess all charged pressed against them that spawn from the war which they have waged in the Midlands which has faulted many Kingdoms within the lands of Canondom, at the foremost being the Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun. That they will beg forgiveness from their fellow Canonist Princes as a penitent act for the war which they have brought to our doom, inflaming the wrath of Man that they may draw their swords from the scabbard to stain the iron with the blood of the brother. III. As it has been bid of Richard of Stassion previously, he will strive to become a Deacon of the Canonist Church, rebuking any Midlander and Stassionate fringe theological discourse. He will thus affirm the tenets of the Exalted's Testaments and the received tradition in full. IV. Both Richard of Stassion, and his wife, Ottavia will stand trial at the courts of the Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun, for the crimes admitted by the way of public missive. Hear ye, of the terms of penance that I beckon of you, currently and now, as well as your wife, that you take measures and come to accomplish these deeds that of which I wish of you. So should you complete these tenets, then your Excommunication, I will lift by mine hand through Pontifical decree. But should you steer from them, rebuke them and curse the penance that of which I have prescribed onto you, Horen's people will know no redeemed Richard nor Ottavia of Stassion, and I will bid of my people to expel you and your men from their lands, and you will be condemned to live with the pagan and Malin in exile. You will be driven from the lands of Horen, and your name will bear the mark of the curse. You will know no sanctuary, neither from the Church nor the homestead, and people will not gird your belt with swords nor place atop your head the cap of the Earl nor the Baron. Hear this, and heed them, for these terms are of great importance for the wellbeing of your immortal spirit. SECTION IX - ON THE DUMAPALOOZA Verily, I must express my profound disillusionment with the recent Dumapalooza, an assembly of which I have begrudgingly hosted under my ecclesiastical duties. It is with a heavy heart that I find myself embroiled in the secular frivolities of the day, yet the dictates of my station leave me no recourse but to comply. Behold, I have witnessed the unity of humanity, fragile as a thin thread hang perilously. It is thus threatened by the petty squabbles of ambitious men and women. Is this how the state of things truly must be? Are we so disunited, that the horrible wars of the Midlands will come and spring forth again because of an ancient title? I was most disappointed to see it made manifest before my eyes in the Dumapalooza, which I have hosted in good faith. It is a lamentable state of affairs, but I cannot rest until Man reaches concord again. So, I announce that another Dumapalooza shall be convened forthwith, for it is incumbent upon me to strive for the restoration of harmony and concord among my flock. THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH OF THE CANON Under GOD maintained by His Holiness Caius I THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS FRANTZISKO CARDINAL ALBAROSA Archdiocese of Albarosa RHOSYN CARDINAL CASICA Diocese of Casica VILLORIK CARDINAL JORENUS Patriarchate of Jorenus CALLAHAN CARDINAL ARTORUS Archdiocese of Artorus MATTIA CARDINAL LOTHARIA Archdiocese of Lotharia THE CURIA FRANTZISKO CARDINAL ALBAROSA Vice-Chancellor of the Church of the Canon MATTIA CARDINAL LOTHARIA Auditor of the Tribunal of the Church of the Canon CALLAHAN CARDINAL ARTORUS Pontifical Secretary of the Church of the Canon RHOSYN CARDINAL CASICA Prelate of the Priesthood of the Church of the Canon JEAN BISHOP ST. GODWIN Pontifical Chamberlain of the Church of the Canon ABBESS REBECCA Palatine of the Apostolic City of the Church of the Canon VILLORIK CARDINAL WESTERWALD Commandant of the Pontifical Guard of the Church of the Canon CANONIST DIOCESES THE HOLY SEE Encompassing the entirety of the Apostolic City State, to be shepherded by High Pontiff Caius I PATRIARCHATE OF JORENUS Encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Patriarch Villorik Cardinal Jorenus DIOCESE OF ANDRIKEV, encompassing all the lands east of the river Lahy, to be shepherded by Rhys Bishop Andrikev DIOCESE OF WESTERWALD, encompassing all the lands west of the river Lahy, to be shepherded by Amleth Bishop Westerwald ARCHDIOCESE OF ALBAROSA Encompassing the eastern region of Aevos, including the lands of the United Kingdom of Aaun, the Commonwealth of Petra, and the surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa DIOCESE OF ST. GODWIN, encompassing the entirety of the United Kingdom of Aaun as well as surrounding parishes not incorporated in other dioceses, to be shepherded by Jean Bishop St. Godwin DIOCESE OF CASICA, encompassing the entirety of the Commonwealth of Petra, to be shepherded by Bishop Rhosyn Cardinal Casica ARCHDIOCESE OF ARTORUS Encompassing the central region of Aevos, including the lands of the Kingdom of Númendil, the Midlands, and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Callahan Cardinal Artorus DIOCESE OF AQUILA, encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Númendil, to be shepherded by Galadain Bishop Aquila DIOCESE OF ST. ARPAD, encompassing the entirety of the Midlands, to be shepherded by Alexios Bishop St. Arpad ARCHDIOCESE OF LOTHARIA Encompassing the south-western region of Aevos, including the lands of the Kingdom of Balian and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Mattia Cardinal Lotharia DIOCESE OF TYRIA, encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Balian, to be shepherded by Belisarios Bishop Tyria IMMEDIATELY SUBJECT TO THE HOLY SEE DIOCESE OF GELIMAR, encompassing the entirety of the Principality of Reinmar as well as surrounding parishes not incorporated in other dioceses, to be shepherded by Matthias Bishop Gelimar.
  14. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD I say onto you. If you doubt and condemn the list of which I have spent five years to create, having Princes and Bishops alike to agree and sign upon it over your pride, and if you reproach my attempts to reconcile the Midland Wars through putting this issue at rest through my labours of garnering this list both from the Covenant and the Adrian disapora, and if you doubt my Apostolic right and ability as your High Pontiff, then say onto me such, and REBUKE me. If you condemn your High Pontiff, your chosen successor to the Priesthood of Owyn for my labours and for my want for peace, if you will declaim my legitimate decrees and my labours as illegitimate thus, then REBUKE me. If, in spite of my decree, you want to condemn your fellow Canonists to void and eternal hellfire, then REBUKE me, for I seek to redeem.
