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[Guide] Elementalism Storm Pact (Shamanism)


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Storm Elementalism Guide


Important Info:

  • Most metals are conductive, but not all are. Check beforehand.

  • Water conducts electricity. Most waterlogged objects therefore conduct, but to a lesser degree.

  • Wood, paper, glass, ceramics, terracotta, stone, quartz, cotton, and leather are not conductive and will drop a spell’s effectiveness by two tiers.

  • No Storm Elementalism spell is strong enough to stop a person’s heart.

  • Spell effects last for one emote from the victim only, unless otherwise specified. No Palpatine lightning channel.



The shaman has the ability to manipulate storms and static after forming a pact with a storm spirit and several lessons. Manipulation of storms and static is only allowed at T2 due to the shaman’s inexperience at T1. The shaman must have a pact with a different spirit of at least T4.


General Redlines:

  • Voidal or otherwise magically summoned static electricity cannot be manipulated.

  • Do not force stop hearts.

  • Do not shoot lightning.

  • Levitation is forbidden.


Combat Spells


Static Manipulation



Instead of calling down great lightning bolts and moving them, a Storm Elementalist imbues static power into objects and other elements to apply shocks to people around them. The shaman is not protected from shocks should they touch an affected conductive material.

This applies fatigue for the duration of the chant. The shaman may not move while chanting. This can be used out of combat for mundane reasons.



  • May charge a suitably conductive material with a small amount of static electricity.

  • Requires two emotes of chanting to imbue a charge in a conductive material up to a distance of two blocks away. This requires physical contact with the material.

  • Static may do no more than cause a painful sting to bare skin via conductive materials.


  • May charge a suitably conductive material with a moderate amount of static electricity.

  • Requires two emotes of chanting to imbue a charge in a conductive material up to a distance of five blocks away. This lasts for two emotes.

  • Static applies a charge to bare skin via conductive materials, strong enough to inflict a small burn and cause muscles to spasm.

  • Muscle spasms last for one emote, but do not severely hinder movement.


  • May charge a suitably conductive material with a decent amount of static electricity.

  • Requires two emotes of chanting to imbue a charge in a conductive material up to a distance of ten blocks away. This lasts for three emotes.

  • Static applies a strong charge to bare skin via conductive materials, inflicting minor burns that rise after two emotes and cause strong spasms in muscles that are in contact with conductive materials.

  • Muscle spasms last for one emote, and hinder movement.


  • May charge a suitably conductive material with a large amount of static electricity.

  • Requires two emotes of chanting to imbue a charge in a conductive material up to a distance of twenty blocks away. This lasts for three emotes.

  • Static causes a severe jolt to bare skin via conductive materials, inflicting severe burns that rise after two emotes and paralysing muscles that are in contact with conductive materials.

  • Paralysed muscles are locked for two emotes, and completely stop movement.


Suitable materials and blocks-

  • Iron and gold armour, weapons, blocks, and tools (check for conductivity of RP metals).

  • Plants (capped at T2 strength). 

  • Water (capped at 1 block maximum). Waterlogged objects are suitable, but capped at T3 unless metal.


  • Cannot be used to move lightning.

  • Cannot instantly kill someone or stop their heart unless it is directly touched by an imbued object.

  • Skin must be in DIRECT contact with a suitable conductive material. If it is blocked by cloth, the effects are reduced by two tiers.

  • Concentration is broken by severe wounds, such as being stabbed, stunned, or knocked down. Small cuts and light punches to the body do not disrupt concentration.

  • The shaman cannot attack in any other fashion while manipulating any element.


Example Emote T5



The Storm Shaman calls out to the sky in the old tongue, chanting for their pacted spirit.


The Storm Shaman continues to chant as the air around them starts to crackle. They finish the chant with an index finger pointed at the guard donning steel armor.


[!]Sparks suddenly manifest around the guard’s breastplate and infuse it with a strong charge. Miniature lightning arcs spontaneously appear over the surface of the breastplate. Sparks would leap to the exposed flesh underneath, causing severe pain and paralyzing muscle spasms in the affected area.


[!]The breastplate continues to spark wildly with undiminishing intensity. The guard’s skin currently being zapped would now suffer from electrical burns.


