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Everything posted by angel129bu

  1. [Cristonia, Guardsman, Cristonia's Father, Szymon] "Szymon?" Cristonia called around, going from town to town in search of her fiancee. After several weeks which turned into months then to years. She had no luck finding him. Her last thought was to check Norland, a place he and her had thought of as a possible home. After getting there she began to ask around, "Hello? Have you seen or heard of a man named Szymon? I'm looking for him…" She told every stranger that she walked by. Only a few of them had never met Szymon, and a few had met him but weren't sure if they should tell her he was dead. "Please? Anyone… Have you seen Szymon?!" Cristonia cried, she felt like she lost everything. Her parents, her little brother, her past pets, and now her fiancee. It wasn't until later that one of the guards on duty that night spotted her sitting down near the tavern. "Evening miss, is there anything I can help you with?" Cristonia looked up from her slight sadness. "Actually, yes sir. Have you heard or met anyone by the name of Szymon? I'm looking for him and have been all day." She sighed, lowering her head. A serious expression dominated the guard’s face "Ma'am. I'm sorry to say this, but your friend is no longer with us. He died in his home, the barracks after slitting his wrists. Truly an individual worth pity. He was a fine guardsman… " Cristonia stared at the guard dumbfounded, thinking he was joking. "But… You have to be joking! He can't be gone. I need him!" Cristonia screamed, tears streaming down her face. The guard took ahold of her hand gently, and shook his head. “I apologize ms. But Szymon is gone, It’s not a joke. I can take you to his room in the guard house. Where he spent his final days.” The guard offered waiting patiently for a response. “Please? Can I see where he was?” Cristonia stood, getting a better grip on the guard’s hand. “Of course.” The guard nodded and began to lead her there. After what seemed like ages, only being about a 10 minute walk they arrived at Szymon’s door. “Is it safe to enter?” Cristonia asked, her eyes red and puffy. Still crying, she lowered her head waiting for the guard to respond. "Aye. It is, but ma’am allow me to accompany you inside.” The guard offered once again, pulling the door open with a twist of the knob. Cristonia nodded, still hand in hand with the guard as they both stepped inside. Cristonia looked around at the beautiful placement, admiring the ambiance. The guard led her to where they had found the body of the young man they all once called Szymon. “It’s a beautiful spot to pass on… I have to admit. All the flowers, and everything that was left here.” Cristonia paused for a moment. “Would you leave me alone? I have something I need to do.” Cristonia asked, letting go of the guard’s hand. “But Ma’am. You don’t know what’s in here. It could be very dangerous. There could be rats, or racoons, or…” The guard paused with a small sigh. “I see. I’ll leave you be ma’am. I’ll step outside, yell if you need me.” And with that the guard stepped outside of the room. Cristonia walked around the limited confines of the room within the guard house, her heart aching at what she’d seen and heard. Cristonia knew it was about time, she’d joined him. She quietly searched the room, looking for a sword or something sharp to end her own life. But it was at that moment, her heart decided it was going to give out. She had then died of a broken heart, making a slight thud on the wooden floor. Soon to be with her lover Szymon once more. It wasn’t until a few moments had passed, and Cristonia woke up in a glistening forest. Where she met her Father who’d died back in Rozania, and her lover standing beside him. “Hello my dear…” Her father greeted her, with a solemn expression. “It’s good to see you, although you know we weren’t originally ready for you to come here.” Her father paused, turning his attention to Szymon knowing he had something to say. “Cris… Why? Why are you here?” Szymon stepped forward, taking ahold of both her hands in his hands looking into her eyes. “I couldn’t live without you. I tried to originally end my own life. But I guess fate had other plans… I assume it was a heart attack, but I was so heartbroken from hearing you’ve died. So I guess you could honestly say I died of a broken heart.” Cristonia chuckled softly, smiling. “But… I thought you wanted to live longer… Perhaps find another?” Szymon asked, still looking into her eyes. “You were the only one I ever wanted. The only one I ever needed. I couldn’t live without you, and here we are now.” Cristonia, wrapped her arms around Szymon in a hug. “I’ve missed you so much…” Szymon replied, wrapping his arms around her. Forever in an eternal embrace, at the end of it all this is what true love looks like…
  2. Ezra, Zahira, Yerro, Callum, Emony, and Sola Ezra stepped out of hers and her lifemates blarg. She knew what had to be done, She ushered her children to follow her while she carried the youngest in her arms. "Mom? What's going on... Why is there fire everywhere?" Ezra shook her head. Dismissing her daughter's question, she was more focused on finding her lifemate and getting their children to safety. "Dew nub beh afrayd ziztah, whi juz fallo momo. Mi zhur zhe kno wher zhe ez goin'." Yerro tried to reassure his sister, Zahira. Callum Followed silently, he was holding the hand of his sister Emony and his older brother Yerro who lead them to follow Ezra. Emony looked around at the flames, she was more curious then scared. She looked up at her older sister Zahira who followed behind them. "Sister?" Emony called up to Zahira. "Yes? What's wrong? Do you feel sick?" Zahira paused for a moment. "Mom hold on." Zahira called out to Ezra. "I think Em's about to be sick." Ezra stopped for a moment, turning around. "Juz pik her ub. Whi dew nub hab tik fer diz." Ezra sighed, her voice filled with concern and worry. "Right, Come here Em." Zahira knelt down and scooped her sister into her arms forcing Emony to let go of Callum's hand, nodding for them to continue on. Sola rested in Ezra's arms, unaware of the issues at hand. She was more tired and chose to sleep rather then be afraid.