  15. [!]A letter would find its way to the Montelliano and the Varoche households in reply. Dear Sirs of Adria. While I understand your predicament as established Adrian houses of renown, and while I do recognise your ancient claim to a seat within this session, you are not sending your letters of woe to the correct person. Neither am I interested in the title of the Duchy of Adria, nor do I have any special ambition for its future, nor do I even wish to participate in hosting this Dumapalooza at all, for I see it as an accursed secular matter. Only do I intercede, because I believe this is what I must to ensure a lasting peace among Canondom. I simply am doing what my duty has entailed per the treaty of Winburgh, of which nearly all Princes of Canondom have affixed their signatures. ,My duty is not to be an artbiter of electors, nor is it to sway the outcome of the vote through adding my own elector-candidates, nor even yet be a judge of legitimacy for the Crow for a seat. To demand such of me to restore your seat is absurd. I have gathered both King Ivan, and Sir Markus to break bread together and to come up with a list that they can agree with, and this was the list I was delivered. I was assured that the list, in their eyes was fair, and that the outcome was going to be respected. This is my goal. It is not to satiate some historical claims. I am a man who had been born of Waldenian stock. Neither do I know anything of the ways of the Crow, nor the Adrian. It was the Crows who had come up with this list, and it was them who have affirmed this list. I am merely the guardian of due process in this Dumapalooza, and not a stakeholder. So I suggest that you send your letters to relevant parties. And I bid of you, do not throw astray the peacible process wherein a Duke of Adria may be selected on account that you historically deserve a vote. All parties have held their agreement that this list is a fair one and one of which the outcome would be respected. I will not go down to discuss another list with the Princes on your account, to throw away the good work I have done in ensuring their agreement that the list be fair. I pray to you, set your pride aside and hold fast, because this coming Dumapalooza is the only opportunity we have to solve this grand headache. @Sebbysc @Enlightenment
  16. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… [!] The following letter is exclusively available for those who were named electorates of the upcoming election for the Duke of Adria. Hearken. The day of the Dumapalooza is afoot. It is now our duty to cast our vote with our conscience, that a new Duke of Adria may be elevated. It is for this end, that I grant onto all whom I have named Electors to cast their votes either in absentia, or through a representative. Let those who are indisposed to make their way for the Apostolic City send their verdict through letter. Let those who can afford to send an envoy name their chosen representatives through letter. FORM : VOTING IN ABSENTIA; ELECTOR NAME: ELECTOR HOUSE: VOTE CAST: FORM : REPRESENTATIVES ELECTOR NAME: ELECTOR HOUSE: REPRESENTATIVE NAME:
  17. Caius I reads over the report, pleased with Gerard's diligent work. While talking to Cardinal Frantzisko of Albarosa, the topic of the Grandmaster comes up, and Caius lets out a loud, jovial laugh. "I don't doubt that this man has his place reserved him in the Skies. What an exemplary knight, that Gerard! Anyways. . what has come of the next Bull?"
  18. Adelmar von Kanunsberg, reading from his humble hovel rises a warhorn for the penmanship of Leon and Frederica, appreciating the historical works. "Such is the duty of every sworn son of our tribe. May the Kanun smite them thus, should he betray his Schwur."
  19. Issued and proclaimed on this year of 1969 by the High Pontiff. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD In the name of the Lord God, the Sovereign of the Skies and the Land, and in service to the noble cause of the Exalted’s Testaments, I do hereby unveil unto the faithful a report of the field, beseeching their attention and contemplation. Behold, in the aftermath of the tumultuous conflict that rent the lands of humanity asunder, peace has descended upon our realm like the gentle dew of dawn, quelling the tempest of strife that once raged within the hearts of men. No longer do brethren raise arms against brethren in futile discord; the time has dawned to turn our gaze resolutely towards the eradication of the vile scourge that festers in the shadows. Thus do I, in my humble capacity as the chosen emissary of the Lord, have embarked to confront the agents of darkness, the foul evildoer and his insidious progeny, whose malignant presence has threatened the Tapestry of Man for too long. I shall thus inform the faithful herein the endeavors undertaken by the Chair of Saint Daniel upon the field in strife against the encroaching shadows up to this point. That putrid ghoul! That wretch! Funnybone! I have slain this one many times, yet the thing keeps coming back! Following my Pontifical Coronation, I was called forth to ride alongside the noble knights of the Order of St. Jude, the venerable Frantzisko of Albarosa, and the esteemed Cardinal Villorik, accompanied by His Grace, Bishop Jean. Our journey led us to the aid of the Kingdom of Aaun, besieged by this ghoul. Swift was the skirmish, and I swiftly delivered the jester's head to His Apostolic Majesty, John. Yet, upon the jester's person, we uncovered a cache of letters bearing the mark of the Necromancer Cult, divulging their dark intentions and hidden sanctuaries. Among these missives, one name stood out prominently - Vindacus, whose secret abode was plainly revealed in the correspondence. We ventured into the Shire in pursuit of the elusive Vindacus. Villorik chanced upon a curious tower, home to a benign wizard. We have investigated every nook and cranny of this tower, discovering it bore no relevance to our quest. Yet nearby, nestled among the burrows of the halflings, I stumbled upon a hidden cache, its contents revealing a sinister association – a jesters' mask alongside lockpicks and bolt cutters - the mask in similar nature to the one worn by Funnybone himself. The discovery incited the ire of the peculiar half-men, whose strange customs and petulant kvetching echoed in our ears. They have strange ways, and wail like children when they see Men. “Knox this! Knox that! you broke onto our burrow! you bigguns!” Despite their initial resistance, mention of Vindacus softened their resolve, leading them to reveal the location of his lair – a stone tower with an underground hideout under the lock and key of Iron gate. Now, the locked door is an abomination to the ways of the Halfman. Thus, he swiftly bid us to sally and destroy the iniquity within. We have obliged, assisted by the industry of the Apostolic Majesty, surely wishing to repay our kindness that he has provided lockpicks onto us. After breaking in, we found a man in plate livery. He was a brute, silent and masked. Villorik's investigation into the necromancer has prior taught us this as a sign associated with a Ghoul-Guard. Necromancers tend to surround themselves with such men. I have learned that this man was called Handil later on, an Adunian. This one was a crafty foe, utilizing traps and spears to thwart our advance. Though we were forced to retreat, we vowed to return with greater force. Now, the agents of iniquity quarrel with each other, as we Men have been doing for the past decade, that they are wroth onto one another and bear enmity. As the Light quarrels onto itself, the flame seeking to usurp the land, so does the Shadow follow suit, and quarrel with the Dark. Recall, dear reader, the Demomancer fortress of Hallowcliffe, that den of iniquity wherein the cult once held sway; It is evident that the Demomancer Cult, once united in purpose, now splintered asunder, embroiled in some silly internecine strife. The fools fight among themselves. Verily this is why the fortress of