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Found 10 results

  1. Chancellery Election | Commonwealth ✦• ─────────── •✦• ─────────── •✦ ELECTION On this 21st day of Sigismund's End, 2012 ɪᴍᴘ • PÉTRINE • CHANCELLERY ✦ • ─────────── • ✦ • ─────────── • ✦ Atstana de Regne Petrère, 157 FOREWORD ✦ TO SERVE ETERNAL • ─────────────────────────────── • Dame Amélie Auclair, Incumbent Chancellor ✦ To entrust one, with leadership, is to lay, plain unto their palms, the protection, and wellbeing of those who entrust and ordain one their duty; it is to demand an inalienable vow. A vow that one would act as the aegis that safeguards their hearts, livelihoods, and joys, such that they might ne’er suffer at the hands of fate again. To be the voice that bespeaks their deepest hearts’ every small beat, to be the blade, that rends their every woe & fear. It is now, we so convene, nary as realm, but family, to a future yet unseen; One unpenned, unwrit, untold, to a future penned, in gold. *Collect Your Ballot* A transcript, of the Chancellery Debate, has been summarily penned & delivered unto each home, shortly alongside the opening of the ballots, and the inception, of this next Chancellery Elections; you may find it below, alongside your ballot pinned above - go in Valour, Heart & Grace, and vote to heart's content, dearest beloved. ✦ ✦ • ──────────────── • ✦ • ──────────────── • ✦ Blanchette Basin, amidst the Canton of Renilcia, 1996 ɪᴍᴘ TRANSCRIPT ✦ CHANCELLOR’S DEBATE • ─────────────────────────────────── • With all convened in the Catherinian Square, of the Royal Capital; the Grand Speaker, Jun of Astor, would go on to convene & see the inception of the debate, by bidding each candidate-elect to introduce themselves, for posterity & those newly Pétrine hearts in attendance. ✦ Dame, Amélie Auclair To all herein, to which my heart is unknown, stands as our beloved Commonwealth’s, incumbent Lady-Chancellor, Dame Amélie Auclair. ✦ Lord, Sorrel Tulpe Auclair And I am your sitting Lord-Maire of Vallagne, and Comandante of the Swords of St. Emma, Sorrel Auclair! Also, your Ambassador of Fun! 𝐐𝟏 : What do you intend to pursuit during your potential Chancellorship? What sort of policies or programmes do wish to be pursued? ✦ Lord, Sorrel Tulpe Auclair That’s a great question, Lord Speaker. I personally would like to spearhead a cause for creating paths throughout the Commonwealth, better connecting our vassals to the main roads, and the main roads to the inter-realm roads. With Signage. That way, we would have a higher traffic of people coming & going from Petra. Quite literally giving them direction, hah! That of course, is a very domestic project, close to my heart. ✦ Grand-Speaker, Jun of Astor A good place to start, Dame-Chancellor, I ask you the same question. What would you want to pursue should you keep your position? ✦ Dame, Amélie Auclair We chance find ourselves, and our wider Commonwealth, in times of equal measures portent, and auspice; an occasion replete with the need, to defend our wider Aevosi Kinlands, and the family, that has long since become it herein; such made e’er more evident, by even by the nature of the elections we find ourselves in this eve. As ne’er one moment’s reprieve, was suffered taken, ne’er even until this very eve; finding myself palm in palm, with our dearest kinfolk allies, toiling over the next step forward, unto our hopes, designs & labours, in preparation of what is to come. I will see that the labours begun, in the last 20 summers, will ne’er end until we make certain our wider Commonwealth & kin, shall ne’er suffer an unkind fate, again. Seeing that our thus laboured, Garmont Pact, is seen to it’s ultimate conclusion, as an aegis for our Pétrine, and wider Aevosi kindred’s livelihoods & hearts, whilst labouring to see the finalization of Vallagne’s long-projected expansion, twinned with, as my dearest paramour cited, the needs of the wider realm, outside it’s Capital Canton. 𝐐𝟐 : How would you handle, or say, to potential challenges, or disagreements to your continued leadership, should they ever arise? ✦ Dame, Amélie Auclair To entrust one, with leadership, is to lay, plain unto their palms, the protection, and wellbeing of those who entrust and ordain one their duty; it is to demand an inalienable vow. A vow that one would act as the aegis that safeguards their hearts, livelihoods, and joys, such that they might ne’er suffer at the hands of fate again. To be the voice that bespeaks their deepest hearts’ every small beat, to be the blade, that rends their every woe & fear. To lead, is to willingly become, of the lowliest servant, of those dearest beloved; a labour, ne’er one, in earnest, takes & embarks on willingly. As neither have I, so long ago - it is a labour I rise to, by the need that yet stirs in the hearts of our Commonwealth, and our e’er beloved kin, it is a labour, I take on with my heart’s every small beat, despite the hardship & toil therein, one I will carry in so long, as our realm may need of me. To aught who would speak against my leadership, I pray they look back nary on my words alone, but deeds; and e’er find in their heart to see, that aught your heart may bid of me, I serve naught, but you; such has e’er been my love, and vow. A vow that, much like the occasion belabours, began with my first breath drawn herein, and ne’er ended, even unto my last, that fateful day. ✦ Grand-Speaker, Jun of Astor I turn the question to your Lord-Maire; how would you handle any concerns, or challenges to your leadership? ✦ Lord, Sorrel Tulpe Auclair I began my service to this realm as a recruit in the Legion of Saint Godwin, during the Heartlandic Confederation. And, since then, have become the Lord-Maire of Vallagne twice, and been raised to Comandante in our military for my exemplary service. So, for those who would question my capability to run, I would tell them they need not worry about my work ethic, or dedication to the Commonwealth, for it has always been within me, for all to see. However, for issues that would arise, I would handle them with thought & care, and always lean on my council, first, to guide our nation into making the best decision for it’s people. 