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  1. Eglie court isse jorrāelagon hen iā portraiteer Issued on the 17, of Laenor’s Escape of 146 S.A. SUMMARY/INTRODUCTION This missive is a summons to any and all clerical citizens of Aeltarys and beyond. Because it is the will of the Crown to share its honored presence with its citizenry and noble class, the High Prince and Princess have resolved to host court and give weight to the announcements and conversations therein. While such things are to the great pleasure of all Aeltarosi, the object of royal desire has shifted to attaining a body of Portraiteers. Duties of the Court Portraiteers 1) Attending major events and gatherings of Aeltarosi, especially courtly events 2) Drafting and composing portraits of various scenery and particular figures 3) Using tools and resources to modify the portraits 4) Sharing portraiture with the public and royalty on often occasion Compensations 1) Special access to places and events of Honor 2) Recognition of merit and good service 3) Training in skills and career path of portraiture Examples of Works: Contact High Princess Arabella of Aeltarys (tadabug#2000) Casstrucio Dandalo (Lomiei#5456) Zālagon Jehikagrī, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Arabella Valraenos, Grand Princess of the Aeltarosi (Authored By) Casstrucio Dandalo of Pavia
  2. SE COURT HEN ŌRBAR Issued on the 11th, of Bloodwings Flight of 5 AST. INTRODUCTION Se Court Hen Ōrbar, or in common the Court of Smoke is the first Aeltarosi court established upon the expedition of the Aeltarosi to Aevos. With the ceremony of His Royal Highness, Maegor I and Her Royal Highness Arabella I, the newly named Grand Princess has seen it fit to herald the creation of the Court of Smoke, advised by the natural-born Aeltarosi. “May the flames burn as bright as an inferno.” THE DRAGON'S BREATH The highest tier of the courts, commonly referred to as the Dragon’s Breath is kept solely to the royal family of Valraenos. It consists of the Grand Prince and Princess, the Crown Royal once an heir is named and the royal family itself. Their roles are showcased in many ways, in which they may fill any roles of the court. It is the consort, though, of the Grand Prince or Princess that will be seen running the Courts and thus appointing the roles below them. THE INFERNO The second highest tier of the courts, in which is it commonly referred to as the Inferno, as the difficulty of getting into the positions and keeping them in this fast-paced and ever-changing environment is that of akin to an inferno. THE INFERNOS OVERSEER The Infernos Overseer of the Ōrbar Court is second-in-command to the Dragon’s Breath, and the highest-ranking position. They are an individual who speaks directly with the upper tier and assures their expectations and standards are kept to. They are tasked with setting the example, and thus must always be the epitome of their role. Alongside this, they ensure the court is running smoothly with all the essentials it may need. They directly interview and hire those of the second tier, the Inferno, alongside those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants. THE INFERNO OF CEREMONIES The Inferno of Ceremonies of the Ōrbar Court is the second highest-ranking position. They answer directly to the Infernos Overseer and the Dragon’s Breath alike. They are tasked with the introduction of games, traditions and ensuring each event that takes place is more exciting then the last. They must be ever-fluid much like an inferno, and thus must always be the epitome of their role. They directly interview and hire those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants. THE INFERNO OF SERVITUDE The Inferno of Servitude of the Ōrbar Court is the third highest-ranking position. They answer directly to the Infernos Overseer and the Dragon’s Breath alike. They are tasked with ensuring the courts are fully stocked with necessities, they are to keep the cabinets full, upkeep the palace and to assume responsibility for the lower positions running smoothly. They directly interview and hire those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants and those of the fourth tier, the Embers Servants. THE INFERNOS WEAVER The Infernos Weaver of the Ōrbar Court is the fourth highest-ranking position. They answer directly to the Infernos Overseer and the Dragon’s Breath alike. They are tasked with the keeping of court archives, the keeping of important documents and the introduction of new ones. They are to keep the Court relevant, with the finding of various art pieces, bringing forth traditions old and new and keeping a keen eye to our history. The most notable of this, which gives them their name, is that they must be skilled in embroidery. When appointed to their position, they are to embroider the scarf used in Aeltarosi ceremonies, a great honor for any Aeltarosi to have. They directly interview and hire those of the third tier, their Scales Assistants. THE SCALES The third highest tier of the courts, commonly referred to as the Scales, as they bring a much needed balance to the courts. While not as difficult to get into as the Infernos tier, it is a difficult position to uphold nonetheless. THE SCALES ADVISOR The Scales Advisor of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath alike. They do not have specific tasks set, and as advisors can be hired on for any number of reasons, depending on talent and ability. They are called upon when their particular set of skills or talents are needed within the courts. THE SCALES ASSISTANT The Scales Assistant of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath alike, though they may have a primary they answer to. What they assist on depends solely on who they were hired on to assist, i.e. event running with the Infernos of Ceremonies or managerial work to the Grand Princess. THE EMBERS The lowest tier of the courts, commonly referred to as the Embers, in which they