Hallowcliffe came to be destroyed, uprooted in foundation. Each faction lays claim to the power of their ilk, deeming themselves the rightful heirs of their dark sorcery, thus harboring deep-seated animosity toward their brethren, who beheld the same power. Thus, one faction of the Demomancers did seek parley with the Church, for although driven by fear of our righteous presence, they are consumed by hatred for their erstwhile comrades who comprise the opposing faction that they have offered without repayment the names and identities, their looks and dispositions of their foemen, who were also Demomancers. Seizing this opportunity, I have met them on my own and have gathered information akin to the Lector ways of the old. They have given me such knowledge of their craft that I had otherwise been ignorant of. They told me of Grimoires, which power warlock spells. They told me of their capabilities in removing the wicked magic of the Warlock, and offered their service of accomplishing this, should I capture their foemen. Yet, let it be known that no pact of fellowship or accord was struck with these loathsome creatures, for they are naught but treacherous serpents lurking in the shadows. I made clear unto them that my blade will not hesitate to find its mark upon their deceitful hearts, and that I shall uproot them from their holdfasts in the coming future. Prideful and consumed by their burning hatred, they acquiesced to my terms, thus unveiling unto me the woman known as Sarryn. The White Cat! What a benign name for one that I see as a cockroach. In her missives, she claims wisdom, power and influence, some sort of a capability in uprooting both the ‘infested’ Mother Church, and her Demomancer foes alike. Her claims of power in her missives begets the question as to why she scuttles like a bug, fearing my presence and that of my ordermen, hiding in crevices and shadows, changing her visage and look through the Alchemic at the mere echo of my footstep! She will keep hiding within her anthill, but to no avail. I am coming for you. Thus, into mine hands fell a dark tome, a black book bearing the identities and affiliations of Sarryn's accursed coven, a trove of knowledge ripe for the harvest of justice's scythe. The noose is tightening. And I hold it. Verily, even during my time as a Cardinal within the ranks of the priestly vocation was I thrust into strife with the scourge of the Demomancer and the Warlock, agents of darkness, as they threaten the land of Horen. Through the devout priesthood under my charge and inquisiton, these agents of iniquity have now been driven forth from the blessed lands of humanity, forced to skulk in the shadows of Malin and the distant South, seeking refuge in the bustling metropolises such as Kaethul, yet when the news came of the demise of Queen Amaya the Martyr at the hands of the vile Demomancer Cult, had I been compelled to redouble my efforts in the righteous crusade against these fiends, as I have called in my first Bull. In the wake of her matryrdom, the sons and daughters of Man have rallied to my banner, united in our resolve to confront the encroaching darkness. The perpetrators were apparent to all sons of Man - Sarryn, Sermi, betrayer of mercy, and Laelia, whose confession I didst wrest from her grasp, alongside the elusive Aaren. My pursuit of justice received an unexpected boon through the intervention of the Orcish Rex, who sought to redeem Yera, the Overlord of the City of Kaethul, from the clutches of darkness. Through her, a historic Concord for Queen Amaya was forged, granting the Church authority to investigate within the burgh of Kaethul. Thus, upon the humble tavern table in Reinmar where the ink of the Concord dried, my crusade against the Shadow began in earnest. I took up my blade. On the inaugural day of my investigation in Kaethul, verily did events transpired with great significance. Through the herald's proclamation, fellow clergy, including the esteemed Cardinal Villorik and valiant Father Rhys, joined our cause. Their aid proved invaluable as we delved into the city's depths, seeking the hidden evils lurking within. Foremost among them stood Grandmaster Gerard, whose keen insight and tireless efforts consistently have served me as the beacon that illuminated these putrid murky waters that we swam through, whether it be garnering information, or apprehending subjects, Gerard was always there for me. I judge the man to be a hero. Father Rhys of Ruthern's revelation regarding the Alchemist's Guild - that the Demomancer used this Guild as a cistern to flee from the Law thus led us on a quest through labyrinthine tunnels. However, after much searching through the Alchemist’s Guild at the behest of its patron, a dark elf whom I have encountered in my investigation later on, I have judged the place to be benign, if an extravagantly efficient learning space for Natural Philosophy. Over the exit of this Alchemists’ Guild, did fate deliver unto me a chance encounter with a she-devil, by the name of Miracalla, her visage adorned with horns and skin tinged with the infernal touch of the Malflame. A blank journal in her possession hinted at clandestine sorcery, which I have confiscated to investigate. It seems to me that this book is similar to a Grimoire - the spellbook of a Warlock, or it conceals some sort of a hidden message akin to that of lemon-juice on paper. Should there be any cipherists among the flock, who can gaze into hidden messages, I ask them to seek me out for this. These devils are always affiliated with the Demomancer. It was then, a most curious thing unfolded before me, in the form of one bearing the telltale signs of the Demomancer Cult, her name I will not leave due to the seal that I have sworn. With courage tempered by contrition, this one prostrated before me, confessing allegiance to the dark forces that threatened our realm, bearing the signs of the Malflame and the Grimoire, and beseeching forgiveness in the name of Yera of Kaethul. Upon the confession of the accursed one, marked by the stain of the Malflame and tethered to the dark power of the Grimoire, it became incumbent upon us to extend the hand of forgiveness and redemption, as decreed by the sacred tenets of our faith. Thus, after solemn discourse within the confines of Kaethul and the securing of the Grimoire for safekeeping, I resolved to journey forth to the Apostolic See, where my colleague, Cardinal Callahan, awaited. Now, Callahan is a man esteemed in my eyes, for I believe him to be of unwavering devotion and fervent loyalty onto the Lord God. It was thus in his venerable presence, that I bid the cursed one to prostrate herself and confess to him in accordance with Virtue. Once her confession was heard, the task of purging the malevolent sorcery ensconced within her being lay before us. I recalled that only the Dark Ones, who sought parley with us could remove this curse tethered onto the Cursed One’s spirit. The vile creatures whose abominable rituals defied all that we hold sacred. We once more had to endure their presence, for the greater good of this one’s salvation. I thus resolved to allow Cardinal Callahan to bear witness to the wretched spectacle. Together, with gritted teeth and hearts heavy with disdain, we endured the foul rite as the cursed one's spirit was cleansed. It was a sight most repugnant, these demons desecrating the purity of our land with their profane incantations, invoking the Malflame to rend the mark from the accursed one's flesh. With Cardinal Callahan at my side, we lamented the necessity of such measures, knowing full well the taint that lingered upon our souls for having endured the presence of the infernal. Yet, in accordance with the dictates of the Law, we resolved to purify ourselves and the land in the cleansing flame of Owyn, seeking redemption for the stain incurred in our quest to save the wretched soul from the clutches of darkness. Now, these are the deeds we accomplished after the curing of the Cursed One, that she regained