  3. Ezra/Yerro/Zahira/Callum Ezra blinked at the parchment she held in her hands. She almost couldn't believe that the man she thought of as a father after everything was actually gone. She'd lost a lot, and now an adopted father that she thought so fondly of. She still remembered the time, William had walked her down the isle for her and Brawly's wedding and how William joked about her height. She sighed softly, all she could do at the moment was laugh at the good memories. Her son's Yerro, and Callum amongst her daughter's Zahira, Emony and now Sola came by her side. Sola never had a chance to meet William, but Ezra would make sure that she knew he was the best and most kindest man that ever lived. "Momo?" Yerro looked into her eyes. "Ez gawdpopo reallee gon?" Ezra nodded solemnly, although Yerro hadn't spent much time with William he was still his godfather. Yerro frowned, he was honestly very sad to hear this but had no words. He looked up into the sky, offering a big toothy goofy grin. "Wherevahr lat ez, whi wyhl nuber fergit lat. Gawdpopo." He lowered his head in a moment of Silence. Ezra wrapped her arm around Yerro, as Zahira opened her mouth to speak. "I don't remember this man, but I'm sure you won't let me forget. Neither you or daddy will. But for what it's worth, Godfather.... I hope you find peace." Zahira sighed, moving to stand by her older brother Yerro and join him in the moment of silence. Callum walked over, he had the most confused look on his face. He'd never met William either, but again he was going to learn about him and all the good he'd done for their family. "Who is the man you're speaking of mom?" Callum questioned looking between her and his siblings. He was holding their newest addition, Sola in his arms. "Is he important or something?" Callum sighed, he honestly felt bad for the remorseful moment not knowing William. Yerro lifted his head stepping over to his little brother, kneeling in front of him. "Yub. He ez vury impertunt. He ez aur gawdpopo, agh alweyz wyhl beh. Mi kno lat dyd nub meht him, buht whi wyhl tehl lat abut him." Yerro smiled pulling his little brother and sister Sola into a loose hug so that he didn't squash her. Ezra turned to her children, smiling slightly. William would be proud of the man Yerro was growing up to be.... She turned to them wrapping her arms around all of them before taking them back inside for dinner.
  4. Ezra raised a brow, hearing of said auction. She figured this could do her family some good, having 6 kids and recently loosing her eldest son. She traveled over to grab a raffle ticket in hopes of getting something, she didn't care what it was. IGN: angel128bu RP NAME: Ezra Scath
  5. [!] A Missive would be posted around Rozania, hung on walls the denizens would pass frequently. On the ninth of first seed year 42 of the second age, we have lost a member of our Rozanian family. It is with a heavy heart, we the Scath family do announce the untimely death of our eldest son, Keetzo Scath. He died in battle in service to the rangers of Elysium with his honor intact. He lived to defend the innocent and vanquish those who would seek to do them harm. He was the beloved son of Ezra and Zurk but was adopted by Brawly and Ezra after they were married. He was loved by all in the family including his brothers Yerro and Soren, as well as his sisters Mellena, Paige, and Zahira. The funeral will be held in a saint’s day (OOC Sunday September 19th) Rest in peace Keetzo Scath beloved son of Ezra and Brawly. You will be missed. (OOC: Below depicts a picture of the person who died.)
