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About Gemini

  • Birthday 05/27/1879

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    Nuala Uradir | Avaela Elverhilin | Filauria Vanvir | Usamea An'asul
  • Character Race
    Spectre | Wood Elf | Frost Witch | High Elf

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  1. Iโ€™ve had covid 3 times in the last 10 months honestly fmlย 

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    2. Gemini


      @squakhawkat this point I might need to amputate :,> Iโ€™m done being sick Iโ€™m seeing thing with this feverย 

    3. Crevel


      I've only had it once when I went on holiday (I believe, I didn't test myself but someone else in the house got sick and was positive). I had a bad fever for about a week and would drink lots of coconut water. For the first few nights, I am pretty sure I had some form ofย psychosis because I'd get hallucinations which in turn made it very difficult for me to sleep. Eventually I got better for the most part, but I had a small cough that persisted for like a month. It was an interesting experience, and I also discovered after a while when I was feeling better that I hate the taste of coconut water. I hope you're doing good though and your symptoms are tolerable.

    4. Unwillingly


      I got it once on the literal day I was supposed to fly out of the country around february of last year. was throwing up af and it was probably the most sick I've ever felt. took a ton of vitamins and medicine in an attempt to get it out of my system. even though it went away pretty quickly, before we flew back to the US I ended up testing positive for covid anyways and myself and my immediate family had to quarantine for 5 days while the rest of our vacation party flew back. was not a fun time

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