her stance in the beholdance of the Lord, the Great One; This one was bid to seek solace within the sanctity of a monastery, where for a span of two years, this one would undergo rigorous purification of both body and soul. Before her departure to return to the fold, this one unveiled unto us a revelation – the current guise and whereabouts of Sarryn, along with the content of her schemes. Curiously, the disguise described by the Cursed One was one that we had seen during the day where we were investigating the Alchemists’ Guild, clutching at the skirts of the Dark Elven patron of the Guild, scuttling and skittish. For one who claims great power and deeds through the way of ink upon paper, I have not seen such from this disguised Sarryn. I saw naught but a coward, trembling before but two sons of Men, evasive and fearful of our presence. Henceforth, I dub her not the White Cat, but The Cockroach, for her cowardly nature. I have summoned the armsmen of Reinmar in a bid to apprehend the cockroach within the boundaries of Kaethul, yet we were thwarted by the devil's tricks, as Sarryn vanished into the ether, undoubtedly forewarned by her infernal allies. Undeterred, I turned my attention to the dark elven woman who led the Alchemists' Guild, a figure known to stand alongside the disguised creature during our initial search. Swift was her capture. Thorough search of her person ensued, in spiritual and material both. I had her transported to the Apostolic See for investigation alongside Cardinal Callahan on account of my suspicion. We were guided to a Sacred Grotto wherein the truth lay veiled beneath the shimmering waters. Under scrutiny that took no less than five Saints’ hours, the dark elven woman's revelations flowed forth, her rebuke of Sarryn tinged with sincerity, albeit tainted by a bid to preserve her own life. Judging her worthy of mercy, we granted her reprieve, her redemption deemed partial yet promising. Nevertheless, I vow to sever her head should her association with Sarryn be laid bare in the days to come. Now these are the revelations laid before me during my time spent in Kaethul, testing and scrutinising the local populace for association with the Shadow; I judge the Malinite of Kaethul to be of similar substance to the bustling multiculturalist and individualist polises that came before it, such as the Malinite of the Sutican, the Malinite of Lurin and all other Kingdoms extant such as that of Vikela that preach multiplicity, turning themselves into hives wherein the Shadow dwells, that they embrace with open arms the Magii, who in turn bids the government to embrace far worse, that we have seen creatures of horned and clawed disposition, red and infernal of skin, casting their foul magicks openly. Every nook and cranny that I have investigated in Kaethul was rife with the touch of the Shadow, for it bid the Malinite to slay, and bid the other to be slain. That which I have observed, is that the Malinite cares not that his fellow is touched by the Shadow, nor that those ones slay and use the blood of Man to conjure up infernal sorcery, but that His enmity onto the Shadow is transactional, in that the agent of the Dark must offend Him so, for the Malinite to betray the dark, that he does not betray the evil ones for that they are evil, but that they have offended him and created enmity. Thus, everywhere in Kaethul I have seen these ones hide their friends, whom are evil, while giving up their foes of the same substance, that the Church was reduced to a bludgeon for the Malinite to strike down the undesirables of the Elven society, while those of the Dark that were in good standing remained within the shadows, sheltered by the Malinite. The Kaethulite did not understand the tenets nor the ways of our religion, but resolved still to act the scholar in wanton criticism, using strawmen analogies to decipher thousands of years of Church Doctrine, as if the Fathers of the Tradition did not wrestle and elucidate those answers through our traditions long before the palace in Johannesburg was torn asunder by the frost of Thanhium. Every action was met with scrutiny, even if the one before them confessed to Evil incarnate, suspicions were drawn. However, there were righteous among them, or perhaps ones that feared an upcoming crusade, that I was able to create rapport with their leaders in my good intent, that our exploits went smoothly. It was through this enmity that the kin of Malin fostered onto each other, was I bid by an anonymous Malinite from Kaethul to ride forth and capture a vampyric creature of the Malinite kind, whom I had learned had made his home previously with one Juniper Rose, an elven scion of magic and a voidstalker. No doubt, this Juniper bore some enmity onto the Elven Vampyre on account of their accursed union - as any union not ordained by the Lord tends to become - that she relished in this one’s capture. I have told onto him that he must surrender himself for the Church, to be tested and thus cured. This Malinite drew his weapon unto me. Now, hearken, dear reader, for I am no meek priest in a simple cassock, for before taking up this vocation, I had been a leader among men, a knight of the four orders that I am educated in the ways of martial prowess. My mace descended swiftly onto this man’s skull, inflicting a fatal wound that the Malinite suffered irreparable rebuke from my blade-arm. However, seeking to exonerate this one, I have poured salt upon his wounds, and his vampyric affiliation had been laid bare before all men of Kaethul, that he was dying and did not deserve a funeral. His end was met by my dirk. I had learnt from Juniper later on that not only was this one a vampyre, but also that he was one of Sarryn’s Coven. I have yet to see the Cockroach slay but one of my men, yet I myself deliver blow after blow onto her Coven. A curious outcome for one acclaiming such power to undo my work! It was then, that the putrid wretches that are in conflict against the coven of the Cockroach, those in kindred power to her kind, did seek one more parley with the Mother Church. With Cardinal Villorik at my side, we ventured forth towards the site of the meeting in the mountainous Frankland, anticipating revelations that would unravel the web of deceit spun by both factions. As we beheld the leprous visages of these accursed beings, both Villorik and I recoiled in revulsion, for they were but blighted souls upon the tapestry of humanity. I made clear unto them that they were no allies of mine, mere pawns to be wielded in the struggle against the Cockroach, and that my blade would soon find its mark onto them. Yet, steeped in their pride and hubris, they scoffed at the notion of their own demise, their hatred for the Cockroach burning brighter than the fear of my righteous retribution. Thus emboldened, they divulged unto us further information regarding Sarryn and her allies, as well as the devilry they practiced. Despite departing from the meeting with grumbles of discontent, both Villorik and I found ourselves enlightened by the knowledge gleaned from our encounter with these loathsome adversaries. It was after this meeting, the crevice wherein the Cockroach sulked was revealed onto us to be a homestead in Amathine. Enlisting the wise leader of Sakuragakure, the Shugo Kato Oijin, who is a longtime friend of mine since childhood and his men, alongside Father Gregor of my kin, we have invaded Sarryn’s homestead within Amathine, ransacking and otherwise destroying the whole place to our heart’s contentment. How curious, that the cockroach scuttled once more in fear of my rebuke. Her scuttling laid the foundation for good deeds, for we have discovered her hideout wherein she performed her putrid and degenerate sacrifices, wherein she prayed for Iblees and the Void, and otherwise channeled her wicked rituals. Oijin and Gregor raised their blades, channeling the radiant light of Archangel Michael, that the ritual site was desecrated, as they oft endeavor to desecrate our Holy Places.