  6. Willyam, Et ez wiv grate honour, dat lat haz tayken ahl ub uz en az hez own familee. Mi ahm gratefuhl fer everting lat haz dun and wyhl dew fer ahl uf uz az a hole. Whi aur honeztlee prowd tew kahl lat familee, agh wyhl alweyz dew aur bezt tew beh der fer lat az much az lat haz ben fer uz. P.Z Whi appreziate lat zo much, agh aur glahd tew beh apart ub zahrizzah. Scath Family
  7. I'm currently looking for a player who is available and willing to play my persona's son. The child is half orc, half goblin his name is Keetzo the last name is our family name which is Scath. Keetzo is probably 10 years old now. They aren't very old, but their parents are a goblin named Ezra Scath and a human named Brawly Scath. I'm hoping the one who'll play Keetzo knows Blah which is the common orc speak. I'm just looking for a player for Keetzo, DM either Dope Bob weed pants#8972 Or animallover23#0171. We'll provide you with the skins, and proper ages. You don't have to play them often, as I know some people have other persona's that are their priority. But we would like to see them every now and then. Thanks! (side note - our ingame usernames are angel129bu and tk4522_John.) This has been taken down. Do not message us on our discord or ingame. I apologize to those who were thinking of being my persona's child.
  8. Lilly was an interesting person who had a wonderful heart and two amazing sons. She however spent most of her time with a group called X-cution, where she was an assassin taking on targets and earning money for her family. Her first son Cillo, didn't see much of her due to that fact. He mostly grew up on his own, but this post isn't about her son. It's about Lilly, I guess you could say she was a wonderful mother. She adopted a third child taking care of her for only a short period of time before she'd gone to the tavern in Talon's Grotto. She met up with her son Brawly and daughter Paige, only to later on that day pass away. She was looking quite worse for wear and sickly, but it didn't take long for that poor woman to collapse onto the floor of the alehouse tavern. The woman only the age of 64, her body broken down and she really felt it. It didn't take a toll on her until later that day, when she passed away peacefully on the tavern floor close with her son Brawly, and daughter Paige. Rest In Piece 𝕷𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖍
  9. MC Name: angel129bu Character Name: Gwenyth Ireheart Character Age: 23 Appearance: Red eyes, ginger hair, light skin Bloodline - Olaf Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, Son of , grandson of etc): Twin sister of Glothgin Do you agree to follow the Clan Tenets OOC’ly and IC’ly and face the consequences for their breaking?: Yes What is your Discord?: animallover23#0171
  10. MC name:crow_scar character name Glothgin ireheart character age:20 appearance:ginger hair with braided beard and red eyes stands at 3ft 5 inches bloodline:olof relation in bloodline: son of Korin ireheart yes I agree to follow the tennets of the clan both icly and oocly on risk of eternal damnation and ultimately pking of my dwarf My discord: crowthorn#4782 for the image of my skin please contact lefty_bojangles
  11. [!] Pieces of armor,prosthetic limbs and blood would be found scattered around krugmar they seemed to belong to guh’krush of klan gorkil, was he massacred? or had he done this himself? following the pieces and blood stains they would lead to a cliff overlooking the grasslands,where he would often visit whenever he needed to clear his mind, but something was.....different this time.As he looked over the grasslands he would draw his war cleaver looking it over he would then speak. “zkah….mi hab beyn wurrflezz zince dah furzt tik mi wuz born...mi hab nub’azh aneymoor... MI AB WEAK!” he would say as he impaled the warcleaver into the firm ground beneath him.He would look his body over noticing every scar burn and prosthetic piece he had replacing his body..a thought would pass bye his mind. [!] lat ab ag kowurd lat ab pathetic...lats brudduz all flatz bekuz uff...LAT! guh’krush would tthink this torturous thought over and over a thousand times in his head before kneeling down and speaking.”Turgath mi kub forgev latz popo….korgahk mi brudda furgev mi....agh Adelaide mi luv pleze….forget mi.... with his moping done and over,he knew what must be done.He had lost his home his kub his rex and his will to go on.He would stand to his feet and would look down towards his cleaver grasping the handle and yanking it firmly out of the ground.He would hold it up in front of him as he walked towards the edge of the cliff.Memories of his life in klan gorkil would pass by quickly as he grew closer towards the edge of the cliff.He would halt just toe length away plaicing the cleaver to his gut and leaning forward over the edge of the cliff,he would begin to smile as he leaned farther and farther until before he knew it he had fallen off of the cliff cleaver slicing firmly into his stomach as he fell.He would close his eyes as he grew closer towards the ground one last thought emerging in his head. [!] Gug’ye brudduz and ziztahz uff krug….rulg fur evurytin. -ooc: It really hurts mi to do this guys but I just want to let you know that the time I spent within the orcish community was the best time ive ever spent in my life and I really do mean it. you guys are awesome!!! beyond awesome! I just wish I could of been better I hope to still be in the orcish community after this but I don't know if ill even be on lotc for a while...I just want to shout out to elite_snipes nanman _jandy_ Gopnikhaswares cornphlake dutch bonehead and many more everyone in this community had been a great inspiration in my life in lotc and irl I love you guys and hope to see you on the flip side. sorry for the bd quality of this topic its one of the first ive ever written and im terrible at writing sometimes.