𝐐𝟑 : Why, do you wish to become Chancellor? ✦ Lord, Sorrel Tulpe Auclair Why do I want to be Chancellor? Originally, long before the Chancellor elections, I made a petition to the Dame-Chancellor here, during the regency, that I wished to be her Vice-Chancellor, given the long absence of the current Vice-Chancellor. I wished to serve my realm on a higher level than what a mayor is able to do; I want to forge alliances with our neighbours, and cement our good realm’s name in history, on the wider stage of Aevos. I want to, put simply, serve Petra, and give the people all that they need. I want to listen when they are trying to tell their government something. I want to be a humble servant to the people! ✦ Grand-Speaker, Jun of Astor Dame-Chancellor, I ask you the same question. Why do you want to continue to be Chancellor? ✦ Dame, Amélie Auclair I nary wish, to be Chancellor, Jun dearest; it is but wherein my love, and service to our e’er beloved has taken me, ne’er but whence my labours & our wider Pétrine kin, ask of me. All I wish, is aught I e’er wished for, to continue penning a bright future, for our e’er beloved herein. 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐐𝟏 : How will your policies affect the River Petra’s trout population? ✦ Lian of Astor ✦ Lord, Sorrel Tulpe Auclair Simply put, it won’t. These roads planned will not impinge on the River Petra; the most extensive thing planned is a bridge from Renilcia to Númendil, which will tower high above the water. ✦ Dame, Amélie Auclair None of our policies, I dare cite, should verily affect it, Lian dearest, but I avow, should it e’er come to it that it begins to suffer, I will personally see a bill writ for the Garmont, to see the protection of the Pétrine River Trout. ✦ Lord, Sorrel Tulpe Auclair Love trout. 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐐𝟐 : Are there any plans to expand or create more winefields? ✦ Bourgmestre, Viny’Ox ✦ Dame, Amélie Auclair Pétrine winemaking, is a tradition as replete in each of our beloved Cantons, as is, in the very fabric of our realm; I dare admit, that by both his Majesty’s, my own, and the River Council’s hope, that the upcoming expansion of Vallagne, has had in mind the development of further vineyards in both southernmost Cantons, of Renilcia & Seviel, considering the fertile grounds, discovered therein for such - to match the upcoming expansion of Val de Lagne’s own vale-vineyards, with the coming expansion of the Royal Capital. These vale-vineyards, fore I omit to mention, Viny dearest, are due to be privy to use, by both the Royal Capital, and Free City, considering it will be an expansion of the already-established communal cantonal fields, of Val de Lagne; to which both cities have claims for produce. Which bids to thought, that we would do well to meet one of these eves, Viny dearest; and see about compiling a comprehensive directory & detailing of the wider Commonwealth’s various vintages, grades & wine culture across our dearest Cantons. ✦ Lord, Sorrel Tulpe Auclair The vineyards have always been a facet of this realm, that is true! I had no intention to enlarge or demolish any of our beloved vineyards, I will admit, but I too welcome the thought to further beautify and even expand our wine-making fields. 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐐𝟑 : Dame Chancellor - in the 2nd Question. You spoke of your work yet did not answer how you would deal with disagreements nor hostilities. ✦ Bon’Ox ✦ Dame, Amélie Auclair I verily believe I have, Bon dearest - yet it is plain my explanation was naught sufficient; what I laboured to cite, and will belabour herein to make clear, is that, much like within my last 20 summers of service to our wider realm, has laboured to come to our dearest Pétrine kinfolk myself, to learn, of their hopes, their woes & fears - much like has for our Krugmari kinfolk, no less. Whence serves naught, but the wellbeing & hearts of our e’er Pétrine kindred; there in naught one matter, whence shared unto me, that hasn’t, and won’t labour unto tirelessly, with the e’er beat, of my heart’s beat. In plain terms; for there to nary be any doubt. I serve you; as always has - make your woes, and fears, known to me, such that I may do away with them, forevermore - make your hopes & wants, known no less, such to see them so. I only stand before you this eve, verily for no other purpose than this, as e’er. NOTRE SACRÉ RÉGNE SIGNED BY ✦• ────── •✦• ────── •✦ Dame Amélie Marie Auclair Chancellor of the Commonwealth, Knight-Governess, Baroness of Rhénanie, Knight of the Pétrine Laurel, Ordained Vicar of the Faith, Holy Knight of Faith, Maîtresse of Maison d’Auclair, ‘The Clairian Star’
  2. 1st Edition | Chancellor’s Digest ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ DAWN ONCE MORE Penned and Issued on this 14th day of Sun's Smile, 1990 ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ Atstana de Regne Petrère 135 ✦•············································································•✦•············································································•✦ “ Whence we chance, the dawn, once more. ” As suns pass, turn to moons, and moons, now turn to summers; it had ne’er been long, since the return, of our beloved riverlands. With their return, did our heart’s deepest joy, and our yet hardest labours, begin in earnest; labours tread & toiled with naught lest for the deepest fondness, and love unto our cheeks, as e’er labour, is for naught, but our greater, Pétrine, family. Herein, lies, the first edition of the Chancellor’s Digest; a frequent appraisal of our Commonwealth’s every ardent soul, on the hardships we have all weathered, on the valour we have all shown, and on that virtue, which is yet to grace us. ✦•············································································•✦•············································································•✦ THE PEACE SUMMIT ✦ On the Peace Summit; it’s events, and the future to be. EX: As the sun rose, and set, unto the proceedings that eve, did the Peace Summit progress infinitesimally slow, as neither party of the remnant Aunic leadership, nor the aggressed party could chance see eachother’s intent but wrought with malign intention, opportunism, and wroth - as the faith, and it’s canonist princes’ patience chafed & tired, tested unto their decisive desire for naught but true judgement, and virtue. [...] THE SALVIAN BUREAU ✦ On the foundation, of our Diplomatic Bureau. EX: Thus, does the Commonwealth, and the Chancellery, announce the formal reinstatement of it’s diplomatic office, henceforth canonised, the Salvian Bureau; forming the true first bulwark against the would-be tyrant, chauvinist, and the corrupt. [...] SALVIAN TOUR OF AEVOS ✦ On the Grand Tour & Celebration to Come. EX: This tour will have our Pétrine kindred, mingle, and visit these toured nations, and it’s people, whilst our Salvian Bureau’s delegation meets with their sovereigns, and leaders, in renewing treaties, establishing bonds, and closing the gap between our kin. [...] HOLY MEMORANDUM ✦ On the passing of our most beloved Pontiff, Deunoro I, and Cardinal Rhosyn. EX: It is thus, that we remember his late, beloved, and dearest Holiness, Deunoro I, and her late, beloved, and dearest Eminence, Rhosyn; Canondom, pressed to see two hearts, more aligned with the true virtues, and tenets, of our faith; two souls, more resplendent, and ardent in the face of darkness, and hardship. [...] ✦•············································································•✦•············································································•✦ 1st Item | The Peace Summit ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ 1988-1989 | Events Leading Up To The Summit Since the rebirth, of our beloved Commonwealth; with virtue, valour, chivalry & heart triumphant in the face of tyranny, deception, and sin; did the plague that yet unfortunately taints the once-beloved Apostolic Kingdom, rear it’s head anew, as further crimes of it’s Royal Sovereigns, had come to all be known, and with it, was their aggression, wroth & sin, once more bid, unto a direction, anew; launching a new campaign, whilst besmirching the values & name of our faith to claim it’s efforts holy, whilst inciting conspiracy, against his holiness, and our very faith. In response, did retribution come swift; the holy mother church, enacting the Lesanov Protocol, and seeing the disgraced sovereigns deposed, for their ungodly acts, depravity & sin; taking regency over the Apostolic Kingdom, and in it’s custodianship, seeking to excise the wicked, and malign, that yet festers in the halls of it’s leadership, and at last offering clemency unto a kindred people who has suffered more than any, at their leaderships very own hands. Whilst we ourselves have grieved & suffered deeply at their hands in kind; we, as e’er, put our trust in our true faith, and only hope to be deemed worthy enough to assist the church in the trials, and eves to come, as the Apostolic Kingdom might be born anew, in the grace, heart & virtue of it’s distant past. Yet unlike us, there were still those grieved that would not so readily put their trust in our faith’s judgement, that would deem their would-be actions insufficient for the crimes they had been wrought, the recently aggrieved party, of Ravenmire, would, in their own sought judgement, threaten war yet. What would follow, is a delicate Pavane, wherein all of canondom, would threaten rise alongside the holy mother Church, in defence of it’s regency over the Apostolic Kingdom, as an attack upon the Apostolic Kingdom herein, would mean an attack unto the very faith itself - therein born, was the Peace Summit, hosted, alongside the most holy Curia of the mother church, by our kindred, in virtue & honour, of Númendil. ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ 1990 | The Peace Summit Begins As the sun rose, and set, unto the proceedings that eve, did the Peace Summit progress infinitesimally slow, as neither party of the remnant Aunic leadership, nor the aggrieved party could chance see eachother’s intent but wrought with malign intention, opportunism, and wroth - as the faith, and it’s canonist princes’ patience chafed & tired, tested unto their decisive desire for naught but true judgement, and virtue. As the terms inched closer & closer unto those that would be deemed agreeable unto both parties, did one last point threaten to send all the efforts therein to be for naught; as, at last, the Curia’s patience frayed, they would issue an ultimatum on the last terms agreed. With no small reticence, as we appealed to the aggrieved parties to trust in the judgement, and the efforts of the church to right the plague that still festered unto the Apostolic Kingdom, and urge it back unto godly virtue & grace, did they at last put pen to missive. The Treaty of Minas Aranath was therein writ, and penned, by all therein yet convened, unto the terms formerly agreed; with naught lest for the Aaunic leadership, left to sign unto it at last; two eves would come to pass, fore they would at last sign unto the terms, and peace, on the grounds that ten summers, rather than six, would be most agreeable to make certain that the efforts of the church bore fruit, and true judgement had been passed, unto the Apostolic Kingdom therein. It is hence, that virtue, peace & justice reigns; and in the days to come, all of canondom, can hope naught but be worthy to assist the holy mother church in bringing justice, virtue, heart and grace, back unto the Apostolic Kingdom anew. ✦•············································································•✦•············································································•✦ 2nd Item | The Salvian Bureau ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ Bureau | Foundation Amidst these last few eves tidings, has it become evermore evident - too oft misinterpreted, dismissed and perverted, are the true virtues of our chivalry, faith, and mankind’s heart; and they must ne’er be safeguarded by sword alone; for such might naught come to be preserved, but alongside the pen, in kind. Thus, does the Commonwealth, and the Chancellery, announce the formal reinstatement of it’s diplomatic office, henceforth canonised, the Salvian Bureau; forming the true first bulwark against the would-be tyrant, chauvinist, and the corrupt. ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ ✦ The Chancellery Bureau Leadership Heretofore chiefly charged with the diplomatic duties of the Commonwealth; the Chancellery heads her Majesty’s Government, and alongside it, the representation of the Commonwealth, it’s virtues, heart & values, across Aevos. As of the bureau’s nascent founding, the Chancellery receives, leads & appoints the Salvian Emissaries that diligently serve our Commonwealth in it’s efforts to maintain & safeguard the true virtue & heart of man. Leading the diplomatic coordination, missions & efforts of the Commonwealth, seeing that diplomacy e’er serves as virtue’s most stalwart aegis; now, and forevermore. ✦ Salvian Emissary Bureau Diplomat Appointed, and empowered, with the means, and charge, of representing the Commonwealth, it’s chivalry, it’s virtues, and it’s heart, across Aevos, and beyond. Conducting diplomatic missions at the Chancellery’s leave, acting as ambassadors to one of our kindred allies & people, or taking the initiative & requesting leave to set out in establishing dialogue, or conceiving endeavours, for the betterment of Commonwealth, and Aevos, as a whole. ✦ Salvian Attachè Bureau Apprentice Yet to be recognized as an empowered, diplomat, and representative, of our wider river valley; the Attaché, is the growing heart of a future Emissary in the making. A young kindred of the Commonwealth, by whose apprenticeship, witness and service as an aid during Diplomatic missions & ventures, will one day grow to take the reins of representing the realm’s chivalry, ideals & heart, anew. ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ Bureau | Appointments Is is herein, that two such hearts, whose labours, and livelihoods, have earned them their appointment amidst the bureau, in it’s inception - to serve, and labour e’erforth for the every beloved heart, of our wider, river lands. ✦ Lady Elsie von Augusten @Frank_Dog Salvian Emissary Few words, could bespeak, how fond, and beloved, dearest Elsie, is to me; my ward e’er since her formative summers, long fore the union’s inception, and it’s end - she has e’er been naught but the most diligent, and dearest ward, any one heart could chance ask for - and it is long-overdue, that she is granted this honour, on her merit, alone. ✦ Lord Jorge von Theonus @Petsch2k Salvian Emissary With no few commendations, recommendations, and letters of endorsement penned to us since confiding in the remainder of the River Council on the bureau’s inception, did, the good Lord, earn his provisional duty as part of the Bureau, amidst it’s nascent inception; holding no doubt in my heart, that should he accept the appointment, that the merit of his actions, will reflect that which is penned, and become an Emissary, in full. If you wish to take your first steps, in becoming an Attaché, and coming to one day represent our beloved river valley, and it’s very heart, ne’er hesitate to pen a letter to the Chancellery, to be considered & welcomed in service to the Commonwealth, and it’s every beating heart herein. ✦•············································································•✦•············································································•✦ 3rd Item | Salvian Tour of Aevos ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ 1991 | Introduction From beyond, the deepest night, unto the brightest, morning light; the last few moons hath suffered no small hardship, and no small revelry, be born from unto defying midnight, one, more, time. Such, was ne’er accomplished, by one heart, and one kindred, alone; whether amidst the labours of the Heartlandic Strife, or the tension of the last few eves’ Summit; the triumph of virtue, faith & honour, was wrought, and tempered at the forge of our kindred allies’ hearts, and unto such bonds that once forged, may ne’er soon, stand then, to break. It is such, that it is our pleasure, pride & joy, to announce the inception of a new tradition, and a new Aevosi celebration for the ages to come, upon it’s completion; all penned unto creation, with the Salvian Tour, of Aevos. ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ 1991 | The Salvian Tour With the renewal of our bonds, and alliances, with our kindred kin, across the river valley, and beyond; do the Pétrine people walk as one; as a delegation of both Pétrine citizens, and diplomats, set out on tour of one of each nation due to a renewal of our commitments, or the inception of our future bond. This tour will have our Pétrine kindred, mingle, and visit these toured nations, and it’s people, whilst our Salvian Bureau’s delegation meets with their sovereigns, and leaders, in renewing treaties, establishing bonds, and closing the gap between our kin. The following nations, being those we yet desire to include in the tour, and answer their former summons to meet: ✦ The Grand Duchy of Silesia ✦ The Sovereign State of Hyspia ✦ The Serene State of Lurin ✦ The Unified Domain of Vortice ✦ The Shiredom of Dunwen With the following nations, being those already deeply beloved, and tied to our Commonwealth, toured as allies: ✦ The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil ✦ The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska ✦ The Kingdom of Balian Each respective nation will be approached by missive, in private, in the suns to come, about establishing a date for their allotment in the Salvian Tour, should they wish it so, or should they desire to abstain. If any other nation, not included herein, would like to be part of the Salvian Tour, and like to establish diplomatic dialogue with the Commonwealth, do not hesitate to message the Chancellery, or myself. ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ 1992 | The Riversmeet As the Pétrine people, and kindred, return home from unto their last toured nation, a newly founded, Aevosi celebration, will be announced, and held, for all our kindred allies to be; henceforth known, as The Riversmeet. A celebration, and revelry of multiple eves, in celebration of our very kindred, close allies & friends; a celebration of that which both binds us, and sets us so apart, in such a world wherein we all, yet, walk as one. The nations to be invited to such, being those closest to the Commonwealth; with invites, expositions, stalls, and more, allotted, dedicated & decided in the days following the Salvian Tour, and aught that transpired therein. ✦•············································································•✦•············································································•✦ 4th Item | Holy Memorandum ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ ✦ Requiem In Caelum ✦ Amidst the gentle fall of stars, amidst the deepest night to be; It is you, who rises now, to shine bright, as bright, can be; For in heavens, that doth speak, the past saints, blessed, holy; Does your heart, join now, their beats, for all the world, to see. Your Holiness, Your Eminence, and dearest friends to me. Your light will e’er shine, this oath, we’ll e’er keep. ✦•·······················•✦•·······················•✦ It is thus, that we remember his late, beloved, and dearest Holiness, Deunoro I, and her late, beloved, and dearest Eminence, Rhosyn; Canondom, pressed to see two hearts, more aligned with the true virtues, and tenets, of our faith; two souls, more resplendent, and ardent in the face of darkness, and hardship. ✦ BEYOND THE DARKEST NIGHT - UNTO THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT ✦•··································································································•✦•··································································································•✦ HER EXCELLENCY, Dame Amélie Auclair, Lady-Chancellor of the Commonwealth, Knight of the Pétrine Laurel, Ordained Vicar of the Silver Crusade, Holy Knight of the Faith, Maîtresse of Maison d’Auclair, ‘The Guiding Star’ ✦•··································································································•✦•··································································································•✦
  3. The Claim of Valfleur 20th of Harren’s Folly, 1986 ☩ ☩ ☩ As granted to Us by the Grace of God, We, Paul I, announce Our rightful inheritance of and ascension to the Throne of Garmont. The claim of the line of Our sister, Winifred Adalia, by which the usurper Adalia holds as her right, is illegitimate. Her birth, unwitnessed by any known doctors, nurses, midwives, nuns, or others with the authority of verification, was not the product of a legitimate union between Our sister, Queen Catherine, and her husband, but instead by Sir John Ostick and Jane Earl, a gentry family who, stricken with the plague, gave their daughter, Adalia, to Queen Catherine and her husband to be adopted into their household. Three doctors, including the esteemed Lorace Grant, have verified this and provided Us with the documentation affirming these horrible truths. We, in Our grace and mercy, do not believe Adalia to be at fault, for her assumption of identity is based on the lie of her birth and upbringing, but the truth remains that she holds no blood claim to the Garmont Throne. In view of these revelations, We, invoking the ancient law of primogeniture, recognize and accept Our lawful ascension to the Garmont Throne. Under solemn oath before the Lord, consecrated in a temple of Our faith, we will pledge to uphold the laws, duties, and customs of the throne and guide Petra from the destructive actions that its present chancellors have set it upon. To Adalia, We offer her clemency and a riverside estate if she cedes Vallagne and Our properties, currently held in her trust, to Us peacefully. To the peerage of the Petra, We offer clemency and a recognition of their lands and titles should they swear fealty to Us and aid Us in the occupation of Our estates. Refusal shall be deemed treason against Our ordained station and rightful office and be punished accordingly. To Our eldest son and heir, Adrian Tobias, We confer upon him the title ‘Prince of the Petra’. He is named Governor of the Courteis Hale, encompassing all lands south of the Courteis Hale, and charged with ensuring Our law is maintained. He is named Our Royal Marshal and charged with securing and occupying all of Our lawful properties and removing any bandits that may reside within them. He is summoned to Our seat to serve Us in Our government. To Our son, Karl Audemar, We confer upon him the title ‘Prince of the Petra’. He is named Governor of the Aldtree, encompassing all lands within ten leagues south and east of the Aldtree, and charged with ensuring Our law is maintained. He is summoned to Our seat to serve Us in Our government. In light of the present hostilities, We declare a State of Emergency and dismiss all councilors, nullify all laws and taxes issued by the usurper Adalia, and suspend all present taxes, until We have seated Ourselves upon the Garmont Throne. We pray to the Lord Our God that He, in His everlasting, just mercy, enlighten Us on the path forward to reclaim Our rightful properties and build a glorious path towards Eternal Providence. Let reason and better judgement guide the hearts, minds, and hands of those within the Heartlands, for it is our unity that may build peace, and our peace that may build strength. Heed Our words, subjects in the Petra, and join Us in moving forward to a new age of prosperity. HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Paul I, King of the Petra, Prince of Abrana, Marquis de Val d’Estenou, Duke of Valfleur, Count of Temesch, Torm Marian, and Moere, Viscount of Mies, Baron of Garmont, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, Hrenthorne, Resmore, and of the Phoenixspire, Knight of the Realm, Defender of Liberty
