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Elisabeth Faulke


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Character Name
Elisabeth ''Scarlet'' Acosta

Basic Information

Nicknames: Ellie, Elly. Elsie, Scarlet, beth, Wee Beth, Trot 

Age: Eight years old currently

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Adunian)

Status: Alive and kickin'


Height:  3' (99 Centimetres)

Weight: 23 KG / 50 lbs

Body Type: Thin, starting to gain a little fat and grow a normal body shape.

Eyes: Light glowing green

Hair: Blonde-Ginger (Original) Scarlet Red (Prefered Dye)

Skin: A pale caucasian

Markings/Tattoos: None currently

Health: She is currently underfed, too small and too light for her age. She is on the verge of anorexia and her bones are weak and fragile, only protected by a small layer of skin. AKA she is in quite a bad shape. Although improving due to her adoptive mother Rivenza taking care of her.

Personality: Elisabeth is a gullible and kind little girl, but not one that goes on to believe every single thing. As much as she is gullible she is also very judgemental and distant from people, incredibly shy. She is also incredibly thoughtful, taking in a situation and thinking of an appropriate response to such situation before acting. Her formulated and responses have led many to believe she is unsociable and a rather mean. Though really this is the opposite, as Elly wil try and help most people even if she holds a disliking against them for she enjoys doing such.

Inventory: Her blank book and glasses, as well as the clothes she wears

Further Details: -

Life Style

Alignment: Neutral, She does not intend to harm anyone but the world around her doesn't matter to her. She simply wants to enjoy herself.

Deity: TBA

The true faith

Alliance/Nation/Home She currently lives with her mother at the sky temple

Job/Class: Not employed or trained in anything yet, though has an interest for tailoring and administration which came forth from her enjoyment of reading books, she will request to expand on the art of books or tailoring for her future.

Title(s): -


Special Skill(s): She has a knack for tailoring and a good eye for detail.

Flaw(s): She is rather clumsy, incredibly gullible and will believe almost anything told to her. Also incredibly afraid of the anyone bigger or people that shout who she sees as monsters, she hasnt got the body, will or skill to learn any combat and isn't agile or anything along those lines.

Edited by Bowduim
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