  20. Agreed on this day by the City-State of Kaethul, and the Church of the Canon. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree the following… My brothers, my sisters; to all you who find solace in the sheepfold of the Lord, 'LO! See that the House of Horen pays its debts, and sets right the wrongs of its blood in accordance with the Law, measure for measure. For too long has Man profaned himself with war, shedding the blood of his own kin, that holy blood so blessed by the Lord our God, and that this crime has so distanced us from our Lord. See that we have set Horen's house in order, you Children of God, and sigh no more, and kvetch no longer, and cease the grinding of your teeth, fore the House of the Lord is Holy, and the Priesthood keeps Holy what belongs to Him, His Temples, His Priests, His people, His flame, to the joy of His Spirit, may he bless us for ever and ever. And in the crime of Man, in the ignorance of our wars and kinslaying, we have fallen victim to the encroach of the Enemy, who has set loose upon us the most abominable devils of the dark, monsters, beast-men, unclean spirits, wicked creatures-all, to scatter God's people. But for the cleanliness of our House, by the power vested into Horen's Laurel which is sat atop my head, I say to you, we shall suffer these plights no longer, but face them, and set upon them with the righteous fury of the Kingdom of God, which brooks no horror, nor demon, nor unclean thing. It is unbefitting Man to do nothing, when his King has called him out to war! And in the face of the martyrdom of our sister through Julia, Queen Amaya of our most reverent Faith, who's holy blood, martyr's blood, calls out for justice and sanctifies the world on which it had spilt for that God had so loved her, I have taken up the call her death has sounded, in as much as I am High Priest, anointed successor of the mission of the Prophet Owyn. So too have I given her the rites of safe passage, for that a martyr has no need, who is taken quickly into the arms of their Lord in the Seven Skies. To these ends, to the glory of God and for the justice of the martyrs of His True Faith, I ordain this treaty, that we may finally take up the call and make Holy War upon the servants of the Arch-Enemy, as it has always been Man's duty to do. Burdened no more by the strife of brother wars, I say to you, JUSTICE is the bidding of the Lord, and JUSTICE we shall bring to the lands in South, Fore HOREN'S HOUSE IS HOLY, and fore that it is holy knows no danger within its walls, and is free therefore to march out of Horen's camp and into the forces of IBLEES, wherever he has come to squat. Thus, in the interest of purging the vile darkspawn menace which has infested all of our lands, the City-State of Kaethul shall agree to the following requests of the Holy Mother Church: I.) All clergy, holy ordermen, monastics, and other servants of the Holy Mother Church shall be granted free passage through, and be permitted to conduct patrols throughout, the lands of the City-State of Kaethul. a.) These shall include those men of the holy orders of the Church of the Canon, including but not limited to those of the Order of Saint Jude, the White Comet of Jorenus, and the inquisition of Reinmar as well as any and all authorized agents of the Holy See. II.) Furthermore, the City-State of Kaethul shall allow those agents appointed by the Holy Mother Church to conduct darkspawn testing within their lands. a.) Agents of the Church shall be permitted by the City-State of Kaethul to capture any individual suspected of being a darkspawn for trial or questioning. b.) These agents shall be explicitly distinguished by their holding a warrant signed by His Holiness, a member of his Curia, or a Bishop of the Church of the Canon. III.) The City-State of Kaethul shall also provide a parcel of land within its borders to be leased to the Holy See to serve as an outpost for further investigation into matters pertaining to the darkspawn menace. IV.) Land shall also be set aside by the City-State of Kaethul for the construction of a Canonist chapel within its walls, the building of which is to transpire within five years of the signing of this concord. V.) For so long as the City-State of Kaethul adheres to this concord, the Holy Mother Church shall recognize this polity as being a self-governing autonomous zone within Haelun’or with its own laws and freedoms. aa.) They shall be further guaranteed from the provocation of any conflict on our part, including from all forms of crusade and holy war and shall be offered respite from coercive and draconian proselytization. VI.) This concord shall be reviewed and its renewal discussed upon the election of a new High Pontiff or a change in the highest echelon of leadership within the City-State of Kaethul. SIGNED, Yera Silveira, Overlord of Kaethul, Okarir’san of Haelun’or
  21. 12 i Joma ag Umund 521 E.S. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… GATHER, my flock, and heed the words of your pious servant CAIUS under the LORD. Listen well, my brothers, sons, nations, and kin - you, Crows of Hanseti-Ruska in the north, Adrian lords in the south, strelts, warriors, those born of Karovic blood and all Canondom; Hearken my words and be still, for they are of great importance. You have fought and clashed, sword in hand with enmity onto each other from forth since the rising of the sun in the East, to the setting of the West. That this title, which many of you hold in great esteem and the promise of its prosperity in a righteous Dumacracy now rests under the stewardship I, your humble servant in the Lord. This land and its title has made you into more, from the poorest strelt to a Lord, to the multiplication of your ilk in land and law and for their inheritance through your blood. But when the Lord has placed this copper crown atop your brow, it made you avaricious and in wrath, that you have reached forth onto your scabbards for the blade, which even to this day is stained with blood. Forasmuch as you have acted in wroth in the name of a hearth, so too must you break bread and come together in the name of that hearth, thus the wars Man wages onto himself must end, and now he must look outward for the shadow of Iblees that still plagues your law today; for in your clash with fellow man over that land and crown, you now lose grip on what flame still kindles in your land to the clutch of devilry, insidiously infiltrating and slaying your little ones, husbands and wives right under your nose. So now the stewardship of this crown rests atop my lap, as your humble servant, guide and teacher, and so it is that I have called your ilk to break bread under the banner of the Lord, which I have unfurled above my mitre and laurel. For a peaceable and righteous transition of this Crown that has come to prick at your soul, for the come and gone wars, for the ends that you may not cry this or that election to be illegitimate, the mandate to oversee this election has now come to rest under the hand of the successor of the High Priesthood. So, I say to you. Gather here, at my Apostolic City, and cast thy vote, that you may have a chosen Lord to reign over you as Duke. Summon your ilk, wives, husbands and little ones to this meeting which I will oversee. I have sent heralds unto you whom I name below, that you may sit in the honored seat of your fathers and do as they have done so in the Tapestry of Man, that I may be the bridge to the feuds that plague you. His Holiness, Caius I @MadOne HONOURED CROWS OF ADRIA; Sarkozic var Adria @Nooblius Vladov @Naj Tuvyic @Maclunkey Ivanovich-Montalt @Sean_VEVO@hemomancy Basrid var Adria @Bogatyr @JoanOfArc HONOURED CROWS; Sarkozic var Aaun @sondher @Franczhiz Barbanov @indiana105 Ruthern var Haense @ContestedSnow Ruthern var Balian @oryP Kovachev @Radzig Ludovar @Doggedwasupxxx Novellen @HIGH_FIRE Suzecht @MCVDK Morovar @kaylacita Novellen of the Petra, SHOULD they come to accept their Carrion ancestry through swearing an oath atop the tomb of Exalted Sigismund. @Zaerie Rostampur var Ba’as, IF they are deemed to be in any large significance. @Dyl @MunaZaldrizoti Euler @Gaja Bluecrest @Baccaaa Wintercrest @PanicZealot Kortrevich* @erictafoya @crazedpudding Bracchus* @Publius *;Being two notable Patricians of Adrian Past, invited for their historic sagely wisdom. IN NOMINE ADRIAE Markus Marie Sarkozic Exilic Duke of the Adrians, Count of Aldersberg, Protector of Dumacracy GODANI JEST WIELKI, His Serene Highness, Ivan Aleksandr, Grand Prince of Kusoraev Her Serene Highness, Nataliya Leopoldina, Grand Princess of Kusoraev