  4. A CELEBRATION OF BEGINNINGS Issued on the 9th of Harren's Folley, 1916 In the month of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1916, Archduchess Renilde I and Prince Marius Audemar welcomed their two children to the world after a successful term and labour - a boy and a girl respectively. After a few days of deliberation, the Archducal couple have bestowed names upon them: Paul Alexander and Winifred Adalia. To celebrate their birth, the Commonwealth of Petra will undergo festivities for three consecutive months filled with hope, joy and promise. Many events will be in place for peaceful citizens of the realm to come together and forget the weariness of ongoing conflicts. ONE (23RD OF MARCH, 5PM EST) Baptism Starting off the celebrations, the religious sacrament of baptism shall be performed in the Chapel of St. Emma on the Archducal children. The Passing of the Lambs A newfound practice to the Commonwealth, the passing of the lambs is heavily symbolic of new life and prosperity to all in Petra. Two lambs bred from the best stock shall be selected and dyed red & black before being presented before the Archducal house. Like a sheep later on in its life providing wool, milk and eventually meat, the twins shall go on to support the nation with their skills and best assets as the newer generation. Market Venturing Market stalls shall be in place for people to buy Petran goods - florists, merchants, bakers. The tavern, The Two Cats Tavern & Inn, will be open for all to take a drink! ______ TWO (24TH OF MARCH, 5PM EST) Drunken Brawl Hosted by Sir Wolfgang ‘The Tenacious’ de Vilain, allied citizens across the realm shall be brawling it out until the last man standing. Each contestant will be asked to drink beforehand until they are tipsy or fully drunk, before stepping into the pit. Knights shall be on standby should there be a disruption/disturbance. The prize of this drunken brawl is a hefty 200 mina and a coveted title of the 'Petran Iron Warrior'. Cheese Roll A tradition founded by Acreans many years ago, a cheese roll will start from the heights of Mount Garmont and tumble down to the bottom of the square. Participants shall roll the wheel down until the winner crosses the finish line. The infamous ‘Cheesebeast’ shall be made in honour of the Harvest Confederacy long ago for the occasion. The prize for the winner of the cheese roll will win an unlimited supply of free treats from Little Acre bakery, as well as the Cheesebeast itself. ______ THREE (25TH OF MARCH, 3PM EST) Feast As the finale approaches to the three-month long festival celebrations, a feast is to commence in Castle Estenpromé. Food shall be locally sourced by the infamous Little Acre bakery, with the Archduchess' favourite buttermilk cake as the centrepiece to the dinner. Lantern Ceremony Lake Providence will be the home to the end of the festival, where boats will be provided if one wishes to sail out in the middle. Available for purchase will be lanterns that will be set off into the sky - symbolising the coming light and hope from the twins' birth. INVITATIONS King Georg I and the citizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska… King Charlie I and the citizens of the United Kingdom of Aaun... King Agnor Grandaxe and the citizens of the Kingdom of Urguan... The Silver Lubba Mika Anarion and the citizens of the Most Serene State of Lurin... Princess Valyris and the citizens of the Principality of Celia'nor... King Cyris I and the citizens of the Shiredom of Bywater... Petra, Flowing Water! Ave! Ave! O SAINTE RÈGNE PETRÉRE, Her Grace, Renilde I, By the Grace of God, Archduchess of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Countess of Temesch et Moere, Marchiness of the East March, Hero of the Petra His Highness, Prince Marius Audemar, Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Archduke-consort of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Duke of Markev, Count-consort of Temesch et Moere, Governor of the Silver Isle, Hero of the Petra Her Excellency, Dame Anne 'The Benevolent' de Vilain, Chamberlain of the River Court, Baroness-consort of Acre, Co-owner of Little Acre bakery
  5. The Last Stand of Sir Arthur ‘the Lionhearted’, Knight Paramount of the Commonwealth. The first Knightly Council began with the reciting of a prayer by the church’s own, the knights and dames of the Petrine Laurel gathered as one to uphold the codes to which they swore their lives. To judge a woman who they believed unworthy of their service and anathema to all that is righteous. These men and women were led by Sir Arthur ‘the Lionhearted’, Knight Paramount of the realm and sworn sword to Archduke Constanz. But instead of an audience with the woman they called to trial, the knights of Petra were beset by raiders and creatures of nefarious origins. “Defend the assembly!” Sir Arthur ordered, his men scattering to guard the pockets of Petrans who stood fearful and unable to defend themselves. The Knight Paramount found himself cornered within a sub-surface corridor, subject to the battering of countless foes and burns of relentless dragonkin. Yet, though his armour was rent and his body torn to shreds, still he stood valiantly in the defence of those who flocked behind him for protection. Eventually, the assault proved too much for one man to handle, and so the Knight collapsed in a crash of steel plates. Terribly burnt and losing blood, his last moments were witnessed by Cardinal Viktor and his retinue, who desperately worked to save the man from his injuries. But to no avail… There, in the halls of Castle Moere, where he first took his oath in defence of the Commonwealth, the Knight Paramount died in service of his people. Yet, before his ultimate demise, he would utter but one final word of sorrow and love. “Juliana…” And then, he was gone. Sir Arthur ‘the Lionhearted’ de Lyons 1878 - 1909 Knight Paramount of the Sovereign Order of the Petrine Laurel.