can be blown out with the wind or be tended to and be made into fire. The work set out can vary wildly, much like a Princess choosing her apparel for the day. THE EMBERS SERVANT The Embers Servant of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the upper tiers of the court, though the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath always takes the utmost priority. They are set a variety of tasks, which are not exclusive to the upkeep and cleanliness of the palace, serving during various functions or even the rearranging of a flower pot to another corner of the room. THE EMBERS WARD The Embers Ward of the Ōrbar Court answers directly to the individual they are warded to, though the Infernos and Dragon’s Breath always takes the utmost priority. The tasks they are set are based solely on the discretion of the individual who warded them, though it will primarily be seen to be based around the role in question, i.e. being warded to the Infernos Weaver will see you organizing the palaces books, or embroidering a handkerchief. Zālagon Jehikagrī, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Arabella Valraenos of Pavia, Grand Princess of the Aeltarosi, Princess of Dragonclaw, Lady of Pavia, Lady of Atalais, Lady of Erice, Lady of Austerone
  3. On Letter Writing, Intentions, and Layout UKEN VE KRAWN I ROZZ Issued by the OFFICE OF VE ESROVA KORT On the 7th day of Vzmey ag Hyff of 481 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, Upon assigning tasks based around letter writing to the wards of the Morrivi Court, it has been brought to our attention that there appears to be some confusion surrounding the layout of a letter and how best to write one, depending on the intentions had. Below the previous work of Queen Isabel and her Court is credited, particularly the section on letter writing, which is greatly expanded upon for further education of our courts and Kingdom. ON PREVIOUS WRITINGS As referenced in Etiquette Reforms in the Royal Court of Hanseti-Ruska, Section II; Letters, published in 353 E.S. during the reign of Queen Isabel: “The art of composing a letter to anyone is a learned talent. Letters and calling cards are expected as a way of gratitude after a family has graciously hosted an event or dinner. Letters are also a way of solidifying courtship. Those particular notes should be crafted mindfully with tone and word choice in mind. Handwriting should be clear, not too large and bold yet possessing some kind of character or style.” These written words still hold true to this day, and we encourage you to read the full section within those reforms from some time ago. Our reason, though, for writing further on this now is not to change what was written but only to expand upon it further; allowing an increased understanding as to the art that is letter writing. THE LAYOUT OF A LETTER The layout of a letter finds its basis in whether it is a formal or informal letter, alongside that of the topic you wish to touch on. SALUTATIONS In any letter, the first part seen is the salutations, of which may contain the names of both parties. Whether you would see the recipient or the sender's name and titles first is dependent upon the status of the recipient and the sender alike, Below is an example, of a Count sending a letter to a Baroness: “The Right Honorable, Count of Oblong, Knight of the Realm and Defender of Haense and its vassals gives his greetings to Her Ladyship, Baroness of the Righthood, Ambassador to Petra -” This, above, is an example of a formal letter - One where the sender is of higher ranking then the recipient and the sender has not spoken to or sent a letter to the recipient previously. If the Count in question instead wished to flatter the Baroness, even if he had not met her previously, it would be written in a way such as this, allowing for a petition based subject instead: “To the inspiring Baroness of the Righthood, Her Ladyship, justful Ambassador to the Petra from the Right Honorable, Count of Oblong, Knight of the Realm and Defender of Haense and its vassals, greetings-” The difference in this introduction is that, compared to the first, it speaks of the perceived virtues of the recipient, despite their lower status - and by listing them first, offers flattery. This is why more often than not, you would see something petitioned afterwards, as a compliment is offered before the request. There are a total of four introductions, the formal neutral, which was listed in the first example above. This lists the higher statused sender first, with no form of flattery within the letter. The second type is formal good, this being where you go for flattery, in which the lower statused recipient is listed first. Each of these can have subsections to it, which can change the letter and its intentions with but a few changes of layout. Formal neutral, though, stays just as that with no subsections as it what one would call truly formal. Under formal good, though, there are a few choices. You may choose in such phases of politeness to list the higher statused individual first, which in this example is you, the Count - With virtuous words used towards the recipient as a form of a flattery meant not to come on too strong, when the recipient is listed second. Another choice is to do as in the example; listing the lower statused recipient first with virtuous words or you may choose not to use virtuous words at all. Each of these three subsections are a form of flattery, often used before making a request, or that of a petition. The other two levels of politeness for introductions that have not been listed yet are on informal letters. In this instance, our example changes, though this time the Count and the Baroness are old friends, those who have spoken and written previously and have known each other for quite some time. Some examples may be given below for reference: “My dear Lady Anabel, -” Or “My Lady, -” Shorter, sweeter and friendlier are these