  22. The 13th of Tobias' Bounty, 1967 HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ SECTION I - Opening Prayer SECTION II - Diocesan Restructuring SECTION III - Diocesan Appointment SECTION IV - College Appointment SECTION V - Curial Appointment SECTION VI - On the Lich Gashadokuro SECTION VII - On the Tribunal of the White Comet & Aleksander II SECTION VIII - The Apostolic Synod SECTION IX - The Dumapalooza SECTION X - On the Order of St. Jude SECTION XI - On the Excommunicants SECTION XII - On Raguel SECTION XIII - On the Lurinite Treatise ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ SECTION I - OPENING PRAYER Almighty and merciful GOD, We humbly bow before Your divine presence, seeking Your grace and guidance as we the children of Horen toil and journey upon the pavements of life. As we are bound by the sacred threads of faith and virtue of the Scrolls, through the Exalted, Pour forth the emanation of glory upon us, instilling within our hearts the flame of initiative, that we may boldly step into the challenges that lay before us. Grant us the wisdom to discern Your will from the will of the mundane, and embolden our hearts with the strength to carry the virtuous path with unwavering determination. Bless the Kings, Princes and Bishops of this world, that they may be inspired by Your divine example to cultivate for the greater good of humanity. Amen. SECTION II - DIOCESAN RESTRUCTURING It is through Our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto Us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted, that We see fit to reconstruct, merge and establish the following Diocese, so that Our Church may be better and more efficiently managed by the accordingly appointed shepherds. DIOCESE OF GELIMAR Encompassing the entirety of the Principality of Reinmar as well as surrounding parishes not incorporated in other Dioceses, with its seat in the Parish of Kretzen. To be shepherded by Bishop Matthias. SECTION III - DIOCESAN APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we thus appoint the following members of the priesthood to shepherd and be pastor of the Church’s Dioceses: THE ARCHDIOCESE OF ALBAROSA to be shepherded by His Eminence, Franzitsko Cardinal Albarosa THE ARCHDIOCESE OF ARTORUS to be shepherded by His Eminence, Callahan Cardinal Artorus THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LOTHARIA to be shepherded by His Eminence, Mattia Cardinal Lotharia THE DIOCESE OF ST. GODWIN to be shepherded by His Grace, Jean Bishop St. Godwin THE DIOCESE OF AQUILA to be shepherded by His Grace, Galadain Bishop Aquila THE DIOCESE OF TYRIA to be shepherded by His Grace, Belisarios Bishop Tyria THE DIOCESE OF GELIMAR to be shepherded by His Grace, Matthias Bishop Gelimar SECTION IV - COLLEGE APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the College. We decree the College to be thus: TMR, His Eminence, Josef Cardinal Jorenus TRR, His Eminence, Villorik Cardinal Westerwald TMR, His Eminence, Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa TRR, Her Eminence, Rhosyn Cardinal Casica TMR, His Eminence, Callahan Cardinal Artorus TMR, His Eminence, Mattia Cardinal Lotharia SECTION V - CURIA APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the Curia. We decree the Curia to be thus: Vice Chancellor, His Eminence, Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa Auditor of the Tribunal, His Eminence, Mattia Cardinal Lotharia Prelate of the Priesthood, Her Eminence, Rhosyn Cardinal Casica Pontifical Chamberlain, His Eminence, Josef Cardinal Jorenus Commandant of the Pontifical Guard, His Eminence, Villorik Cardinal Westerwald Palatine of the Apostolic City, The Reverend Mother, Abbess Rebecca of the Monastery of St. Julia of Paradisus Secretariat to His Holiness, His Eminence, Callahan Cardinal Artorus SECTION VI - ON THE LICH GASHADOKURO Hearken! Of all the shapes of evildoers, from the sons of Iblees to the putrid ghouls and perfidious warlocks that plague and assail our lands, you have hidden treacherously from our sights for long enough, rejoicing in your empty, so-called victories. In truth, you are no more than the craven dogs that bandit the weak but run at the sight of the strong, too fearful to confront the armies of Canondom in rank and file. Let it be known that you shall hide no longer. The Church of the Canon sees you for what you are, and you, in your hideout shall know the wrath of the LORD’s legions. Defile Churches and Temples all you want, like the rat you are under the shadow of the Moon. Behold! by the time you have returned, it shall come to pass that your defacement will vanish by the hour. The time for your aggression has come to pass, and you shall not gauge timidity from us any longer. When you crawl out of your hole to assail the Kingdoms, know that I will strike your kin and you twice fold. The Armies of Canondom will uproot the foundations of your holdfast. The Inquisitors will salt your fields. I, as the High Pontiff of the Church of Canon now declare an unrelenting WAR onto these wretched shadowspawn! In this very hour, I compel all faithful to take up the sword and the shield in defense of humanity, to leave your walls, and seek out the darkspawn across the world that justice may be done unto them. Cast asunder the devils and the necromancers with your blade! It is the Lord’s will. Let the crimson banners of the Church be unfurled; It is time to attack. Hearken! The foul specter of the Lich looms over the realm of Sakuragakure, spreading its dark pestilence in those lands! It is the time to form a relentless unity against the shadow and all its abomination. So, it is by my will that the Holy Mother Church extends its full support for the warriors of the Ashen State who dare to confront the undead terror. To the warriors of Sakuragakure, I bid you to stand resolute in the face of this unholy foe. And so too I bid the pious faithful of Canondom this; extend onto Nor’Velyth your support through munitions, armaments and silver. Just as you will the Light to triumph over Shadow, so must you do your part to invoke it! We sponsor and bid Canondom to aid the Ashen State in any way that may come. Let your generosity flow like a river, for every contribution shall be a blade in the hands of those who face the Lich Gashadokuro. SECTION VII - ON THE TRIBUNAL OF THE WHITE COMET & ALEKSANDR II Having donned the vestments and episcopal crown of the Supreme Pontiff, I find myself heir to the present tribulations and afflictions that have besieged the ecclesiastical body, as well as my forerunners and companions. In the beginnings of my pontificate, it thus has now become imperative to stabilize the hearts of my congregation, steering them towards concord and collaboration with the revered precincts of the Holy Scrolls. In recent days, whispers of nefarious influences within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska have reached the ears of the Holy See. Allegations suggest the clandestine infiltration of darkspawn into the very heart of Haense. Through action by myself and my ecclesiastical brethren, foremost among them being the good Cardinal Villorik, various influences within and without the Church have brought forth the establishment of a full and sustained agency for the priesthood in providing remedy for this crisis. In response, my predecessor Sixtus VI and the seculars of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska have entrusted the esteemed Cardinal Villorik of Westerwald to lead an investigation, rooting out the malevolent forces that seek to sow discord within our sacred realms, leading to the creation of the Tribunal of the White Comet. As of the current date, two vigorous investigations have been produced by the Tribunal, exonerating many virtuous Canonists living within the borders of Hanseti-Ruska, so that they may not be harassed or their natural rights infringed upon by vigilantism and purported agents of the light. Informed of the dedication of the White Comet in rooting out evil from within the Kingdom, and the gravity with which they approach this matter, I now choose to commend and endorse the investigations of this Tribunal that have been accomplished thus far. Yet, some men among our realms have criticized the procession by mentioning a conflict of interest, that a man of Jorenus might procure an investigation into himself. As a result, I have taken it personally during my status as Cardinal to curate my own investigations onto the topic. Through independent methodology and research from Jorenus, I have succeeded in procuring a cross-examination to provide remedy to these concerns. Informed by my own investigations and that of the White Comet, I hereby decree thus; That ALL charges