  6. A Call to Trial Circa. 11th of Malin's Welcome, 1909. By the UNITY OF MIND of the GOVERNMENT in PETRA, serving always CHIVALRY, LIBERTY and JUSTICE, the ROUND TABLE do affirm this EDICT, delivered at MOUNT GARMONT Concerning the alleged crimes of the Archduchess Renilde I @tilly PREAMBLE LO, unto the Petrans, Dark times plague the lands of the Petra. In the pursuit of unity and peace, the Knightly Council calls upon Archduchess Renilde I to return to Petra to answer for crimes committed against the people of Petra and stand trial to end this debacle. The alleged crimes of the Archduchess are an internal affair. The Round Table of Petra calls upon all foreign nations to not intervene and respect the sovereignty of the Commonwealth. The Knights of the Petrine Laurel swear no harm shall come upon the Archduchess. Let us avoid bloodshed and settle these issues so we may adjudicate. We call the Archduchess Renilde I to stand trial for the following crimes… Chapter 1 78. Thieve the property of another Man. 84. Lay with another Man’s spouse, or to lay with another when you are wed. Chapter 2 99. Raise an army against forces of the Commonwealth Signed; Knight Paramount, Sir Arthur de Lyons, Sir Louis d'Azor, Sir Brandt Berhal, Sir Emir d'Abbassia, Sir Gwendel Vilac, Dame Livia d'Anapalais, Sir Lucien Ashford de Rouen.
  7. Harald, @TheEnglishDuck It goes without saying that your actions as of late have proved less than commendable, or at least to those of whom your silver tongue has yet to charm. For a time I thought I knew you well, believing you to be a virtuous and pious individual. You claimed to be an anointed knight of Hanseti-Ruska and a sanctified priest of the Church of Canon. But I find my perception warped as of late, especially when considering the abuse of your recently divorced wife, Eryane. Now, I will admit that the intrigues of a shattered foreign marriage are somewhat beyond my scope of expertise. Even when the news emerged of your violent and heinous conduct, I stayed my hand as the political ramifications were not mine to interfere with. However, you have not only insulted your former spouse but have walked the extra mile and dishonoured my lady wife, your sister, Juliana Rosemarie Vernhart de Lyons. You have strayed too close to the lion's cage. I will not stand idly by as my wife is insulted in such a spiteful manner, called to repent when she has committed no crime but the mistake of believing you were a better man. Declared unfit to bear her maiden name and birthright whilst you squander the legacy of your forefathers and bloodline, pursuing titles you do not merit. By my honour as a Knight, I challenge you to a duel! Let us settle the matter, before an audience if we must. Just as your life will be on the line, so shall mine, and only God may bear the right to determine the outcome. Should you refuse, with the host of the Seven Skies bearing witness, I shall dub you craven and bear your contempt of the code of chivalry as further proof you are but a rat undeserving of the name Vernhart. You have one Saint Day to comply! SIGNED, Ser Arthur Hughes de Lyons, Knight of the Sovereign Order of the Petrine Laurel.
  8. Arthur de Lyons For the People of Valfleur [!] A hand-held bell rang throughout the main square of Valfleur, calling for the attention of those spectating the market stalls. Hurriedly, a courier passed out detailed missives to all those present, with the final message: "Don't forget to vote!" Soon the people of the Commonwealth would cast their ballot in deciding a new mayor, and it seemed yet another candidate was keen to advertise their campaign. Dearest citizens of the Commonwealth, The time will shortly be upon us when we, the people, must once again raise our voices in unison and determine the fate of our dear capital, Valfleur. A wonderful place, enriched by vibrant faces riding the waves of opportunity, and surrounded by a blessed countryside that was surely touched by the hand of GOD himself! We shall be called to not only elect a new mayor for our capital but also to freely choose a representative that will serve the populace faithfully, nobles and commoners alike. I, Arthur de Lyons, do hereby put my name forward in candidacy for the position. I know some of you might question the legitimacy of my campaign. I understand your scepticism, for it was not so long ago that I was an outsider - a migrant drawn to the promise of enlightenment and possibility. But that is exactly what makes the Commonwealth such a wonderful country! It is a place where any man, no matter their background, can live out their dreams and reap the hard-earned rewards for their labours. Yet, we cannot expect such a trend to last forever, not without a collective goal in mind and a solid plan for growth. With your vote, I will make it my objective to expand accommodation within Valfleur and stimulate the economy by encouraging the establishment of more local businesses. Furthermore, my agenda will also extend to the protection of our city’s populace from threats both external and internal. I have sworn an oath of service to Her Grace, the Arch-Duchess Renilde I, having marched beneath her banner alongside my fellow Sons of Petra and met her enemies upon the battlefield. I’m sure there are those among you who are also familiar with my efforts in ridding our heartlands of evil. In the past year, I have led my fellow men-at-arms in the hunt for the so-called ‘Beast of Petra’, and have already made good progress in destroying the threat once and for all. I believe my experience in matters of security and my direct approach to providing relief for Valfleur will rightly serve the collective populace. With your vote, I will utilise my active participation in our armed forces to ensure a constant line of communication between the Sons of Petra and you, the people. I shall also seek to provide a detailed consultation to the populace, regarding the construction of fortifications and defences in the region. Together my friends, I know we can make Valfleur a better place for everyone and expand our proud capital to even greater heights. So when it comes time to take to the ballot box, I sincerely ask that you vote for Arthur de Lyons, a candidate who will work for you! Action! Unity! Prosperity!