[!]The guard’s flesh would suffer from second degree burns now from being jolted by the powerful static charge imbued onto their breastplate. The guard receives one final jolt before the static charge suddenly dissipates.




Fast Current



The shaman is able to imbue certain elemental abilities with a shocking jolt. This only works for Metal, Water, Air, and Fire elementalism.



  • Afflicts an enemy with a jolt strong enough to cause a painful jolt when hit by the projectile.

  • Requires an additional two emotes of chanting. This applies fatigue.

  • Does not affect Runes or Elementals.


  • Afflicts an enemy with a jolt strong enough to cause a painful muscle spasm when hit by the projectile.

  • Requires an additional two emotes of chanting. This applies fatigue.

  • Does not affect Runes or Elementals.


  • Afflicts an enemy with a jolt strong enough to cause a painful muscle spasm that can shock metal objects from the hand when hit by the projectile.

  • Requires an additional two emotes of chanting. This applies fatigue.

  • Does not affect Runes.

  • Requires three extra emotes of chanting when placing down an Elemental to grant that Elemental a static coat that delivers a stinging jolt to anyone who comes into contact with it. This jolt is strong enough to make someone who strikes it with a metal weapon drop that weapon, unless protected by a non-conductive material.


  • Can be dulled by 2 tiers if the projectile hits a non-conductive surface.


Example Emote T5



The Shaman, after finishing their chanting to their pacted air spirit, would start to call to their storm spirit for aid now.


The Shaman continues to summon the power of the storm through their chant. The air in front of the shaman crackles and some sparks fly out.


The Shaman then quickly extends their arm out and a gust of wind surges forth, carrying with it streaks of lightning. It would fly with great speed towards the bandit, smacking them squarely in the chest. The wind has force comparable to an orc’s strike, while the charge imbued into it is strong enough to jolt him. It is slightly negated by his clothing, but still provides a painful jolt.




Lightning Rune



The shaman is able to chant for three emotes and place a rune down in a set area, jolting anything that steps on its radius. The block that the rune is placed on is unaffected, offering the shaman or another person a place of safety should they put the rune at their feet. The shock is constant for the duration of exposure, and is strong enough to cramp muscles and makes contact with metal painful. The shaman has one emote to escape from the area. As soon as the rune is placed down it is active, and the duration timer begins on that emote.




  • Affects a 2x2 area.

  • The rune affects all people who come into contact with it, including the shaman.

  • The rune lasts for 2 emotes.

  • Does not harm victims enough to prevent them from escaping.


  • Affects a 4x4 area.

  • The rune affects all people who come into contact with it, including the shaman.

  • The rune lasts for 3 emotes.

  • Escape is potentially difficult as muscles cramp up painfully.


  • Affects a 6x6 area.

  • The rune affects all people who come into contact with it, including the shaman.

  • The rune lasts for 5 emotes.

  • Escape is difficult, and victims are often brought to their knees and must crawl from the area.


  • Cannot be negated with non-conductive materials on the feet.

  • Affects those wearing conductive materials, be it armour or jewellery, to a greater extent than those without.


Example Emote T5



The Shaman gazes upon the stone bricks of the bridge’s walkway before them, hovering a hand forward. The Shaman begins to chant in a low tone, calling to the spirits in their native tongue.


The Shaman continues their chanting as a soft breeze blows around them, making their hair billow softly in the wind.


The Shaman then utters the final words and a strange glyph within a circle flashes onto the bridge’s surface, covering the entire width upon which one may walk.


[!]Anyone who steps on the marked portion of the bridge would instantly be electrocuted by a constant discharge of energy. The jolt creeps up one’s foot and pervades the entire body, shocking every nerve and muscle. The current is strong enough to bring any man to the ground, forcing them to painfully crawl away should they wish to escape the spiritual trap.







At Tier Four a shaman is able to pull static from the area around them and manifest it into a ball of storm clouds, which explodes with blinding light and deafening noise. People in the area are blinded and deafened, including the shaman, unless precautionary measures are taken. The shaman may move while chanting, but may not attack.




  • Requires two emotes of chanting for one emote of light and noise.

  • Blinds for one emote.

  • Deafens for one emote.


  • Requires one emote of chanting for one emote of light and noise.