examples above. Should they be used on someone you are not close with, however, it may constitute a great offense. The first example will be kept to the theme of naming and be dubbed as informal good. This in particular boasts several details of note in this short but sweet sentence. It uses the Baroness’s first name, Anabel, and refers to her informally as ‘Lady’ versus that of ‘Baroness’. Additionally, the word ‘dear’ is used beforehand, denoting a close friendship and a care for the recipient. In opposition, is simply ‘My Lady’, which shall be under the informal neutral manner. The sender and recipient are friendly enough to warrant using informal letters, but are not close enough to exchange words as is used in the other example above. The Count refers to her as ‘Lady’, an informal term versus that of ‘Baroness’, with some denotion to their friendship as he also uses the word ‘My’. ON WELL-BEING This next part of the letter is not as interchangeable as the section soon to be touched on; petition, may be, as this section is generally expected to keep up any friendship (in the case of an informal letter) or to keep the recipient in a good mood (in the case of a formal letter). This section of the letter oftentimes sees the sender wishing the recipient good health, prosperous fortune or otherwise. What should be included in this section is more often than not up to the sender, but it should have basis in the intention of the letter. Should this be a formal letter, you’d find the example below fitting: “I have heard news of your recent pursuits in your Ambassadorial duties within Petra and commend them highly. The news on the recently made Pact of the Petrine Crow has spread far and wide, leaving the people in great cheer, which I pray you are much the same. Upon reading your work, I can only hope to hear more in the future.” This, as you can see above, is formal while still offering an amount of flattery to put the recipient into higher spirits. Naturally, of course, for letters more of a discourse type nature - This example can be written differently, in which you are not aiming to put them in any sort of mood, or are even wishing to set them into something more foul. More often than not, though, you shall find yourself checking on their well-being. In another example, you would use this when requesting something from someone; in which a petition is followed afterwards. In this instance, more often than not, you would expect to see someone quoting a proverb about how noble or generous they are, being followed by requesting something: “Your noble pursuits have shown to give freely and yet gain even more - for a generous person such as yourself prospers, refreshing others and thus being refreshed. Such generosity has been noticed in the recent Pact of the Petrine Crow which has spread far and wide, rejuvenating to the people's ears and offering hope for the future.” The example above is formal, yet uses flattery, proverbs and speaks of their noble pursuits, their generosity and just how refreshing it is. When reading this, anyone can tell it is leading up to a request, a petition within the letter written. With that of informal letters, it is a different story in which you may more simply check on their well-being, without as much use of proverbs, flowery language or otherwise, an example of such below: “I hope I write to you of well-mind and health, and that of your family. I’d heard of the pact made with Petra and am happy to see you prospering under your new position!” It can be longer, shorter or otherwise but the example gets the point across. It checks in on her health and even that of her family’s, and comments on how she must be prospering as he mentions having heard of the Pact made - a sign of a job well done. ON NARRATION This next part is where the actual purpose of the letter is expounded upon, in which the sender may speak of their family, difficulties they had at home, relay certain information or otherwise. Below is an example of formal good narration in letter writing: “It is that of the aforementioned future that troubles me so. The yield of the crops this year has been low and famine high, in which your noble pursuits of the Pact of the Petrine Crow may offer the people much needed respite. How they suffer so, seeking the generosity of a noble individual such as yourself, to allow their bellies to be full and hearts warm.” With a narration such as this, it would likely be followed by a petition which will be touched on in a later section. The narration in question touches on several things: that trouble has been had in the lands of which the Count writes from, and that the trouble is based around food - by mention of the Pact, one can gather that there was likely some mention of trade in the pact that would benefit the people in question. Following this, though, is another example in which you would find an informal narration: “I wish things were just as prosperous back home but alas; the food stock has been dwindling due to famine, and I find myself scouring the markets for but a crumb -” This is kept relatively informal, and with how it is written, it would be followed by a petition. ON PETITIONS This part of the letter may be omitted entirely if your letter does not include a request, it can also include pleas, admonishments or otherwise, depending on the intent of the letter in question. In order to keep with the examples given above, we’ll continue in the base of a Count writing a letter to a Baroness. Below is an an example, keeping to the formal good style we have been discussing: “I beg of you in this instance to send even a portion of what was gained in the trade deal made within the Pact of the Petrine Crow so that the people may be renewed, and filled with food to their heart's content - for this famine may continue for some time, and only your generous nature shall stave off further ruin.” The example above is a request, in keeping with the flattery