  9. Easy Pickings Credit: Bogdan Sovea The sun sat high above the grain fields of the Commonwealth of Petra, the annual crop swaying briskly with the afternoon breeze. It was a fortunate day for the local farmers, going about their business and inspecting for blight. This year’s farmers market would be profitable for certain - at least, that may have been the general attitude were their eyes not trained upon the armed convoy that rotated through the acres. Swiftly, Arthur de Lyons directed his party to set up a perimeter, the Sons of Petra spreading out along the boundary where the woodland reached Valfleur. The Common citizenry dared not tread so close to the treeline; too many had been lost to the maw of those foul forests. “Refrain from lone ventures in the darkness else that beast will claim you,” or so folk had been saying for some months. Indeed, many of the supposed disappearances were not cold cases, for it was not long until an unlucky caravaner stumbled upon a set of mangled remains. Something savage lurked beneath the foliage, delighting in the death it brought upon the valley. And so Her Grace’s court made clear the appropriate course of action - they would have the head of the assailant! Bait was set and hours went by, the patience of the hunters wearing thin as they engaged in a long game of cat and mouse. The afternoon fell to sunset, and so they withdrew to re-evaluate their strategy. “Borok,” Arthur spied their orc companion, “it was not my intention to split us up, but it seems we have little choice in the matter.” Attracting their adversary in such a manner was crude, but if any could fair so well against such animalistic fury, surely it was the most imposing among their company. The rest of the patrol - Lev, Juliana and Adrian - took up their positions in the thicket once again, aurum-tipped spears at the ready for even the slightest disturbance. Dusk set in and the region was shrouded in a mix of gloom and silence. Save for the faint rustling of the occasional tree branch, life had all but fled the scene and the sense someone was watching fell upon the Sons. Borok, however, was not intimidated, the orc taking up a position deeper within the thicket, gambling that his feigned vulnerability would intrigue even the most sceptical opportunist. Sure enough, it worked! The outline of a creature draped in fur made itself apparent, creeping towards its perceived target. “There you are!” A gleaming point was flung through the undergrowth, pinning itself to the tree bark, leaving the now-prey little choice but to flee. The hunt was on! The first strike came from Adrian’s spear, followed closely by Borok on the right, who utilised his sheer mass to clear a path through the brambles. Next to engage from the centre were Arthur and Lev, the former letting loose an arrow which struck the beast square in the back, while the latter barrelled ahead in a rage. Finally, flanking to the left was the torchlit Juliana, her nimble frame just about keeping pace with the target, shedding light upon its trembling outline. The beast was wounded and worse still caught in a deadly pincer. The tables had turned; it was smart enough to realise this. “Gotcha *****!” Adrian swapped his spear for an agile sabre, cutting through the undergrowth with its eager edge. Lev too had struck ahead, breaking through the branches with his longsword in tow. Both thought they had cornered their prize, but it was not to be for this time it was they who had fallen victim to deception. The prey doubled back and pounced the pair in a gambit to shake off the pursuit. Both men were sent tumbling into the brambles, though at the price of a sabre grazing flesh. Still, the beast tore an opening in the formation, taking its opportunity to dart clear of the woodland and across the twilight-draped fields. The hunters looked on in frustration, peering after what seemed to be a wolf-like figure, shedding not even a limp from the injuries it had sustained. Yet they had left their mark and the beast would not soon forget such an insult, nor would it accept a challenge upon its territory. This would not be the final encounter between the two parties… Special thanks to @Sander for helping organise this event, and to all those who attended! @CanadaMatt @MapleSunflower @DrunkPapaBear @Gridlock
  10. Welcome all. I promise I shall keep this short, but you will hear all you need to settle your minds. I am Gerard du Valcour, and running to be the mayor of Valfleur! If you wonder why should vote me for, look no further. I have 4 goals in mind I would aim to accomplish during the four year term. First, I would arrange and host a Fruit and Wine festival in city of Valfleur. We would celebrate this at the harvest, showcasing the fine produce of our Commonwealth. There would be contests for Horsemanship, for archery, for the finest produce and the finest wine presented during the festival, all to be judge by a panel of the Commonwealth's finest. A market would be established during said times, for merchants near and afar to show off their wares, and the small fee for a stall during this time would be donated to our clinic to help provision them and support them. My second goal would be the establishment of a public granary. Excess foodstuffs can be donated to the granary, and those in need will have access to the grain and foodstuff within to keep themselves fed. This could also be utilized to help support a campaign in defense of the Commonwealth, should such an event fall upon us. Third, in an effort to help encourage local business and merchants within the city, a portion of the funds allocated to the Mayoral office will be open to help reimburse active businesses in the city walls on their taxes. To qualify for this, the business in question must be run by a citizen of Petra, have a stall or other place of business in Valfleur, and be in operations for two years, with annual inspections by the Mayor's office to validate all this. Lastly, in celebration of the chivalry that is the Knights of Valfleur, there will be an annual pamphlet showcasing the heroics and talents of knights, each to cover one knight in particular. I have come to say what I would do if I were your Mayor, now ask yourself, is this something you would like to see in your city of Valfleur? A vote for Gerard is a vote for a prosperous city!
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