of apostasy and betrayal from the Church that hangs above the head of King Aleksandr and his household be lifted, effective immediately, on account following rationale; I. Witness Testimonies; Having spoken with witnesses, both loyal and independent from the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, I have deliberated that their testimonies unanimously agree that the occurrences that have befallen the Kingdom point towards a prideful King, who was ensnared in a nefarious plot to damage his good name. That this folly was not a product of malice, but naivety. II. Unreliable and distrustful accounts; The accounts of which I have witnessed stipulate the malice of King Aleksandr are sourced from the likes of the Lich and other agents of the Shadow; being that their interests lie not in harmony and setting right mistakes, but instead to sow chaos and discord into humanity, which is proven to have worked, after examining the haphazard rebellion thrown in the Midlands during a post-war atmosphere. III. Examination of the trade; The purported deal which supposedly condemns Aleksandr as a collaborator concerns a planar script and an infernal sword. After examination of the script itself, and Aleksandr’s drive to retrieve such an item, I have reasonably concluded that this deal must have not been one of willing servitude, but of a genuine ambition and curiosity for the movement of the stars. Aleksandr himself has provided an account of the artifact that he had retrieved, and after cross-referencing with Masters on this topic, I am led to believe that his absence for the year matches with the story provided by both witnesses and Aleksandr’s own testimony. Despite the King’s innocence, I am led to believe that this naivete and catastrophe had been borne out of his pride, and that it must be satisfied going forward, so no new crises must emerge from that sin of the spirit. In the spirit of rectifying this issue, I bid Aleksandr to perform a regular yearly confession with Bishop Villorik, followed by a fast consisting of bread and water for a period of THREE years. SECTION VIII - THE APOSTOLIC SYNOD In this bull, I seek to elucidate my forthcoming policy upon this Synod, that the faithful may possess a comprehension of the path that the Church of body shall tread, that my flock may know with utmost transparency the unfolding future as a consequence of the Synod. As we have all bore witness, the Canonist Princes, who serve amidst us as stewards of the earthly domain, have dispatched unto the Church a missive, wherein they advocate for a reformation in the sacrament of matrimony. Let it be known that we, brethren of the Church, do not admonish them for their endeavours to put forward differing interpretations that deviate from traditional Orthodoxy. Nay, I lend my support to such explorations of the theological terrain, that we may reach truths that we have not otherwise reached yet. However, as highlighted of this bull, my spirit bears a certain disappointment for my fellow men, that the missive arrived as a demand of our Church in change, rather than a respectful entreaty for the Church to ponder these matters with due diligence. Verily, the purpose of our Holy Mother Church is to guide men through moral questions, and that it is through her sacred authority that direction and verdicts on moral issues are to be provided by the spirit of Evaristus and Clement, who were chosen to bear that Laurel. The Canonist princes, therefore, should not proffer demands and missives for change, but rather follow the example of Father Davide in presenting their insights, that our Clergy may engage in earnest discourse in examination of the traditions flowing from the Apostolic Succession and Holy Fathers, alongside scripture. Only then may we thus arrive at conclusions reflective of our present age. To adhere to this sacred duty, I proclaim that the Synod addressing matters of Homophilic matrimony has unfolded as ordained. Permit me thusly, to clarify the tenets of my policy for the Synod, that every ordained minister, who has not forsaken their sacred duty have participated and provided their opinions in a timely manner, that a reasoned deliberation had ensued during the procession. In the pursuit of this, I have not swayed the scales in favour of any faction but instead have served as a figure of accountability, moderating the discourse so that it does not stray into chaos. Subsequently, a vote was cast, and the outcome pronounced was IN FAVOR of keeping the current tenets on matrimony as the Orthodoxy of the Church instead of altering matrimony in accordance with the calls for reform. Thus, BE IT DECLARED by the Holy Mother Church; The standing tradition on permissible matrimony being only between Man and Woman shall remain UNCHANGED. Yet, be not deceived, for I, in my station of the Pontifex, am no tyrant. You may alter the contents of your law codexes, O Princes of mine; that civil and legal avenues may be pursued through your kingly hands, allowing for coexistence among inclined brethren irrespective of the Synod's outcome. I remind you that up to this age, the Church, in her wisdom, has not yet persecuted nor expelled those of this kind from righteous Canonist Principalities, that they neither have seen the sword nor the pitchfork. Our faith is one of understanding and compassion, embracing all—from beggar to king. Likewise, in matters of sanctioned unions, let it be understood that the verdict on marriage itself post-Synod, must be heeded by the Canonist princes, and the sacred rite of matrimony adhered to as decreed by the Church. SECTION IX - THE DUMAPALOOZA As the war has drawn to a close, and peace has settled, it is now time for the Canonist Princes to uphold the Treaty of Winburgh and facilitate the election of a new Duke for the Adrian people. Falling now under the jurisdiction of our Church, it has become my responsibility to mediate the process and seek closure to the political situation in the midlands. Under the Mother Church’s supervision, a list of electors shall be determined in accordance with fairness to both the Coalition and the Adrian Diaspora, for the Dumapalooza to be held soon thereafter. I shan’t meddle in the affairs of the Adrians, and the vote shall be kept a just process only under my oversight, and the outcome, whatever it may be, is to be respected. SECTION X - ON THE ORDER OF SAINT JUDE The Order of Saint Jude, ever since its inception at the hands of Grandmaster Halston Veyont under the Pontificate of Sixtus V, has proven revolutionary in its streamlined darkspawn investigations and enforcement of canon law. Though their successful operations fail to overshadow their heavy handed nature, overlooking national laws and trampling over local authorities, making many a canonist prince anxious of their presence. The time for reform has come. Have these words as reassurance to both our princes of Canondom, who care to maintain the wellbeing of their citizenry, and the Ordermen of Saint Jude, who fear being rendered useless or eternally gagged and unable to act. Compromise can, and shall, be reached. After deliberation with the Commandant of the Pontifical Guard, Cardinal Villorik, there are various reforms planned for the incumbent faith militants, as well as an overarching system for holy orders as a whole. The White Comet has been allowed to be realized into a whole order of its own, while a Reinmaren inquisition is also forming in their lands; just as the Mother Church is divided into her dioceses and eparchies, so too shall holy orders be so. Local orders, in this way, will be able to more properly adapt to the plights of the nations’ citizenry, being made up of actual residents of such polities, and reach more effective compromises with their respective princes. These orders would, ultimately, be in communion with the Mother Church; as do dioceses, being loyal to the Church institution, but functioning in accordance with the local culture and customs. As per these reforms, a universal code of conduct that shall apply to all future holy orders is currently being drafted, wherein Canonist Princes shall be assured that there is to be no arbitrary meddling from any of the current and to be created holy orders in their polities. These tenets and ethos shall be their law, a requirement for maintaining their status as a faith militant, applying universally to all ordermen, inquisitors, and holy knights. In addition, the historically titular position of Commandant is to be reformed into a legal figure of accountability, to manage and catalog all holy orders, and police them should they step out of line. This way, the system