and intentions of the letter being written - It plays on the recipient's good nature, speaks of the trouble of others, and is worded in a way so as to sweet-talk them into receiving the petition in question. Intentions, though, can make or break a letter. Even with the flattery used previously, this part can be changed to be of a threatening nature, as exemplified below: “And yet, it is with that same nobility and that same reputation that has preceded you with the making of the Pact of the Petrine Crow - one that would not be had without the aid of myself. Pay heed to what I demand, munitions as agreed upon within the Pact are to be sent henceforth to the people here.” The example above has altered the tone and intentions of the letter entirely, however keeping still with the formal good manner of writing letters - while putting forth a threat to the Baroness from the Count. ON CONCLUSIONS Considered primarily as the last part of the letter, which is true and yet not at the same time, this section collates the letter’s message, states goodbyes, expresses well-wishes, or if one is maintaining a threatening tone, states the consequences of ignoring your petition. Keeping to the previous examples of a formal good letter, this is an example of a conclusion that may be had: “There is no more to you at this time, for I hope this letter finds you well and that we may speak further in due time. I imagine, though, that I will hear word of your generous actions long before I receive such a letter back. I pray for you at this time, for your good health, and for your continued success, offering GODspeed and GODbless as I bid you my farewell.” This brings us nearly to the end of the written letter, in which further well-wishes are expressed - prayers and flattery alike; all of which keep to the tone and intentions of the letter that is to be sent. Subsequently, following conclusions are that of signatures and a date, so as to show that the letter is authentic. A date or location need not always be separate if it is included in the conclusion of the letter itself. The date of which this is written is more often than not at the top of the letter itself, the signature at the bottom alongside a notation as to where the letter was written, so a response might be penned in turn. To further ensure authenticity, as one wishes to prevent the potential of letter forgery, the letter upon its conclusion shall be folded and stamped with wax, before the personal or familial seal of the sender - based on the intent of the letter - is imprinted into the wax. The wax seal is of great importance, as it is a way of showing identity and proving just who has sent the letter; signed signature or not. LETTER EXAMPLES An example of a formal good letter written by Queen Sofia, based upon the example detailed previously, a Count contacting a Baroness is written below. Petitioning is used, alongside flattery in this example: “To the inspiring Baroness of the Righthood, Her Ladyship, justful Ambassador to the Petra from the Right Honorable, Count of Oblong, Knight of the Realm and Defender of Haense and its vassals, greetings. Your noble pursuits have shown to give freely and yet gain even more - for a generous person such as yourself prospers, refreshing others and thus being refreshed. Such generosity has been noticed in the recent Pact of the Petrine Crow which has spread far and wide, rejuvenating to the people's ears and offering hope for the future. It is that of the aforementioned future that troubles me so. The yield of the crops this year has been low and famine high, in which your noble pursuits of the Pact of the Petrine Crow may offer the people much needed respite. How they suffer so, seeking the generosity of a noble individual such as yourself, to allow their bellies to be full and hearts warm. I beg of you in this instance to send even a portion of what was gained in the trade deal made within the Pact of the Petrine Crow so that the people may be renewed, and filled with food to their heart's content - for this famine may continue for some time, and only your generous nature shall stave off further ruin. There is no more to you at this time, for I hope this letter finds you well and that we may speak further in due time. I imagine, though, that I will hear word of your generous actions long before I receive such a letter back. I pray for you at this time, for your good health, and for your continued success, offering GODspeed and GODbless as I bid you my farewell.” An example of a informal neutral letter by Lady Karyna: “To My Lady, Karina Ludovar I do hope this letter finds you in good health. It has been some time since we have spoken and I wished to reach out as a means of catching up in these dire times. I hope that all is well within the Family of Ludovar. Perhaps at some point, should you be available, we could meet for tea or hot cocoa. GOD knows we need to keep friends near when times are tough. I look forward to your response, may GOD bless you and your family, farewell.” IV JOVEO MAAN Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Slesvik, Solvesborg, and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia, and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Siegrad, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Astfield, Buck, Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Thurant. Her Ladyship, Anabel Elia Colborn, Keeper of the Book of House Colborn, Royal Scribe Her Ladyship, Karyna Rezalin Colborn, Ward to Queen Sofia