  • Blinds for two emotes.

  • Deafens for three emotes.


  • Cannot shock things.

  • Light doesn’t affect blind people. Noise doesn’t affect deaf people.

  • Noise can be negated by covering ears with hands. Light can be negated by covering or closing eyes.

  • Seer vision does not protect against Flash.


Example Emote T5




The Shaman utters a quick command in the spirit tongue, making gestures with their hand as if they were pulling something in. As they do, a small cloud with tiny sparks flashing within it coalesces on top of the shaman’s head, like a miniature storm. 


The Shaman extends both arms outwards with open palms, the little storm cloud promptly bursts with a blinding flash of light and a deafening thunderblast.


[!]Anyone caught with their eyes open and their ears uncovered would suffer from blindness for the following two emotes, and deafness for the following three respectively.




Non Combat


Switch Rune 



At Tier Two a shaman is able to place a Switch Rune down. This rune acts as a way to lock a secret conductive mechanism in place. The rune is invisible once placed, but will lightly shock anyone who touches it. To activate the rune and release the lock, the shaman must chant for two emotes and place their hand upon the rune’s location.

The creation of a Switch Rune requires the shaman to place their hand upon the surface, followed by chanting in Old Blah. Once finished chanting, the sigil of the spirit the shaman has pacted with appears in a burst of crackling static, before fading into the surface. Shamans may create their own sigil for their pacted spirit.



  • Requires three emotes of chanting.

  • The Switch Rune lasts for one IRL day.


  • Requires three emotes of chanting.

  • The Switch Rune lasts for two IRL days.


  • Requires three emotes of chanting.

  • The Switch Rune lasts for four IRL days.


  • Requires three emotes of chanting.

  • The Switch Rune lasts for seven IRL days.



  • The rune cannot create manipulable static.

  • The visual effects cannot be manipulated.

  • Runes cannot be placed on animals or living beings.

  • The shaman may dispel their own rune at any time at will.

  • Rune-locked iron blocks in a redstone structure cannot be magically forced open, and any attackers must deal with the repercussions of trying to dig through solid metal. Rune-locked iron doors cannot be forced open, and must be completely dismantled.


 Example Emote T5



-Placing the Rune:


The Shaman presses their palm against the stone brick that is connected to the hidden door’s mechanism. They start humming a chant as they call for their pacted storm spirit’s power.


The Shaman continues to chant in the spirit tongue while tracing a finger over the stony surface. A magical sigil appears shortly after in the shape of the path traced by their index finger, ushered by electrical sparks. It fades quickly after.


-Activating the Rune:


The Shaman places their palm against one of the stone bricks that line the walls. The Shaman begins to murmur something under their breath as they concentrate.


The Shaman continues to hum rhythmically until suddenly a muffled click is heard and they lift their hand off the stone brick.


[!]The sound of gears turning and stone grinding echoes behind the wall as some of the bricks get pushed in and aside, revealing a hidden passage.






The shaman is able to magnetise certain magnetic metals, forcing individual pieces together to form a whole. It may be used to create clamps, bridges, stairs, and a multitude of other useful objects. While the shaman does not directly manipulate the affected materials, they are able to increase the level of magnetism in a way that brings pieces together.



  • Can magnetise up to 1x2 (2) blocks worth of conductive material.

  • Can affect up to two separate pieces of conductive material.

  • Requires four emotes of chanting and applies fatigue. The effect lasts for four emotes.

  • Can only encourage objects up to a distance of six blocks apart.


  • Can magnetise up to 2x2 (4) blocks worth of conductive material.

  • Can affect up to five separate pieces of conductive material.

  • Requires four emotes of chanting and applies fatigue. The effect lasts for six emotes.

  • Can only encourage objects up to a distance of ten blocks apart.


  • Can magnetise up to 2x2x2 (8) blocks worth of conductive material.

  • Can affect up to ten separate pieces of conductive material.

  • Requires four emotes of chanting and applies fatigue. The effect lasts for eight emotes.

  • Can only encourage objects up to a distance of twenty blocks apart.


  • Cannot be used to hold a person stationary.

  • Magnetism only affects specifically chosen objects; iron boots will not automatically stick to a magnetised iron block.

