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Invention Submissions

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Invention Submissions

Inventions that are complex and/or push the boundaries of the tech lock and/or introduce new substances (e.g. metals) belong here. Same thing with new siege weapons. These can be magical in nature and are not restricted to just mundane technology. Give this a read to learn more about the current stance on technology: Techlock/Magi-TechIf something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here.



This submission type is left vague as it is a broad category. Please try and come up with creative ideas rather than just trying to mimic modern or semi-modern tech.


Things that are ripped modern times, such as a car, will not be accepted as it goes against the techlock. Things that push the techlock will be reviewed by the administration after the LT have voted on it. Siege weapons will also be reviewed by the GM team to make sure that its functions are compatible with the warclaim system.



This formatting is meant to be used for proposed Invention Submissions. If you believe your lore needs a hybrid formatting, please contact ST management before you start writing it to confirm that you can use it.



The title should go like: “[Invention Lore] – [Name]”. For example: Invention Lore – Halfling Explosives


Origin/Backstory (Optional)

This section is devoted to how the invention was discovered and who discovered it. This is optional and should be used if it is not an invention of your creation, but one that is discovered. Such as discovering ancient tech in ruins.



This is the place where you’re supposed to describe the invention in detail. What it is made of, how it functions, et cetera.



This ties in with the above section and you are meant to cover what the invention is capable of doing.


Siege Information (Optional)

If your submission is a siege weapon or something to be used in a war claim, you must add information on how it functions in the war claim (e.g. how many emotes it needs, what kind of rolls it needs to achieve, how much damage it does, if it can self-destruct, et cetera). A proposed pricing for it (e.g. 1000 mina per warclaim) should also be included. This will all be sorted out with the GM team if it makes it past the LT.


Red Lines/Restrictions

The limitations of the invention should be listed here. It should be noted if this is an invention that needs regulation via apps or if this is an invention anyone can pick up.


Purpose (OOC)

This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon.


Citation Spoiler

You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.


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