  4. Issued by the MORRIVI PRIKAZ COURTS On this 3rd day of Tod ag Yermey of 478 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, With the discussion had as to the worry of just how long we shall be residing within this new Underdark, and that of the concerns of what our people will eat during this time, it was decided someone must be appointed in leading expeditions as to this new area, trying what our new environment has to offer and to provide a guide as to what is safe and provides nourishment to eat versus not. Keeping this in mind, this position of Master of Agriculture is being made under the Morrivi Prikaz Courts. This position is temporary, granted for the time being and will be looked at once more as to whether it is needed once we leave this area. MASTER OF AGRICULTURE Ser Sterling Amador @VerminHunter Ser Sterling Amador took charge when the worry was mentioned by troubled citizens and the Queen alike. Setting forth on an expedition, he tried what was there at the risk to his own health, all in the name of the Kingdom. With prior experience in camping, and finding food in strange places, the courts believe him a fine fit as our Master of Agriculture. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  5. Issued by the MORRIVI PRIKAZ COURTS On this 6th day of Joma ag Ugmund of 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, With the onslaught of letters that have come with our previous missives, the palace has been busy with varying footsteps and the doors to offices opening and closing as interviews take place. And so those interviews have been fruitful, producing seven new members of our courts, all of which we look forward to just what they do during their tenure. Even so, the courts are still interviewing, still hiring and within the coming Saints days, a missive will be posted to show just which positions have been filled and what we still seek to fill in turn. COURT ADVISOR Her Highness, Princess Hera Munnel @Apotolofo What one would call a colorful and loud individual, spotted across any ballroom floor with a shock of red hair, her Ladyship Hera is someone that is certainly difficult to ignore. Having traveled immensely, and with her penchant of meeting those of even the strangest countenance, she will be an invaluable advisor on matters having to deal with the lands of Almaris, its groups and otherwise. COURT KHAZYA Her Ladyship, Amelya Kortrevich @CupOTea__ Having recently returned to the Capital after an illness in her youth, Her Ladyship seeks to bring people together and inspire others during these troubling times. She has completed extensive research into particular events and customs, and the Court looks forward to just what she produces during her tenure. COURT ASTROLOGER His Lordship, Sterling Amador @VerminHunter The Lord Sterling Amador came recommended by our recently retired Court Astrologer, having helped her previously in drafting her missives on the Haeseni Zodiacs. After a lengthy interview, we naturally realized the why of the recommendation. Knowledgeable not only on what is published upon the missives, but he understands the finer details and appreciates the traditional heart of the Sigmundic Zodiac. His Lordship looks forward to teaching the value of the stars to those within Haense and perhaps even beyond, and we certainly look forward to how he does so. MASTER OF THE ROBES His Lordship, Murtagh Amador @Gutz An individual who has more recently returned from the countryside, with a storied collection of works that will breathe air upon the tender flames of our courts fashion and bring it to greater heights then previous. With a keen interest as to the clothing and jewelry those don in the varying multi-cultural styles across that of Haense, he is sure to be a hit within our courts, setting and documenting many trends. COURT BAKNA Her Ladyship, Marija Colborn @CelestialBoba Her Ladyship would be one of the more obvious appointments, as it’s well-known she had been hired on to bake the cakes, plural, at the royal wedding between King Georg I and the now Queen Sofia of Hyspia. The cakes were inventful, creative and above all, delicious. The courts are eager to see and taste her baking in the future, and just how, if even possible, how her skills grow in the meantime. COURT MUSICIAN Her Ladyship, Astrid Colborn @MutatedPotato The Lady Astrid was a more unorthodox appointment, having come across the Queen after a late meeting - henceforth presenting herself and her will to become that of a Musician for the courts. With agreement set upon, they moved to the ballroom where a series of instruments were presented to choose from, the violin soon chosen. What better to speak for one in an interview on the musical arts then music itself, afterall? A sweet, tender lullaby was played with a voice that could hit the high notes to boot. No questions were needed, exclaiming her maravillosa performance! COURT LIBRARIAN Her Ladyship, Anastasia Kortrevich @Orneth Her Ladyship Anastasia has gone on to show her passion for books, seeking out the caretaker of the Morrivi Prikaz library, and speaking on how she believes them to be a powerful tool for learning and personal growth and how she wishes to show the denizens of Haense just that. With her goals in mind, she spoke of hosting story nights and the like - a lovely pastime. Her ambitions were proven rather quickly and her ability to get things done, as she had immediately got to work in aiding our caretaker with a matter of the books within the library. Having shown her intentions already, we believe she’d make a lovely fit within our courts. COURT SCRIBE Firr, Jonathan O’Kieran @SirB0ng0 Last but certainly not least is the Firr Jonathan, having taken the chance to present himself before the King and Queen at their wedding feast - a sword and an offer alike. His offer amounted to becoming a Scribe for Their Majesties, and having been called upon at a later date for an interview in an official capacity, it was found that he has published many previous works and has made a bit of a name for himself. A name that we only hope grows further during his tenure under our Morrivi Prikaz courts. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera. His Excellency, Fabian Otto Kortrevich, Grand Lord of Hanseti and Ruska