  12. angel129bu


    Tharran starbreaker was born into starbreaker clan, his father is none other than Torken starbreaker.Tharran is a brother to,two other siblings, ever since he could walk he had been making and or finding, various objects and trinkets around the world, and selling them to people for anything of value.He always found time to help his family and those in need, using sheer willpower to accept nothing in return, although it doesn't always work....But his passion for making and finding things to sell, is often overwhelmed by a stronger fascination about golems,He used to try to sneak around watching how they were carved, put together, taken apart, he loved every glimpse and every minute.He hopes one day that the elders of the clan will take him under their wing, and teach them their ways.He can be rather greedy but he enjoys helping others, he has also been known to exaggerate the properties of certain items, as to get a better deal he does not find shame in this though, he sees it as a harmless white lie....that benefits him.He loves to explore, often leading him to leave his home in search of new things to find, or do,He holds family in the highest regard and will often do nearly anything for his clan.He does not like murder usually, but he is not afraid to put an end to a threat, what he cannot kill or escape from he will often try to bargain his way out of. life was always good though, Tharran was born in Kaz’ulrah before his family had to leave Kaz’ulrah as it was destroyed by attackers, the starbreaker clan moved on to Agnarum to continue their lives.The starbreaker clan is an old dwarven clan, dating back to Urguan himself they value honor and respect, they also have a deep regard to family.They have proven loyal to the dwarven kingdom many times.They are the only dwarves who know and can teach golemancy, it is said they are also single handedly the best smiths to exist.Tharran had survived the undead, he had also survived the attack on kaz’ulrah the question is what will happen now?
  13. angel129bu


    Tharran starbreaker was born into starbreaker clan, his father is none other than Torken starbreaker.Tharran is a brother to,two other siblings, ever since he could walk he had been making and or finding, various objects and trinkets around the world, and selling them to people for anything of value.He always found time to help his family and those in need, using sheer willpower to accept nothing in return, although it doesn't always work....But his passion for making and finding things to sell, is often overwhelmed by a stronger fascination about golems,He used to try to sneak around watching how they were carved, put together, taken apart, he loved every glimpse and every minute.He hopes one day that the elders of the clan will take him under their wing, and teach them their ways.He can be rather greedy but he enjoys helping others, he has also been known to exaggerate the properties of certain items, as to get a better deal he does not find shame in this though, he sees it as a harmless white lie....that benefits him.He loves to explore, often leading him to leave his home in search of new things to find, or do,He holds family in the highest regard and will often do nearly anything for his clan.He does not like murder usually, but he is not afraid to put an end to a threat, what he cannot kill or escape from he will often try to bargain his way out of.
  14. angel129bu


    I was about 5 when both parents were killed in battle, and i was then sent off to live with my aunt until age 15. I then underwent the trials of adult hood and became a warrior, my claws hunger for the blood of my enemies. Yet i do enjoy hanging out with halflings and going to their parties when i have free time. I did make a friend of a young halfling when i was 7 but its been a really long time since i last heard from him. But i do wonder how much of my people are still alive from that big fight when i was 5. I am now currently residing in sutica it is a very beautiful place and very nice in the summer if i might add.
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