  • Objects forced together will naturally come apart if defying gravity once the spell ends.


Example Emote T5



The Shaman eyes the multitude of pots, cauldrons and utensils lying around the camp. They begin to chant in a droning fashion.


The Shaman continues to chant in old blah, carefully studying the available metal objects in their vicinity as they do so.


The Shaman’s ritual goes on. Some of the pots start to shake slightly, as if rocked by some manner of wind.


The Shaman’s chanting comes to a conclusion, now most of the metallic items shaking in place as if possessed by a poltergeist.


[!]Almost a dozen cooking implements suddenly fly up in the air and start sticking onto one another. They arrange themselves into a pyramid of sorts that stands about 6 feet tall, remaining united through an unseen force.


The Shaman steps towards the newly made structure and climb ontop of it. They use it as a vantage point to look above the tents and campers, allowing them to survey the area effectively. 




Light Rune



At Tier Four a shaman is able to place a Light Rune on any solid surface, including themselves. It manifests as a ball of crackling static that hovers above the rune, illuminating the area.



  • Requires two emotes of chanting to summon the rune.

  • Lasts for up to one IRL day.

  • Can only be placed on the shaman.


  • Requires two emotes of chanting to summon the rune.

  • Lasts for up to two IRL days.

  • Can be placed on any descendent.


  • Cannot shock things.

  • Can only be placed on solid surfaces.


Example Emote



The Shaman hovers a hand over the unlit brazier and closes their eyes. They begin to murmur a chant in typical shaman fashion.


The Shaman continues as a cold glow surrounds their hand. A strange runic symbol appears at the bottom of the empty brazier’s bowl.


[!]A small white spark manifests itself on top of the brazier. A tiny ball of crackling energy that sheds a cool light around the area, roughly illuminating the same as if the brazier was lit.




Summon Storm (Both Combat and Non-Combat)



At Tier Five a shaman is able to summon a storm. The type depends on what other kind of elementalism the shaman utilises. This requires six emotes of chanting and may be channeled for up to ten emotes. This applies fatigue throughout the spell’s duration, and the shaman may not move or attack. The shaman has no resistance to any effects that the spell causes. The spell causes effects in the range of #S, and must be announced. The secondary element must be within a 20 block range.

Fire = The shaman can pull fire to heat the air, making the area swelteringly hot. Humidity depends on the biome.

Water = The shaman can call down a vicious thunderstorm, where rain and lightning lash the ground. The chances of getting hit by lightning are pretty slim, but they do exist.

Earth = The shaman can call down a sandstorm, where sand or dirt in the area is whipped up and stings the eyes and skin of those in it.

Air = The shaman can call down a strong gale, strong enough to unbalance orcs. This makes combat in the area exceedingly difficult.


  • Cannot shock things.

  • No tornadoes, firenadoes, sharknadoes, mudnadoes, or any other kind of ‘nado.


Example Emote: Air



The Shaman issues a loud invocation to the spirits. They call out with extended hands, starting to prepare to receive their pacted spirit’s power.


The Shaman continues to chant, their eyes appear to glaze over and they devote their entire focus to conducting this ritual.


The Shaman’s chanting goes on unabated. A strange wind begins to pick up around the shaman, blowing softly in the area.


The Shaman’s chanting picks up in intensity as does the wind. Hair and cloth would billow dramatically around the shaman.


The Shaman chants still, having not moved and acting as if like the outside world mattered not to them, devoted to calling upon the storm’s power. The wind is now strong enough to lift small particles of dust, revealing the swirling currents that are building up around the shaman.


The Shaman calls with a final sentence, the vortex of wind starting to whistle as it intensifies.


[!]Suddenly, the wind becomes a powerful maelstrom, its eye centered on the shaman. A fierce gale rages in the area, strong enough to shove aside anyone with loose footing. Small objects get picked up and start to fly in circles, carried by the localized twister’s force. People in the area would need to struggle in order to maintain their balance.




Storm Rune



At Tier Five a shaman can place down a rune on a flat area. It requires a 3x3 space, and can affect a 100 block radius or a full region. This rune requires RO permission, as it gives a reason to add a weather modifier to a region. This rune can be represented by a pattern on the floor within the 3x3 area, and can take any appearance. This rune lasts until it is dismissed or destroyed.