  6. Issued by the MORRIVI PRIKAZ COURTS On this 6th day of Msitsa ag Dargund of 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, Our most recent missive detailed the opening of interviews and the restructuring of the Morrivi Prikaz courts alike, and it has since been fruitful. With many birds flying in across Karosgrad and even beyond, the court is soon to see many appointments once this round of interviews has come to an end. Until then, those that have proven themselves to the Monarchs and their council are appointed today, where they shall begin their positions henceforth. We look forward to their contributions to the growth of our courts, our home, Kingdom and Nation. And in turn, we hope that the people of Haense will support them in whatever endeavors they intend to pursue within Our royal courts. THE COURT ADVISOR Her Highness, Princess Veronica Weiss @Bethinwonderland Her Highness is someone who offers a unique perspective all of her own, whether it’s on politics, how to handle a conflict or otherwise - her competence knows no bounds and she is a valued member of our courts. With her appointment, she is to stay close by the Queen's side, to discuss matters as they are needed with an intent ear. THE COURT ADVISOR Her Royal Highness, Vicereine-Madre Laurelie de Pelear @AnimeWolf0080 Mother to the Queen, her storied history from her birth in the fallen Empire of Oren, the sprouting of the Kingdom of Balian and to her time now within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska has left her with a unique perspective to bestow upon the Queen and the council, for her wisdom knows no bounds. THE COURT ADVISOR His Lordship, Haus Weiss-Vuiller @PrimnyaQuorum His Lordship is one knowledgeable in multiple aspects, namely that of law and medicine. This has been gained from his time as the Deputy-Surgeon General of the St. Amayas’ Clinic of Karosgrad, alongside that as Jovenaar. Level-headed and supplying logic and logistics to our courts, he’ll make a fine addition to the council. THE MASTER OF THE ABSTRACT His Lordship, Haus Weiss-Vuiller @PrimnyaQuorum The second role for His Lordship to be appointed to within this missive, his knowledge of magical matters has made him indisposable, furthermore with his work as a Mage allowing either magic to delight the denizens of the court or to aid in the varying conflicts raging across Almaris as of current. The discussions between him and the Queen established his duties along the lines of this; keeping awareness of the magical happenings within the kingdom and the world, ensuring magical happenings within the kingdom are kept under control and regulation and furthering the kingdom's understanding of the magical and the abstract. THE MISTRESS OF THE PANTRY Firress, "Nona" Fable Annette Ambrosia @_mady07 A relatively new face to the streets of Karosgrad and yet, one beloved all the same. She clicked in with a cane, a missive and shouted words as she began to feed anyone with a hungry belly within our very streets. Seeing this, the first task assigned to our newly appointed Grand Lord was to bring her into our courts immediately, naming her Mistress of the Pantry. Per the Grand Lord and Nona Fable’s discussions, the Mistress of the Pantry shall instruct the youth of Karosgrad in the culinary arts; keep the culinary traditions of Hanseti-Ruska alive and well; and have her craft provided for by the palace as she shares her works with the good people of Haense. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera. His Excellency, Fabian Otto Kortrevich, Grand Lord of Hanseti and Ruska Her Ladyship, Allessandra de Vend, Palace Custodian of the Morrivi Prikaz, Caretaker of the Morrivi Prikaz Library
  7. Issued by the QUEEN OF HANSETI-RUSKA On this 14th day of Gronna ag Droba of 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, The Morrivi Court, the Queen's purview over her nation and realm, has been restructured after the recent retirement of the former Grand Lady, the Lady Viorica Kortrevich. Her work is undeniable during her tenure, seeing to it that it worked efficiently and fluidly alike and for that we thank her. Nevertheless, the now Queen has obtained two promising individuals to contribute to the Morrivi Court’s further growth, promoting from within before she seeks those outside of the current roles. We hope that the people of Haense will support them in whatever endeavors they intend to pursue within our royal courts. THE GRAND LORD HIS LORDSHIP, FABIAN KORTREVICH @critter His Lordship has proved his dedication to the courts during his tenure as Master of the Hunt, with a keen eye of the details, efficiency in the events he ran and clear communication - three things one should take pride in and that the courts would look for within a Grand Lord or Lady alike. THE LADY CUSTODIAN HER LADYSHIP, ALLESSANDRA DE VEND @Smol Her Ladyship has proven during her tenure as the Lady Chamberlain her work ethic, just how she gets things done and the tidy up-keep of the projects she sees to. It is for this reason the courts sees her better suited to a role as the Lady Custodian, where she is henceforth promoted, with reign over the palace, its servantry and its day to day up-keep. ON INTERVIEWS Due to the restructuring of the courts and the opening and filling of positions anew, interviews are officially open for those who currently hold positions and those who do not alike - to see where they fit best within our Morrivi Prikaz. Should there be interest in an interview, bird the newly appointed Grand Lord Fabian Kortrevich or the Lady Custodian Allessandra de Vend. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia Camila of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  8. Sobre Perfumería Viceroyalty of Hyspia’s On Perfumery Hyspian Cultural Codex I: Volume II [!] Missives can be seen hung up around the Haense and Hyspia streets. A one-of-a-kind perfume created for the Princess Sofia de Pelear of Hyspia as a gift upon her Quinceanera. On Scent Theory There are varying theories as to scent and more importantly, perfuming. It is said that the scent one uses can make a difference in their day to day life. Much like one would dress the part for the role they wish to take on, this is believed to be along that same vein. Despite its stark difference, if one wishes to take on a more flirty scent, they’d do best to look into hints of vanilla or spicy notes. It’s believed that those scents are associated with home and that of a home cooked meal, which makes this theory an interesting one as every upbringing is different. For those seeking something more light-hearted, airy, floral scents would be the go-to. It’s said to generally improve someone's mood, allowing it to give its more light-hearted atmosphere and is said to even trigger happy memories. Now, on the opposite end of this, you have woodsy scents. Crisp, aromatic notes that more often than not reminds someone of nature. In theory, it is said that it’s worn by outspoken individuals, natural leaders and namely, extroverts. The last of the four main scents variants would be that of something that you’d simply call fruity. A citrusy scent, which can easily be cloying if not used in moderation. Fruity scents are theorized to be all about personality, drawing attention to oneself and are meant to be fresh and invigorating. While these are sub-variants, these are the four main types of scents you’d find in perfuming and as written below, this will be touched on more, covering what is used in the making of perfume, on dousing yourself versus subtle scents and otherwise. What is Used? In the making of perfumes, there are a few things to keep in mind. While the ingredients are an important and key component when making any perfume, colors and tones have certain associations but it isn’t an exact science. Brown perfumes are associated with something more woody and dense, bringing it under the woodsy scent variant and occasionally the flirty scent variant. By knowing its final appearance beforehand, it’ll allow you to further plan ahead as to the make of the perfume bottle, just how to empathize the scent and otherwise. The same can be said with pale pinks being associated with more floral scent variants and hot pinks for something more sweet and light. Alongside this is green tones, associated with light and fresh scents, giving three main colors and meanings to choose from when planning your particular perfume bottle. When choosing to make a perfume of the flirty scent variant, you’d find that using vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper and/or cloves will be your friend. This makes a strong scent that lasts well over-time, giving it longevity. The second scent variant, that of the floral scent most often has that of roses, lavender, jasmine and/or lily of the valley. This perfume tends to smell like freshly cut flowers, and is not as well-known for its longevity throughout the day. If using citrus based oils with it, you’d wish to store it properly, lest it go bad. Our second to last scent variant is our woodsy scent, which ranges over from our more delicate materials, you’d find wood-based ingredients used in this, such as roots, resins, moss and leaves. This has more longevity much like the first variant listed, lasting longer throughout the day and thus, being recommended to use in moderation. Our last scent variant is the fruity piece, where flowers and fruits alike are combined to make this personality-packed scent. Some ingredients you’d see in this are jasmine and gardenias paired with fruits such as melons, apricots or coconuts, typically luscious flowers and juicy fruits. Its longevity is much like the second scent variant, not quite well-known for lasting throughout the day but unlike the second, this one is recommended to use in moderation due to its cloying nature. Too much can make the eyes water and the throat choke up. Dousing Yourself vs. Subtle Scents A good rule of thumb is if you can smell yourself, you put on too much. Imagery and Bottles There are three main material types of perfume bottles, alongside shape types alike. You have bottles primarily made of terracotta, glass or porcelain with the shapes being that of a spray bottle, roller-ball bottle or an entirely solid perfume jar. When it comes to perfume bottles, the shape, appearance and even make of the bottle can make the difference between a long-lasting scent and one that simply wisps away. When using a glass bottle, it is important to pick something darker that protects the liquid within from any visible light, heat or otherwise. Without it, it can lose its scent, begin to smell rotten even and/or discolor entirely. The benefits of using glass is due to its sturdy construction, which keeps other scents from leaking in and destroying the intended product and that it is cheap in comparison to the other types. Terracotta perfume bottles naturally have their own benefits and cons alike. Its make allows the liquid to stay cool and prevents leakage. Another benefit is that the longer it sits, the headier the scent grows over time, akin to wine. When using these bottles, ensure the terracotta is fired first or it will absorb the liquid in question and make waste of a perfectly good perfume. Our last type is that of the porcelain bottle, designed most often as the more expensive of perfumes, it would generally hold veins of gold or silver throughout. It’s an opaque bottle, which protects any visible light, heat or otherwise from getting in and ruining the liquid within but keeps one from viewing the contents entirely. Spritz vs. Roll-On When in doubt, spritz. Imagery upon a perfume bottle of any type within Hyspian culture is something you’d find is of great importance. More often than not, you’d find religious iconography or that of the scenery of our homeland. Such examples are of the iconography of the Blessed Francisco upon a cologne bottle, or the vivid scenery of the docks of the Ciudad de Plata islands upon a terracotta bottle. Each bottle is an artistic masterpiece in of