can be standardized to avoid issues of sovereignty and ensure their practice remains well documented and within acceptable legal parameters. SECTION XI - ON EXCOMMUNICANTS The Church, in her wisdom, is meant to act as a parent. It is thusly that a priest is called a ‘Father’, and a priestess a ‘Mother’, for they are an extension of a familial role, to teach and to guide all the flock as children of their own. Though the excommunications of the past conflict offered no penance, preferring a unilateral banishment of communion rather than the opportunity for true redemption. This stands antithetical to the Church’s role as a spiritual and moral guide, for what Mother casts her son out of the house without a chance of redemption? Pray, all those still excommunicated from the war must come forward to me, and will be offered proper penance. Those truly penitent shall see their excommunications lifted, while those who are not, shall not. SECTION XII - ON RAGUEL Behold, the faithful of Canondom; For the past years, a consistent revelation has been gracing our presence, for the purported Aengul of Justice, Raguel has revealed himself across Canondom, who extols the name and word of the Lord before us. Indeed, I myself have enjoyed the fruits of Faith proffered onto me by this divine mystery. Yet, the appearance of such a miracle for our faith is a tenuous concept to wrestle with; for a veil of uncertainty shrouds the hearts of some of our flock that we may either be doubting Divine Revelation, or that we may be accepting a creation of Iblees as Truth. Again, the Church of the Canon must stand as a moral guide before men, that we may come to a verdict through the convention of another Ecumenical Council, that we may deliberate and ascertain the legitimacy of Raguel’s message. SECTION XIII - ON THE LURINITE TREATISE It has come to my attention that in recent months, Lurinite and Aaunic ambassadors met and drafted the incumbent Second Floodplains Accord, whereas John, the Apostolic King, has outlined clauses for the protection of faithful canonists residing within Lurin - a commendable action, which will surely see the flock finally protected in what has only since been dangerous lands to tread. It is no secret that Lurinite residents and authorities have, in the past had a tenuous relationship with our Mother Church and her faithful, their deeds ranging from casting our priests out of their walls to condemning the good High Pontiff Sixtus the Sixth for daring to be attacked within their walls. Yet, there have also been cases in which the Lurinites have shown our Church good faith and cooperation; as with this recent accord. In spirit of preserving this concord between both the Apostolic Kingdom and Lurin as well as our Church, we bid His Apostolic Majesty, King John of Aaun to sponsor the construction of a chapel within the borders of the Serene State, that the local authorities of Lurin may draft and charter an area for the Church to stand, and that King John may provide the mortar and stone for the construction. This chapel shall be ordained in the name of Saint-King Caius of the Westerlands. From my own household, I shall provide for it to hold a most holy relic, a saintly fingerbone, to sponsor the Chapel and to render it viable for pilgrimage. We bid unto Lurin to keep its doors open for pilgrims, and never attempt to disturb or stray them off their path. THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH OF THE CANON Under GOD maintained by His Holiness Caius I THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS JOSEF CARDINAL JORENUS Patriarchate of Jorenus FRANTZISKO CARDINAL ALBAROSA Archdiocese of Albarosa RHOSYN CARDINAL CASICA Diocese of Casica VILLORIK CARDINAL WESTERWALD Diocese of Westerwald CALLAHAN CARDINAL ARTORUS Archdiocese of Artorus MATTIA CARDINAL LOTHARIA Archdiocese of Lotharia THE CURIA FRANTZISKO CARDINAL ALBAROSA Vice-Chancellor of the Church of the Canon MATTIA CARDINAL LOTHARIA Auditor of the Tribunal of the Church of the Canon CALLAHAN CARDINAL ARTORUS Pontifical Secretary of the Church of the Canon RHOSYN CARDINAL CASICA Prelate of the Priesthood of the Church of the Canon JOSEF CARDINAL JORENUS Pontifical Chamberlain of the Church of the Canon ABBESS REBECCA Palatine of the Apostolic City of the Church of the Canon VILLORIK CARDINAL WESTERWALD Commandant of the Pontifical Guard of the Church of the Canon CANONIST DIOCESES THE HOLY SEE Encompassing the entirety of the Apostolic City State, to be shepherded by High Pontiff Caius I PATRIARCHATE OF JORENUS Encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Patriarch Josef Cardinal Jorenus DIOCESE OF ANDRIKEV, encompassing all the lands east of the river Lahy, to be shepherded by Amleth Bishop Andrikev DIOCESE OF WESTERWALD, encompassing all the lands west of the river Lahy, to be shepherded by Bishop Villorik Cardinal Westerwald ARCHDIOCESE OF ALBAROSA Encompassing the eastern region of Aevos, including the lands of the United Kingdom of Aaun, the Commonwealth of Petra, and the surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa DIOCESE OF ST GODWIN, encompassing the entirety of the United Kingdom of Aaun as well as surrounding parishes not incorporated in other dioceses, to be shepherded by Jean Bishop St Godwin DIOCESE OF CASICA, encompassing the entirety of the Commonwealth of Petra, to be shepherded by Bishop Rhosyn Cardinal Casica ARCHDIOCESE OF ARTORUS Encompassing the central region of Aevos, including the lands of the Kingdom of Númendil, the Midlands, and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Callahan Cardinal Artorus DIOCESE OF AQUILA, encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Númendil, to be shepherded by Galadain Bishop Aquila DIOCESE OF ST. ARPAD, encompassing the entirety of the Midlands, to be shepherded by Alexios Bishop St. Arpad ARCHDIOCESE OF LOTHARIA Encompassing the south-western region of Aevos, including the lands of the Kingdom of Balian and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Mattia Cardinal Lotharia DIOCESE OF TYRIA, encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Balian, to be shepherded by Belisarios Bishop Tyria IMMEDIATELY SUBJECT TO THE HOLY SEE DIOCESE OF GELIMAR, encompassing the entirety of the Principality of Reinmar as well as surrounding parishes not incorporated in other dioceses, to be shepherded by Matthias Bishop Gelimar.
  23. THE APOSTOLIC SYNOD OF 1967 HIS HOLINESS Caius I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… That under the everlasting and everloving gaze of Our Lord, the GOD of Horen, CAIUS I, High Pontiff and Servant of Holy Canondom, makes the call for a summons of ALL ordained members of the clergy to the Holiest of Lands, the APOSTOLIC CITY, the See of the Mother Church beside the capital of Whitespire within three months time, for the entirety of Tobias' Bounty in the ANNO DOMINI 1967. Such Synod shall be held to discuss the specific matter of the HOMOPHILIC MATRIMONY, its theological background, its role in the modern laity, and its permission as Holy Sacrament within the Mother Church. The Debate is expected to be civil, and the utmost respect is expected from attending clergy towards not only fellow brothers and sisters in faith, but also the sensitive topic at hand. Below are outlined the rules of procedure. APPROVED SPEAKERS: - ANY AND ALL approved and ordained members of the Presbyterium; chaplains, priests in active ministry in a particular church (be it a diocese or an eparchy), or otherwise confirmed mendicants, - ANY AND ALL approved and ordained hieromonks, hieronuns, and regular clergy (living under monastic rule). RULES OF PARTICIPATION: - The Debate shall be overseen and moderated by the SPEAKER OF THE SYNOD, in this case the High Pontiff of the Canonist Church, - Attending speakers shall be granted a specific period of time, under moderation by the SPEAKER OF THE SYNOD, on which they shall take the podium and present their thoughts and arguments to the congregation, - Any attending speaker wishing to speak may raise their hand, and be called upon by the SPEAKER OF THE SYNOD at the SPEAKER’s behest, - Whenever an attending speaker takes the podium, solemn silence in respect to the fellow clergyman in respect of their afforded time by the SPEAKER, - Should an attending speaker be found breaking the rules of participation, the SPEAKER OF THE SYNOD may admonish them and ask them to leave the Synod, - A final tally shall be held, where each attending speaker is afforded one vote, the simple majority on the matter being recognized by the Pontificate without qualms. OOC:
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