Options for the rune:

  • Storm calming, clear weather.

  • Rain.

  • Thunderstorms.


  • Cannot shock things.

  • Can be dismantled by breaking the surface the rune sits on.


Example Emote




The Storm Shaman stands before the altar which is part of a specially constructed shamanic shrine. They close their eyes in focus and begin to chant in the old tongue.

The Storm Shaman extends both arms to the skies as they look up, calling to the heavens with their chanting.

[!]The clouds begin to darken and appear to gather high above. A strange rune burns itself onto the stone surface of the altar, followed by crackling electricity. The rune calls to the very skies and summons a storm. Soon lightning will streak across the vault and thunder will follow, the rage of the storm will remain in this area for as long as the rune remains.




Elemental Companion 




All Elementalists have the ability to pull together one block of their element and form it into a small companion, which will accompany them on their travels. These companions may not enter combat except against other companions, but may have the element that they are made up of manipulated by their shaman. Companions cannot talk, but may respond with simple gestures or the natural sounds their body may make. They may not access areas that the shaman cannot access mechanically, and will fade away if they go further than 15 blocks from the shaman.


Companions require 2 emotes of chanting to be created. They may be made into combinations as demonstrated in the lore, and providing they are not merged can still be manipulated. Merged companions, combinations that take on a different appearance, cannot be manipulated by the shaman.




  • Elementalists may only have as many companions as they have pacts.

  • Elementalists may only create companions from elements that they have a pacted spirit for.

  • Elementalists are only allowed to create one non-combined companion or two combined companions, from any one element. For example, an Elementalist could have a single fire companion, or one fire/water and one fire/air companion.

  • While it is possible to create companions in the form of limbs, they cannot be used in combat and must be verbally told what to do. They are not controlled by the elementalist as one would control a real limb.

  • Touching a companion will impart the effects of that element. The shaman is not exempt from this, unless they use a spell from their repertoire that permits such. For those who aren’t aware of what things do:

  • Fire burns you.

  • Static shocks you.

  • Water makes you wet.

  • Sharp metal will cut you.


Example Emote



Example Emote 1: Pure Fire Companion

The shaman cracks his knuckles, and begins a deep low chant. [OLD BLAH HERE] he rumbles, gathering flames from the torches around him. He pulls them into a small ball shape in front of him.


The shaman twists his fingers, shaping the companion into a slender fox with four tails. [OLD BLAH HERE]. He chants as it twists itself into being, slowly drifting downwards to land on the ground on its four paws.


The shaman smiles faintly, peering down at his new companion. It looks back up at him with twinkling blue flame eyes, and falls in line next to him as he stands to return home.


Example Emote 2: Combination Companion (Water and Metal)

The shaman grimaces as she concentrates, breaking into a short repetitive chant. [OLD BLAH HERE]. The iron bar in front of her wobbles slightly, and the water in a nearby puddle drifts slowly over to meet it.


The shaman stares at the iron and water, moving her hands as though building it up. The metal curls into a loose spiral, one end levelling out and rising to form the very basic outline of a pig’s face. Meanwhile, the water splashes into the “cavity” of the metal spiral, filling it out gradually.


The shaman grunts as her pig-shaped creation takes life and stomps around a little, getting used to its legs. “Kome on. Ledz go.” she says, beckoning it along behind her.


Example Emote 3: Merged Combination Companion (Earth and Storm [Glass])

The shaman idly looks over the pile of sand in front of them, and mutters to himself. [OLD BLAH HERE] he chants, raising one hand to hover over the sand. Small flickers of static electricity begin to build up.


The shaman continues to chant, bringing the sand together to form a floating ball. Static charges through it, changing its composition into frosty glass which quickly clears. The glass spirals, sprouting two legs, two arms, and a large head. A curly tail sprouts from its back along with broad wings, which it unfurls and flaps a few times as tiny joints and springs offer it a large degree of mobility.


The shaman huffs as he proudly gazes at his little glass companion, twinkling brightly in the summer sunshine and sending rainbows scattering across the floor through the power of prismatic refraction. Its frosted eyes glimmer up at him in abject glee, and it flutters gracefully into the air above him.



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