itself. The Three Phases In the closing commentary on this documentation of perfuming within Hyspian culture, I’ll touch on the three phases of scent. The first scent one would pick up is the top note, it’s what immediately grabs an individual's attention, though the effect decreases quite a bit after a few minutes of application. The second is the heart note which is arguably the most important. It is most noticeable of the three, forming when the top note has evaporated and is more important in forming a harmonious union between the top and base notes. The third note is our base note which carries its own importance as the one that is long-lasting. It’s nuanced, developing something different for each person and one of the reasons why scent theory and matching your perfume to you is most important. It stabilizes the entire perfume, and much like the name, is its base in everything. While perfumes may seem simply a scent to choose from, there is much more to it then simply approaching a merchant to order! Signed, Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  9. [!] Written by the late Crown Princess Esperanza Alba Laurelie Camila de Pelear of Hyspia, her writings have been published by the Viceroyal Crown for the public to see, may the Bard Princess rest in peace upon the Seven Skies. Idioma de Las Fans Viceroyalty of Hyspia’s Language of the Fan Hyspian Cultural Codex: Volume I Introduction With the growing popularity of decorative fans, the high class society of Hyspia soon developed a sort of ‘language of the fans’ referred to as Idioma de las Fans, popular amongst the high class ladies within Hyspian Courts. What first started out as internal communication within singular social circles soon grew into a must know for any sophisticated lady within high society, paired with a fan often decorated with precious gemstones, delicate laces, and intricate designs. Common Fan Designs The value of the fan often reflects the pedigree of the lady who owns it. A noble woman and her very pretty fan. A common lady and her very common fan. The Language of Fans Starting Communication Carrying in the Left in Front of Face - I’m Paying Attention Common Phrases Fan Resting on Left Cheek - Yes Fan Resting on Right Cheek - No Holding the Fan in the Left Hand, In Front of Face - Follow Me Placing the Fan on the Left Ear - Please Don’t Leave Placing the Fan on the Right Ear - Please Leave Hiding the Mouth - We Are Being Watched Conversation Carrying in the Left Hand - Wishing for Acquaintance Holding the Fan in Both Hands, Closed - I Wish to Speak to You Carrying in Left Hand, Open - Come and Talk to Me Carrying in Right Hand, Open - I Don’t Wish to Speak Relationships Fanning Slowly - I am Married Fanning Quickly - I am Engaged Holding the Fan in Both Hands, Open - I am Single Holding the Fan in the Left Hand, Half Shut - Desire to Become Friends Holding the Fan in the Right Hand, Half Shut - Desire to Stay Friends Matters of the Heart Twirling the Fan in the Left Hand - I Love You Twirling the Fan in the Right Hand - I Love Another Tapping the Heart Once with the Fan - I Like You Tapping the Heart Twice with the Fan - Meet Me Later Tapping the Heart Thrice with the Fan - You Have Won My Love Pointing the Fan to the Ground - I Hate You
  10. By order of Princesa Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata a Notif of Dama de Honor has been issued for Senora Wihelmina Wick The first trial has been issued with the approval of Viceroy, Cesar I for one such Wilhelmina Wicks entrance into the position of Dama de Honor for Princesa Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata. The role is a hefty one, though it comes with perks of the trade, should you go on to pass all three. During this time, the Viceroyal family will be watching the girls actions to see if she’d be a good fit and look forward to what may come of this all. The first trial is this; Plan, coordinate and host an event that will fit your perspective Princesas standards. The rules are this, it must be within Ciudad de Plata. You may have assistance, within reason. An invite must be sent out to the public as a whole. Should you accept this first trial, come in person to state your intentions. May DIOS guide you! Viva Hyspia! Signed, His Highness, Cesar de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep and Gereon's Hold Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princesa of Ciudad de Plata of Hyspia
  11. A NOTIF FROM THE PALATI MONTEROSA The Palati Monterosa, 12th of Sigismund's End, in the Year of our Lord, 19 BA. The courts of the Palati Monterosa are under new management! Keeping this in mind, with the rearrangement and redefining of roles and the like and the garnering of new blood within the palace, a notif is sent and nailed to any respectable establishment by a courier, stating this: SUMMONS FROM THE PALATI MONTEROSA Varying positions are being hired within the Palati Monterosa. We are in search of six celebrants, event-planners who want to work under our High Celebrant to fill our halls with lively balls, feasts and varying other festivities. Handmaidens, seven in total, to assist the varying positions: Governess Princessa Imperia High Advisory High Chamberlain High Seneschal High Celebrant High Barrister And, two to three maids or servants who will assist in varying day to day tasks. They shall be paid per event that they attend and assist with as well. If you are interested please fill out an application at your soonest convenience! SIGNED, Her Excellency, Viscountess-Consort Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller of Renduzzo, heir to the County of Aquilae, High Chamberlain of the Palati Monterosa. Her Imperial Highness, Countess-Consort Yelena of Monteres, Governess of the Palati Monterosa. [!] An application is attached to the bottom, detailing a form that may be filled out and mailed in at their convenience.
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